Working with the Job Activity page in MWS

Interactive Workstation (IWS) and Mechanics Workstation (MWS) are available only in V.2022.2.2 and earlier. As of V.2022.3, IWS and MWS have been replaced with Trimble Technician Portal (TTP).

On the Interactive Workstation page, you use the Job Activity section to manage activities on an order. The page has three sections:

  • RO Lines

    1. On an Indirect Charge, the RO Lines section displays as Ind. Charge Lines.

    2. The Parts Req feature is not available on the Indirect Charges Job Activity page.

  • RO Section

    1. On an Indirect Charge, the RO Section section is named Ind. Charge Section.

    2. The Checkoff List feature is not available on the Indirect Charges Job Activity page.

  • Order
    The Order section is not available on the Indirect Charges Job Activity page.


Working with repair order and indirect charge lines in MWS Job Activity

Once you are logged onto an order, you use the RO Lines/Ind. Charge Lines column to enter parts and comments, place items on order, and view current lines on a Repair Order (RO Lines) or an Indirect Charge (Ind. Charge Lines). The actions include:

Field Definition


View existing charge lines and comments

Change Part

Charge parts to the order section

Part Req

Place part requests for the order section

Note: Parts requests are not available for Indirect Charges.


Add repair-related comments (employee’s comments) to the order section

Viewing lines in MWS Job Activity

All line types are view only except Part lines. To view charge lines:

  1. Log in to Interactive Workstation.
    The Job Activity page opens.

  2. On the Job Activity page, in RO Lines/Ind. Charge Lines, click View.
    The Sections and Lines panes appear.

    • The Sections pane lists all the sections on the order.
      Note: Indirect Charges have only one section.

    • The Lines pane shows the lines on the repair order.
      The lines you see correspond with the section selected in the Sections pane. For example, if you select section 1, you see all the lines pertaining to section 1.

    Sections field definitions
    Field Definition

    Section Number

    Repair order section number


    Priority level for the section


    The problem that prompted the repair


    Component code and description of the section

    Repair Reason

    How the problem was reported

    Warranty Type

    Displays the type of warranty in effect for the section

    Section Status

    Status of the section


    Indicates if the section can be invoiced

    • True
      Section can be invoiced

    • False
      Section cannot be invoiced


    Date the section was created


    Displays the last labor line date

  3. Select the section.
    Line items are shown in the Lines pane.


    Lines field definitions
    Field Definition

    Line Type

    Type of line item

    Line Status

    Status of the line item


    If the Line Type is Part, shows the user defined part identification number


    Component code and description of the line item


    Line description


    User defined employee identification number

    Vendor Line

    Indicates of the line is vendor supplied

    • N
      Not vendor supplied

    • Y
      Vendor supplied


    If the Line Type is Labor, labor hours are displayed.

    Qty. Charged

    If the Line Type is Part, lists the quantity charged.

    Qty. UOM

    Unit of measure for the line charged

    Charge Category

    Displays the charge or part category for the line

    Acct. Type

    For part transactions to be reflected with period close, all parts must have an account type selected.

    Shop ID

    User defined repair shop identification number

Deleting a part from a repair order in MWS Job Activity

To delete a part from a repair order:

  1. Highlight a Part line in the Lines pane.
    The Delete button becomes active.

  2. Click Delete.
    Any associated fees, taxes, etc., are also removed.

If the Tire Module is licensed, you cannot delete Tire part lines through MWS.

Charging parts in MWS Job Activity

To charge out parts:

  1. Log in to Interactive Workstation.
    The Job Activity section opens.

  2. From the Job Activity section, in the RO Lines/Ind. Charge Lines column, click Charge Parts.
    The Charge Parts page opens.

  3. Enter the Part number.

  4. Enter the Quantity.

  5. The Component field defaults to the component code assigned to the part record.
    Note: You can edit this field when needed.

  6. Assign Position codes, if needed.
    Note: Position codes must be divisible by the quantity entered.

    Acceptable position assignments
    Quantity Position(s)




    1 or 2


    1 or 3


    1, 2 or 4

    Unacceptable position assignments
    Quantity Position(s)






    2, 3 or 4


    2, 3, 4, 5 or 6

    Note: If the positions are not divisible by the quantity, you must enter separate part lines to accommodate an acceptable position assignment.


  7. Click Post.
    A new Charge Parts page opens.

  8. Do one of the following:

    • Charge out additional parts, as needed

    • Click Escape to exit the charge parts page.
      The Job Activity section opens.

Requesting parts in MWS Job Activity

To request parts:

  1. Log in to Interactive Workstation.
    The Job Activity section opens.

  2. From the Job Activity section, in the RO Lines column, click Part Req.
    The Request Parts page opens. The window has two sections:

    • The Request Part section is where new part requests are created.

    • The Requested Parts section is where existing part requests are listed and reviewed.

    By default, the Description tab is selected.

    Note: You cannot request parts on Indirect Charges.


  1. You can create parts requests in three different ways, described below:

The Parts Requested section displays the items requested and the status of the request.

Field definitions
Field Definition


Repair order number


RO section number

Request Type

Part request type


Status of the part request

Statuses include:

  • Filled
    Part quantity has been filled by the parts room and is ready for installation.

  • Open
    Part request has not been processed.

  • On Order
    Part request has been placed on a purchase order.

Request Date

Date of the initial request


Quantity requested

Quantity Filled

Quantity charged to the repair order section by the part department.

Note: This column will be blank until the part request is filled.


If the part requested is placed on a purchase order, the vendor ID will appear in this column


The component code and part description



You request the part by description only.

Field Definition


General description of item being requested


Quantity of item being requested

Quantity UOM

Unit of Measure used for the item being requested


Section of the RO

Note: The section you logged on to provides the information in this field.

  1. Enter the Description of the part needed.

  2. Enter the Quantity.

  3. Click Post.



You create the part requests using part numbers already in the system.

Part numbers must be part of the Shop Inventory.
Field Definition


Part number of the requested item

Part Type

Part category of the requested item


Component code of the requested item

Part Description

Description of the requested item


Manufacturer code of the requested item

Manufacturer Part

Manufacturer’s part number of the requested item

  1. Use the filter fields to limit the part numbers viewed.
    It is common to search with a partial description, like brake.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Select each part number needed and enter the Quantity required.

  4. Click Post.



You create the part request by component code.

Field Definition

Component Type

Component category of requested item

If you leave the field blank, the system searches for all component types. Options include:

  • Assembly

  • Part

  • System


Component code of requested item


This field is currently disabled.


Description of the component code


This field is currently disabled.

  1. Use the filter fields to limit the part numbers viewed.
    It is common to use the component code of the section. For example, 013-002.

  2. Click Search.

  3. Select each part number needed and enter the Quantity required.

  4. Click Post.


Adding comments in MWS Job Activity

To add repair-related comments:

  1. Log in to Interactive Workstation.
    The Job Activity page opens.

  2. From the Job Activity section, in the RO Lines/Ind. Charge Lines column, click Comments.
    The Add Comment page opens.

  3. Enter comments.

  4. Click Post.


Working with repair order and indirect charge sections in MWS Job Activity

You use the RO Section/Ind. Charge Section column to perform actions to the order section on a Repair Order (RO Section) or an Indirect Charge (Ind. Charge Section). The actions include:

Field Definition


View and edit order section comments (instructions)

Note: Not available on Indirect Charges.

Checkoff List

View and complete tasks associated with the order section

Note: Not available on Indirect Charges.


Temporarily suspend your time tracking on an activity

For example, when you need to assist someone with a different activity or to perform a rush job


Log off the order section as incomplete


Log off the order section as Complete

Viewing/Editing section comments in MWS Job Activity

To view or edit the section comments:

  1. From the Job Activity page, under RO Section, click Comments.
    The Section Comment page opens.

  2. Enter or edit the comment(s).

    Note: The Standard Messages button allows a predefined Job Code message to be added to the comments page, if available.

    To use a Standard Message:

    1. Click Standard Messages.
      The Standard Messages page opens.
      The Job Code field will auto-populate with the Job Code assigned to the RO section.

    2. Click Search.
      If messages are available, the list appears.

    3. Select the message you want to add.

    4. Click Post.

    5. The standard message details are added to the Comments page.

  3. Click Post.

Managing the checkoff list in MWS Job Activity

Checkoff lists are not available on Indirect Charges.

To view or complete checkoff list tasks:

  1. From the Job Activity section, under RO Section column, click Checkoff List.
    The Checklist page opens.

    Checklist features:
    Field Definition


    When multiple pages of tasks are present, the Previous button displays the previous page of tasks

    The button is enabled from page 2 forward to the last page.

    When there is only one page of tasks, or the first page of tasks is displayed, the button is not enabled.


    Page numbers

    When multiple pages of tasks are present, clicking on a page number displays that page’s tasks.


    When multiple pages of tasks are present, the Next button displays the next page of tasks.

    When there is only one page of tasks, or you have reached the last page of tasks, the button is not enabled.


    The checkbox determines if the item has been completed.

    • Checked

    • Cleared
      If the checkbox has a red border, the task is required and must be marked as completed before logging off the repair order section as complete.

    Task Comment

    The task Comment field

    A red border indicates the task comment is required.

    Standard Repair Time (SRT)

    User defined estimated time for completion of the task

  2. Select the checkbox to mark the task as complete.
    Note: Tasks can be marked as complete at any point during the repair process.

  3. Repeat for additional tasks.
    Note: Click the page numbers to view additional pages of tasks.

  4. Click Post.
    The Job Activity section appears.

Pausing an activity in MWS Job Activity

To pause an activity:

  1. From the Job Activity section, in the RO Section (Ind. Charge Section) column, click Pause.
    The Log In page appears.

    Your user icon shows your status as Paused.

    When you log back in, the Pause/Resume pane appears.

  2. Use one of these methods to resume work:

    Once the pause activity has been completed, you are logged back on the activity you were on before.

Logging off the order in MWS Job Activity

There are two ways to log off an order:

  • Incomplete
    Logs off the order as incomplete

  • Complete
    Logs off the order as complete

To log off the order:

  1. From the Job Activity section, in the RO Section (Ind. Charge Section) column, click Incomplete or Complete.
    The Section Status page opens.

  2. Select the primary Cause.

  3. Select the primary Correction.

  4. Click Post.
    The Job Activity section, Assigned tab opens.

Working with repair orders

The Order section allows you to perform actions on a repair order. You can:

Field Definition


View the order

Add Sec

Add a new section to the order

Note: Adding a new section adds the section to the employee’s Assigned RO section listing.

Meter Rdg

Manage the meter reading(s) for the unit identified on the order


Add comments for the order

Tire Data

Perform Tire Module functions in MWS

Note: If your company is not licensed for the Tire Module, this button is unavailable.


Manage images assigned to the order

Viewing order details in MWS Job Activity

To view the order:

  1. From the Job Activity section, in the Order column, click View.
    **Information is displayed on five tabs.

  2. Select the tab to view the contents.


The General tab is the initial view. It displays repair order (RO) header information in three panes:

Unit Info
Field Definition

Unit Number

User defined unit identification number

Unit Description

The description of the unit


Unit’s default shop location


Equipment manufacturer code

Cost Center

Equipment’s cost center


Manufacturer’s model number


License plate number or other identification


Year the equipment was manufactured


Serial number or vehicle identification number

In Service

Date equipment was placed in service

Unit Number

User defined unit identification number

Repair Info
Field Definition

Repair Order

Repair order number


Repair order status


Repair shop ID

Repair Class

Repair order class

Repair Site

Repair order site

Down Date

Date the repair order was recorded

Up Date

Date the repair order was completed

Promised By

Date the repair is expected to be completed

Customer Info
Field Definition

Customer Number

User defined customer identification number

Customer Name

Customer’s name



The Section tab displays the repair order section information. It has three panes:

Section Info
Field Definition


Repair order section number


Reported issue condition


Order of section work

Repair Reason

How issue was reported


Component code defining area of concern


Unit status of component

Component Description

Component code description

Employee Assignments
Field Definition


User defined employee identification number


Job Code assignment, if present


Job Code description

Est. Time

Estimated time to complete the process


The Comments pane represents the instructions for the repair order section issue(s).



The Diagnostics tab displays a non-interactive checklist, if present.



The Pick tab displays a pick list of parts for the process, if present.

Pick list parts are not charged to the repair order section. The pick list represents a potential list of parts for the process.
Pick field definitions
Field Definition

Part No.

Part number


Quantity that is needed, if used


Combination of the component code assigned to the part record and the part record description

Bin Loc

Primary bin location of the part in the shop



The Check-Off tab displays the interactive checklist for the repair order section, if present including any tasks that are completed.

Check-Off field definitions
Field Definition

Task Description

Description of the task


This is a checkbox:

  • Selected
    Task completed

  • Cleared
    Task incomplete


Date the task was completed

Note: This field will be blank if the task is incomplete.


Employee that completed the task

Note: This field will be blank if the task is incomplete.

Employee Comment

Comment entered on the task, if present

Note: This field will be blank if the task is incomplete.


Adding a section in MWS Job Activity

The Add Sec feature allows adding a new repair order section to the repair order without logging off the repair order section currently in process.

To add a new repair order section to the order, see Adding Section in MWS Job Logon page for details.

Entering meter readings in MWS Job Activity

To enter or edit the meter reading:

  1. From the Job Activity section, in the Order column, click Meter Rdg.
    The Meter Readings page opens.

  2. Enter/Edit the meter reading(s).

  3. Click Post.


Viewing/Editing order notes in MWS Job Activity

To view or edit Notes for the order:

  1. From the Job Activity section, in the Order column, click Notes.
    The Add Notes page opens.

  2. View or edit the comments as needed.

  3. Click Post.


Entering tire data in MWS Job Activity

You must be licensed for the Tire Module.

Viewing/Editing images in MWS Job Activity

The Images feature requires the device have a camera/webcam. The IWS application must be granted access to the camera/webcam. For details, see your device’s operating system for permissions.

To add an Image:

  1. From the Job Activity section, under the Order column, click Images.
    The Order Images page opens.

  2. Click Add New.
    The Take Photo window appears.

  3. Click the camera icon to take the photo.

  4. Highlight the image.

  5. Click the Save.

  6. Enter the Description.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat Steps 2-7 for additional images.
    All images attached to the order section are displayed.

  9. Click Escape when you are done.
    The Job Activity section appears.