Driver File Maintenance

What is a driver profile?

The Driver File Maintenance screen is used to record primary information about company drivers, owner/operators and the drivers employed by owner/operators and carriers. Use this window to enter a profile for any driver that your company assigns to trips, regardless of who employs and pays that driver.

The Driver File Maintenance screen is shown below with sample data.


Driver File Maintenance window field definitions

Information in fields identified with a blue asterisk (*) in the topics below shows in driver field drop-down lists.

General section

ID *

Identification code that is unique for the driver record. Depending on the entries made for the DrvIDAutoGen setting in the General Info Table, the system automatically generates either:

  • A combination of the driver’s first and last name.

  • A system-generated number.

You can also manually enter a user-defined driver ID.

For more information, refer to Determining the Driver ID.

Alt ID *

Alternative identification code for the driver record. This code may represent a code from another computer system, such as an accounting system. A maximum of eight alphanumeric characters is allowed.

Tractor Number

Depending on the entry made for the DrvTrcProt setting in the General Info Table, displays either:

  • ID of the tractor last operated by the driver.

  • ID of the tractor permanently associated with this driver.

For more information, refer to Protecting the driver/tractor relationship.


Click the Notes indicator to view/record notes for a driver.

  • If no notes exist, the indicator is grey.

  • If a note exists, the indicator is yellow.

  • If a note has been assigned Alert status exists, the indicator is red.


Driver’s current status. The system code options are:

  • Unknown

  • Available

  • Planned

  • On Road

  • Vacation

  • Sick

  • At Home

  • Terminated


  1. Additional status options can be set up in the DrvStatus label, accessed in System Administration.

  2. This field is updated automatically as the driver’s activities are tracked in the system.

Name [L, F, M] *

Driver’s last name, first name, and (optional) middle initial. Use the TAB key to move between fields.

Address (Line 1) *

First of two address lines for the driver’s street address. A maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters are allowed.

Address (Line 2)

Second of two address lines for the driver’s street address. A maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters are allowed.

City *

State *


City and state/province in which the driver resides in the first field; the five-digit or nine-digit zip code in the second field.


Driver’s Social Security number


  1. Do not enter spaces or dashes between numbers-the system will format the number properly.

  2. Social Security numbers are stored in the mpp_ssn column in the database.

  3. Starting in version 2020.2, Social Security numbers you enter in the Driver profile are encrypted in the database by default.

    However, you can set up the system so that the Social Security numbers you enter in the Driver profile are not encrypted in the database.

    To do so, set the DataEncryption General Info Table setting’s String1 field to `N.

  4. You can use the Data Conversion Administration Utility to encrypt/decrypt a group of Social Security numbers in your database. Contact your Professional Services representative to obtain the DataConversionAdministrationUtilityInstall.msi.

Service Rule

Identifies the service rule that determines the driver’s legal workweek. This field is user-defined in the ServiceRule label, accessed in System Administration.

Want Home Date

Beginning date the driver would like to be home. Enter the date in the format MM/DD/YY.


  1. This is only a request. A date entry will not prevent the system from assigning the driver to a load that begins on or spans the date the driver asked to be home.

  2. The Want Home Date field can be used to request only one at-home period at a time. If the date is changed, the system does not keep a record of any previous date entered in the field.

PTA Date

PTA stands for Projected Time of Availability. A PTA date is the date the driver expects to be ready for the next load assignment, based on log entries and/or other factors that may not be recorded in the system. It is a "best guess" date

Contact section

Enter telephone numbers without spaces or dashes. The system will format the number properly.

Current *

Primary phone number where the driver can be reached.


Driver’s home phone number.


Alternative phone number to reach driver.

Voice Mail #

Telephone number of the driver’s voice mailbox.


Telephone number to call in the event of an emergency related to the driver.

Emer. Contact

Individual to contact in the event of an emergency related to the driver.

Types section

DrvType1 - 4 *

The names and options for these fields are user-defined in the DrvType1 - 4 labels, accessed in the System Administration application. Assignment of drivers to driver classifications allows you to track the revenue collected for trips assigned to those drivers. In some cases, these classifications may also govern the pay rates used to determine driver settlements.

Placement section

Team Leader

Identifies the driver’s team leader.

Note: The Team Leader options are user-defined in the TeamLeader label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Indicates if the driver is a part of a fleet and identifies the fleet.

Note: The Fleet options are user-defined in the Fleet label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Indicates if the driver belongs to a particular division of the company.

Note: The Division options are user-defined in the Division label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Identifies the home location for the driver.

Note: The Domicile options are user-defined in the Domicile label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Indicates the company with which the driver is associated.

Note: The Company options are user-defined in the Company label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Indicates the terminal location with which the driver is associated.

Note: The Terminal options are user-defined in the Terminal label, accessed in the System Administration application.

Accounting section


Currency in which the driver should be paid.

Note: The Currency options are user-defined in the Currency label, accessed in the System Administration application.

Pay To

Person or organization that should be paid for loads that this driver hauls.


  1. This field is not applicable for company drivers.

  2. If the Actg Type field is set to Accounts Payable, entry in this field is required. The Pay To ID must be stamped on the resource’s settlement records. Also, for most settlement sheet formats, the Pay To name will print on the resource’s settlement sheets so that payroll personnel can match the sheets with the appropriate Pay To.

  3. If the Pay To (for an AP resource) is still UNKNOWN when you attempt to save, the system may prompt you to Add a Pay To profile and open the Pay To File Maintenance window. The driver’s name, address, phone numbers, Tax ID and currency information will automatically populate the Pay To profile.

Actg Type

Accounting system that will be used to pay the driver. The options are:

  • Payroll (default)
    Used for company drivers

  • Accts Payable
    Used if the driver is an owner/operator and you plan to pay owner/operators as drivers rather than as tractors.

    Note: If the driver is an owner/operator, you should set up a Pay To profile for him/her before you set up the driver profile.

  • None
    Used when an entity is never paid directly, such as when a driver works for an owner/operator.

    Note: Settlements looks at the Accounting Type flag in resource profiles to determine who is eligible to receive pay. The system retrieves trips for drivers who are marked as Accounts Payable and/or Payroll. If the Actg Type field has been set incorrectly to Accounts Payable or Payroll instead of None, this retrieval will include drivers who should not be paid through TMWSuite.

Add Pay To button

Edit Pay To button

If the Actg Type for this driver is Accts Payable, meaning that he or she is an owner/operator, the Add Pay To button will display just below the Actg Type the first time that you save the driver profile. Use the button to access the Pay To File Maintenance screen in order to add a new profile or edit current Pay To information.

After a Pay To record exists for the driver, the name of the button will change to Edit Pay To. Use it to access the Pay To profile when changes are needed.

Note: The buttons can be hidden if you decide not to use this feature.

License section


Enter the two-character code for the state/province in which the license was issued.


Class of vehicle for which the license was issued. This is a free-form text field, with a maximum field length of six alphanumeric characters.


License number of the driver. The maximum field length is 20 alphanumeric characters.

Dates section


Driver’s hire date.


Date the driver received his current seniority rating.


Driver’s date of birth.


Date the driver ceased employment with your company.

Comments section

Drv Misc1 - 4

The names of these fields are user-defined in the DrvMisc1 - 4 labels, accessed in the System Administration application. You can use these fields to enter free-form comments about the driver. A maximum of 254 characters is available.

The image2 button is shown above the DrvMisc1 field. When you click it, an unnamed window displays a mix of miscellaneous fields, which are described below:


Dly Guaranteed Hrs

Pay Period Guar’td Hrs

Average Pay Period Pay

Avg Hrly Pay

Hrly rate

Comparison Flag

90 day start date

Custom fields

ACE Compliance section

These fields are specific to the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) add-on feature, which is available for purchase. If you have not bought this add-on, the fields will not be visible.

Type of ID

This field provides a drop-down list consisting of the options recorded for the ACE IDType label in the System Administration label file. The options are:

  • ACE ID



If the selection in the ID Type field is FAST ID, enter the FAST card number in this field. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Citizenship Country

Enter the two-character ISO country code for the driver’s country.

Citizen Status

This field provides a drop-down list of Citizenship statuses. The options are defined in the CitizenshipStatus label in System Administration. The standard options are:

  • Citizen (default)
    The driver is a citizen of the country specified in the Citizenship field.

  • Unknown
    The driver’s citizenship status is unknown.

Driver’s Gender

Select the Male or Female radio button.

Driver field drop-down list information

Information in fields identified with a blue asterisk (*) in the tables above shows in driver field drop-down lists. The information layout varies depending on where the drop-down list appears within an application. This illustration shows how the information is displayed in the Dispatch Trip Folder’s Stop Detail grid.


Affected Driver field drop-down lists are found in:

Application Window/Field

File Maintenance

Driver File Maintenance

  • Driver

Order Entry

Assign Driver/Equipment

  • Driver 1

  • Driver 2

Rate Schedules

Edit Billing Rate Schedule Folder > Index Asset

Edit Settlement Rate Schedule Folder > Index Asset

  • Drv ID


Advances/Misc Labor

Paydetail Audit by Asset

  • Driver

Determining the Driver ID

The DrvIDAutoGen setting in the General Info Table determines the format the system uses when you create driver records in Driver File Maintenance, Recruit File Maintenance, or the Add New Driver window. The system automatically generates either:

  • A combination of the driver’s first and last name. A maximum of six characters is allowed.

  • A system-generated number. A maximum of eight digits is allowed.

You can also change the system-generated ID by manually entering a user-defined driver ID before you save the record. A maximum of eight alphanumeric characters is allowed.

If you manually enter a duplicate driver ID and attempt to save the profile, the system will display a warning message to let you know that a driver with the same ID already exists. You must change the ID before you can save the record.

The default is to generate a driver ID consisting of the first three characters of the driver’s last name, followed by the first two characters of the driver’s first name.

If you attempt to create and save a driver profile with the same six characters as an existing profile, the system will append a 2-digit suffix to each subsequent instance of the 6-character ID. The suffix 01 will be assigned to the first instance of a duplicate ID, 02 will be assigned to the second instance, and so on. After the system reaches 99 as the 2-digit suffix, if you try to create a new ID, you are prompted to make a new entry because the system is unable to auto-generate an ID.

When using the GetSystemNumber option in String1 of the DrvIDAutoGen setting in the General Info Table, note the following:

  1. A Driver ID is automatically generated after you enter the driver’s first and last name, and press the TAB key. Even if you do not save the new driver record, the next system-generated number is already used. For example, suppose the system generates 00015 and you decide not to save the driver record. The next system-generated number will be 00016.

  2. You can manually save a skipped number by entering the skipped number in the ID field before you press TAB to exit the driver first name field.

  3. However, you should not manually save a number for the next driver ID number. For example, the last automatically generated ID is 00003 and you manually saved ID 00004. The next system-generated number will still be 00004. You will not be allowed to save the record with the duplicate ID.

  4. If you change the value in the String2 of the DrvIDAutoGen setting in the General Info Table, the sequence of system-generated numbers is maintained. For example, suppose the last system-generated number is 000005, and you change the padding number from 6 to 4. The next system-generated number will be 0006.

Choosing the right accounting type

All resource profiles have an Accounting Type field that determines how the resource (driver/ carrier/tractor) is paid. There are three Accounting Types: Payroll, Accounts Payable and None:

  • Payroll is for company drivers whose settlement comes through payroll. This is the default for the Driver File Maintenance screen.

  • Accounts Payable designates owner/operators and carriers whose settlement comes through Accounts Payable. It can also apply to tractors if that is how your company pays owner/operators.

    Note: TMW recommends that you set up owner operators as tractors.

  • None is reserved for resources that are never paid through TMWSuite. A good example would be the drivers employed by owner/operators and carriers. Driver profiles must be entered for these individuals so that they can be scheduled but their pay comes from their own employers and not from your company.

The importance of the Pay To

Just as the Accounting Type determines how the resource is paid, the Pay To provides the information needed to issue the check. When you enter the profile of an owner/operator, you must also enter a Pay To profile. You tie each AP resource to the applicable Pay To by including a Pay To ID on the resource’s profile.

If you leave the Pay To field set to UNKNOWN, the system will prompt you to create a new Pay To when you save.


All Accounts Payable resource profiles must include a Pay To

Before you take advantage of this easy-to-use feature and create a new profile, make sure that the Pay To for this resource really is "unknown" and that it has not already been entered under a name that is slightly different from the one you may be using. A duplicate Pay To causes confusion when settlements are processed and could ultimately lead to errors in accounting for settlements and issuing checks.

To avoid duplicates, you must follow a consistent rule for naming the Pay To.

The system will prevent you from entering a duplicate Pay To—​one that has the same name as another Pay To within your system—​but it will not search for duplicates by cross checking other fields such as address or tax identification number.

The Pay To is a requirement for any resource with an AP accounting type, but it can also be used purely for information purposes with other accounting types. You might, for example, want to tie together all the non-company drivers that you schedule for a particular owner/operator. These non-company drivers would have an accounting type of None to indicate that no settlement should be calculated for them, but they might also have a Pay To ID that links them to the owner/operator who employs them.

For details about adding a Pay To record when you create a tractor profile, see Adding/maintaining a tractor record.