Administrator pages: TMT Fleet Maintenance

The pages listed in this section are organized by their location in the menu.


The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name

Page description

ASPX page name

Application Options

Application options are global settings. You use this page to configure Application Options. The options are organized by category and subcategory.


Customer Options

This page allows you to specify customer-specific settings. Changes made to the options on this page have a higher priority than the Application Options or Shop Options. The options are organized by category and subcategory.


Integration Options

This page allows you to specify integration options.


Shop Options

This page allows you to specify shop-specific settings. Changes made to the settings on this page have a higher priority than the application settings for that shop.


User Options

This page allows you to specify user-specific settings. Changes made to the settings on this page have a higher priority than the Application Options or Shop Options.


User Preferences

This page allows you to specify user-specific preferences. Changes made to the settings on this page have a higher priority than the Application Options or Shop Options.


Payment Processing

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name

Page description

ASPX page name

Card Reader Types

This page allows you to set up different types of external card readers.


Card Reader

This page allows you to manage your company’s card readers.



This page allows you to set up a payment processor.



This page allows you to manage your company’s card reader terminals.


User Options

This page allows you to specify user-specific settings. Changes made to the settings on this page have a higher priority than the Application Options or Shop Options.


User Preferences

This page allows you to specify user-specific preferences. Changes made to the settings on this page have a higher priority than the Application Options or Shop Options.


Repair Order Setup

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name

Page description

ASPX page name

Diagnostic Definitions

Use Diagnostic Definitions to develop diagnostics for routine maintenance tasks.


Job Code Definitions

Use this page to define job codes. Job Codes are used to establish baseline hours for activities.


Pick List Definitions

Use this page to set up lists of parts and assign the list to a component code.


Standard Services

Use this page to view Standard Services that you created to use on vendor repair orders. A standard service can be assigned to a specific shop or available to all shops.


General System Setup

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name

Page description

ASPX page name

Approval Levels

Approval levels are used when levels of approval are desired for Purchase Orders and/or Repair Orders. Approval levels are assigned to users.


Bay Configuration

Use this page to create Bay Types and assign them to shops. Bays are part of the Scheduler and Planner features.


Calendar Setup

Use this page to create calendars that can be assigned to work shifts.


Component Specifications

This page allows you to set up custom fields that appear on the unit’s specification form when setting up specifications for a unit.



Use this page to set up discounts that can be applied to invoices.


Error Management

Use this page to manage integration errors. Also, you use it to view, edit, and delete errors.


Inspection Ticket Setup

Use this page to create a list of inspection items.


Integration Tool Kit Rest

The Integration Tool Kit Rest form is a developer’s tool that uses the API REST capabilities of the system. The user can see sample codes and test functionality.


Integration Tool Kit Test

The Integration Tool Kit Test form is a developer’s tool that uses the API SOAP capabilities of the system. The user can see sample codes and test functionality.


Meters, Fluids, PMs Setup

Use this page to set up meter types, assign meter groups to unit types, set up the fluid types, and assign fluid groups to unit types.


Module Licenses

Use this page to view module licenses, active modules, add-ons available in the system, and current unit licensing.


Pay Grades

Use this page to create Pay Grade definitions, which represent an hourly rate. Pay Grades are used for Employees and Price Tables


Price Tables

Use this page to create custom pricing structures.


Re-Open Order

Use this page to reopen a closed order for editing.


Shop Restrictions

Use this page to set up shop restrictions.


Standard Messages

Use this page to set up a free-form message for all shops or specific shops for the following: Estimates, Purchase Orders, Repair Orders, Warranty Claims, Receiving Worksheets, and Stocking Worksheets. Other standard messages can be created for the following: CIS-WebLogin, CIS-WegMessage, and Jobcodes.


System Setup

Use this page to establish basic information about Codekeys, Tools Catalogs, Units of Measure, and Auto Fleet Definitions.


Tax Rates & Fees

Use this page to set up taxes and fees used throughout the system.


Tools Catalog

The tools catalog is the master list of tools that can be assigned to shops and employees.


Units of Measure

Use this page to define the Units of Measure used to convert between different Units of Measures. The Units of Measure are divided into categories such as distance, volume, etc. Each category must have a base Unit of Measure with a factor of 1 and a constant of 0. Use these factors and constants to convert between different units.


User Fields

User defined fields allow the tracking of information that the system does not track. This information may be industry specific or specific to the company. User defined fields are located on all the master records, repair orders, purchase orders, and invoices.


Work Shifts

Use this page to set up unit and employee work shifts. For an employee, the work shift identifies what hours they work. For a unit, the work shift identifies the unit’s hours of operation.



The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name

Page description

ASPX page name

Employee Tile

This page displays functions specific to an employee. The user must be associated with an active employee ID to view this page.


Parts Manager Tile

This page displays functions specific to parts personnel. The user must be associated with an active shop to view this page.


Service Writer Tile

This page displays functions specific to a service writer. The user must be associated with an active shop to view this page.


Shop Manager Tile

This page displays functions specific to a shop manager. The user must be associated with an active shop to view this page.
