Repair orders page overview

A repair order is a summary of the repairs you need to make on a unit. You use the Repair Order page to create a repair order for a unit and identify details about the repair. Details include:

  • Specific information pertaining to the unit.

  • The user who created, completed, and closed the order.

  • Parts, labor, and services required for the repair.

The Repair Order page includes two panes. The Repair Order pane is on the left, and the Sections/Lines pane is on the right. This illustration and table review the parts of the Repair Order page.


Number Description


Lists application commands


Page Title
The title of the TMT page, Repair Order


Opens Online Help


User menu
Lists user-specific commands


Command bar
The Command bar contains these buttons:

  • image4 Search Orders
    Opens the Repair Order Search window.

  • Reset Page Template Reset Page Template
    Resets the page to the default setup.

  • Save Page State Save Page State
    Saves any changes you have made to the page’s display.

  • Attachments Attachments
    Lets you upload files in these formats: JPG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PDF, RTF, TXT.

  • Notes Notes
    Add and view notes about the order.

  • Save As Template Save as Template
    Save a repair order as a template.

  • Items On Order Items on Order
    View items on order.

  • Reports Reports
    Select a report to view it.


Repair Order pane
Contains the RO and the related tabs.


Sections/Lines pane
Contains the sections and lines that make up the RO.


Related tabs
Tabs hold information related to the RO, such the order’s history, preventive maintenance (PM), work pending, and so on.


Order Totals
An itemized table of the charges for the RO, such as parts, labor, services, freight, and so on.

Repair Order pane

You use the Repair Order pane to specify the shop and unit, along with other details.

The Repair Order pane has two parts:

  • Repair order header

  • Repair order tabs

Repair order header

The repair order header lets you record the repair shop, order number, unit, and other information related to the order.


This table reviews the fields in the Repair Order header. Required fields are marked with a blue asterisk (*). Read-only fields are marked with a blue section sign (§).

Field Definition

Repair Shop *

User-defined shop identification number. You can enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters.


  1. Once you create a section for the repair order, you cannot edit the Repair Shop value.

  2. The Repair Shop field may have Shop Restrictions.

Order Number *

Twelve-character number assigned to the repair order

Unit *

User-defined unit identification number

Note: The units you can see and use may depend on their domicile shop (that is, the shop they are assigned to). For details, see Shop Restrictions.


Customer assigned to the unit

If you have the Invoicing module, the program also uses this field to define who receives the bill for a unit’s repairs.

Repair Class

User-defined repair class for this RO. Typically, the class options identify the standard Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) choices for repair class. They may include Scheduled, Non-scheduled, and Emergency.


  1. If [Repairs > Defaults] Repair Class is required is set to YES in either the Application or Shop options, you must make an entry in this field. You cannot save the RO if you leave it blank.

  2. For SROs, if the [Repairs > Defaults] RO Default Repair Class Application option is defined, the program puts that value in this field.

  3. For VROs, if the [Repairs > Defaults] Vendor RO Default Repair Class Application option is defined, the program puts that value in this field.

Repair Site

User-defined physical location where the repair takes place. Typically, the options in this field identify the standard VMRS choices for repair site, which include Customer, Facility, Field, On the Road, and Outside Company.


  1. For SROs, if the [Repairs > Defaults] RO Default Repair Site Application option is defined, the program puts that value in this field.

  2. For VROs, if the [Repairs > Defaults] Vendor RO Default Repair Site Application option is defined, the program puts that value in this field.

Cost Center §

Category within an organization to which repair costs may be charged

Customer PO

Customer’s purchase order number

Status §

RO status

When creating a new order, the field status defaults to Open. Status codes include:

  • Open
    The RO is open. You can create sections and line items for the repair order.

  • Complete
    The RO is complete, but not closed. You can add sections and line items to the repair order.

  • Closed
    The RO is read-only. You cannot modify the order.

  • Pending
    The RO has sections that are pending in nature. For example, the unit still requires a brake repair. You can create sections, but you cannot assign line items to the sections.

  • Canceled
    The RO is canceled. To mark an RO as canceled, it cannot have any line items.


Date and time on which the RO is created. The program fills the current date and time automatically.

Promise By Date

Date on which the shop promises to complete the unit’s repairs

If the [Repairs] Require The Promised By Date On RO Application option is set to YES, this field becomes required.

Repair Type

Repair type classifies the repair. Valid repair types include:

  • Standard

  • Vendor RO

Est. Time §

Total estimated time

The program calculates the total estimated time as follows:

  • If the job code and estimated time are the same, it calculates the estimated time once. For example, if you have the RO Section assignment and three employee assignments with the same job code and the same estimated time of 1.25, the estimated time calculates as 1.25.

  • If you have the same assignments with each assignment having a different estimated time, the estimated time calculates as a sum of each different time. Times that are the same are only calculated once.

Note: Job Code assignment at the section still follows all the rules of Job Code assignment for employees. This field is not visible on VROs.


User-defined priority level for the repair order

Meter Readings

Meter readings at the time of the unit’s repair. The meter reading displays when you specify that the reading is required on an RO in the units' master record.

Customer Estimate §

Customer’s estimated cost for repairs to a unit. This field only appears when you add a customer on the RO. If you enter a value in this field and add line items to the RO, the program tracks and compares the marked up amount to the estimate amount.

Price Table

Price Tables control the price at which a shop charges for parts, labor, vendor parts, and services on an invoice for the customer.

Repair order tabs

The tabs let you see and enter information about the RO’s history, PMs, work pending information, accounts, and user fields.

History tab

The History tab identifies the user who created, completed, and closed the order along with the dates those activities were performed. All fields are read-only.


Field Definition

Open Date/Time

Date and time the order is opened

The system fills the current date and time automatically.

Created By

User ID of the person who created the repair order

Created On

Date the RO was created

This is the system date when the repair order was created, which may not match the Open Date.

Completed By

User ID of the person who changed the status to Complete

Completed On

Date the repair order status is set to Complete

Closed By

User ID of the person who closed the repair order

Close On

Date on which the RO was closed

PMs tab

This tab lets you see and/or add a unit’s preventive maintenance (PM) information. This tab displays information only when PMs are due.

Depending on the type of PM, the tab shows the Description, Due Date, and Due Percent field values based on the entries you make when you add a PM record. You can also add a new PM by clicking the Add Action Icon Add icon in the Action column.


Field Definition


Component code description

Due Date

Date the PM is due

Due Percent

Percentage due for the PM
Depends on the type of PM. This field may or may not be included.

Work Pending tab

This tab displays information only when pending work remains on the RO.

You create a pending RO when you:

  • Set a section’s status to Work Pending and you close the repair order

  • Assign units to a campaign

You can also add a new line by clicking the Add Action Icon Add icon in the Action column.


Field Definition


Component code description


Date the order is opened

Section Comment

Displays comments added to the section for the repair

Accounts tab

This tab is not available until the RO is closed. Then if an accounting export is put in place after the repair order is closed, the tab shows the account summary information.

POInvoice tab

VROs have a POInvoice tab. This tab lets you enter an invoice against a purchase order (PO). The program also shows this invoice on the Invoice tab of the matching PO.


User Fields tab

You can use this tab to track specific RO fields that are not included in TMT Fleet Maintenance. For example, you might create a user-defined field called Vehicle. The User Fields tab lets you see and edit that field.

User Fields Tab

Sections/Lines pane

You use the Sections/Lines pane to record sections and line items that identify charges and comments for the repair.


Number Description


Section area

Sections identify the repairs needed for a unit. A section includes the component code that categorizes the repair, the complaint that prompted the repair, and the reason for the repair.


Line area

Lines are added to a section to identify the specific parts, labor, comments, services, taxes, or fees related to the repair.

The Lines, Section Audit, Comments, and Line Audit tabs allow you to enter additional details about a line.


Order Totals grid

The grid shows the order’s total costs for the parts, labor, services, miscellaneous items, fees, tax, and fuels related to the repair.