
These settings are located in the General section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Allow Overriding Of System Generated Numbers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether users can change order numbers for any order created


  • NO (default)
    Order numbers cannot be changed.

  • YES
    Order numbers can be changed.

Additional notes

  1. If set to NO, sticky notes are not available for the order numbers.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Auto Zero-fill Order Numbers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether the program enters zeros to complete order numbers for users


  • NO
    Users must enter complete order numbers manually.

  • YES (default)
    Users can enter a partial order number. The program completes then it.

Additional notes

When this option is set to YES, you can type a partial number in an order number field, tab out, and the program enters zeros to the left of the number until it is 12 characters long. For example, if you typed 17 into an order field with auto zero-fill, when you exit the field, it displays 000000000017.

This also works if order types have established prefixes established on Masters > Shops > Orders tab. For example, if the prefix for the order is 01, and you type 01-1, the program changes the number to 01-000000001.

Automatically Drop Down Combo Boxes

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether combo boxes display their values automatically


  • NO
    The user has to expand a combo box manually to see its values.

  • YES (default)
    Combo boxes display their values automatically.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the User Preferences level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the User Preferences level first, then at the Application Option level.

  3. If the User Preferences is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the User Preferences setting.

Cannot close PO or VRO if amount is over approval level

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option runs a check against the total of a PO or VRO when closing. If the total of the PO or VRO exceeds the approved amount of the order then the user cannot close the order.


  • NO (default)
    Approval amounts are not validated.

  • YES
    If the order total exceeds the amount approved the order cannot be closed.

Default Currency

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Sets the default currency used throughout the system based on the user’s menu selection


  • BLANK (default)

Additional notes

Currencies entered here must match a currency created in Setup > Units of Measure.

Default Shop

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Determines which shop ID appears when users create new orders


  • BLANK (default)

Additional notes

  1. If the shop is set globally, it is also in effect for users unless the user has set their own default shop in User Options.

  2. If the default shop for a user has been set in Security Administrator, the user cannot change the default shop in User Options. Type the shop or select from search screen.

  3. This option can be overridden at the User Preferences level.

  4. The system looks for the setting at the User Preferences level first, then at the Application Options level.

  5. If the User Preferences is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the User Preferences setting.

Enable Multi-Currency Conversion Services

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls the Multi-Currency features


  • NO (default)
    The Multi-Currency features are turned off.

  • YES
    The Multi-Currency features are turned on.

Additional notes

Enabling this feature requires additional setup for these features:

  • Currency UOM

  • Company Master

  • Shop Master

  • Vendor Master

  • Customer Master

  • Purchase Orders

  • Vendor Repair Orders

There are also additional option settings you need to address for Purchasing and Repairs.

Enable Notification Messages
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2020.3.2.

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls the notification messages feature


  • NO (default)
    Notification messages are turned off.

  • YES
    Notification messages are turned on.

Additional notes

Before enabling notification messages, make sure that your setup can support sending Web Sockets. This prevents declining performance and failed network requests.

Enforce Enhanced Shop Restrictions
Employee, part, and unit restrictions first available in TMT Fleet Maintenance V.2020.2.
Before V.2020.3, this option was named Enforce Shop Restrictions

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Enhances shop restrictions by applying them to employees, units, and parts assigned to shops


  • NO (default)
    Users can see all employees, parts, and units no matter what shop they are in.

    Note: Any users without shop restrictions can also see all employees, parts, and units.

  • YES
    When users are restricted to one or more shops, they only see employees, parts, and units from their approved shops. Search results display only results in those approved shops.

Max Number Of Rows Returned By A Query

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Determines the maximum number of records that a query can return. If the criteria entered for a query returns more records than the number entered, the program displays an error message and no records are returned.


  • 10,000 (default)

Additional notes

The default value is 10,000. You may click the up/down arrows to change in 100 row increments or type the number you want.

Open Pages in New Tab
Before V.2022.1, this option was named Maximize Windows

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether pages open in a new browser tab when you click links or buttons to open a new page

Note: This option does not apply to all pages in TMT Fleet Maintenance. As of V.2022.1, it applies mostly to pages in the Orders menu.


  • NO (default)
    Pages open in the same tab when you click a link or button that opens a new page.

  • YES
    Pages open in a new tab when you click a link or button that opens a new page.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the User Preference level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the User Preferences level first, then at the Application Options level.

  3. If the User Preferences is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the User Preferences setting.

Track-Deletion Of Lines On Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether deleted order lines are added to the Line Audit tab


  • NO (default)
    Deleted lines are removed from the Line tab. The program does not keep any record of the deleted lines.

  • YES
    Deleted lines are removed from the Line tab and added to the Line Audit tab.

General: Dates

Allow Future Dates

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether users can enter dates that are beyond the current system date (that is, the dates are in the future)


  • NO (default)
    Users receive a message that future dates are not allowed when entering a date that is beyond the system date.

  • YES
    The system allows users to enter a date that is beyond the current system date.

Additional notes

This option is applied to the following forms within the system:

  • Fuel Tickets

  • Repair Orders

  • Indirect Charges

  • Invoices

  • Meter Readings

  • Parts Transfers

  • Purchase Orders

  • Trip Tickets

  • Warranty Claims

Enforce X Days Back Limit For Order Open Dates

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls whether users can enter a back-dated order Open Date


  • 0 (default)
    Users can enter a back-dated order Open Date.

  • 1 through 999
    Users cannot enter a date backdated past the entered number of days. For example, if the option is set to 5, users cannot enter a day six days in the past.

Additional notes

The program applies this option to these forms:

  • Fuel Ticket Date

  • Indirect Charge Opened Date

  • Invoice Date (applies to all invoice types)

  • Parts Transfer Date

  • Purchase Order Opened Date (applies to all PO types)

  • Repair Order Opened Date (applies to all RO types)

General: Printing

This setting is located in the General: Printing section on the Application Options page.

General: Printing
Print Shop Name In Place Of Company Name (POs and Invoices)

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Controls what appears on purchase order and invoice printouts: the shop name or the company name


  • NO (default)
    Company name prints on invoices and POs.

  • YES
    Shop name prints on invoices and POs.

Additional notes

  1. On Purchase Orders, the shop’s address, phone, ext. and fax number will also print if this option is checked.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Option level.

  4. If the Shop Options are set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options setting.