Activities menu

This topic describes the available options under the Activities menu. Activities represent the usage of Units.

Depending on your application permissions, you may not see all menu options listed in this section. For details, see your company’s system administrator.

Accounting: Accounting

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Accounting > Accounting

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to set up the accounting-related information within TMT Fleet Maintenance. Setup includes Chart of Accounts, Disbursements, and Structures. Activities include Export preview, and separate accounting transaction exports for Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger.

Associated topic


Accounting: IES Accounting

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Accounting > IES Accounting

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to export accounting-related information within Fleet Maintenance to the IES interface. The exports are separated as Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger.

Associated topic


Contract Maintenance: CPI Definition

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Contract Maintenance> CPI Definition

ASPX page name


Page description

Used within the Contract Maintenance module, this page adjusts prices yearly based on the consumer price index you enter.

Associated topic


Employee Dashboard: Edit Employee Information

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Employee Dashboard > Edit Employee Information

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to edit employee master information for only the employee ID assigned to the user. Restrictions on field updates include Basic Detail except for name, username, and Payroll Detail fields.

Associated topic


Interactive Workstation: Interactive Workstation

These settings apply only to V.2022.2.2 and earlier versions. As of V.2022.3, Interactive Workstation (IWS) was replaced with Trimble Technician Portal (TTP). The Activities > Interactive Workstation > Interactive Workstation menu option has been changed to Activities > Technician Portal > Technician Portal.

Before V.2020.2, this option was found under Activities > Interactive Workstation.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Interactive Workstation

ASPX page name


Page description

Used to open the Interactive Workstation. It includes the Mechanic Workstation, Gate In, and Gate Out features, Yard Checks, and Inspections.

Associated topic


Interactive Workstation: Daily Code Generator

These settings apply only to V.2022.2.2 and earlier versions. As of V.2022.3, Interactive Workstation (IWS) was replaced with Trimble Technician Portal (TTP). The Activities > Interactive Workstation > Daily Code Generator menu option has been changed to Activities > Technician Portal > Daily Code Generator.

Before V.2020.2, this option was found under Activities > Daily Code Generator.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Daily Code Generator

ASPX page name


Page description

This page allows an authorized user to create a code allowing an employee to work before or after their assigned work shift. This requires Mechanic Workstation to enforce shift times.

Associated topic


Payroll Approval

As of V.2019.2, this setting is no longer functional.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Payroll > Payroll Approval

ASPX page name


Page description

This page allows an authorized user to edit and approve time cards, and create an export file.

Associated topic


Payroll: Production-Based Pay

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Payroll > Production-Based Pay

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to pay employees based on productivity rather than hours worked. This method requires that SRTs (Jobcodes) and tasks be set up for each repair that a shop can perform.

Associated topic


Payroll: Time Card Editor

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Payroll > Time Card Editor

ASPX page name


Page description

This page allows managers to edit time cards created by employees using Interactive Workstation (IWS).

Associated topic


Payroll: View Payroll

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Payroll > View Payroll

ASPX page name


Page description

This page displays payroll time cards.

Associated topic


Road Calls: Road Call

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Road Calls > Road Call

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to create a road call.

Associated topic


Road Calls: Road Call

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Road Calls > Road Calls Listing

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to view all road calls.

Associated topic


Technician Portal: Daily Code Generator

As of V.2022.3, Interactive Workstation (IWS) was replaced with Trimble Technician Portal (TTP).

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Technician Portal > Daily Code Generator

ASPX page name


Page description

This page allows an authorized user to create a code that lets an employee work before or after their assigned work shift.

Associated topic


Technician Portal: Technician Portal

As of V.2022.3, Interactive Workstation (IWS) was replaced with Trimble Technician Portal (TTP).

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Technician Portal > Technician Portal

ASPX page name


Page description

Used to open the Trimble Technician Portal (TTP).

Associated topic


Tires: Tire Configuration

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Tires > Tire Configuration

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to establish settings for use with the Tire Module. This is the mapping of the tire layout for a unit.

Associated topic


Tires: Tire Review

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Tires > Tire Review

ASPX page name


Page description

This page allows an authorized user to determine the action to be taken for tires removed from units.

Associated topic


Units: Unit in Inventory

Before V.2020.2, this option was found under Activities > Unit in Inventory.

As of V.2022.3, this option is only available when the Production Based Pay module is installed. Note that the Production Based Pay module is no longer supported

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Units > Unit in Inventory

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to view the current stage of the unit’s life, from acquisition to removal from the fleet.

Associated topic


Units: Clone Unit

Before V.2020.2, this option was found under Activities > Clone Unit.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Activities Units > Clone Unit

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to copy information from an existing unit to other existing units.

Associated topic


Units: Fixed Cost

Before V.2020.2, this option was found under Activities > Fixed Cost.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Activities Units > Fixed Cost

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to view the history on existing fixed costs, add units to existing fixed costs, edit existing fixed costs, and add new fixed costs for a unit or group of units.

Associated topic


Units: Meter Readings

Before V.2020.2, this option was found under Activities > Meter Readings.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Activities Units > Meter Readings

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to update the meters for a unit for a specific day.

Associated topic


Barcode Labels

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Barcode Labels

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to print barcode labels for Parts, Bins, Units, Employees, Shops, and Custom labels.

Associated topic


Batch Management

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Batch Management

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to create batch IDs so that orders can be grouped together in batches by shop ID. The following orders can be entered in batches: Fuel Tickets, Indirect Charges, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Repair Orders, and Transfers.

Associated topic


Document Viewer

For versions V.2022.2.2 and earlier. This option was removed in V.2022.3

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Document Viewer

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to search for documents by keywords for Invoices, Repair Orders, or Unit Numbers.

Associated topic


Fuel Data Import

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Fuel Data Import

ASPX page name


Page description

Allows the file specifications for a flat ASCII file to be set up so fuel and or meter information can be imported into TMT Fleet Maintenance.

Associated topic


Job Code Allocation Update

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Job Code Allocation Update

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to allocate a percentage of a Jobcode’s time on repair order sections per mechanic when there are multiple mechanics assigned to the same jobcode.

Associated topic


Parts Bid Price Update

As of V.2020.2, this setting has been moved to Inventory > Parts Bid Price Update.

Field Definition

Menu path

Inventory > Parts Bid Price Update

ASPX page name


Page description

This page allows you to edit the bid information for the selected parts displayed. You can edit this information for all parts: Bid PO Number, Bid Date, Bid End Date, Bid Number, and Make Primary Vendor.

Associated topic


Parts Price Update

As of V.2020.2, this setting has been moved to Inventory > Parts Price Update.

Field Definition

Menu path

Inventory > Parts Price Update

ASPX page name

Parts Price Update.aspx

Page description

If you are using the Invoice module, you use this page to markup part prices on the shop inventory master.

Associated topic


Parts Reorder Point

As of V.2020.2, this setting has been moved to Inventory > Parts Reorder Point.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Parts Reorder Point

ASPX page name


Page description

You use this page to search for parts to update the Trigger point, the Safety point, and the Vendor Target point.

Associated topic


Parts Search By Shop

As of V.2020.2, this setting has been moved to Inventory > Parts Search By Shop.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Parts Search By Shop

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to search for a part number across multiple shops. By selecting a part number from the parts catalog, the grid will fill with each shop that has that part, and how many they have on hand.

Associated topic


Parts Workstation

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Parts Workstation

ASPX page name


Page description

Used to open the Parts Workstation module. The Parts Workstation improves productivity by streamlining the parts request, and fulfillment process in the shop. The Parts Workstation eliminates needless idle time by allowing parts to be requested, and the orders to be filled without the mechanic ever going to the parts counter.

Associated topic


PO Approval

For versions V.2019.1 and earlier. As of V.2019.2, this function moved to the PO pages.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > PO Approval

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to view Purchase Orders that need to be approved. You must set up approval levels, and assign them to users before using this process.

Associated topic


PO Invoice Matching

For versions V.2019.1 and earlier. As of V.2019.2, this function moved to the PO pages.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > PO Invoice Matching

ASPX page name


Page description

Use this page to view all received and complete purchase orders by shop, vendor, purchase order type, and/or date range. You can add an invoice, update the invoice amount paid, close receipts, or view the audit trail for the purchase order.

Associated topic


RO Approval

For versions V.2019.1 and earlier. This page was removed in V.2019.3.

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > RO Approval

ASPX page name


Page description

This page displays repair orders that need to be approved. This menu option is for those that have activated the repair order approval process.

Associated topic


Shop Planner

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Shop Planner

ASPX page name


Page description

The Shop Planner page is a service writer tool. It simplifies the organization and tracking of the daily workload in the shop. With the ability to coordinate and track employees, active repair orders and the maintenance plans for equipment, the Shop Planner replaces the white board, eliminating paper in the planning and scheduling process.

Associated topic


Shop Scheduler

Field Definition

Menu path

Activities > Shop Scheduler

ASPX page name


Page description

The Shop Scheduler page is a service writer tool that simplifies the organization and tracking of the daily workload in the shop. With the ability to coordinate the bays within a shop for active repair orders, the Shop Scheduler will replace the white board, eliminate paper in the planning, and scheduling process.

Associated topic