Trailer File Maintenance

What is a trailer profile?

Resource profiles are a series of information folders that contain data relevant to one individual resource. A profile must be created for each resource referenced in the system. At implementation and whenever a new trailer is obtained, a profile is created for each trailer.

The Trailer File Maintenance window is used to record primary trailer profile information.


Trailer File Maintenance window field definitions

General section


Unique ID code assigned to the trailer. A maximum of eight alphanumeric characters is allowed.


The Pay To code that represents the entity that should receive payment for trips hauled by this trailer.

Note: This field is not applicable for company-owned trailers.


Standard Carrier Alpha Code for the trailer.

Company ID

ID of the company that owns the trailer. The company record must be set up before assigning the trailer to the company.


Indicates if the trailer is an Interline Trailer. The options are:

  • Yes

  • No


Pallet count on trailer - currently not functional.


Click the Notes indicator to view/record notes for a trailer.

  • If no notes exist, the indicator is grey.

  • If a note exists, the indicator is yellow.

  • If a note has been assigned Alert status exists, the indicator is red.

Operating Cost/Mile

Cost per mile to operate the trailer.

Assigned Pup

ID of the secondary trailer that was last attached to this trailer.

Acctg Type

Indicates the method of reimbursement for trips in which the trailer was involved. The options are:

  • None
    Payment is never made to the trailer

  • Payroll
    Do not select this option; it is not applicable for trailers

  • Accts Payable
    Payment is made to the trailer on behalf of an owner/operator or third party carrier


The city location of the company that owns the trailer.

Note: If the company record contains the city where the company is located, the system automatically fills in this field with that information.

Equip’t Type

Indicates the equipment type. The options are:

  • Chassis
    A frame with wheels and container locking devices that are used to secure the container for movement.

  • Container
    A large standard size metal box into which cargo is packed for shipment aboard specially configured oceangoing containerships and designed to be moved with common handling equipment enabling high-speed intermodal transfers in economically large units between ships, railcars, and truck chassis.

  • Dolly
    An auxiliary axle assembly having a fifth wheel used to convert a semitrailer to a full trailer.

  • Trailer (default)
    A motor vehicle designed for carrying cargo and for being drawn by another motor vehicle.

Note: The field options are hard-coded into the system and cannot be changed.

Purchase Information section


Two fields:

  • Field 1: Date when the trailer was originally acquired.

  • Field 2: Indicates whether the trailer is New, Used, Leased, or a Rental.

Original Cost

Trailer’s original purchase price.


Trailer’s serial number; the maximum length is 26 alphanumeric characters.

Status section


Current hub miles for the trailer.

Wash Status

Indicates whether the trailer was washed after its last use. The options are:

  • Yes

  • No

Note: This field is updated automatically by the Dispatch application, which is used to track stops at trailer wash sites.


Indicates the trailer’s current status.

In Service

Date that the trailer was placed in service.

Out of Service

Date that the trailer was last placed out of service.

Vehicle Details section


Year that the trailer was made; maximum length is 10 numeric characters.


Company that made the trailer; a maximum of eight alphanumeric characters is allowed.


Name of the trailer’s structural design; maximum length is 12 alphanumeric characters.


The number of axles the trailer has.


Height of the trailer.


Weight of the trailer.


Weight of the trailer when it is empty.


For refrigerated units, enter the hours per gallon of refrigeration for the trailer. Otherwise, leave the field blank.


Width of the trailer.


Length of the trailer.

License #

Trailer’s license number. A maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters is allowed.


The total gross weight of the trailer.


Length of trailer from nose to kingpin.


Length of the trailer from the kingpin to axle 1.


Length of the trailer from axle 1 to axle 2.


Length of the trailer from axle 2 to axle 3.


Length of the trailer from axle 3 to axle 4.


Length of the trailer from axle 4 to axle 5.

Last Axle/Rear

Length of the trailer from the last axle to the rear of the trailer.


State in which the trailer’s license was issued.

Classifications section


If applicable, indicate the company for which the trailer is associated. Most commonly used for multi-company organizations. The options are defined in the Company label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Indicate the Fleet to which the trailer belongs. The options are defined in the Fleet label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Identify the Division with which the trailer is associated. The options are defined in the Division label, accessed in the System Administration application.


Indicate the Terminal with which the trailer is associated. The options are defined in the Terminal label, accessed in the System Administration application.

Trl Type1

Trl Type2

Trl Type3

Trl Type4

The name and options for these fields are user-defined in the TrlType1-TrlType4 labels, accessed in the System Administration application. Assignment of trailers to trailer classifications allows you to track the revenue collected for trips assigned to those trailers. In some cases, such classifications may also govern the pay rates used to determine trailer settlements.

Executing Terminal

You can link the trailer with a cost center, booking terminal (customer service representative), or executing terminal (carrier representative).

Specifying a value in this field allows you to use it as a restriction in the Find Trailer scroll window or in the Planning Worksheet’s Define Views and Modify Restriction Set windows.


  1. This field is available only when you are set up to use branch configuration functionality, that is, you have an entry of Y in String1 of the TrackBranch General Info Table setting.

  2. The field display name is determined by your entries in the TrackBranch setting.

  3. For details on setting up branches as cost centers, see Branch File Maintenance.

  4. For details on setting up booking and executing entities, see:

Comments section

Trl Misc1

Trl Misc2

Trl Misc3

Trl Misc4

The names for these fields are user-defined in the TrlMisc1-TrlMisc4 labels, accessed in the System Administration application. You can use these fields to enter free-form comments about the trailer. A maximum of 254 characters is allowed in each field.