INI settings that are used by File Maintenance

The TTS50.ini file contains the global settings that control how TMWSuite operates. You must set up this file for your company’s way of doing business. General information about the INI settings can be found in the TMWSuite System Administration Guide.

[Brackets] enclose all the section headings in your TTS50. Each setting must remain in its section. The TTS50 is not alphabetical; you must use your text editor’s Find feature to locate a setting or section.

Settings are listed in alphabetical order in each section. If you know the name of a setting, use your browser’s Find feature to jump to that setting.

[Accounting] settings


Applies to



This setting determines the default 1099 Type value that will be set when you create new Pay To profiles in the Pay To File Maintenance window.


  • 0 (default)
    The default 1099 type will be Class.

    Note: If you are using the TMWSuite Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration add-on, the default 1099 option in Dynamics GP will be determined by the 1099 type specified in the Tax Type field in GP’s Vendor Class Setup window.

  • 1
    The default 1099 type will be NOT a 1099 vendor.

    Note: If you are using the TMWSuite Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration add-on, the Tax Type field in Microsoft Dynamics GP will default to Not a 1099 Vendor.

  • 4
    The default 1099 type will be 1099 Miscellaneous.

    Note: If you are using the TMWSuite Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration add-on, the Tax Type field in Microsoft Dynamics GP will default to Miscellaneous and the 1099 Box field will default to 7 Nonemployee Compensation.

Additional Notes

  1. Options are defined in the 1099Types label, accessed in System Administration. The options described here are system codes. System code options you do not need cannot be deleted, but they can be retired. Not all of the system code options defined in the 1099Types label are available as options for this setting.

  2. Leave the spelling of this setting exactly as shown.

  3. This setting is applicable only if you are using the TMWSuite Microsoft Dynamics GP Integration add-on.

[Dispatch] settings


Applies to



This setting determines whether branches set up for use with the Status Based Loads Grid add-on module can be both customer service and carrier representatives.


  • Yes (default)
    A branch may be flagged as either a customer service (booking) or a carrier service (executing) representative. It cannot be both.

  • No
    Allow a branch to be flagged as both a customer service (booking) and a carrier service (executing) representative.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable only to the Status Based Loads Grid add-on module. The module requires the Enhanced Brokerage license. For more information, contact TMW Sales.

  2. This setting requires that you have activated branch configuration functionality using the TrackBranch key in the General Info Table. The setting must have a value of Y in its String1 field.

  3. This setting also requires that you have made entries in the TrackBranch key’s String2 and String3 fields to identify branches as customer service (booking) and carrier service (executing) representatives.


Applies to

TMWSuite; Fuel Dispatch; TMW Operations


There are two types of expirations:

  • Non-Dispatch
    The expiration has a label file code that is 199 or less.

  • Dispatch
    The expiration has a label file code that is 200 or greater.

This setting determines if users can add or edit both dispatch and non-dispatch expirations in the locations listed below.

In TMWSuite Dispatch, the following locations are affected:

  • Driver/Equipment Status window

  • Driver Availability window
    Available only in Dispatch, this window allows you to record and edit expirations for drivers.

  • Expirations window
    This window allows you to edit expirations; however, you can never add expirations in this window.

In Fuel Dispatch, the following locations are affected:

  • The Expirations tab in the resource’s profile

  • The Expiration Edit window

In TMW Operations, the following locations are affected:

  • The Expirations tab in the resource’s profile

  • The Driver/Asset Expirations window

Note: In TMW Operations, system administrators can always add, delete, or modify all expirations.


  • N (default)
    Users can modify only dispatch type expirations.


    1. In TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch, both system administrators and non-system administrators are affected. In TMW Operations, only non-system administrators are affected.

    2. If you also have [Dispatch]Allow900Exp=N in your TTS50, expirations with codes of 900 or greater can be modified only in these locations:

      • In TMWSuite’s File Maintenance application.

      • In Fuel Dispatch’s Expiration Edit window and on the Expiration tab in the resource’s profile.

  • Y
    Users can modify all expirations.

    Note: This option overrides [Dispatch]Allow900Exp=N in your TTS50, allowing Dispatch users to modify expirations with codes of 900 or greater.

Additional Notes

Expiration codes are created in the label file in the System Administration application:

  • For drivers
    DrvExp and DrvStatus

  • For tractors
    TrcExp and TrcStatus

  • For trailers
    TrlExp and TrlStatus

  • For carriers
    CarExp and CarStatus

[FileMaint] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2006.05_10.0380


This setting determines whether the Add City check box is displayed in the Company File Maintenance window. When the check box is selected, the system will use your entries in the City, State; Zip; County; Lat; and Long fields to create a new city profile.


  • N (default)
    The Add City check box will not be displayed.

  • Y
    The Add City check box will be displayed.

    Note: The check box is displayed, but not selected by default.

Additional Notes

  1. The system will create the new city profile only if you have a matching Custom Place entry in ALK’s PCMiler application. You must be using a version of PCMiler that supports custom places to use this feature.

  2. This feature does not work with any version of Rand MileMaker mileage software.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0170, TMW Operations


This setting determines the value that will appear in the Default Delivery Event field when a new company profile is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The default is to leave this setting blank.

  • DIV
    Custom event

  • DRL
    Drop loaded trailer

  • DUL
    Driver unload

  • ULC
    Unload complete

Additional Notes

  1. To use this setting, the UseCompanyDefaultEventCodes General Info Table setting must have a value of Y in String1.

  2. This setting has no effect on existing company profiles.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0170, TMW Operations


This setting determines the value that will appear in the Default Pickup Event field when a new company profile is created.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The default is to leave this setting blank.

  • DLD
    Driver loaded

  • HPL
    Hook preloaded trailer

  • LLD
    Live load

Additional Notes

  1. To use this setting, the UseCompanyDefaultEventCodes General Info Table key must have a value of Y in String1.

  2. This setting has no effect on existing company profiles.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0002


This setting is one of two that sets the default flag for whether the system will print the Bill To company’s name and address on an invoice or print the MailTo name and address recorded for the company in the MailTo Info window.


  • Y (default)
    The MailTo name and address recorded for the Bill To company will be printed on the invoice only if the charges include line haul.

  • N
    The system will ignore whether the invoice includes line haul charges and print the MailTo name and address recorded for the Bill To company if the conditions specified by the DefaultMailtoTermsMustMatchFlag= setting are met.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0002


This setting is one of two that set the default flag for whether the system will print the Bill To company’s name and address on an invoice.


  • Y (default)
    At least one of the terms specified in the Mail To Info window’s MailTo Term1 - MailTo Term3 fields must match the terms shown in the invoice header’s Ppd/Col field for the system to print the MailTo name and address on the invoice.

  • N
    The system will ignore the terms specified in the Mail To Info window’s MailTo Term1 - MailTo Term3 fields and print the MailTo name and address on the invoice, unless restricted by the DefaultMailToForLinehaulFlag= setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2006.05_10.0638


This setting determines which mail merge type the system will use when sending e-mails and printing form letters via the Recruiting module.


  • BOOKMARKS (default)
    Uses Microsoft Word bookmarks to identify mail merge fields and requires very little setup.

    Note: Using this option, you can only use each field once in a document. For example, you can only use the FirstName field once in the entire document.

    Uses Microsoft Word’s mail merge functionality, which requires a Word document and data source setup with via the Mail Merge Setup Wizard.

    Note: Using this option allows unlimited use of fields within a given document.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2006.05_10.0638


This setting specifies the location of the database connection used when using Microsoft Word’s mail merge functionality for creating Recruiting documents. Using Word’s mail merge feature requires that you set up a data source as part of the Mail Merge Setup Wizard. The path you enter will be used whenever you access the wizard to set up a new letter for the Recruiting module. A sample path is shown below:

RecruitODCPath=c:\xpMyMachine MyDB v_recruitheader.odc


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)

Additional Notes

This setting is applicable only when you have the RecruitMergeType=WORDMERGE setting in the [FileMaint] section of your TTS50.ini file. It is not required when using bookmark to identify mail merge fields in form letters.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0715


This setting affects the Directions window for a company profile. It determines which shortcut menu system administrators will see when they right-click in the Directions window. By default, they will see a short-cut menu that provides cut, copy, paste, clear, and select all commands. However, administrators may prefer to see a shortcut menu that provides the Restrictions command, which they can use to disable users' ability to change directions.


  • N (default)
    Display a shortcut menu that provides cut, copy, paste, clear, and select all commands.

  • Y
    Make the standard right-click shortcut menu available to TMWSuite users logged in with system administrator rights. This menu provides the Restriction command.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008.07_08.0312


The Company Profile Only note type is used for company notes that you do not want people to see or edit outside of File Maintenance. However, by default, they are visible in Dispatch, Invoicing, Order Entry, and Settlements when a company is recorded as a Bill To or stop location on a trip. This setting allows you to hide Company Profile Only notes in those applications.


  • N (default)
    View a Company Profile Only note in Dispatch, Invoicing, Order Entry, and Settlements in addition to File Maintenance.

  • Y
    View a Company Profile Only note in File Maintenance only.

[Internationalize] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2004.03_08.0004 and later, TMW Operations 2023.5 and later


This setting determines whether latitudes should be considered North or South.


  • N (default)
    For companies in the northern hemisphere.

  • S
    For companies in the southern hemisphere.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2004.03_08.0004 and later, TMW Operations 2023.5 and later


This setting determines whether longitudes should be considered East or West.


  • W (default)
    For companies in the western hemisphere.

  • E
    For companies in the eastern hemisphere.

[Invoice] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.05_10.0679 and later, TMW.Suite Back Office


In TMWSuite, this setting determines whether the Output button displays in the Billing section of the Company File Maintenance window. The button is used to access the Invoice Output Selection window, where you can specify whether a Bill To company’s freight and master bills are to be physically printed, e-mailed, or faxed to a client.

In TMW Back Office, this setting determines whether you can e-mail invoices to a Bill To.


  • N (default)
    The feature is disabled.

    In TMWSuite, the Output button does not display in the Billing section of the Company File Maintenance window.

    In TMW Back Office, invoices cannot be e-mailed.

  • Y
    In TMWSuite, the Output button displays in the Billing section of the Company File Maintenance window.

    Note: The Output button displays for all companies; however, the settings you make in the Invoice Output Selection window are only applicable to Bill To companies.

    In TMW Back Office, invoices can be e-mailed, provided that you perform the following additional setup tasks:

    • Enter SMTP information in the SmtpEmailer General Info Table setting.

    • Set up distribution information in the Bill To company’s profile.

    • Record an e-mail address in the user profile in System Administration.


Applies to



This setting determines how many of the printed invoice copies will use the text specified in the Copy1-3= settings in the [Invoice] section.


The following values determine which Copy1-3= settings will be used:

  • 1 (default)
    Text from Copy1= will be printed on the first copy of the invoice.

  • 2
    Text from Copy1= will be printed on the first copy of the invoice and text from Copy2= will be printed on the second copy of the invoice.

  • 3
    Text from Copy1= will be printed on the first copy of the invoice, text from Copy2= will be printed on the second copy of the invoice, and text from Copy3= will be printed on the third copy of the invoice.

Additional Notes

  1. The number of copies to be printed for an invoice is determined by the quantity entered in the one of these fields:

    • Print Copies field in the Bill To company profile. The system uses this field if the quantity is greater than 1 (one).

    • # Copies field in the Invoice Format Maintenance window in the Invoicing application. The system uses this field if the number in the Bill To company profile Print Copies field is set to 1 (one).

  2. The maximum number of copies that may include text is 3.

  3. To have no text print on any invoice copy, set the value to 0 (zero).

[MileageInterface] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch


This setting tells the system how to determine the hazard level for a commodity, which will affect the routing and the mileage for the order on which the commodity is recorded.

Note: This setting is applicable only when the system is set up to use ALK’s hazardous routing options, i.e., the HazMatMileageLookups setting in the General Info Table has a value of Y in the String1 field.


  • FgtClass (default)
    The system will use the commodity class recorded in the Fgt Class field in the commodity’s profile to determine its hazard level.

    Note: Commodity classes are set up in the Add/Maintain Commodity Class window in Commodity File Maintenance. To identify the hazardous level for a commodity class, make the appropriate selection in the class’s ALKHazLevel field.

  • CmdHazClass
    The system will use the hazardous class recorded in the Haz Class field in the commodity’s profile to determine its hazard level.

    Note: Hazardous classes are set up in the CmdHazClass label, accessed in System Administration. The hazardous level for a hazardous class is identified by linking the class’s entry in the CmdHazClass label with the appropriate entry in the ALKHazLevel label. Links are made by recording the value in the Abbr column of an ALKHazLevel label entry in the ExtraString1 column of a CmdHazClass label entry.

[Misc] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0079 and later


This setting determines whether the user will be able to edit the Company File Maintenance window’s ID field when he/she creates a new company profile.


  • Y (default)
    Allow the user to edit the contents of the company ID field when creating a new company ID.

  • N
    Do not allow the user to enter a value when creating a new company profile. Show the company ID as a display only field.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0709 and later


This setting allows you to use your entry in the MC No field in Carrier File Maintenance to generate the carrier ID code when you create a carrier profile and save the profile for the first time.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)

  • MCNumber
    When you create and save a carrier profile, the system will automatically generate the carrier ID code by copying your entry in the MC No field to the ID field.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting requires the CreateCarrierCode=No setting in the [Misc] section of your TTS50.ini file. If CreateCarrierCode=Yes, the system ignores the entry in the MC No field. Instead, it uses the first three letters of the carrier’s name, followed by the first three letters of the carrier’s city location as the ID.

  2. If the MC No field contains more than eight characters, an error message indicates that the carrier ID may include a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters.

  3. If the MC No field is blank, an error message indicates that the field must contain a value.

  4. If your entry in the MC No field is a duplicate of an existing MC number, an error message indicates that the number has already been used and cannot be duplicated.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting determines how many characters will be added to the right of the six-character, system-generated company ID.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No characters will be added.

  • Values of 6 or less
    No characters will be added.

  • 7
    One character will be added to the right of the system-generated company ID.

    Note: The system adds the character specified in the CmpIdPadValue= setting in the [Misc] section.

  • Values of 8 or more
    Two characters will be added to the right of the system-generated company ID.

    Note: The system adds two instances of the character specified in the CmpIdPadValue= setting in the [Misc] section.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting specifies the character the system will add to the right of the system-generated company ID, when that ID is less than the value recorded in the CmpIdLength= setting.

Specify a single alphanumeric character: 0 - 9 or A - Z.


  • 0 (default)
    The system will add 0 to the right of the system-generated company ID.

    Note: The space character is invalid.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008.07_08.0699 and later


If you intend to FAX an Integrated Reporting form and you are using an e-mail integrated faxing system, identify the e-mail domain name in this setting.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The default is to leave this setting blank.

  • User-specified domain
    Use the following format when identifying the FAX number:

    areacodefax number@domain name

    For example, if the FAX number is [email protected], use for the domain name.

Additional Notes

  1. Use the [Misc]CommunicationFaxEmailPrefix setting in your TTS50 to specify a prefix number or code for the FAX number.

  2. The license for Integrated Reporting is free and can be obtained from your TMWSuite Support representative.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2001 and later, CRM Right, EDI LTSL2, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the format the system uses when assigning a company ID.

For EDI LTSL2: When setting up trading partners in DX Configuration, you can select the AutoNumericCompanyID check box located on the Trading Partners tab for each trading partner. When you do, the system uses your entry for this setting for processing inbound 204s. If you do not select the check box for a trading partner, the system uses the Original (default) option when processing inbound 204s.


  • Original (default)
    NAMCIT or NAMCITNN, where:

    • [NAM] is the first three characters of the company name

    • [CIT] is the first three characters of the city name

    • [NN] is a two-digit numeric code used to differentiate companies with the same root ID; that is, the same [NAM] and [CIT] values

  • Mas90
    NAMCIT or NAMCITA, where:

    • [NAM] is the first three characters of the company name

    • [CIT] is the first three characters of the city name

    • [A] is a one-digit alphabetic code used to differentiate companies with the same root ID; that is, the same [NAM] and [CIT] values

    NAM or NAMNN, where:

    • [NAM] is the first three characters of the company name

    • [NN] is a two-digit numeric code used to differentiate companies with the same root ID; that is, the same [NAM] value

  • Numeric6Plus2
    Generates company IDs in a modified numeric sequence. The first company ID assigned is 100000. The system increments by one for each new company ID. When 999999 has been assigned, the first six digits reset to 100000 and the extension 01 is added. When 99999901 has been assigned, the first six digits again reset to 100000 and the extension 02 is added. This sequence repeats as necessary.


Applies to



This setting specifies the default field in which the cursor will be placed when the Find Company scroll window is opened.


  • PrimaryID (default)
    The ID recorded for the company in the Company File Maintenance window’s ID field.

    Note: For information on assigning a specific ID to a company or allowing the system to assign it, refer to "Company File Maintenance" in the File Maintenance User Guide.

  • Address
    The street address recorded for the company location in the Company File Maintenance window’s Address field.

  • City
    The city recorded for the company location in the Company File Maintenance window’s City, State field.

  • State
    The state or province recorded for the company location in the Company File Maintenance window’s City, State field.

  • Geo Loc
    The geographic location recorded for the company in the Company File Maintenance window’s GeoLoc (format) field.

  • Zip
    The zip or postal code recorded for the company in the Company File Maintenance window’s Zip field.

  • Phone
    The primary phone number recorded for the company in the Main field, located in the Phones section of the Company File Maintenance window.

  • Name
    The name recorded for the company in the Company File Maintenance window’s Name field.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2007.06_10.0600 and later, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the system will automatically create a carrier code from the carrier’s name and its city location. The system uses the first three letters of the carrier’s name, followed by the first three letters of the carrier’s city location as the ID. If the ID already exists, it adds two digits to the end.


  • No (default)
    The system will not generate a unique carrier ID.

  • Yes
    The system will automatically generate a unique carrier ID as soon as you make entries in the Name and City, St fields.

Additional Notes

Versions of TMWSuite earlier than build 2007.06_10.0600 will ignore this setting and cannot automatically generate a carrier ID.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002 and later


This setting determines whether the customer trailer feature is turned on or off.


  • No (default)
    The customer trailer feature is turned off; three fields related to the feature, Customer Trailer, Billto Parent, and BK: Terminal are not displayed in the trailer profile window.

  • Yes
    The customer trailer feature is turned on; three fields related to the feature, Customer Trailer, Billto Parent, and BK: Terminal are displayed in the trailer profile window.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0535 and later


This setting determines the default file type shown in the Select file to open window’s Files of type field.

The Select file to open window appears when you click the Load New button in the View Attached Object window. The window is accessed from a driver profile, non-driver employee profile, company profile, or the Safety System. File types are identified by their extensions.


  • JPG (default)

  • BMP

  • JPEG

  • GIF

  • WMF

  • RLE


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting determines whether the profile of an Accounts Payable resource will include Add PayTo and Edit PayTo buttons. The buttons display in these windows:

  • Driver File Maintenance

  • Tractor File Maintenance

  • Trailer File Maintenance

  • Carrier File Maintenance


  • N (default)
    Display the Add PayTo and Edit PayTo buttons in the File Maintenance windows listed above.


    1. Accts Payable must be selected in the resource’s accounting type field for either button to appear.

    2. If a Pay To profile has not been selected in the resource’s Pay To ID field, the Add PayTo button will display. If a profile has been selected, the Edit PayTo button will display.

  • Y
    Do not display the Edit PayTo and Add PayTo buttons in any File Maintenance window. (Do not display a warning prompt when an AP resource file is saved with an Unknown Pay To).


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0535 and later


This setting determines the type of object used to attach photos to resource profiles in TMW applications.


  • OLE (default)
    Use the OLE object

    Note: This option is compatible with both Microsoft Picture Manager (Office 2003/2007/2010) and Microsoft Photo Editor (Office 2000/XP). PICTURE is strongly recommended if you are setting up this feature when you are using TMWSuite V.2013.12_08.0356 or later.

    Use the PICTURE object.

    Note: This option is fully compatible with Microsoft Photo Editor (Office 2000/XP), but does not permit attaching photos if the system uses Microsoft Picture Manager (Office 2003/2007/2010). For more information, visit Microsoft’s web site.

Additional Notes

  1. All systems that access a given database should use the same setting. To change this setting from OLE to PICTURE after users begin attaching photos to the database, you must delete all existing pictures from the database before you change the setting, and then reattach them after you change the setting.

  2. Changing the setting from PICTURE to OLE is not recommended.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002 and later, Fuel Dispatch


This setting determines whether the drop-down list for parent companies is restricted only to IDs for parents. These fields are affected:

  • DivOf/Parent field on the Company File Maintenance screen in File Maintenance.

  • Divis. Of/Parent field on rate indexes in Rate Schedules.

  • Div of Parent field in the .NET version of the company profile.


  • N (default)
    Do not restrict the drop-down list.

  • Y
    Restrict the drop-down list to IDs of companies designated as parents.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting affects the Expiration Pairing check box in the Driver/Equipment Status and Driver Availability windows. It determines whether the check box is selected by default, thereby activating the Expiration Pairing feature automatically. The feature allows you to create two expirations at one time: one for a driver and one for his/her tractor. This allows you to take both of them out of service at the same time.


  • N (default)
    Expiration Pairing is turned off when the window opens.

    • Only an expiration for the current resource type is created.

    • The user can select the check box as needed.

  • Y
    Expiration Pairing is turned on when the window opens.

    • In the Driver/Equipment Status window, when a new expiration for a paired driver or tractor is created, an expiration for the other resource is also created.

    • In the Driver Availability window, when a new expiration is created for a paired driver, one is also created for the tractor.

    • The user can clear the check box as needed.

    Note: Tractor and driver pairings are set up in driver and tractor profiles. For tractor expirations, the system checks the driver ID recorded in the tractor’s profile. For driver expirations, the system checks the tractor ID recorded in the driver’s profile.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.02_11.0016 and later


This setting controls whether a message will display when there is more than one shipper on an order, i.e., two LLD (Live Load) events.


  • Y (default)
    The message will display.

  • N
    The message will not display.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.02_11.0016 and later


This setting controls whether a message will display when there is no Fuel Pin code found for the combination of shipper, consignee, and RevType4 option on a given order.


  • N (default)
    The message will not display.

  • Y
    The message will display.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting turns on the Company ID Padding feature.


  • N (default)
    Do not turn on the Company ID Padding feature.

  • Y
    Turn on the Company ID Padding feature.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2006.05_10.0819 and later


This setting determines whether you must select a value other than UNKNOWN from the Picture Type drop-down list when you attach a new photo in the View Attached Object window


  • N (default)
    You can save a newly-attached photo when the Picture Type selection is UNKNOWN.

  • Y
    You must make a selection other than UNKNOWN from the Picture Type drop-down list before you can save a newly-attached photo.

Additional Notes

Your company can set up the options in the Picture Type drop-down list using the PictureType label. You access the label file in the System Administration application.


Applies to



This setting controls whether additional Out-of-Area Information fields are shown on the Company File Maintenance window and in the Rate Schedules application.


  • No (default)
    Do not show additional Out-of-Area information.

  • Yes
    Show additional Out-of-Area information. In the Company File Maintenance window, these fields will be visible:

    • Centroid City/State

    • Centroid Zip

    • OOA Mls

    • OOA (Stop)

    In Rate Schedules, these fields will be visible on billing and pay rate screens:

    • Stop Type

    • Delays

    • OOA Mileage

    • OOA Stop

    • Carry in Flooring

    • Carry in Drywall


Applies to

TMWSuite 2006.05_10.0896 and later


A trailer’s inventoried accessories are entered on the Trailer Accessories List window’s Inventory tab. This setting determines whether the system will display a warning when the new quantity you enter for an item is less than the last quantity recorded. Checking occurs when you tab out of the Qty field. If you are updating quantities for multiple accessories, you will receive the warning each time the new quantity is less than the old quantity. The warning is informational only; you will be allowed to save the new, lower quantity.


  • N (default)
    No warnings.

  • Y
    The system displays a warning if the new quantity of an inventoried item is less than the last quantity recorded.

Additional Notes

  1. This functionality applies only to inventoried trailer accessories.

  2. You can access the Trailer Accessory List window by:

    • Going to Edit > Accessories on the Trailer File Maintenance screen in the File Maintenance application

    • Going to Tools > Add Trailer Accessories in the Dispatch application


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0841


This setting determines whether the user must enter a Bill To company’s required order header reference numbers in a specific format. Formats are recorded on a Bill To-by-Bill To basis, using the Company Order Requirements window in File Maintenance.

Note: The Company Order Requirements window is available in Company File Maintenance when you have the profile of a Bill To company displayed.


  • N (default)
    Do not enable the entry and enforcement of specific reference number formats for required order header reference numbers.

  • Y
    Enable the entry and enforcement of specific reference number formats for a Bill To’s required order header reference numbers.

    Notes: When this option is used:

    1. The Validation Mask field appears on the Reference Numbers tab in the Company Order Requirements window.

    2. Each reference number type required for the order header can have a unique required format.

    3. Required reference numbers can be entered for a Bill To without defining a mask if the Bill To does not require a specific format.

    4. The system will enforce the format requirement only in the Dispatch application. The enforcement is applied under the conditions defined in the Activity On and Status fields in the Company Order Requirements window.

    5. The system will enforce the format requirements on a Bill To’s pre-existing orders, as well any new ones.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002.02_01.0002 and later


This setting determines whether the system will verify the ZIP Codes entered on company profiles in Company File Maintenance.


  • N (default)
    The system will not verify the ZIP Codes entered on company profiles.

  • Y
    Using your ALK mileage application, the system will verify the ZIP Code entered for a company profile whenever it is saved in the Company File Maintenance window. If the combination of city and ZIP Code in ALK is different from the combination in the company profile, a warning message will display. The message is for information purposes only, and can be ignored.

    Note: This feature works only if you are using an ALK mileage application. The feature does not work with Rand mileage applications.

[MobileComm] settings


Applies to

ETA Agent: V.2003 and later


This setting determines whether or not the system will skip ETA Agent calculations for trips to which specific tractors are assigned. Tractors to be skipped are flagged in the tractor profile.


  • N (default)
    Run ETA calculations on all trips.

  • Y
    Skip ETA calculations for trips to which flagged tractors are assigned.

[Order] settings


Applies to



This setting determines whether the origin, destination, and Bill To company IDs will be set equal to the company entered in the Order By field. For this to happen, that company must be designated as a shipper, consignee, and Bill To in its company profile.

Note: If the Order By field has been restricted, the system will use the company ID of the company entered in the Shipper field.


  • Yes (default)
    The origin, destination, and Bill To company ID’s will be set equal to the company entered in the Order By field if that company is recorded as a shipper, consignee, and Bill To in its company profile.

  • No
    The origin, destination, and Bill To company ID’s will not be set equal to the company entered in the Order By field if that company is recorded as a shipper, consignee, and Bill To in its company profile.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2011.10_08.0963 and later


This setting causes the system to set a default amount in the Freight Value field for new orders created in Order Entry and Dispatch. A Freight Value can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, or consignee.

An entry for this setting consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the Freight Value amount is to be copied. The second character determines if and how a value is to be reset due to a subsequent change to the order. If the value must be reset, it can be copied from a different profile. In such a situation, multiple comma-delimited entries must be made.


Position 1 defines where the default value comes from.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No default Freight Value will be retrieved.

  • B
    The default Freight Value is to be retrieved from the Bill To’s company profile.

  • S
    The default Freight Value is to be retrieved from the shipper’s company profile.

  • C
    The default Freight Value is to be retrieved from the consignee’s company profile.

Position 2 defines how the system is to control the replacement of an existing value.

  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    The system will not overwrite an existing value.

  • 1
    The system will automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    The system will not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

  • 4
    The system will automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed only when the value is other than $0.00.

Additional Notes

TMW Operations does not support this setting.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will use the Default Length, Default Width, Default Height, and Default Weight values recorded in the commodity profile for the freight detail on which the commodity is recorded.


  • N (default)
    Do not use the dimensions and weight from the commodity profile.

  • Y
    Use the dimensions and weight from the commodity profile.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will use the RevType1 - RevType4 values from the commodity profile for the order on which the commodity is recorded.


  • N (default)
    Do not use the RevType1 - RevType4 values from the commodity profile.

  • Y
    Use the RevType1 - RevType4 values from the commodity profile.


    1. The RevType1 - RevType4 field names and options are established using the RevType1 - RevType4 labels, accessed in System Administration.

    2. The system will use the values from the commodity profile, overwriting any existing values. When this option is used, it supersedes values entered by the SetRevType1DefaultFrom=, SetRevType2DefaultFrom=, SetRevType3DefaultFrom=, and SetRevType4DefaultFrom= settings in the [Order] section of the TTS50.ini file.

    3. The system will overwrite an existing value with the value from the commodity profile, even when the RevType1 - RevType4 fields in the Commodity Defaults window have a value of UNKNOWN.

    4. If there are multiple commodities recorded on the order, the system will use the values from the profile of the commodity last entered on the order. For example, if there are multiple commodities on the order and you change one of the first ones recorded, the RevType1 - RevType4 values will be updated to those of the replacement commodity.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system will use the TripType1 and TripType2 values recorded for the commodity on the trip segment that is created for the order on which the commodity is recorded.


  • N (default)
    Do not use the TripType1 and TripType2 values from the commodity profile.

  • Y
    Use the TripType1 and TripType2 values from the commodity profile.


    1. The TripType1 and TripType2 field names and options are established using the LghType1 and LghType2 labels, accessed in System Administration.

    2. The system will overwrite an existing value with the value from the commodity profile, even when the TripType1 and TripType2 fields in the Commodity Defaults window have a value of UNKNOWN.

    3. If there are multiple commodities recorded on the order, the system will use the values from the profile of the commodity last entered on the order. For example, if there are multiple commodities on the order and you change one of the first ones recorded, the TripType1 and TripType2 values will be updated to those of the replacement commodity.

[PCMilerMap] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2001 and later, TMW Operations


Use this setting to specify the PCMiler application you have installed for mapping: PC Miler Mapping or PCMiler/Streets.

This setting also controls the appearance of the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons in the Company File Maintenance window.

  • You use the Map button to view the company’s location in the Map Company window.

  • You use the Get Lat/Long button to retrieve the company’s latitude/longitude data.


  • No (default)
    PCMiler mapping software is not installed.

    Note: When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are not available in the company profile.

  • PCMiler
    (Versions 2000 and lower)

    Note: When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are not available in the company profile.

  • PCMilerNew
    (Version 14 and up)

    Note: When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are not available in the company profile.

  • PCMilerStreets
    (Versions 2000 and lower)

    Note: When this option is used, the Get Lat/Long button is not available in the company profile.

  • PCMilerStreetsNew
    (Version 3.0 and up)


    1. When this option is used, the Map Address and Get Lat/Long buttons are available in the company profile.

    2. You must use this option to have mapping to work in TMW Operations.

[Settlement] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2006.05_10.0735 and later


This setting determines which type of date the Settlements application will use to select an Average Fuel Price table.


  • actualarrivalfirststop (default)
    Use the Arrival date of the first stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • actualarrivallaststop
    Use the Arrival date of the last stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • scheduledearliestfirststop
    Use the scheduled Earliest date of the first stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • scheduledearliestlaststop
    Use the scheduled Earliest date of the last stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • actualdeparturefirststop
    Use the Departure date of the first stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • actualdeparturelaststop
    Use the Departure date of the last stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • scheduledlatestfirststop
    Use the scheduled Latest date of the first stop on the trip segment being settled.

  • scheduledlatestlaststop
    Use the scheduled Latest date of the last stop on the trip segment being settled.

[TmwSuiteAddins] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2009.08_08.0569 and later


Activates TMW’s Add-Ins interface, which enables the system to call Microsoft .NET Framework components.

Note: As of TMW Operations 17.25, the Add-Ins interface is no longer required for the Load Tender SmartLink (LTSL) 2.0 module. However, if you are using TMWSuite Dispatch, the Add-Ins are still required. Both LTSL 2.0 and the Add-Ins interface must have the same version number.


  • N (default)
    The interface is not activated.

  • Y
    The interface is activated.


    1. You have the option to install the Add-Ins interface when you install TMWSuite.

    2. If you are using the Advances/Fuel Import application, you must use this option.