TMT Fleet Maintenance 2018 Release Notes

Here you will find high-level summaries of product updates and resolved issues.

If a video exists for a feature, a link is included.

A PDF version of these release notes, including resolved issues, is available here.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.



  • AM-257447

    Added a new button Purge Selected on the GL Journal, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable tabs. This new button enables you to purge selected transactions. The purged transactions are added to the ACCTTRANORDER_ERROR table, and can be audited using an SQL Query.

  • AM-257711

    Added a new button, Purge Selected, on the GL, AP, and AR tabs that allows you to purge selected transactions. The purged transactions are added to the ACCTTRANORDER_LOG table and can be audited using an SQL Query.

Inspection Tickets Listing

  • AM-257198

    Added a new option Allow User To Add Plan/RO To An Inspection Ticket. This is a company and user level option, and defaults to Yes. If Yes, the +Add Plan/RO button is enabled on the Inspection Ticket Listing page. If No, the +Add Plan/RO button will not be visible on the Inspection Tickets Listing page.

Interactive Workstation

  • AM-257198

    On the Inspection Tickets page, implemented the employee options Allow User To Add Plan/RO to an Inspection Ticket and Allow User to do a Quick RO on an Inspection Ticket. If Allow User To Add Plan/RO to an Inspection Ticket is set to No, the +Add Plan/RO button is not available. If Yes, the button is available. If Allow User to do a Quick RO on an Inspection Ticket is No, the Quick RO button is not available. If Yes, the button will be available.

  • AM-304206

    Enhanced unit search to only display units that match the Shop’s Division when the option Allow Switching of IWS Shop Based Upon Shop Region is set to Yes. When the option is set to No, the unit search displays all the Unit records.

Shop Planner

  • AM-304377

    Changed persistence to be saved when the Save Page State button is clicked. This button remembers all column widths and positions as well as any search criteria entered when the page is reloaded.

  • AM-304387

    Added a new Planner > Preventive Maintenance (PM) Application Option and User Preference called Display PMs Based On Shop Type. The option has three settings and will control how PMs are displayed in the PMs Due list in Shop Planner and Shop Scheduler.

    • All Shops: Show all PMs due for all units regardless of shop.

    • Domicile Shop: Show PMs due based on the domicile shop where the domicile shop is the same as the planner shop.

    • Physical Shop Location: Show PMs due based on the physical shop location where the physical shop location is the same as the planner shop.

      The default value is set to Domicile Shop which is how the PMs were shown before the addition of the new option.

      The Company value will take precedence for all users unless a user changes it in User Preferences.

      When you select All Shops, the system prompts you to select at least one filter condition to search PMs Due in the Shop Planner and Shop Scheduler page.

Shop Scheduler

  • AM-304379

    Added a new option for viewing bays within the scheduler in Fixed Width or Auto Fit views. If using Fixed Width view, all bays are expanded to a default width and the user will be able to scroll left to right to view all bay schedules. If using Auto Fit view, all bays will be condensed to show within the page; no scroll bar will be available. After a selection is made, the Save Page State button must be clicked so the setting is stored for the user logged in.



  • AM-257217

    Implemented new smaller animated gif to replace the current larger wheel when the system is working.

Units API

  • AM-304650

    Get Units will return all the records regardless of the maxrowreturn global setting in the database.


Requisition List

  • AM-256699

    Implemented the new option Check For Open POs When Creating POs From Requisition List. When this option is set to YES, the user is allowed to select an existing open Purchase Order (PO) or create a new PO to add parts from the requisition list for selected shops and vendors. If the vendor does not have any open POs for a shop, parts in that shop will create a new PO without a prompt as it does when the option is set to No. When the option is set to No, all parts selected will create new POs for the vendors and shops selected.

  • AM-257685

  • Updated Requisition List so that it does not allow the user to create a PO for a part type of Tire with RO/Section information when the Tire Module is ON. Also changed the Part Request Entry form to not allow selection of RO/Section information for tires when the Tire Module is ON.



  • AM-256196

    Updated field names of Address and Address Line 2 to Address 1 and Address 2.


  • AM-256196

    Updated field names of Address and Address Line 2 to Address 1 and Address 2.


  • AM-256196

    Updated field names of Address and Address Line 2 to Address 1 and Address 2.

  • AM-257198

    Added the following new options on the Misc Tab: Allow User To Add Plan/RO to an Inspection Ticket and Allow User to do a Quick RO on an Inspection Ticket.

    If Allow User To Add Plan/RO to an Inspection Ticket is set to No, the +Add Plan/RO button on the Inspection Tickets page in Interactive Workstation is not available. If Yes, the button is available. If Allow User to do a Quick RO on an Inspection Ticket is No, the Quick RO button on the Inspection Tickets page in Interactive Workstation is not available. If Yes, the button is available.

Parts Catalog

  • AM-258376

    Implemented the Tire tab when a new part is added to the Parts Catalog with the Type as Tire. The fields on this tab are required to create a Tire.

Shop Inventory

  • AM-256445

    Added the Bin Description to the bins grid on the Bins Tab.


  • AM-256196

    Updated field names of Address and Address Line 2 to Address 1 and Address 2.


  • AM-256196

    Updated field names of Address and Address Line 2 to Address 1 and Address 2.


Asset Inspection

  • AM-304306

    Updated Asset Inspection to display only active Units and Inspection Types.

Mobile Mechanic

  • AM-254804

    Enhanced the Mobile Mechanic App to allow a user to add a part manually that does not exist in the Shop Inventory when the Shop Option "Track Inventory" is turned OFF. These parts will not be removed or validated against inventory.

  • AM-257896

    Corrected the End Break button to keep it visible after a user logs into Break, logs out of the application, and then logs in again.

  • AM-304516

    Updated Mobile Mechanic to display only active Component Codes based upon filter options.



  • AM-255990

    Implemented the ability to cancel campaigns by adding a Cancel Campaign button. A campaign can be canceled if the campaign status is OPEN and there are no pending orders attached to the campaign.


  • AM-251512

    Implemented the Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes global in Estimates.

  • AM-255670

    After a Repair Order (RO) is created from an estimate, the price table on the estimate is disabled. When the RO is created from an estimate, the price table defaults to the price table found on the estimate. This will take precedence over the current rules for determining price table on the RO.

  • AM-302610

    When the global 'Copy Service line from Estimate to Repair Order' is turned on, the service lines from an estimate section is added to the RO when a section is moved from the estimate to the RO. If the option is off, service lines are not created on the RO.

  • AM-304193

    When the global 'Copy Part line from Estimate to Repair Order' is turned on, the part lines from the estimate is added to the RO. If the part has insufficient quantity on hand or does not exist in inventory, an exception list is displayed. If the option is turned off, part lines are not copied to the RO from the estimate.

    Default Complaint and Default Reason For Repair are no longer tied to Create Estimates Sections By Job Code. When a section is created on an estimate, the defaults set for complaint and reason for repair will be used if valid for the selected component code.

  • AM-304651

    Get Vendor RO (VRO) does not restrict the response record set based on the maxrowreturn value. Get VRO returns all the eligible VROs when queried with the shop number and status.

All Listing pages

  • AM-304349

    Optimized the default field header and column widths to be spaced more effectively. Changed persistence to be saved when the Save Page State button is clicked. This remembers all column widths and positions as well as any search criteria entered when the page is reloaded.


  • AM-251117

    Implemented SRT Functionality for Invoice Line Item - Labor Lines. If an SRT code is selected, the program prompts to make the hours equal to the SRT time. If Yes is selected, the hours are changed to the SRT time for the SRT code selected. If No is selected, the amount in the hours field does not change.

  • AM-254760

    Enhanced the Fuel Invoice Detail report to display the Fuel Ticket Information in the same format and column layout as the Fuel Invoice Detail report available in the standard Client/Server report instead of the previous Repair Invoice format.

  • AM-255980

    Implemented Customer Invoice Limit functionality in Direct Sale Invoices.

  • AM-256455

    Customers can now select multiple invoices on the Invoices Listings page for printing.

  • AM-256718

    Implemented the Accounts tab on closed invoices. This will display the accounting transactions for the invoice.

  • AM-304542

    Implemented the ability to close an invoice from the Invoice Listing page. Along with this change, we have implemented a check to verify that the billable sections on the invoice match the billable sections on the RO and if not, give a warning and the option to regenerate the invoice.

  • AM-304886

    Implemented Add/Edit/Delete functionality of comment lines for Invoices.

Purchase Orders

  • AM-257631

    If a Vendor RO PO is opened, now there will be a link back to the Vendor RO in the header beside the total for the PO.

  • AM-257685

    Updated POs to not allow selection of an RO/Section for a part type of Tire when adding or changing a PO line when the Tire Module is ON.

  • AM-258440

    Added a new button, Close Receipts in the Action Column. If clicked, you can close all receipts that are received on the PO or individual receipts. If all received receipts are closed and there are no open receipts, the PO will also be closed. When closing individual receipts, the receipts will be color coded as follows:

    • Red: The Receipt is open.

    • White: The receipt is received and has an invoice.

    • Yellow: The receipt is received and does not have an invoice.

    • Grey: The receipt is closed.

      When a PO is expanded to show its individual receipts, the sections will now be color coded as above.

Repair Orders

  • AM-252788

    Enhanced Vendor Parts Search displays part results of the current shop used in the VRO and records with no shop association.

    In the Advanced Search window, the Shop ID column is added to the search results grid and Reset Search based on Shop is renamed to Search by Selected Shop Only. By setting it to YES and clicking Search displays records that only matches the VRO shop. When it is set to NO, it displays parts based on the current shop used for VRO and parts with no association.

  • AM-256199

    Added +Add Template section button beside the Add Section on the Repair Order page. Clicking this button displays a dialog listing RO and VRO template sections for the Repair shop along with the template sections associated with the RO Unit. Selecting a template section and clicking OK adds that section to the RO and adds any lines from the template section to the RO. For parts, inventory is validated and errors issued for parts that do not have enough on hand.

    If a template section is added to a VRO, the vendor of the VRO takes precedence.

    This functionality is applicable to ROs created through Shop Planner, Shop Scheduler and Parts Workstation.

  • AM-257200

    When Allow Parts Dispensing From A Central Shop is enabled, searching for parts in an RO displays parts for the central shop and parts that are charged out update the Central Shop’s inventory. When parts are charged for more than the on hand quantity, if a Manual Requisition is created, it will be created for the Central Shop.

Repair Order Template

  • AM-256201

    Implemented a Create Multiple ROs button to allow you to create multiple ROs from a single template in Repair Order Template and Repair Order Listing pages.

  • AM-304259

    Added the ability to support commodity codes while adding sections with component code for Tank Wash and corrected the part line quantity field to default to 1 instead of 0.

Warranty Potential Claims

  • AM-256680

    Changed Warranty Potential Claims to use the Off Repair Order for After Market Warranty instead of the On Repair Order.


Reports - SSRS

  • AM-255954

    Implemented comma separated string for Unit Number parameter in Orders Inquires_Invoice Orders report.

  • AM-255885 (Sys Mgr Reports)

    Created a new Application Options report under Sys Mgr Reports that will replace the current Diagnostic Report. The report shows options in the order they appear in the Application Option pages.

  • AM-256936

    Implemented Bin Range drop-downs for Part Inventory Listing by Bin report. If an incorrect Bin range is selected in a report, then an error message is displayed.

  • AM-257442 (Units)

    Added the Domicile option to the Group by parameter.

    Changed the shop option to 'Physical Shop Location' in Group by parameter.

  • AM-258447

    The "Process TMWAMS INTEGRATION PMs REPORT" job can be deleted because the PMs due report is no longer using the INTEGRATION_PMDUE_REPORT table.

  • AM-304108 (Units)

    Implemented shop restrictions for this report. If shop restriction is enabled for a user, then the restricted domicile’s units will not display in the Unit Master report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units will display in the Unit Master report.

  • AM-304110 (Units)

    Implemented shop restrictions for this report. If shop restriction is enabled for a user, then the restricted domicile’s units will not display in the Unit Chronic Repairs report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units will display in the Unit Chronic Repairs report.

  • AM-304111 (Units)

    Implemented shop restrictions for this report. If shop restriction is enabled for a user, then the restricted domicile’s units or shop will not display in Unit PM Master Listing report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units and shops will display in the Unit PM Master Listing report.

  • AM-304112 (Units)

    Implemented shop restrictions for this report. If shop restriction is enabled, then the restricted domicile’s units or shop does not display in the PM Due report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units and shops display in the PM Due report.

  • AM-304113 (Units)

    Implemented shop restrictions for this report. If shop restriction is enabled for a user, then the restricted domicile’s units will not display in the Unit Inventory report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units will display in the Unit Inventory report.

  • AM-304114 (Units)

    Implemented Shop restrictions for this report. If shop restriction is enabled for a user, then the restricted domicile’s units will not display in Unit Utilization report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units will display in the Unit Utilization report.

  • AM-304116 (Units)

    Implemented shop restrictions for this report. If shop restrictions is enabled, then restricted domicile’s units do not display in the Age of Units report. If shop restriction is disabled, then all units display in the Age of Units report.

  • AM-304278

    Included two custom reports, one for the Order Inquiries_Purchase Orders report and one for the Order Inquiries_Repair Orders report, to add better search controls. For the Order Inquiries_Purchase Orders custom report, the parameters for Vendor, Shop, and Part Number have now changed to a text box with enhanced search capabilities. For the Order Inquiries_Repair Orders custom report, the parameters for Vendor, Shop, Domicile Shop, Unit, and Part Number have now changed to a text box with enhanced search capabilities also.


Integration Tool Kit REST

  • AM-258444

    Changed the "GET DVIR" endpoint response to include two new fields named "SectionStatus" and "SectionNumber".


  • AM-256699

    New global Check For Open POs When Creating POs From Requisition List has been created. This option is mutually exclusive to the option Require PO Approval Levels so when this option is set to YES, the Require PO Approval Levels Global is disabled and vice versa.

    When this option is set to YES, the user is allowed to select an existing open PO or create a new PO to add parts from the requisition list for selected shops and vendors. If the vendor does not have any open POs for a shop, parts in that shop will create a new PO without a prompt as it does when the option is set to No. When the option is set to No, all parts selected will create new POs for the vendors and shops selected.

  • AM-257192

    Implemented a new option called Enforce X Days Back Limit For Order Open Dates under the node General > Dates in Application Options. The Default value is 0 and the maximum allowable value is 999. If the option Enforce X Days Back Limit For Order Open Dates has a value of 1 or more, the open date on an RO, PO, Indirect Charge, Fuel Ticket, or Invoice will not allow a date that is beyond the number of days when a date is entered in the Opened Date field. If the value is 0, no enforcement will occur. The following orders will have the Date field changed to enforce the new option:

    • Repair Order Opened Date (would apply to all RO types)

    • Purchase Order Opened Date (would apply to all PO types)

    • Indirect Charge Opened Date

    • Fuel Ticket Date

    • Invoice Date (would apply to all Invoice types)

    • Parts Transfer Date

  • AM-257198

    Added a new option Allow User To Add Plan/RO To An Inspection Ticket. This is a company and user level option, and defaults to Yes. If Yes, the +Add Plan/RO button is enabled on the Inspection Ticket Listing page. If No, the +Add Plan/RO button is not visible on the Inspection Tickets Listing page.

  • AM-257702

    Added a new drop-down control option called Default Component under DVIR for Zonar, which will be the default component for the defect found if the defect coming from Zonar is invalid. Corrected an issue where arbitrary text from Zonar could not be handled, which was changing the Unit OK status from No to Yes. Now, arbitrary text can be found within the Inspection Ticket that the user entered.

  • AM-257939

    AMSImport checks for duplicate repairs when reading and validating XML files even if the duplicate orders are processed in the same invocation of the importer.

    The Bearer Token field has been added to the Integration Options under the Basic tab.

  • AM-304145

    Added a new global Integration Option for TMW.Suite called Use RO close/complete Date for Expiration and Completion date'. When set to Yes , when the expiration is set to DONE, the EXP_COMPLDATE (displays as the ENDDATE) is updated to the CLOSED/COMPLETED date of the RO. When set to No, it uses the current action to set the completed date).

  • AM-304193

    Default Complaint and Default Reason For Repair are no longer tied to Create Estimates Sections By Job Code. When a section is created on an estimate, the defaults set for complaint and reason for repair will be used if valid for the selected component code.

Resolved Issues



  • AM-257799

    Corrected an issue with Great Plains export. In previous versions, when multiple records were selected to export from multiple pages of the export preview list, the program would only export the selected records from the first page of results. Now all selected records will export whether they are from one page or multiple pages.

  • AM-257836

    Corrected an issue where Great Plains intercompany division cross-references were being written to the database with the incorrect type value upon insert or edit.

  • AM-258297

    Corrected an issue for negative repair invoices where the amount field for a credit transaction would calculate as a negative amount while debit transactions would calculate as a positive amount. Credit transactions from a negative repair invoice will now calculate with a positive amount while debit transactions will calculate with a negative amount. This is specifically in the inter_mc_vmj table.

  • AM-258484

    Corrected an issue to prevent an Order Sub Type from being displayed for Inventory Adjustment transactions on the Export Preview screen for "Orders - All".

    Order Sub Types do not apply to Inventory Adjustment transaction records.

  • AM-300035

    Users can now export all back ordered PO receipts that contain a positive value to Dynamics GP, even if some receipts on the order contain $0.00 amounts. $0.00 receipts will continue to not export to Dynamic GP.

Interactive Workstation

  • AM-258141

    Fixed an issue where a part could be charged and the number of positions did not have to match the quantity charged.

  • AM-304160

    Corrected an issue where component match was not being enforced. Now a part with component match turned on cannot be charged to a section where the section component code does not match the part component code.

  • AM-304232

    Corrected an issue where when adding a spare tire to the spare position, it would prompt for a serial number even though Treat Tires as Serial Parts was turned off. Now adding a tire to the spare position will not prompt for a serial unless Treat Tires as Serial Parts is turned on.

  • AM-304402

    Corrected the issue with the labor line to select the correct pay grade.

Shop Scheduler

  • AM-257067

    If you create a repair order through IWS and have auto create plans turned on, the plans now show in Shop Scheduler under unscheduled plans.

  • AM-257623

    Corrected an issue where the RO status field is not editable immediately after it is created from an appointment.

  • AM-304399

    Implemented a new control to select the Timezone in the Shop Scheduler page. The display of the Date and Time of the calendar will be changed based on the Timezone selected. Default Timezone is displayed based on the server’s Timezone. The selected Timezone is saved to persist for the logged-in user when the page state is saved.



  • AM-302648

    The PROCESS TMWAMS Audit Purge Job was modified to delete data in smaller amounts to avoid deadlocks.

User Fields

  • AM-258333

    If a special character that is not allowed by the application is used to define a new user field name, a system message window now displays with the message: Special characters are not allowed for the field name.


Physical Inventory

  • AM-255810

    Corrected an issue where physical inventory comments were not saved and not displayed in history correctly.

  • AM-258529

    Corrected an issue when viewing closed inventories where more than 500 would not display and an error would be displayed. Now returns all closed physical inventories.

Requisition List

  • AM-257263

    Changed the requisition form to disable the shop field if an RO/Section is selected for that part requisition. To change the shop, the RO/Section must be removed, which enables the shop field to be changed.

  • AM-257751

    Changed the requisition form to disable the shop number if an RO is supplied. If the RO information is removed, the shop number can be changed.

  • AM-304333

    Corrected an issue where you were not able to associate a repair order with a manual or automatic requisition if the repair order was in complete status.



  • AM-257996

    Added the ability to add multiple email addresses that must be separated by a comma with no spaces.


  • AM-257996

    Added the ability to add multiple email addresses that must be separated by a comma with no spaces.


  • AM-257996

    Added the ability to add multiple email addresses that must be separated by a comma with no spaces.

  • AM-258368

    Corrected the hired date behavior to accept dates to 1/1/1900.

Parts Catalog

  • AM-256047

    Corrected an issue so when creating a new part in the parts catalog, the default Inventory account should display.

  • AM-304162

    When updating the order after the part has been renumbered, a warning message is displayed to tell you to refresh. When you come back to the order, the part shows the new number and the order is in the correct status. If the part is renumbered and the order is set to Closed, the part number properly updates on the order and the invoice.

Shop Inventory

  • AM-304380

    Corrected Cost History tab to show the user who adjusted the one hand quantity in Physical Inventory.

  • AM-304408

    Corrected an issue where the Last Cost on the Cost tab was not updated when entering the Average Cost for a new part.

  • AM-304746

    Corrected an issue so that an out of balance part is not created when the shop inventory is opened and the PO is received.


  • AM-257996

    Added the ability to add multiple email addresses that must be separated by a comma with no spaces.


  • AM-256413

    Corrected the Unit Limit Reached Error Message for Misc Units so that it does not display while adding a new standard unit when the quantity of standard units is less than the standard unit limit in the license but Misc Units is 0 or the Misc Unit limit has been reached.

  • AM-257022

    Corrected an issue with Group History where it was not updating the user making the changes to key fields.

  • AM-257842

    Corrected an issue when cloning PMs where the intervals would not be properly cloned.

  • AM-304005

    Corrected an issue where PM sections in closed status would not update the Unit master consistently.

  • AM-304892

    Corrected an issue where inactive accessories could not be re-activated on the Parts:Accessories tab and Parts:Parts tab.


  • AM-257996

    Added the ability to add multiple email addresses that must be separated by a comma with no spaces.

  • AM-258537

    Improved performance of the Vendor Advanced Search when working with a large set of vendors.



  • AM-258547

    Made enhancements to improve performance for campaigns.

Contract Maintenance

  • AM-304273

    Corrected issues with Rate Sheet where the Contract Date field was enabled even after setting Rate Sheet to Active State.

  • AM-304372

    Corrected the Total Variable Rate field which now displays the value of (Variable Rate * Expected Mileage) and not just the total sum of all variable rates for Active Rate Sheets.

  • AM-304374

    Corrected an issue where the rate sheet display and paging tools were cutoff at the .bottom of the page when using smaller resolutions.

  • AM-304535

    When creating a Repair Order for a unit previously attached to a closed contract but is now on a new contract, the Repair Order Header displays the Under Contract icon for the unit.


  • AM-258052

    Corrected an issue so that Tax Exempt Customers will no longer have taxes applied to Estimates.


  • AM-254579

    Corrected issues with the Orders page where the links in the page were breaking when the database was moved to a different environment.


  • AM-257653

    Added CANCELED to the status filter.

  • AM-303990

    Corrected an issue when clicking the RO link for an Invoice for a Vendor RO where the vendor information would not display when the RO Detail page was displayed.

  • AM-304136

    Corrected an issue where the re-billed customer’s price table should be updated to RO and Invoice.

  • AM-304320

    Corrected an issue where the email and subject line were not getting populated correctly when the email button was pressed while printing an Invoice Detail report from the listing page.

  • AM-304388

    Corrected an issue where a credit payment could not be added on a credit invoice. Now you can add credit payments on credit invoices.

  • AM-304406

    Implemented the capability to update the charge date for Invoice Lines and Section’s while closing the Invoices.

  • AM-304559

    Corrected the invoices to support commodity codes when generating an invoice from a RO with Tank wash Component Code.

  • AM-304898

    Corrected an issue where regenerating an invoice produced a system error.

    Corrected an issue where closing an RO did not create an invoice.

    Corrected an issue where the processing indicator (spinning wheel) displayed when closing small invoices.

    Corrected an issue where the Vendor Purchase order number link was missing ROs.

    Corrected an issue where the user was unable to add lines on an invoice.

    Corrected an issue where a console error was displayed during invoice load.

    Corrected an issue where an RO would not close if there was no meter reading for the corresponding RO.

    Code was added to identify bad invoice data where invoices have lines but the RO has no sections and no lines.

    Billable sections are now validated and an error is generated when these sections don’t match.

    Corrected an issue where a Transaction error was generated when adding a part with a position through Direct Sale.

  • AM-304904

    Corrected an issue where the linked invoice number did not display on an RO after performing a Re-Bill or Credit.

  • AM-304973

    Corrected an issue when the option Set Invoice Date and RO Close date equal to RO Complete Date set to Yes should honor the business rules defined for meter readings.

  • AM-305070

    Corrected an issue when changing or editing a part line to a different part number. The part information was not updated with the new part number.

Purchase Orders

  • AM-257416

    Now when back-ordering parts tied to a requisition created from the Parts Workstation, a new requisition tied to the back-order will be created.

  • AM-257538

    Corrected the autofill 0s while linking a part to an RO when the RO number is typed in.

  • AM-257851

    Corrected an issue when sorting the description field where it would not sort by the part number.

  • AM-258017

    Corrected an issue where editing a line would cause previous receipts data to be displayed. Now a selected receipt’s information is displayed correctly after editing a line.

  • AM-258027

    Corrected issues with Approvals made from the web client so that they are visible in audit trails the same way as Approvals made from the client server.

  • AM-300097

    Corrected an issue where parts on a credit PO were not updating inventory correctly when an inactive part with that part number for that shop existed in the database.

  • AM-304102

    Corrected an issue where you were unable to sort lines on all purchase order types. You are now able to sort lines on all purchase order types.

  • AM-304208

    Corrected an issue where enabling the global option to Include Freight Charges in inventory Costs would not include freight charges to inventory when the part was received on the purchase order. When the part is received on the purchase order and the global option is enabled, it now includes freight charges in inventory costs.

  • AM-304246

    Corrected an issue where adding an invoice on a received receipt would not always load. Now when you add an invoice to a received receipt, it displays all receipts that are available in a reasonable time despite how many pages the user may load.

  • AM-304337

    The report, Part Label by Order and Part, displayed in the Purchase Order listing page will be available in the Detail page also.

  • AM-304575

    When adding a Part Line on a PO, the system prevents you from adding parts to a closed RO. After entering a closed RO and section number into the field, an error message prompts you by displaying that the section number is not a valid section for the RO. When you click OK on the error window, the RO and section fields will not be enabled. If you enter a closed RO and section number, and click SAVE, you get the same results as above.

Repair Orders

  • AM-257995

    Corrected the issue with duplicate Repair Orders Listing when more than one mechanic is logged into the same RO.

  • AM-258386

    Corrected the issue to display the Auto Cross parts while adding the Part line in the RO based on the setup done in the Parts Catalog Cross References.

  • AM-258563

    Corrected an issue when a technician was clocked into IWS, no edits could be made to the section header or any other section header on the repair order. Now, information on the section header can be updated regardless if there is a technician on the section. A section cannot be closed if it has technicians actively working on it.

  • AM-304381

    Changes have been made to the Mount Tire page. The Tire On Part Number field is required first, and the Tires grid is disabled until the part number has been selected.

    After a tire record has been edited, the Tire On parameters are disabled so the user cannot add different tire parts to the grid at the same time.

    If the Tires grid information is entered, and then removed, the Tire On parameters are enabled again for the user to switch part numbers.

  • AM-304393

    Corrected issue where the PO Invoice tab on a Vendor RO was not available when the Invoicing Module was not licensed.

  • AM-304461

    Added the functionality to charge parts designated as kits to repair orders. The kit will always have 0 on hand and will charge inventory from the individual part records that are associated to the kit part within the kit configuration.

  • AM-304648

    The meter reading is no longer dependent upon the closed date of the repair order. When you change the status to closed and the date updates, it will now use the closed date, and not the primary date on the repair order.

  • AM-304752

    Corrected an issue when the same tire part is charged and replaced on an RO, and when the RO is closed or completed and the Invoice is generated, the newly generated invoice marks the serial number as 'INUSE' causing the serial numbers to be out of order. The serial number status now matches the on-hand quantity and the invoice will not modify the serial number status.

    Corrected a secondary issue where serial numbers were becoming out of balance when a serialized part was charged in one shop and returned to inventory in a different shop. Now, serial numbers will be returned only to the destination inventory and the on-hand quantity will match the number of serialized parts.

  • AM-304894

    Corrected an issue where the User could not view, open or edit an RO that contained 1000+ lines.

  • AM-304907

    Corrected an issue where Comment Lines on a Repair Order section could trigger a warranty for the comment line alone. Comment lines are now ignored with respect to creating potential warranty.

  • AM-304973

    Corrected an issue when the option Set Invoice Date and RO Close date equal to RO Complete Date set to Yes should honor the business rules defined for meter readings.


Reports - SSRS

  • AM-254914 (Part Inventory)

    Corrected the report to display the month end inventory data based on the parameter selection.

    Implemented new Period, Month and Year parameters

    Removed Date Range, Posted Year, and Posted Period parameters.

  • AM-256373 (Employee)

    Corrected an issue with the time calculations in IDLE and BREAK time for employees.

  • AM-257640 (Fixed Cost)

    Corrected an issue with Date formats for ANZA customers.

  • AM-257640 (Orders)

    Corrected an issue with Date formats for ANZA customers.

  • AM-257640 (Warranty)

    Corrected an issue with Date formats for ANZA customers.

  • AM-257748 (Employee)

    Corrected an issue with the Unit field hyperlink. In previous versions, if you clicked Unit, an error page displayed instead of Unit information.

  • AM-257816 (Units)

    Corrected an issue with utilization data displayed in the Unit Component Cost Report based on the selected date range.

  • AM-257819 (Warranty)

    Corrected an issue with data displayed based on when an End Date was not selected. In previous versions, if an End Date was not selected, the report would display all the records instead of only records with a date equal to or greater than the selected Start Date.

  • AM-258517 (Units)

    Corrected the issue with totaling the Out Of Service time calculation for a unit when there are multiple ROs that have overlapping times in the OPEN and COMPLETED columns.

  • AM-304382

    Added date and time stamp to bottom of the Part Inventory Listing by Bin report to show when the report was run.

  • AM-304390

    Made enhancements to improve performance of SSRS reports landing page.


Work with Users

  • AM-300138

    Corrected an issue with Create User where it was not properly enforcing the password settings in configuration manager.


Integration Tool Kit Test

  • AM-257660

    When using the Integration ToolKit, the SetUnit method acceptS a VIN that is either blank or has up to 24 characters.


  • AM-258032

    New Integration Option added to TMW.Suite Options: Send RO Open date as Suite Expiration date. When set to YES, the Repair Order open date/time will transfer over to TMW.Suite as the Expiration date/time for Repair Orders with a Unit unavailable for dispatch. When set to NO, it sends the current date as the Expiration Date for the Repair Order Unit.

  • AM-258158

    Corrected an issue where the VIN number on the Unit would not get updated if PerformX and the VIN option was enabled and the VIN number was supplied from PeopleNet.

  • AM-300038

    Corrected an issue where saving an External Value on the Integration Option for IES>CUSTOMER XREF option would update the EQUIPMENT XREF value with the same value and vice versa.

    Changed the INTEGRATION_XREF table to use a unique "Type" value to prevent the external value(s) on both of these XREFs from being overwritten by one another.

  • AM-304689

    New Integration Option added to TMW.Suite:Unit Options. Added the option, Use Alternative Process Units Job with the following sub-options: Send Unit Type to Tractor Type 1, Send Unit Type to Trailer Type 1, Send Unit Activity to Tractor Type 1, Send Unit Activity to Trailer Type 1.

  • AM-304984

    Corrected an issue where Global settings were being overwritten after upgrading the AMS Enterprise Application.

Re-Open Order

  • AM-304272

    Closed invoices created through Contract Maintenance now show in the search results on the Re-Open Order page where they can be selected and re-opened.

  • AM-304336

    Corrected an issue where re-opening a closed RO with an invoice was not properly deleting the invoice if it contained an image.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.

Resolved issues


Purchase Orders

  • AM-304220

    Corrected an issue where freight lines could not be edited after receiving the purchase order. Freight lines can now be edited after the purchase order receipt has been received.

Repair Orders

  • AM-256767

    Corrected an issue where you were able to delete a credit part line while having 0 on hand in inventory. A system message will now display stating that this transaction violates the shop inventory rules and will not be completed.

  • AM-258563

    Corrected an issue when a technician was clocked into Interactive Work Station (IWS), no edits could be made to any of the section headers on the repair order. Now, information on the section header can be updated regardless to whether there is a technician on the section. The user will not be able to close a section that has technicians actively working on it.

  • AM-303987

    Corrected Invalid Custid parameter error while editing a repair order in the Web application, if it was created through a repair order template from the client server application.

  • AM-304164

    Corrected an issue with the Customer Estimate field where it was not saving the overridden value after overriding the customer limit was approved.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.



  • AM-302649

    A trigger was put in place to populate PSEXIRE_AUDIT Table, and the PROCESS TMWAMS Audit Purge job was modified to delete records after 30 days.



  • AM-302619

    If the Promise By Date is not populated on a Repair Order (RO) or Vendor Repair Order (VRO), when the sync process is performed, the End Date for the expiration in TMW.Suite will be the current date plus the Days in Shop setting in Integration Options for TMW.Suite.

Resolved issues


Interactive Workstation

  • AM-258256

    Labor Lines in IWS should charge out as overtime instead of standard if the employee is out of work shift.



  • AM-300143

    A new job (USP_TMWSUITE_EXP_COMPLETED_SYNCH) was created to run after the (PROCESS TMW ROs) job as a fail-safe to ensure the EXP_COMPLETE status in TMW.Suite is being changed to 'Y' when an RO is closed in TMT.

  • AM-300150

    If a unit leaves a service location in Suite, the unit’s Physical Shop Location will get updated in TMT Unit Master with the new Shop Location. If the new location is not labeled as a Service Location, the Physical Shop Location will be set to NULL when the TMT_Location_Update stored procedure runs.


Parts Catalog

  • AM-302633

    Corrected an issue where the labels and radio buttons would not display in the Renumber dialog if renumber was entered, canceled, and reentered.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Interactive Workstation

  • AM-257964

    The user will be allowed to change between shops for logging into IWS if the destination shop belongs to the same region. Requires the new global for Allow Switching of IWS Shop Based Upon Shop Region to be switched to Yes.

  • AM-258182

    Updated tire data where mounting a tire to a position and again trying to mount tires to any other positions defaults to the previously selected tire part in the Part Search window. After replacing a tire and again trying to replace tires in other positions, the system defaults to previously selected Removal Reason under TIRE OFF and Part, Pressure, and Depth under TIRE ON.


Repair Orders

  • AM-258190

    Added a new global, Allow Warranty Claims For Vendor ROs With A Completed Status. If the global is turned on, when a Vendor RO is set to Complete or Closed, the potential warranty records will be created. If the global is turned off, which is the default status, potential warranty records for Vendor ROs will only be created when the Vendor RO is closed. This option has no effect on Standard ROs.


Application Options

  • AM-258190

    Added a new global, Allow Warranty Claims For Vendor ROs With A Completed Status. If the global is turned on, when a Vendor RO is set to Complete or Closed, the potential warranty records will be created. If the global is turned off, which is the default status, potential warranty records for Vendor ROs will only be created when the Vendor RO is closed. This option has no effect on Standard ROs.

Resolved issues



  • AM-300092

    Added check to the stored procedure USP_TRAN_ORDER_CREATE to force the accounting export to fail the error check for invoices that are missing a customer.

Interactive Workstation

  • AM-300010

    Corrected an issue where charging parts with more than one FIFO cost was associating all the positions with the first part line.

  • AM-300101

    The Change Shop button remains visible and enabled allowing the user to switch between IWS Shops when the shop being switched to has the Allow Switching of IWS Shop Based Upon Shop Region set to NO ('N') and the originating shop has this setting set to YES ('Y').

Shop Planner

  • AM-258374

    Improved performance on the Shop Planner page to bring initial page load time within the Service Level Agreement (SLA).



  • AM-300141

    Units will now be set to out of service only when they are inactivated or set to reports only.


Physical Inventory

  • AM-258528

    Implemented pagination to improve performance and to prevent an issue when viewing more than 500 closed inventories.

  • AM-300117

    Corrected an issue with the sort order in Inventory Count Sheet and Inventory Count sheet with Bar codes report.



  • AM-302638

    Corrected an issue where the unit accessory would not inactivate when the inactive button was chosen to make the accessory inactive.



  • AM-258471

    Corrected an issue with estimates where the Job Code is not carried over to a repair order created from an estimate.

  • AM-258548

    Corrected an issue with estimates to display the Last Cost Amount of the part in the Charge Amount field.


  • AM-258458

    Corrected an issue in which services not covered under contract display in invoices.

  • AM-258498

    Corrected an issue to display current username upon closing of invoice instead of user that created the invoice.

Purchase Orders

  • AM-257012

    Corrected an issue when an order fails to save due to the localization issue.

  • AM-258533

    Corrected an issue where the subtotal was not rounding correctly.

  • AM-300006

    Corrected an issue to add a vendor supplied part without any error.

  • AM-300074

    Corrected the part labels by order and part report generation behavior for more than one part.

Repair Orders

  • AM-257012

    Corrected an issue when an order fails to save due to the localization issue.

  • AM-258273

    Corrected an issue where you were unable to replace a serialized part with a different shop than the original shop where the serialized part was charged.

  • AM-258491

    Corrected an issue, which runs between RO and Inventory, and would cause on hands count in inventory to go beyond zero.

  • AM-258549

    Corrected an issue where going between the ROs Listing and Invoices Listing would cause the RO Listing to not load.

Warranty Claim

  • AM-256010

    Corrected an issue where the unit field was incorrectly disabled on the warranty claim page.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.

Disclaimer: Effective with TMT Fleet Maintenance version 2018.2, the Trimble Transportation Enterprise Solutions, Inc., ("TTES") software system captures and logs your user data, such as: username, server name, exception details, validation messages, error messages, pages visited, request and responses for SOAP and REST services, and server information. These data logs are stored on your server or your hosted TTES environment. TTES may use these logs to a help troubleshoot application issues and to improve software and system performance, and otherwise in accordance with your License or Subscription Agreement. Please contact your TMT customer service representative if you have questions.


  • WE-215858

    Beginning with Version 2018.2, user activity is logged to a text file on the web server where TMT Fleet Maintenance is installed. TMT Fleet Maintenance uses NLOG Version 3.1 for logging.

    Note: The data that is logged is not collected by TMW. The logging data is privately stored on your server location or in your provisioned environment that is hosted by TMW.

    Why logging:

    The goal is to provide a better way to troubleshoot application problems.

    What are we logging:

    • Logged in user name and server name

    • Navigation: Every screen that the user goes to

    • Exception details for errors (includes stack trace)

    • Validation messages that appear on the screen. (Ex: Incorrect shop/vendor names, delete and update confirmation prompts)

    • Request and Responses for SOAP and REST services (Server API and Integration Toolkit)

      Where are the log files:

      NLog attempts to automatically configure itself on startup, by looking for the configuration files in some standard locations.

      Web Product Logs: Files will be created under the path - (AMS Install Folder)\Logs . These files log the user activity on the web product.


      Server/local machine: your server

      Path: C:\TMWWebProducts\your folder\Logs

      Name : TMTLogFile.log

      Log files will be archived under the path - (AMS Install Folder)\Logs\Archive


      Server/local machine: your server name

      Path: C:\TMWWebProducts\yourfolder\Logs\Archive

      Name: TMTLogFile#.txt

      Server API Logs: Files for ServerAPI will be created under the path - (ServerAPI Install Folder)\Logs. These files have the invocation and response details on the new rest services.


      Server/local machine: your server

      Path: C:\TMWWebProducts\yourfoldernameAPI\Logs

      Name: TMTServerApiLogFile.log

      Log files will be archived under the path - (ServerAPI Install Folder)\Logs


      Server/local machine: your server

      Path: C:\TMWWebProducts\yourfoldernameAPI\Logs\Archive

      Name: TMTServerApiLogFile#.txt

      All customers upgrading/installing 2018.2 will have the logging feature enabled by default. The installer will install the necessary components needed to start the logging process.

      The configuration settings for NLOG , are contained in the Web Config files. The Web Config file default location is the root folder where the AMS Enterprise Instance is installed.

      Refer to the NLOG section in web.config files (Web and Server API projects) to disable or enable the Logger.

    The logging feature can be disabled if you want. Please contact support for assistance to disable this feature.


Accounting: Accounting: IES Accounting

  • WE-212300

    Changed the IES Grid for the AR, AP and GL to reload data, after selecting the Get Data button. After selecting the Purge, the grid is no longer automatically reloaded.

    The Purge button is disabled unless at least one row is selected.

  • WE-215003

    Enhanced the AR, AP and GL tabs to display a progress bar while the requested data is loaded on the screen.

  • WE-216542

    Add a collapsible Grid, which is similar to Disbursement Rules.

Interactive Workstation

  • WE-212321

    Updated theme and size of buttons in Unit and Customer search pages.

  • WE-212323

    Updated Unit and Customer Searches to display results based on user’s screen resolution instead of a max of five rows.

  • WE-214169

    Updated RO View window to display Customer PO field when invoicing module is enabled.

  • WE-216175

    Changed the program to use the report set in Application Options: IWS: Reports. The report used can be set at the company and shop level. The default report will be set to IWS Repair Order Detail. This report is aware of the option to show monetary amounts on the repair order in IWS.

  • WE-216559

    • Updated Job Logon and Job Activity windows to display the Customer Name, Customer Number when invoicing module is enabled.

    • Updated the Unit Information window to display Customer Name, Customer Number, Customer PO and Bill To fields when invoicing module is enabled.

  • WE-216886

    Added the ability to enter a part manually with Track Inventory Turned Off for the shop.

  • WE-216978

    Expanded the Tire Support so that parts with a Part Type of TIRE will allow you to charge out tires to a Retail/Non-company unit in IWS when the Tire Module is Enabled. The position will be based on the component code associated with the part and not from Tire configuration for Retail/Non-Company units.

Meter Readings

  • WE-212789

    Enabled the ability to Print the Unit Meter Reading Report in Meter Readings when viewing the Meter Reading History.

Parts Reorder Point

  • WE-205355

    • The columns Stocked, Consignment, Primary Bin, Part Type and Primary Vendor are added to the grid.

    • Primary Vendor Only slider is added and will default to YES. If the slider is set to NO, then the Search Parts Vendor field is required.

    • On the Edit Parts Reorder Point Update form, the Primary Vendor, Stocked and Consignment columns are added. Make Vendor Primary slider is added and the slider defaults to NO.

Parts Workstation

  • WE-215475

    When filling a part that is serialized, you would not get the prompt to create a requisition if the option Allow For Adding Items To Requisition List was turned on, and there was not enough parts on hand to fill the requested quantity.

  • WE-217209

    Expanded the Tire Support so that parts with a part type of TIRE allows a user to charge out tires to a retail/non-company unit on the repair order when the Tire Module is enabled. The position will be based on the component code associated with the part and not from tire configuration for retail/non-company units.

Shop Planner

  • WE-214567

    Implemented the new Physical Shop Location field as a filter for all items in the drop-down list, such as PMs Due, Work Pending, and the like.

  • WE-216949

    Added Print button to Employee Time Card window and clicking on it prints the employee time card.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-214567

    Implemented the new Physical Shop Location field as a filter for all items in the drop-down list, such as PMs Due, Work Pending, and the like.

  • WE- 216949

    Added Print button to Employee Time Card window and clicking on it prints the employee time card.



  • WE-211828

    Enhanced functionality to send section comments on the return response from TMT to Omnitracs once a repair order is complete.

Motors Labor Standards Interface

  • WE-212728

    Upgraded Motors Interface to .Net 4.6.2


Physical Inventory

  • WE-208859

    Updated the report to display Shop currency in Closed Inventory Exceptions report.



  • WE-215309

    Corrected the order and styling of grid columns for the Shop Master, Vendor Master, and Customer Master on the Tax tab.

Parts Catalog

  • WE-213613

    On the Add New Part form, changed VMRS Part Selection to display results when only a Manufacturer Code is entered.


  • WE-215309

    Corrected the order and styling of grid columns for the Shop Master, Vendor Master, and Customer Master on the Tax tab.

Shop Inventory

  • WE-214915

    Added a new option called Set New Parts To Taxable under Inventory. At the shop and company level when creating new Shop Inventory records, the taxable indicator will default to the global setting based upon the shop setting first. If a shop setting does not exist, it will use the company setting.


  • WE-215309

    Corrected the order and styling of grid columns for the Shop Master, Vendor Master, and Customer Master on the Tax tab.


  • WE-212281

    Added a new tab called Taxes and a sub-tab called Tax Exempt. When a tax is added to the tax-exempt tab, that tax will be excluded from an invoice created for that unit.

  • WE-212313

    Added Section Comments column to the Work Pending grid under the PM tab.


Communication API

  • WE-214224

    Changed the GET DVIR endpoint response to include four new fields: Repair Order status, Section comments, Mechanic ID, and Mechanic name.

TMW Inspection Ticket

  • WE-214535

    Added new messages that will be displayed when the user logs in with an invalid username or password, or an employee that is not a User Type of employee.


Contract Maintenance

  • WE-215857

    Updated styling/CSS after upgrade.

  • WE-216622

    Created a new table for Cost of Capital and a new column for Cost of Capital has been added to the Rate Sheet table.


  • WE-83020

    Implemented Job Code messages on the Estimate section.

  • WE-213837

    Corrected the location of the Delete Selected button and renamed it to Delete Section(s).

  • WE-214625

    Enhanced parts entry to allow the entry of parts that do not exist in addition to parts that already exist in the shop inventory.

  • WE-214627

    Enhanced email functionality as follows:

    • The To: Address will default to the customer’s email address from the customer master. If the customer does not have an email address, it will be blank.

    • The Subject will use the following template: Estimate Number: ############ - Customer: ############ - Unit Number: ####### - Unit Description: ########

    • The name of the PDF that is created and attached to the email will be the estimate number.

  • WE-215030

    Changed the program so that if a work pending is selected on an estimate, the work pending will not be removed until the work pending section is added to an RO from the estimate.


  • WE-208861

    Updated the report to display currency of the invoice above the Invoice Total field.

  • WE-214566

    • A new column namely Printed? has been introduced in the Invoice Listing page with Options N and Y.

    • If the Invoice is open, and you print the invoice, you will get a DRAFT Invoice.

    • If the invoice is closed and printed at the time it is closed, it will print the ORIGINAL Invoice.

    • If the invoice status is CLOSED and printed, it will print a DUPLICATE Invoice.

  • WE-216589

    Enhanced the Description field to use two lines so that all text can be read easily. This applies to all line types.

  • WE-217474

    If the global option Create Sections by Job Code instead of Component Code is enabled, the invoice section header will now display the Job Code, Job Code Description and Estimated Time. The invoice detail and repair order detail reports have also been modified to properly reflect this information.

Purchase Orders

  • WE-214627

    Enhanced email functionality as follows:

    • The To: Address will default to the vendor’s email address from the vendor master. If the vendor does not have an email address, it will be blank.

    • The Subject will use the following template: PO Number: ############ - Shop Number: ############ Vendor: ########

    • The Subject will use the following template for vendor ROs: RO Number: ############ - Unit Number: ####### - Unit Description: ######## - Vendor: ######

    • The name of the PDF that is created and attached to the email will be the PO number.

  • WE-214659

    Updated Purchase Order Report to display Standard Messages.

  • WE-217229

    Freight and other Purchase Order Line Types can be edited after Receiving. This includes Freight, Misc and Tax lines.

Repair Order Templates

  • WE-213737

    Corrected overwriting of the previous section while selecting Save & Add new option.

Repair Orders

  • WE-212276

    Changed the error message format for the user when a tire part is charged to a unit.

  • WE-212958

    Corrected an issue where if a Repair Order was in canceled status, sections and lines could be added to it. Now when a repair order is canceled, sections and lines cannot be added and the section will be read-only.

  • WE-213663

    Corrected the issue with adding sections after reopening an RO.

  • WE-214464

    Implemented Tire Module Functionality for Standard Repair Order.

  • WE-214613

    Changed the Charge Category to display as Spare when a tire part is charged with a Spare position.

  • WE-214627

    Enhanced email functionality as follows:

    • The To: Address will default to the domicile shop’s email address. If the domicile shop does not have an email address, it will be blank.

    • The Subject will use the following template for standard ROs: RO Number: ############ - Unit Number: ####### - Unit Description: ########

    • The Subject will use the following template for vendor ROs: RO Number: ############ - Unit Number: ####### - Unit Description: ######## - Vendor: ######

    • The name of the PDF that is created and attached to the email will be the RO number.

  • WE-214654

    Expanded the Tire Support so that parts with a Part Type of TIRE will allow a user to charge out tires to a Retail or Non-company unit on the Repair Order. The position will be based on the component code associated with the part and not from Tire configuration.

  • WE-215006

    Changed the PMs and/or Work Pending are Available message to be a message that fades away and does not require the user to click OK.

  • WE-215475

    When charging a part that is serialized, you would not get the prompt to create a requisition if the option Allow For Adding Items To Requisition List was turned on, and there was not enough parts on hand to fill the requested quantity.

  • WE-215984

    Added grid persistence to the Job Code Assignments grids. Also changed the assignments entry so that the Employee field will no longer be required regardless of any job code related options.

  • WE-216589

    Enhanced the Description field to use two lines so that all text can be read easily. This applies to all line types.

  • WE-216741

    Implemented the new option Automatically Generate Invoice Only When Repair Is Closed. The default value will be set to No. When the option is set to No, the invoice will be generated when the Repair Order is set to Complete or Closed. When this option is set to Yes, the invoice will only be automatically generated when the Repair Order is set to Closed.

  • WE-216900

    Corrected the issue in repairs orders so that it does not allow the user to close the order if the total exceeds the customer estimate. This feature is controlled by the global setting of Require Customer Estimate On Repair Order.

  • WE-217145

    Creating an RO from a template will prompt for the Open Date/Time for users to modify. The date entered will also be used as the open date for section(s) and line(s) created from the template

  • WE-217270

    Implemented the functionality to select serialized tire parts for both RO and VRO.

  • WE-217269

    Implemented Tire Module Functionality for Vendor Repair Order.

  • WE-217487

    Implemented the functionality to Enforce Axle Type in Repair Orders.

  • WE-217522

    Corrected an issue when an RO is closed from the Invoice, it should enforce the Reason codes settings if the reason code requires entry of a user field.

  • WE-217684

    Updated the Tire Module to display only the tire positions that are selected in the grid.

  • WE-218127

    Implemented Charge Amount field in Mount Tire window to charge out vendor parts.


Contract Maintenance

  • WE-208148

    Added/Updated the below parameters to fetch the results on the report:

    • Customer Number - It is a text box and accepts Wildcard inputs

    • Unit Number - It is a text box and accepts Wildcard inputs

    • Deal Number - It is a Combo box, it will display the Deal Numbers that have Ratesheet type = Full Service Lease and Status = Active

    • Group By - It is dropdown and displays the values Customer, Domicile, Unit Type

    • Report will be generated when Multicurrency is ON as well as OFF

    • Report can be generated with layout options - Standard and Excel

    • The parameters Min. Variance and Max. Variance should be available and the formula for Diff = 'Rated' - 'Actual'.


  • WE-208201

    • CPM will be replaced with CPU, which stands for Cost Per Utilization.

    • Miles in the Header field is updated as Utilization/Util.

  • WE-208378

    Changed the Employee parameter in the report to display the employee’s status to display next to their name.


  • WE-208378

    Changed the Employee parameter in the report to display the employee’s status to display next to their name.

  • WE-211910

    Corrected the Order Inquiries_Repair Orders_Excel reports and Order Inquiries_Repair Orders report to be combined and listed as one report, Order Inquiries_Repair Orders report.

Part Inventory

  • WE-214882

    Added Usage last 6 months, Usage last 12 months, Last Cost and Currency Columns to the Part Reorder Point Analysis report.


  • WE-208201

    • CPM will be replaced with CPU, which stands for Cost Per Utilization.

    • Miles in the Header field is updated as Utilization/Util.

  • WE-209095

    Added new parameters, Meter Date (Newest First) and Meter Date (Oldest First), to sort meter date and Utilization Type to display all meter types, Meter Reading Start Date, and Meter Reading End Date based on which report can be generated.

  • WE-213021

    Added Component Include and Component Exclude parameters to the report based on which Components the user can filter to display in the results.

Value Engineering

  • WE-208201

    • CPM will be replaced with CPU, which stands for Cost Per Utilization.

    • Miles in the Header field is updated as Utilization/Util.


Page Security: Manage Page Definitions

  • WE-217123

    Angular development has been expanded to the core application, including Scheduler, Silverlight rewrite and CIS/Road Call rewrite. The framework page security currently supports just ASPX pages. After implementation of the page security menu module (as part of other stories), you should be able to use the page setup and assign pages to roles with an angular route.


Application Options

  • WE-214915

    Added a new option called Set New Parts To Taxable under Inventory. This option will be a Shop and Company level option. If set to Yes, when a new part is created in Shop Inventory, the Taxable flag will be set to Yes. If the option is No, the taxable flag will be set to No.

  • WE-216175

    Under IWS:Reports, added the option IWS Repair Order Detail Report with a default to /AMS SSRS Report Library/IWS Repair Order Detail. This sets the repair order report that will be used when printing from IWS. This is a company and shop level option.

  • WE-216741

    Under Invoicing, we added a new Company and Shop level option to allow a User to determine when an Invoice is automatically generated, depending on the Repair Order status. The new option is named: Automatically Generate Invoice Only When Repair Is Closed. The default value will be set to No. When the option is set to No, the invoice will be generated when the Repair Order is set to Complete or Closed. When this option is set to Yes, the invoice will only be automatically generated when the Repair Order is set to Closed.

Integration Options

  • WE-214478

    Changed Zonar DVIR Option named Send Mechanic to Zonar to Send Mechanic ID to Zonar to clarify the purpose of the Option.

    When this option is enabled, the Mechanic ID is included in the Repair Completed information sent back to the Zonar In-Cab Unit when the RO section is closed.

  • WE-214516

    Changed the Web Service Call so that when a Physical Meter Type is assigned to the Engine Hour Meter in the PERFORMX settings, the utilization is calculated from the difference between the new meter and the prior meter reading.

    This change does not affect any Non-Physical Meter Types assigned to the PERFORMX Engine Hour Meter.

  • WE-214583

    A new setting in the IES Integration Options (Exclude AR Invoice Type Prefix), will give you the option of including or excluding the prefix INV# for the Accounts Receivable invoice numbers.

  • WE-216647

    Updated the status codes sent to IES based on whether there are any current orders associated for the unit with the following status:

    • If a unit has an OPEN or PENDING Repair Order associated with it, the status is sent to IES as Unavailable (U).

    • If a unit has an OPEN or PENDING Plan with a Linked RO in Shop Planner, the STATUS is sent to IES as Unavailable (U).

    • If a unit has no OPEN or PENDING Repair Orders or Plans with Linked ROs or both, the STATUS will be sent to IES as Available (A).

  • WE-216984

    The new option, Get Meters, replaces ECMMeters. The Get Meters (minutes) option is defaulted to 1440 seconds and is not editable by a user, as this should only run once per day.

    The User can map the meter that the reading will be saved to in the Integration Options.

    Last run time is updated with the date/time of when the job started.

  • WE-216985

    The GetDispatchMiles Global is displayed in Integration Options and the user is allowed to map the dispatch meter that the reading will be saved to within integration options.

    IES interface will request Innovative for dispatch meters only when the option is enabled.

    Meters received back should be saved to the meter type the user has selected in the unit master for that unit.

    The last run time is updated with the Date/Time the job started.

  • WE-217496

    The global option, Send Unit Accessory Serial Number, has been added to give you the option of sending the Serial Number associated with an accessory to TMW.Suite when the Unit Accessory Sync job runs.

  • WE-217700

    • Send Unit Status changed to Send Unit Availability Status

    • Send Unit Shop Status (minutes) changed to Send Unit Availability Status (minutes)

    • Send Shop Status Last Run Time changed to Send Unit Availability Status Last Run Time

    • Get Dispatch Miles changed to Get Trailer Dispatch Miles

    • Get Dispatch Miles (minutes) changed to Get Trailer Dispatch Miles (minutes)

    • Meter Type changed to Get Trailer Dispatch Meter Type

    • Receive Dispatch Miles Last Run Time changed to Get Trailer Dispatch Miles Last Run Time

    • Get Meters changed to Get Unit Meters

    • Get Meters (minutes) changed to Get Unit Meters (minutes)

    • Meter Type changed to Get Unit Meter Type

    • Receive Meters Last Run Time changed to Get Unit Meters Last Run Time

    • Min value allowed for each of these frequencies has been changed from 1440 to 120.

Integration Tool Kit REST

  • WE-216202

    Error handling added for any missing data. Fields with a null value will return an error message in the response.

Shop Options

  • WE-214915

    Added a new option called Set New Parts To Taxable under Inventory. This option will be a Shop and Company level option. If set to Yes, when a new part is created in Shop Inventory, the Taxable flag will be set to Yes. If the option is No, the taxable flag will be set to No.

  • WE-216175

    Under IWS:Reports, added the option IWS Repair Order Detail Report with a default to /AMS SSRS Report Library/IWS Repair Order Detail. This sets the repair order report that will be used when printing from IWS. This is a company and shop level option.

  • WE-216741

    Under Invoicing, we added a new Company and Shop level option to allow a User to determine when an Invoice is automatically generated, depending on the Repair Order status. The new option is named: Automatically Generate Invoice Only When Repair Is Closed. The default value will be set to No. When the option is set to No, the invoice will be generated when the Repair Order is set to Complete or Closed. When this option is set to Yes, the invoice will only be automatically generated when the Repair Order is set to Closed.

System Setup

  • WE-207260

    Added the ability to exclude unit types for a component code. The exclusion works from the top level down so that if you exclude a unit type at the system level, it will automatically exclude the assembly and part levels for that unit type. If a component is excluded for a unit type, it will not be available for selection in any component code fields where unit type is present. The following fields will be affected:

    • Unit Master Extended Warranty

    • Unit Master PMs

    • Unit Master Specifications

    • Shop Scheduler Appointment

    • Pick List Definitions

    • RO Section

    • Estimate Section

  • WE-216420

    Added the ability to exclude Unit Types for a Component Code. The exclusion works from the top level down so that if you exclude a unit type at the system level, it will automatically exclude the assembly and part levels for that Unit Type. If a component is excluded for a Unit Type, it will not be available for selection in any Component Code fields where Unit Type is present. The following fields will be affected:

    • Unit Master Extended Warranty

    • Unit Master PMs

    • Unit Master Specifications

    • Shop Scheduler Appointment

    • Pick List Definitions

    • RO Section

    • Estimate Section

    • Parts Workstation

Repair Order Setup: Diagnostic Definitions

  • WE-213659

    Corrected diagnostics definition information is saving to the HTML field in the database.


Predictive Analytics

  • WE-215145

    Modified the Unit number to display as a hyperlink. Clicking the hyperlink for the Unit Number will open the Unit Master page in a new tab.

  • WE-215146

    Added a new column to the Predictive Analytics Dashboard named Transaction Date. This new column displays the Transaction Date and Time for the primary DTC Code displayed for the Unit.

  • WE-215148

    The Engine Value for the selected unit is now displayed in the Selected Unit Details section.

  • WE-215149

    Updated the Failure Probability column by adding the following filter options:

    • Is equal to

    • Is not equal to

    • Is greater than or equal to

    • Is greater than

    • Is less than or equal to

    • Is less than

    • Is null

    • Is not null

      The input box in the filter options will only accept numeric values and will filter all the records, which match the filter criteria.

      Sorting is based on the parent row record and does not consider the individual records under each row.

      When the Unit row is expanded to display the child records, the rows are sorted based on the Failure Probability percentage in descending order from highest to lowest.

      All column widths are sizable.

  • WE-215150

    Changed the graphs and the columns in the Predictive Analytics Dashboard to auto-adjust when the user resizes the window.

  • WE-215195

    Changed the functionality to no longer display the Units in the Predictive Analytics dashboard if the unit status is set to Inactive or Reports Only.

  • WE-215196

    When exporting Predictive Analytics data, the Excel spreadsheet now includes the Unit Number and the VIN. The data is sorted according to the Unit Number ascending and the Created Date descending.

  • WE-215198

    There is now a Reset button to reset the filtered selections. The pie chart and DTC graph are now interactive.

    If the user clicks on the red, yellow or green section of the pie chart, it will filter and display data in the grid accordingly.

    When the filters are applied to the grid, both the pie chart and DTC graph will be refreshed accordingly.

  • WE-215352

    Changed the Predictive Analytics Dashboard grid to allow the columns to be re-ordered and saved for the parent grid. A Child grid can be re-ordered but cannot be saved. This change uses the same UI standard functionality as displayed in the Repair Orders Listing grids.

  • WE-216735

    Changed the Child rows to be sorted in descending order based on Failure Probability score, highest to lowest for the Unit selected. Child rows for the selected Unit display records based on the Transaction Date of the parent row.

  • WE-216823

    Changed the Failure Probability to be normalized within the scoring routine to have a Range of Zero to One Hundred. One Hundred is the highest Failure Probability Score.

    This change coincides with the values represented in the Fleet Health Summary graph.

Resolved issues


Accounting: Accounting

  • WE-213653

    Changed the program so that when adding a detail record to a disbursement rule where a detail record has already been added, the transaction type will automatically default to the opposite of the existing detail record. For example, if a credit detail record has already been added, then the next record will default to debit.

Barcode Labels

  • WE-217571

    The Part Labels by Bin Report now displays the part description each time in uppercase letters. Also, the Print Parts within the Bin button allows for the ability to print multiple labels for each part and printing Marked Parts Only.

Interactive Workstation

  • WE-212787

    Corrected an issue when viewing Sections and Lines where comment lines would not be ordered correctly, and if the comment was long, it could wrap and not be visible. Now the comment lines are sorted correctly and the line height adjusts to properly show the complete comment line.

  • WE-213194 (IWS: Tires)

    Corrected the issue to highlight the entire field instead of only the field edges in red background when required fields do not contain a valid value.

  • WE-213483

    Corrected an issue with a Closed RO in IWS where it was allowing a user to log on to the closed section and add a new section to the closed RO.

  • WE-213729

    Corrected an issue with meter reading where mechanics were able to edit meter readings when the meter was set up as Read Only.

  • WE-214048

    Corrected the issues with the Model field where it was showing blanks and the Make field to be able to enter the value directly when creating a new Unit on the fly.

  • WE-214340

    Corrected an issue when the setting is ON to prompt for existing orders at the time of creating Repair Orders and an existing order is selected. The user would be forced to re-enter the meter reading. Now the meter reading is properly read from the existing RO.

  • WE-215294

    Corrected an issue with IWS where it was not enforcing the Max Repair Order Component Level.

  • WE-215550

    Changed the Tire Part Charge window to allow the tire being returned to inventory to be returned at 0.00 cost.

  • WE-215671

    Corrected an issue with Job code search where it required wildcards.

  • WE-215783

    Corrected an issue when adding the multiple Work Pending to the new RO where section comments do not remain the same as what they were before they were selected.

  • WE-216006

    Corrected an issue where the Charge Parts button was not disabled if the employee had the option Allow Charging of Parts from Workstation option set to No.

  • WE-216095

    Corrected an issue where units created on the fly was not displaying with a default department assigned to it.

  • WE-216632

    When searching for component codes, the Component Type will now default to Assembly. Previously it was blank.

  • WE-216680

    Corrected an issue to ensure that parts being charged out in IWS will display the Last Cost after entering the part number and then charge out the actual cost based on the Inventory method when the part charge is saved.

  • WE-217049

    Corrected an issue with the extended warranty flag on the RO section where it was clearing the flag when writing a labor line back to an RO through IWS.

  • WE-217473

    Corrected an issue with closing a PM section where it was not allowing to close when there is another PM section associated with the RO has items on order.

  • WE-218221

    Corrected an issue with charging out tires from IWS with a Unit that doesn’t have tire assignments where it was throwing an error.

Parts Bid Price Update

  • WE-213944

    Corrected double-click to open an entry on the Parts Bid Price Update page.

  • WE-213945

    Corrected an issue where Bid Date and Bid End Date would allow entry of invalid dates.

Parts Reorder Point

  • WE-213667

    Changed grids to be customizable and added sorting and filtering.

Shop Planner

  • WE-215355

    Corrected an issue where the End Date and Customer PO was not carried over from the Plan to linked Repair Order.

  • WE-216368

    Corrected an issue where the order hyperlink was hidden on the line with focus.

  • WE-216783

    Corrected an issue where the hyperlink for an indirect order is attempting to load the repair order form instead of the indirect order form.

  • WE-216962

    Enabled the ability to create a unit on the fly when creating an appointment.

  • WE-217001

    Corrected issue where user was unable to save appointment after adding a Unit on the fly.

  • WE-217657

    Corrected an issue where the RO is not linked to the plan.

  • WE-217688

    Corrected an issue where if there were no default repair class and default repair site, the Manage Form page would not load properly when creating an RO from an appointment.

  • WE-218074

    Resolved the validation error message that displayed while adding a part which is non-stocked when track inventory is OFF for the shop and the part is added to the Repair Order.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-216446

    Corrected an issue to allow the Shop Scheduler grid to display shifts that begin on one day and end the next day. For example, a shift begins at 8:00 pm and ends the next calendar day at 4:30 am.

  • WE-215355

    Corrected an issue where the End Date and Customer PO was not carried over from the Schedule to linked Repair Order.

  • WE-216783

    Corrected an issue where the hyperlink for an indirect order is attempting to load the repair order form instead of the indirect order form.

  • WE-216902

    Corrected the Calendar to persist at the future date and time when it was going back to current date and time after creating an appointment with future date.

  • WE-216962

    Enabled the ability to create a unit on the fly when creating an appointment.

  • WE-217001

    Corrected issue where user was unable to save appointment after adding a Unit on the fly.

  • WE-217657

    Corrected an issue where the RO is not linked to the plan.

  • WE-217688

    Corrected an issue where if there were no default repair class and default repair site, the Manage Form page would not load properly when creating an RO from an appointment.

  • WE-218074

    Resolved the validation error message that displayed while adding a part which is non-stocked when track inventory is OFF for the shop and the part is added to the Repair Order.


  • WE-218004

    Corrected an issue where placing a tire back to inventory crediting another tire from Tire Review was not assigning the serial number of the original tire to the credit tire.

  • WE-218188

    Corrected an issue in tire review where moving records to inventory shows up SP error.



  • WE-216543

    NLog documentation provides specific instructions for performance tuning. These instructions have been applied to our web.configs for the main Web Application as well as the AMSServerAPI application to improve performance of NLog under load. These are now the configuration settings that we will install by default. No configuration is needed by local administrators. However, these targets might be modified in the web.configs if specific data retention policies are needed.


  • WE-213646

    The static release database for a new installation and new customer will be updated to the current ATA Code data from the ATA updater so that new customers will no longer need to manually run the ATA updater as a part of the initial database setup.

Component Search

  • WE-211354

    Added the ability to sort columns in Component search window.

Report Viewer

  • WE-214911

    Changed the To field to allow multiple email addresses when emailing a report.


Dynamics GP default settings

  • WE-217357

    Corrected issue where intercompany accounts were not always passed correctly on negative transactions using an environment setup with account structures.

McLeod Interface

  • WE-212789

    Corrected an issue where the McLeod batch mode was not creating the XML files correctly.

Navistar eCommerce - Purchasing

  • WE-217511

    The Navistar Integration Option node name has been changed from Navistar Parts Ordering to Navistar eCommerce - Purchasing.


  • WE-211971

    Implemented a new error message to prevent a user from making a TChek Mastercard request if they do not have a valid name associated with their User Profile. If the user did not have a valid name associated with their User Profile, the card was not properly saved to the database.

  • WE-212630

    Updated the integration to send the PO number field from TMT to EFS upon virtual card creation.

  • WE-212854

    Updated integration to return the full express check number in 3 segments (Account Number + Express Code Number + Amount Code).


  • WE-217618

    Corrected an issue where the repair order promised date was not getting sent to TMW.Suite.


Parts Transfer

  • WE-217542

    Corrected an issue in parts transfer to display the default inventory account when creating a shop inventory local part based on the below condition.

    • Display default inventory account from Shop Options if it is assigned for the shop

    • Display default inventory account from Application Options if it is not assigned for the shop

    • Display default inventory account from parts catalog if it is not assigned in the Shop Options or Application Options.

  • WE-217260

    Fixed performance issues with Parts Transfer page.

Physical Inventory

  • WE-213678

    Corrected the Physical Inventory count to correctly sort by bin location if sort by bin was selected.

  • WE-217770

    Modified the sorting of records in the Counts tab to match the Count Sheet Report.

Requisition List

  • WE-216046

    Implemented paging for Manual and Automatic Requisition grids to improve performance.

  • WE-218174

    Removed paging of result set so that multi-selection of records works correctly. Also, improved the performance of the non-paged result set.



  • WE-213650

    Corrected the mouse focus to default to the Company Name field when adding a new company in blank database.

  • WE-213651

    Corrected an issue to ensure when adding a new accounting year, the Year Starts On field will default to the first day of the month instead of the current day of the month.

  • WE-213652

    Corrected an issue in accounting year to display the start and end dates with proper dates based on the period.

Parts Catalog

  • WE-212231

    Implemented to set vendor inactive if the vendor exists on soft deleted parts.

Shop Inventory

  • WE-212231

    Implemented to set vendor inactive if the vendor exists on soft deleted parts.

  • WE-214419

    Corrected an issue in Shop inventory, where Average Cost and Last Cost will be enabled when Track Inventory of Shop is set to No.

  • WE-216793

    Sales Tax is no longer included in the Average Cost calculation when the Tax Rate is set to Include = N.


  • WE-215898

    Added advanced search for customer field to the Add New Non-Company Unit form.

Units: PM: PM Due

  • WE-217850

    Corrected the PM Due report to display all the meters available for the corresponding PM based on the greater Due percent.


  • WE-212231

    Implemented to set vendor inactive if the vendor exists on soft deleted parts.

  • WE-212233

    Changed the Vendor Master to check for open Purchase Orders when setting a Vendor to Inactive.

  • WE-213412

    Renaming a Vendor will now return an error if there are non-exported accounting transactions.



  • WE-214898

    Corrected the app to load multiple pages in increments to prevent the app from crashing for large inventory count lists. This results in the rendering of the parts list for large data sets to speed up the app.



  • WE-214196

    Corrected an issue where you could not tab from the quantity field when entering parts on an estimate.

  • WE-216781

    Resolved wildcard search issue in the field, Customer Name, in the Customer Search window to retrieve the desired results.

Indirect Charges

  • WE-213813

    Corrected an issue where indirect charges created from directly expensing supplies from purchase orders was not creating accounting transactions.

Inspection Tickets

  • WE-217404

    Corrected an issue where inspection tickets created today were not displaying when the date search was set to Today.


  • WE-215353

    Renamed the Audit tab to History tab to be consistent across the product.

  • WE-216319

    Corrected an issue where the Tax/Discount/Fee line calculations were not updated correctly when doing a re-bill where the unit number was changed to a unit with tax exemptions.

  • WE-216511

    Corrected an issue that prevented a user from deleting part lines from Invoices where the related Repair Order had not yet been exported.

  • WE-216562

    Corrected issue so that when re-assigning a customer on a re-billed invoice, the validation of customer and unit occurs correctly.

  • WE-217510

    Corrected reason code in the Invoice section to display values based on the codes selected in System Setup.

  • WE-218162

    Corrected issue where invoices could not be closed when using a non-serialized part that requires a position.

Purchase Orders

  • WE-210230

    Corrected an issue where a purchase order in a Pending status would get stuck in the approval process when raising or lowering the price of the purchase order.

  • WE-210362

    Corrected an issue where the audit trail records were not recording the user as the user logged in but was using the connection screen user.

  • WE-212347

    Corrected the Add Local Shop Inventory Part on the fly pop-up window to show Default Inventory Account automatically.

  • WE-212775

    Added a service line total to the Receive PO window.

  • WE-214211

    Corrected an issue where the RO Search screen was displaying after manually entering an RO number and section. Now you must click the advanced search button for the RO search to display.

  • WE-214442

    Corrected an issue where if a part was associated with a repair order and section, you could not remove that association so the part could be received directly to inventory instead of to the RO.

  • WE-215505

    Implemented the variance field on lines that have had their price edited after it was received.

  • WE-216034

    Changed Promise By date to allow future dates if Allow Future Dates is off.

  • WE-216630

    The option Require Invoice Amount To Match PO Receipt Total now works when closing Receipt 1 after back ordering a part line in the PO Receive window.

  • WE-216877

    Changed the Purchase Order Report to print Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number from the Vendors tab of Shop Inventory when the Purchase Order is created with that Vendor. If values are not found for the vendor, the manufacturer and manufacturer part number from the Shop Inventory Definition tab will be used.

  • WE-217423

    Corrected an issue in which tax could not be changed on a received receipt.

  • WE-217437

    Corrected a UI scroll bar issue in service line when charge category count exceeds.

  • WE-217493

    If a user attempts to go to either Purchase Order or Purchase Orders Listing (PurchaseCreate.aspx, Purchase.aspx) without being logged in first or if AMS re-prompts the user to login while on one of these screens, AMS will successfully log in to the purchase screens.

  • WE-217542

    Corrected an issue in purchase orders to display the default inventory account when creating a shop inventory local part based on the following conditions.

    • Display default inventory account from Shop Options if it is assigned for the shop

    • Display default inventory account from Application Options if it is not assigned for the shop

    • Display default inventory account from parts catalog if it is not assigned in the Shop Options or Application Options.

  • WE-218064

    Corrected an issue where you were able to save to a part line that did not exist in Shop Inventory.

Repair Orders

  • WE-210798

    Changed the Repair Order Status field to be disabled when set to a Canceled status.

  • WE-211350

    Added the Customer PO# column to the search grid.

  • WE-213419

    Changed the service line so that if a charge category is selected, the description will automatically be populated. If a description has been typed into the field, selecting the charge category will not change the description.

  • WE-213574

    Implemented the ability to use the Quick Search for the Make field using Make Code and Description.

  • WE-213816

    Fixed the issue on page re-directing to incorrect URL from the Repair Order Listing page.

  • WE-213916

    Fixed search control buttons to be displayed for customer and shop in the Unit Advance search control window.

  • WE-214034

    If the Invoice module is turned off, the customer field will no longer be visible on the Repair Order Detail.

  • WE-214281

    Corrected an issue with sticky notes where each time Save was pressed, they would re-display.

  • WE-214852

    Corrected an issue where adding a single image to an RO would create a duplicate of the image.

  • WE-215289

    Corrected the program so that it does not allow negative values for estimated time.

  • WE-215320

    Corrected the section Audit tab to display section status changes.

  • WE-215322

    Corrected an issue where the task search was displaying the same record multiple times.

  • WE-216034

    Changed Promise By date to allow future dates if Allow Future Dates is off.

  • WE-216042

    Corrected an issue in displaying employees based on the shop and the Job code to match the component code when a user assigns an employee in the Repair Orders Listing page.

  • WE-216116

    Corrected Section so that users can tab from the Job Code field to the Description field, and then tab out of the Description field.

  • WE-216366

    Fixed an issue where an invalid mechanic was not being cleared out of the Mechanic field if the user enters invalid input.

  • WE-216401

    Corrected an issue where the vendor field was not wrapping correctly on a vendor labor line on a vendor repair order.

  • WE-216455

    Corrected an issue where the images column was not displaying a Y when there were images attached to the Repair Order.

  • WE-216606

    Corrected the aftermarket warranty light so that if the part is under aftermarket warranty, the light will not change from green to red when the RO is saved.

  • WE-216627

    Renamed the following columns:

    • Cost Center Code is now Unit Cost Center'

    • Order Id is now Order ID

    • OrderType is now Order Type

    • Ref Order Id is now Ref Order ID'

    • Unit Id is now Unit ID

    • WarrantyCredit is now Warranty Credit

    The following columns have been added:

    • Activity

    • Approved Amt

    • Color

    • Customer ID

    • Unit Department

    • Unit Division

    • Domicile

    • Make

    • Model

    • Model Year

    • Needs Approval

    • Repair Limit

    • Section Status

    • IWS Active

    • Unit Type

    • Unit Status

    • Customer Name

  • WE-216853

    Corrected an issue where charge category was not marked with an asterisk indicating that it is required.

  • WE-216864

    Corrected an issue where if the option Include Sales Tax on Orders Only was checked, sales tax was not properly calculated when a part was charged on an RO.

  • WE-216893

    Editing a section on a repair order that includes a line item associated to a purchase order will no longer throw an error when trying to save the section.

  • WE-217136

    When a Read Only autoload meter is required on a repair order and the repair order is backdated, the meter field will now autoload the meter for the date the repair order is backdated to.

  • WE-217318

    Corrected an issue where images would duplicate on Repair Orders.

  • WE-217390

    Correct an issue where setting a Repair Order status to Complete would generate an error message.

  • WE-217515

    Corrected an issue where a job code would display twice in the job code search.

  • WE-217614

    Corrected an issue where loading an existing repair order from the listing page would redirect to the repair order create page.

  • WE-217786

    Corrected the Paygrade, Start time and End time to display correct values in the Add/Edit/View Line window.

  • WE-218074

    Resolved the validation error message that displayed while adding a part which is non-stocked when track inventory is OFF for the shop and the part is added to the Repair Order.



  • WE-214401

    • Corrected the system to display zero values for EST Time, SRT Time, FLAT Rate in the report.

    • The term Flat Time has been changed to Flat Rate for the parameter Use Field.

    • The formula for the field Difference has been modified from Actual - Use Field to Use Field - Actual.

Inventory Count

  • WE-217770

    Corrected the issue of missing part record in the Counts Sheet Report and modified the sorting to print as per the Inventory table.

Part Inventory

  • WE-214968

    Changed the Part Inventory Listing report to use the current accounting method that is defined in the Application Options (LIFO/FIFO or Avg Cost).

  • WE-218071

    Added the following listed columns to the Part Reorder Point Analysis report to match the columns available in Parts Reorder Point page.

    • MFG Code

    • Vendor

    • Stocked

    • Consignment

    • Part Type

    • Primary Bin

    • Last 6 Month Usage

    • Last 12 Month Usage

    • Last Cost

    • Currency


  • WE-207664

    Changed Unit and Customer parameters to wild-card text boxes.

  • WE-207665

    Changed Unit and Customer parameters to wild-card text boxes.

  • WE-205906

    Corrected the calculation for total amount to display the correct value in the Cost Per RO column.

  • WE-217820

    Changed the report to no longer require running a job to retrieve PM data.

  • WE-217850

    Corrected issue where units were showing up on the PMs Due tab below the desired PM due percentage setup in the global or Shop Options.


  • WE-216877

    Changed the Purchase Order Report to print Manufacturer and Manufacturer Part Number from the Vendors tab of Shop Inventory when the Purchase Order is created with that Vendor. If values are not found for the vendor, the manufacturer and manufacturer part number from the Shop Inventory Definition tab will be used.


Application Options

  • WE-213183

    If the Tire Module is disabled, the Tire Config and Tire Review buttons on the Landing Page are disabled and hidden.

    If the Tire Module is disabled, the global option Treat Tires as Serialized Parts is disabled and hidden.

Integration Tool Kit REST

  • WE-214736

    • When the Generic Mobilecomm license is enabled, the Mobile Communications and System APIs are now displayed and accessible.

    • Integration/DRCMemo API is no longer displayed

Integration Options

  • WE-215900

    • Changed the TMW.Suite options to allow blank values in the drop-down fields. The new default displayed is --NONE SELECTED-- until the user adds a new value.

    • Tractor and Trailer Unit types are now populated from Unit Type codes in System Setup.

  • WE-217511

    The Navistar Integration Option node name has been changed from Navistar Parts Ordering to Navistar eCommerce - Purchasing.

Integration Options: PeopleNet Basic Info: FAULTCODE

  • WE-211550

    When Use Domicile is set to YES, Shop ID is blanked out and disabled.

Re-Open Order

  • WE-213662

    Resolved the issue to autofill zeros in for Order Numbers when Auto Zero-Fill Order Numbers is enabled.


Predictive Analytics

  • WE-217361

    New RESET button added to the left of the Grid header that allows the user to reset the grid column layout as well as all the filters. The existing Reset Filter button was renamed to Reset Data.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.



  • WE-217474

    If the global option Create Sections by Job Code instead of Component Code is enabled, the invoice section header will now display the Job Code, Job Code Description and Estimated Time. The invoice detail and repair order detail reports have also been modified to properly reflect this information.

Resolved issues


Interactive Workstation

  • WE-216391

    Corrected an issue that allowed duplicate serial numbers on serial parts.

Shop Planner

  • WE-216436

    Corrected an issue where creating a repair order from an inspection ticket was incorrectly pulling the meter from the inspection ticket. Now the repair order will require entry of a meter reading unless the meter has autoload set.


Physical Inventory

  • WE-216391

    Corrected an issue that allowed duplicate serial numbers on serial parts.


Parts Catalog

  • WE-216444

    Corrected an issue when a part was created in a shop from the parts catalog, it was not using the default inventory account of the shop or company option.


  • WE-217628

    Corrected an issue in unit master to hide the override option by setting the unit dispatch status global to No in a default state.



  • WE-216407

    Corrected an issue where entering a labor line on the estimate was causing an error.

Indirect Charges

  • WE-217404

    Corrected an issue where indirect charges created from directly expensing supplies from purchase orders was not creating accounting transactions.


  • WE-216406

    Corrected an issue where you could not charge zero dollars for all line types.

  • WE-216430

    Corrected an issue where tax lines created on the invoice were marked as vendor lines. They are now marked as non-vendor lines.

  • WE-217572

    Corrected issue when using option Sum Labor By Task Time where Job Codes with task times were not generating labor lines with values on the invoice.

Purchase Orders

  • WE-216391

    Corrected an issue that allowed duplicate serial numbers on serial parts.

  • WE-216434

    Corrected the logic for the job code search in repair orders. It should not show inactive codes and the job code search should not filter for shop if no shop filter is enabled in job code assignments.

  • WE-216445

    Corrected an issue where the tax line edited on a Received PO would not calculate correctly for the extended total.

  • WE-216739

    Corrected an issue where taxes set to not include in inventory were being included when the PO was received.

  • WE-217423

    Corrected an issue where tax could not be changed on a received receipt.

Repair Orders

  • WE-216500

    Corrected an issue where the TMW.Suite interface was not creating expiration records when a repair section was created.

  • WE-217136

    When a Read Only autoload meter is required on a Repair Order and the Repair Order is backdated, the meter field will now autoload the meter for the date the RO is backdated to.

  • WE-217318

    Corrected an issue where images would duplicate on Repair Orders.

  • WE-217390

    Correct an issue where setting a Repair Order status to Complete would generate an error message.

  • WE-217550

    Corrected an issue with Units on the fly drop-down fields to display values only where activecode = Y.


Options: Integration Options

  • WE-217408

    The new global setting (Use RO Promise Date) enables you to either set a Default Max Promise Date or use the Promise date field on the repair order page. This replaces the previous global for Estimate Days in Shop.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Shop Planner

  • WE- 216706

    Implemented color-coding scheme in the web as follows:

    • Red

      If the Shop Floor Module is installed and an employee is logged onto the repair order associated with the plan, that plan will appear with a red highlight.

    • Blue

      The Repair Order (RO) associated with the plan is open, but all the sections are closed or there are no sections.


Repair Orders

  • WE-216918

    Job Code and its description will now display in the Repair order section header based on the global Create section by Job Code instead of Component Code. If the global option is turned off, the component and its description will display in the header. If it is turned on, then the Jobcode and its description will be displayed in the header. Also, if there are no job codes on the section, then the section title will be displayed as [Section Num]: NO JOB CODE [Section Status].

Repair Orders Listing

  • WE- 216614

    Implemented color-coding based on the following conditions.

    • Blue

      If the Repair Order (RO) is open, but all sections are closed or there are no sections.

    • Green

      When there is a customer-assigned Repair order with no invoice, a complete or closed status, and there is one billable section, then the order will have a green light.

    • Red

      If the Shop floor module is enabled and an employee is logged on to the Repair order, then the order will be highlighted in red.

    • Orange

      If RO approval global is turned on and the order line total is greater than the approval amount, then the order will be highlighted in orange.


Barcode Reports

  • WE-217095

    Enhanced all barcode reports to print the description properly without cutting off text or wrapping text.

Resolved issues


Interactive Workstation

  • WE-216078

    Corrected an issue in Component Search to display codes based on the selected component type.

  • WE-217093

    Corrected the Add section screen view in IWS, when the global option Create Sections by Job Code instead of Component Code is turned On.

  • WE-216391

    Corrected an issue that allowed duplicate serial numbers on serial parts.

  • WE-216436

    Corrected an issue where creating a repair order from an inspection ticket was incorrectly pulling the meter from the inspection ticket. Now the repair order will require entry of a meter reading unless the meter has autoload set.

  • WE-216928

    Corrected an issue where the bay configuration would not load properly when switching between the day and week view when over 30 simultaneous users are connected to shop scheduler.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-216928

    Corrected issue where the bay configuration would not load properly when switching between the day and week view when more than 30 simultaneous users are connected to shop scheduler.

  • WE-217138

    Corrected issue where the bay configuration would not load properly when switching between the day and week view when more than 30 simultaneous users are connected to shop scheduler.


Physical Inventory

  • WE-216391

    Corrected an issue that allowed duplicate serial numbers on serial parts



  • WE- 217256

    Corrected an issue with closing the Accounting Year period in which the process was getting deadlocked.

Parts Catalog

  • WE-217092

    Corrected the flag for serialized tires to remain Y and not reset to N.

Shop Inventory

  • WE-217169

    Corrected an issue when bringing a part into the shop inventory was not using the default inventory account.



  • WE-216407

    Corrected an issue where entering a labor line on the estimate was causing an error.


  • WE-216039

    Corrected an issue to ensure the error message Vendor Invoice must match PO would not display when closing a Vendor repair order from an invoice and the Vendor invoice and Purchase Order (PO) amounts matched.

  • WE-216406

    Corrected an issue where you could not charge zero dollars for all line types.

  • WE-216430

    Corrected an issue where tax lines created on the invoice were marked as vendor lines. They are now marked as non-vendor lines.

  • WE-216954

    Corrected an issue where an invoice with more than 100 lines was not viewable.

  • WE-216974

    Corrected an issue where records using SQL2008R2 were not returned.

Purchase Order

  • WE-216301

    Corrected the PO to allow closing if the PO amount and invoice amount match.

  • WE-216391

    Corrected an issue that allowed duplicate serial numbers on serial parts.

  • WE-216445

    Corrected an issue where the tax line edited on a Received PO would not calculate correctly for the extended total.

  • WE-216434

    Corrected the logic for the job code search in repair orders. It should not show inactive codes and the job code search should not filter for shop if no shop filter is enabled in job code assignments.

  • WE-216739

    Corrected an issue where taxes set to not include in inventory were being included when the PO was received.

  • WE-216913

    Corrected an issue that would produce an exception error when adding some part lines.

  • WE-216955

    Corrected an issue where a connection issue would arise when adding a new line to a Purchase Order (PO) with over 25 line items.

  • WE-217265

    Parts received on Credit Purchase orders now post to Inventory correctly.


  • WE-217020

    Changed the program to allow entry of as many decimals as needed for the unit price. The UI will display the value entered based on the number of decimals set for the currency Unit of Measure (UOM).

Purchase Orders

  • WE-217140

    User should be able to close the PO when the first receipt of the order is closed.

Repair Order

  • WE-216039

    Corrected an issue to ensure the error message Vendor Invoice must match PO would not display when closing a Vendor repair order from an invoice and the Vendor invoice and Purchase Order (PO) amounts matched.

  • WE-216500

    Corrected an issue where the TMW.Suite interface was not creating expiration records when a repair section was created.

  • WE-216885

    Corrected an issue where each meter due would display for the independent Preventive Maintenance (PM) and not the highest meter due.

  • WE-216965

    Corrected an issue where when completing an RO and generating an invoice, a decimal error would be issued.


  • WE-216125

    Correct an issue where the complaint code was not limited to what is defined by the component code setup.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Interactive Workstation

  • WE-214465

    Enhanced IWS to be aware of the Customer Limit Override option. If a repair order has a customer limit override set, IWS will allow adding lines to the repair order without any error messages.


Repair Orders

  • WE-214465

    When the option to override customer limit is enabled, clicking the Override Customer Limit button allows the user to override customer limit by entering their username, PIN, and reason for override. Once an override is set for a repair order, the customer’s limit will no longer be checked when adding lines to the order.


Application Options: Invoicing

  • WE-214465

    Added the option Allow User To Override Customer Credit Limit that allows the user to override customer limit for a repair order. If set to YES, a button will appear on OPEN repair orders with customers that will prompt for a user ID, PIN, and reason for the override. Once an override is set, the invoice limit and customer credit limit will not be checked for that repair order.

    Requirements for use:

    • Reasons for Customer Limit Override will need to be created in system setup.

    • Users will need to have PIN codes assigned in User Options.

User Options: Invoicing

  • WE-214465

    Added the option Credit Limit Override PIN Code. The PIN entered here will be used to override the invoice/credit limit for a customer for a specific repair order.

System Setup


  • WE-214465

    Added the new System Code called Reason for customer limit override. If the option Allow User to Override Customer Credit Limit is turned on, reasons for override will need to be created as this is a required field to override the credit limit on a repair order.

Resolved issues


Shop Inventory

  • WE-211558

    Corrected the RESIDUOM to show up shop currency when multi-currency is turned ON.


Repair Orders

  • WE-216060

    Corrected an issue where when a repair order was created from an estimate, the Customer Estimate field on the repair order was not getting updated.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Interactive Workstation

  • WE-214612

    Added capability to charge from inventory while assigning tire to SPARE position.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-214200

    Added the button Create RO From Template on the Shop Scheduler page. Added the feature to Use RO Template when linked to a repair order within an appointment created.

  • WE-215053

    Added a button to the Description field in the Add/Edit Appointment window. On clicking the button the Appointment Description window will appear to display the full description.

Parts Workstation

  • WE-214520

    Implemented Track Serial Numbers for Serialized Part and Treat Tire As Serialized Parts global functionality in the Parts Workstation.



  • WE-215316

    Changed the Decisiv AMSImport to remove trailing zeros in the Component Code when the Component Code is not valid in the ATA Component Code list. Conditionally remove zeros from incoming Component Codes using new logic added to the AMS Importer to transform and validate:

    1. Apply Override/default/xref to Component Code.

    2. Check if the Component Code exists.

      If not, remove trailing zeros. If it exists, pass validation and use the Component Code.

    3. Check again if Component Code exists.

      If still not valid, fail validation. If it exists, pass validation and use the Component Code.



  • WE-214830

    Corrected the Search, Sort, Filter, and Shop restriction functionalities on the Estimates Listing page. Added Is Blank and Is Not Blank filter criteria in all the columns available on the Estimate listing page.

Inspection Tickets

  • WE-214831

    Added Is Blank and Is Not Blank filter criteria in all the columns available on the Inspection Tickets listing page.


  • WE-214828

    Added Is Blank and Is Not Blank filter criteria in all the columns available on the Invoices Listing page.


  • WE-215563

    Corrected an issue where the time written to the database should be the local time, not the server time for open date, complete date, closed date and any date that can have manual entry.


  • WE-214611

    Date charged on a repair order (section, line items) must fall between the open date and closed date of the repair order. If there are dates greater than the closed date and time entered, they will change to the closed date and time entered automatically. This change does not apply to labor lines with start/end times. If the end date of the labor line falls outside the close date, an error message will display.

Repair Orders Listing

  • WE-214832

    Added the ability to filter RO Template Listing window columns by Blanks and Non-Blanks.

  • WE-207857

    Added the ability to filter repair order results columns for Blanks and Non-Blanks.

Purchase Orders Listing

  • WE-214829

    Added Is Blank and Is Not Blank filter criteria in all the columns available on the Purchase Order Listing page

  • WE-214058

    Added the Change Vendor button that will allow the vendor to be changed if the purchase order is type Standard and there have been no receipts made.


Contract Maintenance: Approval Security

  • WE-214762

    Modifications were made to the Approval Security window to display a toast message Saved every time the page is saved.


Application Options

  • WE-214845

    Moved the Enforce Shop Restriction global option to the Client Server: General section.

  • WE-215563

    Corrected an issue where the time written to the database should be the local time, not the server time for open date, complete date, closed date and any date that can have manual entry.

Integration Options

  • WE-215079

    Changed the Decisiv Integration to ignore the last six digits of Component Codes that end in zero. If the Component Code sent by Decisiv is 013-000-000, the RO section will be created with Component Code 013. If the Component Code sent by Decisiv is 013-001-000, the RO section will be created with Component Code 013-001.

  • WE-215022

    Changed the Navistar eCommerce Purchasing Integration to send purchase orders with a type of Standard. Navistar does not accept part quantities with a negative value, (Credits), therefore the Integration is not allowed to send a TMT Credit PO.

Resolved issues



  • WE-214738

    Corrected the Fixed Value error received when saving a fixed value that was greater than the segment length in terms of number of characters. Changed the text box sizing for fixed value, length, and default. Changed the location of where the fixed value text box displays.

Accounting: Accounting Export Transactions

  • WE-214848

    Corrected an issue where the export and export preview were returning no transactions, even when transactions were available to export.

Interactive Workstation

  • WE-214267

    Corrected an issue where the section number in the Interactive Workstation and the repair order where not always in sync.

  • WE-214635

    Corrected an issue with section status to ensure the section status is changed to Open after selecting a previously completed section and clocking in to the section to perform additional repairs.

  • WE-215330

    Corrected an issue where the billable flag was not correctly set to Y on a PM section.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-214203

    Corrected an issue when creating an RO from an appointment the component code on the appointment would default for each section created on the RO. Now only defaults for the first section.

  • WE-214377

    Corrected an issue when creating a RO from an appointment, the first section was not defaulting the appointments description in the section’s Comments field. Now the appointment’s description will default as the Comments field for the first section created on the RO.

  • WE-215048

    Corrected an issue where the Customer Estimate field was not getting saved.

  • WE-213814

    Corrected an issue where the section was not created from component code on an appointment.

  • WE-214268

    Corrected an issue to prevent the price table from being cleared when tabbing from the Customer Estimate field upon save.


Reports: Repair Order & Repair Order Details

  • WE-212793

    Changed the Repair Order & Repair Order Detail Reports from displaying sensitive RO details regarding labor hours and labor charges.


Parts Catalog

  • WE-214912

    Corrected an issue in the Parts Catalog where using the Data Navigation buttons to select a part and then pushing that part to a shop would write the wrong part information on the record created in the shop.

Shop Inventory

  • WE-214427

    Corrected an issue where the Manufacturer field was not editable on local parts. Note that if the option to allow duplicate parts is turned on, this field will be disabled for local parts.


  • WE-214138

    Corrected an issue where the Number field on the Licenses tab was being cloned when cloning a unit. The Number field should be cleared when cloned.

  • WE-215191

    Corrected an issue where the meter reading for a meter type that does not have a reading on the last done date was not saving the meter reading.

  • WE-215005

    Corrected an issue with PM schedule where it was not updating past or future date upon edit.

  • WE-212091

    Corrected an issue where the Cancel button was disabled on the Add New Unit window and could not be clicked.

Vendors: Taxes

  • WE-214739

    Corrected an issue where the Flat Tax field is showing a value if the flat value is empty in Tax Rates and Fees setup.



  • WE-212943

    Corrected PM’s included in an estimate order to only update the PM after the estimate is approved and transferred to a repair order.

Indirect Charges

  • WE-214893

    Enhanced the part charge to prompt to create a requisition if the option Allow For Adding Items To Requisition List is set to YES and the amount entered for the part is greater than the amount on hand.

Repair Order Listing

  • WE-215530

    Corrected an issue where the option Allow Non-Vendor Services Lines option was not being enforced correctly when the option was set to NO.

Orders: Invoices


  • WE-214275

    Corrected an issue to ensure the error message Vendor Invoice must match PO is only displayed when closing a Vendor repair order from an invoice and the Vendor Invoice and PO amounts do not match.

  • WE-215538

    Added the Delete button to delete a bad payment record under payments.

  • WE-215688

    Corrections have been made to display the default payment method at the time of invoice creation.

  • WE-214277

    Corrected an issue where the tax-exempt flag for a customer was not being enforced on the invoice.

  • WE-214415

    Corrected an issue when a labor line is deleted from an open invoice, it should not delete a part line from the completed RO.

  • WE-215324

    For Direct Sale invoices, enhanced the part change to prompt to create a requisition if the option Allow For Adding Items To Requisition List is set to YES and the amount entered for the part is greater than the amount on hand.

  • WE-214283

    Corrected an issue where a labor line could not be added to an open invoice.

  • WE-214417

    Corrected an issue where the user can now edit the Part line Price field on an open invoice.

  • WE-214399

    Corrected an issue where if a shop did not have the enforce customer estimate option turned on, but the company global was on, an error was issued closing the invoice in that shop.

Orders: Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

  • WE-211165

    Corrected an issue in credit purchase orders to display the error message as Cannot return more than inventory on hand when return quantity is greater than on hand quantity and the part is used in different PO’s within same shop.

  • WE-215428

    Corrected an issue where the payment method from the Vendor master would not populate on the purchase order.

  • WE-214821

    Changed the Purchase Order Directly Receive option to display in Disabled Mode when opening an existing purchase order.

Orders: Repair Orders

Repair Orders

  • WE-214267

    Corrected an issue where the section number in the Interactive Workstation and the repair order where not always in sync.

  • WE-215365

    Corrected an issue where the wrong price table was being selected when the price table should be based on repair site.

  • WE-210340

    Changed when crediting a part on a RO to look for the charge amount that was used for the same part previously on the same RO. If the part does not exist on the RO already when crediting the part, it will use the current last cost of the part.

  • WE-214275

    Corrected an issue to ensure the error message Vendor Invoice must match PO is only displayed when closing a Vendor repair order from an invoice and the Vendor Invoice and PO amounts do not match.

  • WE-214415

    Corrected an issue when a labor line is deleted from an open invoice, it should not delete a part line from the completed RO.

  • WE-214045

    Corrected the issue of displaying duplicate rows on the Repair Orders Listing page.

  • WE-214264

    Corrected the issue with repair orders from showing duplicate sections.

  • WE-215118

    Corrected an issue where the PO Number field on a part line was enabled when it should have been disabled.

  • WE-215049

    Corrected an issue where adding, deleting, then adding an assignment would issue an error that the employee already exists on an assignment error.

  • WE-214416

    Corrected an issue where Non-PM Component Code on an Open section is now editable.

  • WE-214877

    Corrected an issue where if a Job Code message was added to a section it would overwrite instead of append to the existing comments.

  • WE-214105

    Corrected an issue where the default repair site for Vendor repair orders were not defaulting correctly when creating a new repair order.


Tax Rates and Fees: Tax Codes

  • WE-214739

    Corrected an issue where the Flat Tax field is showing a value if the flat value is empty in Tax Rates and Fees setup.


This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Accounting: Accounting

  • WE-206943

Added the functionality for creating and modifying account lookups when using Accounting Structures.

  • WE-213123

    Changed the program so that when creating new accounts, account type will not be autofilled based on the account number and the field will be editable to select the appropriate account type.

Accounting: Dynamics GP

  • WE-210475

    Order Type and Order SubType columns have been added to the Grid for GL Errors. It is now possible to select multiple divisions from the TMT Division Code menu.

Interactive Workstation

  • WE-213205

    Implemented the sub-option Required to Close RO for required reason for repair user defined fields. If the sub-option is YES, the UDF description will contain (required for close). When the RO is Closed, if a UDF value has not been provided, an error will be issued that the value is required.

  • WE-209543

    Implemented to allow items to be moved to Pending Orders when the option Allow items to be moved to pending orders is enabled.

  • WE-213642

    In Tire Data, updated Tire ON for Spare position and Tire OFF for other positions to allow pressure value Zero (0).

Meter Readings

  • WE-209558

    A Print button has been added to the Odometer Readings window in the Meter Readings entry section.

Shop Planner

  • WE-212473

    New Option Service Appointments added in Shop Planner/Shop Scheduler to filter out records which do not have BayID or Linked Repair order. Plan/appointment can be created towards the service appointments by drag and dropping the filtered records.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-212473

    New Option Service Appointments added in Shop Planner/Shop Scheduler to filter out records which do not have BayID or Linked Repair order. Plan/appointment can be created towards the service appointments by drag and dropping the filtered records.

AMS Importer

AMS Importer for Decisiv

  • WE-213918

    Importer will now exclude INTEGRATION_MESSAGE rows with a null/empty MessageXML column. Changed the Integration audit message to read Input source folder C:\xzy123\ does not exist. The Importer will exit gracefully if the file path does not exist. The Importer will not attempt to reprocess an order that has been flagged with errors. The PO number will be retrieved from the Vendor Repair Order number in the database when passing to the POST RO. If the shop ID has no DEFAULT or OVERRIDE set in Integration Options, an audit entry will be made similar to Validation for key SHOPID with value = [] failed.


  • WE-213610

    Updated the AMS Importer to read Decisive Files from an FTP Location.


Unit Advanced Search

  • WE-211615

    Implemented Unit Accessories, Drivers and User Field search functionality in advance search control.

ATA Code Updater

AMS Importer for Decisiv

  • WE-213210

    Normally when the ATA provides an updated list of ATA Codes, the ATA Code Updater will replace the existing set of ATA with the new list.

    1. Changed the ATA Code Update process to ensure any ATA Codes modified by a user are not changed when the ATA Code Updater runs.

    2. PM Codes (any code beginning with 000) will not be updated or changed.

    3. The status for inactive codes will be updated or added when the ATA provides a change of status.

    4. The ATA Code Updater will no longer update any description that contains the word Obsolete.


Documents and Reports: Customer Reports

  • WE-211435

    Created CIS version of Customer Billing Statement report with a hidden parameter named Customer ID (CUSTID).



  • WE-214913

    Changed the From Email function to use the Web User Email. If the Web User Email is blank, the settings email address will be used. If the settings email address address is blank, then the Web.config email address will be used.

  • WE-211079

    Email will be sent using the sender’s address (send from) following the hierarchy below:

    1. Use the Email address if set up in the User Profile under General settings.

    2. If the email address is not set up, will use the email address if set up in Settings Manager.

    3. If none of the above are set up, an error will be displayed to the user requesting to set up the email address under User Profile of General Settings or Misc Info of Settings Manager.



  • WE-213632

    Modified the INTEGRATION_AUDIT table to reflect the Integration ID for the Decisive Integration. Update up the validation output to be more precise. Failing validation audit records now begin with a message that states, "Input Validation failed with error: Validation for key COMPONENT with value = [045-000-000] failed (where XREF =[], DEFAULT =[], OVERRIDE =[]", whereas in previous versions they typically contained other text before the errors, which made the records difficult to read.

  • WE-213961

    A Customer purchasing the Decisiv Integration is no longer required to also purchase the additional licenses for the Integration Toolkit and General Mobile Com. The Additional Settings section is now hidden in the Integration Options page. Changed the New Value column in the Default XREF section to TMT Value. Changed UNITXREF to UNIT XREF, to be consistent with DEFAULT XREF on the Integration Options page.


  • WE-213541

    Navistar does not process parts orders if the quantity has a negative value. Changed the Navistar Parts Purchase Integration to ignore parts with a negative quantity. These lines will not be sent to Navistar via the integration.

Navistar eCommerce

  • WE-213938

    Updated the Navistar Integration to send the MFGPartId instead of the part number unless the MFGPartId is null.

SMARTCONNECT integration for Dynamics GP Accounting Interface

  • WE-211830

    Updated the SMARTCONNECT integration for Dynamics GP and TMT Fleet Maintenance to import customer payments made on receivables on the Payment tab of TMT Invoices. This update allows the Microsoft Dynamics GP interface to add an invoice payment directly into the TMT database.

  • WE-211833

    Updated the SMARTCONNECT integration for Dynamics GP and TMT Fleet Maintenance to populate customers added in GP to the TMT Fleet Maintenance Customer master record for single point of entry.

  • WE-211832

    Updated the SMARTCONNECT integration for Dynamics GP and TMT Fleet Maintenance to populate vendors added in GP to the TMT Fleet Maintenance Vendor master record for single point of entry.


Customers: Units tab

  • WE-212872

    Added a new button to the Units tab that switches the unit from Company/Non-Company and all options under right click are removed.

Units: Meters/Fluids tab

  • WE-209940

    Added a new option that collapses non-order meter types. The new option is named Collapse Meter Readings.

Units: Parts tab

  • WE-211818

    Added a Position column for serialized parts.

Vendors: Accounts tab

  • WE-213863

    Added Balance, Age, E-Purchase, Ship Via, Ship Service, and Shipper Name fields to the Add/Edit Account window.



  • WE-213220

    Changed the menu names for Menu > Orders to accurately describe the Orders pages when opened in any status.

    Old label New label


    Campaigns Listing


    Estimates Listing

    Fuel Tickets

    Fuel Tickets Listing

    Indirect Charges

    Indirect Charges Listing


    Inspection Tickets Listing


    Invoices Listing


    Purchase Orders Listing


    Repair Orders Listing

    Repair Template

    Repair Order Template

    Warranty Claims

    Warranty Claims Listing

    Potential Warranties

    Warranty Potential Claims

  • WE-213884

    Changed the menu names for Menu > Orders to accurately describe the Orders pages when opened in any status.

    Old label New label

    Campaign Create


    Estimate Create


    Indirect Charge Create

    Indirect Charge

    Invoice Create


    Purchase Order Create

    Purchase Order

    Repair Order Create

    Repair Order

    Warranty Claim Create

    Warranty Claim


Mobile Mechanic

  • WE-209960

    Changed the Mobile Mechanic App to check for errors while uploading data when coming back from an offline condition as each record is processed. If errors exist, the app will stop at the record with the error, display the relevant error message, and prompt the user to correct the error. Once the error is corrected, the upload will continue processing records.


Global Options

  • WE-212944

    Moved the option nodes for Estimates from Planner to Estimates.


Contract Maintenance

  • WE-212747

    Added the Customer Type field to the Customer Search window in the Contract Listing section.

  • WE-212748

    Updated the Rate Sheet Unit Search feature with advanced Unit Search features. The unit search filters by current customer selected.

  • WE-209431

    Enhanced Contract Maintenance to use the application option Allow Duplicate Serial Numbers (VIN) For Units when a VIN is entered in a rate sheet. When a VIN is updated via Contract Maintenance Unit window, the VIN will be compared to the VIN on the Unit master record. If they do not match, the Unit master record’s VIN will be updated from the VIN entered in the rate sheet when it is set to the Active status. When selecting an existing unit, the VIN value will default from the Unit master record. Duplicate VIN numbers will not be allowed if the option is set to NO.

Indirect Charges

  • WE-212828

    Added the Reports button for Indirect Charges.


  • WE-211078

    Enhanced email functionality as follows:

    • The To: Address will default to the customer’s email address from the Customer master record. If the customer does not have an email address it will be blank.

    • The Subject will use the following template: Invoice Number: ############ - Unit Number: ####### - Unit Description: ########.

    • The name of the PDF that is created and attached to the email will be the invoice number.

  • WE-214109

    Enhanced email functionality as follows:

    • Implemented the option Require Payment Info to Close.

    • If the option is YES, a payment must be entered and the payment(s) must total the invoice amount to close an invoice.

    • If the option is NO, the following changes will occur for all invoices:

      • Closed will be an available status on the invoice header.

      • If Closed is selected, a Close Date field will be displayed and default to the current date/time.

      • Pressing Save will close the invoice.

      • The Payments Tab on invoices will be enabled and allow payments to be entered regardless of the status of the invoice.

Purchase Orders

  • WE-213304

    A report named Print Part Barcode Labels has been added to print the barcode labels for the part(s). A single label or multiple labels for a part or multiple parts can be printed. The user can enter the number of copies at the same time by providing the part number(s) to print. Multiple part number labels are entered using a comma separated value in the part number field. For example: 1156, 10200Y, 10200R.

  • WE-213532

    Added a new report Part Labels By Order And Part for the Purchase Orders.

  • WE-210639

    Updated the History tab on the Purchase Order page to display the Status, Date, and User when a PO is Canceled.

  • WE-213176

    New parameter called Section (Receipt) has been added to the Purchase Order report to generate report for the individual desired section and this parameter is optional. Now, all PO Sections (receipts) can be selected to print, or just the receipts(s) that are selected.

  • WE-212835

    Purchase Orders now adhere to the new option Include Tax On Taxable Service Lines Directly Received To RO. This is a company and shop option. If the option is YES, when a taxable service is received directly to a repair order, the service line amount on the repair order will be price plus tax. If the option is NO, the service line will be added to the repair order without tax.

Repair Orders

  • WE-213551

    Added a hyperlink to the invoice in the header beside the Ro Total if a repair order has an invoice.

  • WE-212662

    Changed the RO status to no longer allow Pending or Canceled to be selected if sections on the RO conflict with those statuses.

  • WE-212966

    Implemented the option Allow Reassignment of Shop on Open RO by adding the button Re-assign Shop.

  • WE-211741

    Changed the quick search for component code on the section dialog to enforce the max component code. If the max is set to assembly, the quick search will only display 3- and 6-digit component codes. If the max is set to system, the quick search will only display 3 digit component codes. If the max component level is set to part, the quick search will show 3-, 6-, and 9-digit codes.

  • WE-209485

    Added new order types to the search called All Repairs and All Templates. If All Repairs is selected, standard and vendor ROs will be returned. If All Templates is selected standard and vendor RO templates will be returned.

  • WE-208482

    Added the ability to select a Standard Service on a repair order by adding +Std Service button. Standard Services must be setup in Setup > Repair Order Setup > Standard Services. Once created, they can be selected on a repair order when the repair shop matches the shop the standard service is associated with or if the service is not associated with any shop. When a Standard Service is added to a RO, it will be marked as Vendor Supplied if the section has a vendor.

  • WE-213120

    If the option Allocate Job Code % at Close is turned on and the repair order is Closed, the Assignments grid will display a column called Job Code Allocation showing the percentage allocated to each employee.

  • WE-213185

    If the Warranty Barcode Tag report is selected from Repairs Listing or Repair Detail page, only parts that have potential warranty, (includes the entire order), will be displayed on the report.

  • WE-213119

    Implemented Job Code Allocation Update at the time of repair order close. Job code percentage is auto-calculated based on the work hours. The user has the ability to manually update the Job Code percentage, but the sum total must always equal 100%.

  • WE-212881

    Implemented New and Old serial fields on a Vendor Repair order for vendor supplied serialized parts.

  • WE-213219

    Implemented the following changes when creating a new RO:

    • On save, if there are PMs and/or Work Pendings, a message will be displayed indicating there are PMs and/or Work Pendings available.

    • On clicking OK, focus will be placed on the PMs tab if there are PMs available. If there are no PMs, but there are Work Pendings, focus will be placed on the Work Pending tab. If there are both PMs and Work Pendings available focus will be placed on the PMs tab. If the PMs Tab or the Work Pending Tab has available records, but does not have focus, the color will be orange.

  • WE-208533

    Implemented the option to Allow Reassignment of Shop on Open RO.

  • WE-212479

    The repair order line screen should default to the part line when the user clicks the Add button and sets the quantity to one (1).

  • WE-211056

    Implemented the sub-option Required to Close RO for required reason for repair user defined fields. If the sub-option is YES, the UDF description will contain (required for close). When the RO is Closed, if a UDF value has not been provided, an error will be issued that the value is required.


Contract Maintenance: Contract Related Maintenance Report

  • WE-210310

    Changed this report to exclude the invoice type of Contract. The purpose of the report is to display standard Invoices for customers who are under contract and incurred Invoices for charges that are not part of the contract.

    Changed parameter behavior for the Contract Related Maintenance Report:

    • Added a report type parameter which includes a Summary and Detail option.

    • Added Cost Center as a new parameter and to the Group By parameter.

    • Add a new Report Layout parameter which includes a Standard and Excel option.

    • If multi-currency is enabled, the available currency types will be displayed in the parameter selection drop-down list.

    • If multi-currency is disabled, the parameter will list as ALL and the fields that have currency UOM will return the LineTotal data from the ORDERLN table and NOT use any information from the ORDERLNCURRENCY table.

Contract Maintenance: Customer Billing Statement

  • WE-213748

    Changed the date range parameter to Billing Cycle Month and Billing Cycle Year in the Customer Billing Statement report.

  • WE-211479

    New Parameter named Display Invoices has been added to the Customer Billing Statement report. When it is set to Yes, the report will list the invoices on separate pages beginning after the Customer Billing Statement report page.

Contract Maintenance: Rate sheet

  • WE-210318

    Implemented the currency standard in the Rate, Overage Rate, and Estimated Total fields for the Rate Sheet Service Lease report type when multi-currency is turned Off.

  • WE-213049

    Corrected the Margin % field in Rate Sheet report to match the Rate Sheet page. Removed the Margin % and Price columns from the Number of Service grid. Added the Extended Cost column to the Number of Service grid.

Contract Maintenance: Service Events Non-Billable Report

  • WE-210311

    Changed parameter behavior for the Contract Maintenance Report(s):

    • Added Unit Make, Unit Model Year, and Unit Cost Center parameters.

    • Added Cost Center to the Group By parameter.

    • Add a new Report Layout parameter which includes a Standard and Excel option.

    • If multi-currency is enabled, the Available Currency Types will be displayed in the parameter selection drop-down list.

    • If multi-currency is disabled, the parameter will list as All and the fields that have currency UOM will return the LineTotal data from the ORDERLN table and not use any information from the ORDERLNCURRENCY table.

    • Changed the Maintenance Level parameter to be multi-select and have an All option.

    • Selected Maintenance Level(s) will be validated to ensure that only contracts within the selected level are displayed.

    • For the summary report view, we removed the Repair Reason, Component, and Component Description columns.

    • Added the Customer, Shop, and Unit Type columns.

Contract Maintenance: Unit Margin Summary

  • WE-210312

    New Parameters named Report Layout, Unit Cost Center, Contract Stage, and Unit Engine have been added to the Unit Margin Summary report. The field type of the parameters for Unit Engine and Maintenance Level have been modified from a text box to a drop-down field. The Currency parameter has been updated to accept multi-currency and the report can be generated when the multi-currency is turned ON. A new column named Contract Current Service Length has been added to display how long the contract has been active. The field Actual Meter in the report will display the miles recorded during the contract. Sorting functionality has been implemented for all columns and the default sort is set to Customer.

Orders: Order Inquiries_Campaign

  • WE-208520

    New parameter named Report Layout has been added to the Order Inquiries_Campaign report. It allows the user to generate the report in a PDF format or EXCEL format.

Orders: Order Inquiries_Fuel Ticket

  • WE-208521

    New parameter named Report Layout has been added to the Order Inquiries_Fuel Ticket report. It allows the user to generate the report in a PDF format or EXCEL format.

Orders: Order Inquiries_Indirects

  • WE-208523

    New parameter named Report Layout has been added to the Order Inquiries_Indirects report. It allows the user to generate report in the PDF format and EXCEL format.

Orders: Order Inquiries_Invoice Orders

  • WE-212722

    Implemented the Invoice Details report to display four (4) decimal places for the Charge column (only) on Contract Maintenance Invoices. The Total column will continue to round to two (2) decimal places.

  • WE-208524

    New parameter named Report Layout has been added to the Order Inquiries_Invoice Orders report. It allows the user to generate report in the PDF format and EXCEL format.

Orders: Order Inquiries_Transfer

  • WE-208525

    New parameter named Report Layout has been added to the Order Inquiries_Transfer report. It allows the user to generate report in the PDF format and EXCEL format.

Orders: Order Inquiries_Warranty Claims

  • WE-208526

    New parameter named Report Layout has been added to the Order Inquiries_Warranty Claims report. It allows the user to generate report in the PDF format and EXCEL format.

Part Inventory: Historical Part Inventory Listing

  • WE-209777

    Updated the report so that it does not time out on large datasets.

Part Inventory: Inventory Replenishment

  • WE-209263

    Created a new Inventory Replenishment report, located in the Part Inventory folder.

Tires: Tire Change Report

  • WE-210687

    Added new parameters: Unit Cost Center, Unit Type, Shop, Axle Type, Currency, and Report Layout to the Tire Change report.

    Added new columns:

    • RO Type

    • Shop

    • Unit Cost Center

    • Unit Type

    • Position

      Changed the value displayed in the Meter Reading column to display as a whole number instead of decimals. Added Multi-Currency feature. When Multi-Currency is disabled, All will be displayed, and the user is not allowed to change it. When Multi-Currency is enabled, the user will be allowed to select a valid Currency Code. Added the option Report Layout to generate the report in Standard format and Excel format.

Vendors: Vendor Repair Cost Detail

  • WE-212729

    Added the Remit Vendor, AP Remit Code, and Vendor field as a new selection criteria for the report parameters. Added the Remit Vendor field as a Group By criteria to the report parameter.

Vendors: Vendor Repair Cost Summary

  • WE-212729

    Added the Remit Vendor, AP Remit Code, and Vendor field as a new selection criteria for the report parameters. Added the Remit Vendor field as a Group By criteria to the report parameter.


Application Options

  • WE-208102

    Invoicing: Implemented the new option Require Payment Info To Close. This will be a company-level global with a default value of NO. If Require Payment Info to Close option= NO, the system will work as follows for all invoice types:

    • Closed will be an available status on the Invoice Header. If Closed is selected, a Close Date field will display and default to the current date/time.

    • Pressing Save will close the invoice. Payment information will not be required.

    • If Require Payment Info to Close option = YES, an invoice and a payment must be entered to close the invoice and the payment(s) must total the invoice amount.

  • WE-212835

    Added the new global option Include Tax On Taxable Service Lines Directly Received To RO. This is a company and shop option. The default value will be NO. If YES is select, when a taxable service is received directly to a repair order, the service line amount on the repair order will be price plus tax. If the option is NO, the service line will be added to the repair order without tax.

Client Server Options

  • WE-213314

    Options that apply to the Client Server programs are now grouped in a node called Client Server.

Customer Options

  • WE-212957

    Invoicing Module - Added new options that allow you to display invoicing reports listed in the Reports menu accessed using the Reports button displayed in the Invoice Listing and the Invoice Details pages. A Customer could design a custom invoice report and replace the standard report with their own at the Company, Shop, or Customer level. Added shop level option that allows you to display the Invoice Summary report. Added customer level options that allow you to display the Invoice Summary, Invoice Detail Report, and Invoice Payments reports.

Integration Options

  • WE-213607

    Added a new integration option to the Decisive Import BASIC sub node that allows you to Ignore Invalid Meters for the meters imported from Decisiv.

  • WE-211407

    The default XRef feature was added to provide a way to define default values for properties where no value is provided, override values for any property and provide a cross-reference to map incoming property values to another value.

  • WE-213537

    All TMW.Suite Integration options in TMT Client Server have been ported to TMT Fleet Maintenance. When TMW.Suite Integration options are changed in TMT Client Server, they will automatically be updated in TMT Fleet Maintenance. If any option is changed in TMT Fleet Maintenance, it will be updated in TMT Client Server.

  • WE-213196

    Enabled the TMW.Suite Interface to be configured in TMT Fleet Maintenance when the TMW.Suite license is enabled and the interface is installed.

Shop Options

  • WE-212957

    Invoicing Module - Added new options that allow you to display invoicing reports listed in the Reports menu accessed using the Reports button displayed in the Invoice Listing and the Invoice Details pages. A Customer could design a custom invoice report and replace the standard report with their own at the Company, Shop, or Customer level. Added shop level option that allows you to display the Invoice Summary report. Added customer level options that allow you to display the Invoice Summary, Invoice Detail Report, and Invoice Payments reports.

Re-open Order

  • WE-213861

    When re-opening a repair order, the system will automatically delete the invoice if that invoice has not been exported.

Repair Order Setup

  • WE-210729

    On the Job Code Assignments tab added: Add, Edit, and Delete buttons.

System Setup

  • WE-211056

    Added a new sub option to Required called Required to Close RO. If set to YES, when a RO section is created the user defined field for the selected reason code will not be required. When the RO is Closed, the UDF will be required and issue an error message if not supplied.

Resolved issues



  • WE-211298

    Corrected an issue where the Due Percent column was not sorting correctly.

Interactive Workstation

  • WE-213547

    Corrected the issue caused by charging out tires when Tire Module is OFF.

  • WE-212499

    Corrected an issue when creating an order from Pending tab so when a pending is selected and posted, the mechanic will now go to the Job Activity screen or Log In screen.

  • WE-213534

    Corrected an issue when creating sections on an RO where only the first section would be marked billable.

  • WE-213648

    Corrected an issue where a RO could not be created for PeopleNet inspections.

  • WE-209729

    Corrected PM’s Due/Work Pendings to not prompt any message when the option Allow Employee Assignment Without A Job Code is enabled and display the message "Please edit the selected PMs and/or Work Pendings and complete the Job Code information before continuing." when the option is disabled.

  • WE-213815

    Updated the error in Interactive Workstation (IWS) to show that the Inspection indirect labor code is inactive when clicking Inspection Tickets.

Shop Planner

  • WE-213618

    Corrected an issue when selecting a unit with a customer, the customer was not being filled in when creating a new appointment.

  • WE-214053

    Corrected an issue where Start/End dates and the customer PO were not carrying over from CIS to service appointments in shop planner.

  • WE-214197

    Corrected the Description field in the Add/Edit Appointment window to allow length of 512 characters.

  • WE-214204

    Corrected the issue where Price Table is not displayed on a repair order based on the customer of the appointment.

  • WE-213571

    Corrected to allow future dates regardless of the Application Option setting.

Shop Scheduler

  • WE-214197

    Corrected the Description field in the Add/Edit Appointment window to allow length of 512 characters.

  • WE-214204

    Corrected the issue where Price Table is not displayed on a repair order based on the customer of the appointment.

  • WE-213571

    Corrected to allow future dates regardless of the Application Option setting.

  • WE-211598

    Added the unit number to the scheduled appointment in the calendar.

  • WE-214271

    Corrected the Add/Edit Appointment window to stay open with new unit/customer added on the fly.

  • WE-214237

    Corrected an issue in the Add/Edit Appointment window where the link to RO Slider was not displaying if an existing appointment which is linked to RO is already viewed and closed.

  • WE-214362

    Corrected an issue that would clear edited fields for a service appointment that was dropped on a time slot that was not available.

  • WE-213939

    Corrected an issue where PM due’s moves to Open status after creating the repair order section with complaint and reason as PM. After the section is created, those PM dues will not be displayed in shop scheduler.

  • WE-213579

    Corrected an issue where the invoice Price Table was not defaulting for a RO created from a Plan.

Tires: Tire Configuration

  • WE-212647

    Corrected an issue where the spare tire axle was not created first time while saving the tire configuration.


Unit Advanced Search

  • WE-213850

    Added sorting to the columns in the Advanced Search grid.

  • WE-213856

    Improved performance of the Unit Advanced Search when loading units in Internet Explorer by adding pagination to the grid.


Manage Customer Reports

  • WE-209900

    Corrected issue where the customers were not loading properly when adding or editing customer’s access to customer reports.

Units Due For Service

  • WE-214684

    Corrected an issue where the columns containing numeric values were not sorting correctly.



  • WE-212654

    Updated [TMWAMSEXT_UNIT_REPAIRSTATUS_GET] with two new parameters. This stored procedure is used to export Road Call and Repair Order Comments to a results table. The customer can use their own process to import them into another product. Usually, this is a TMS systems to add them to a dispatch Check Call. If the new parameters are not passed, the stored procedure will behave the same as it did before this change.

    The first new option allows the user to omit Repair Section Comments so that the output only includes Road Call Comment lines.


      Setting this to Y, will remove any section comment lines from the output and will only return ROAD CALL records with an OrderID

      The second new option will return all Road Call records that do not have a Repair Order attached.


      Setting this to Y, will return all Road Call records that have not yet had a Repair Order attached to the Road Call. It will not return any records associated with an order


Microsoft Dynamics GP

  • WE-213624

    Corrected inter-company accounting transactions to export with the correct inter-company account and division x-ref for credit disbursements on part lines. If using Integration Manager, customer will need to adjust their GL data source to point at the VIEW_INTERF_GP_GL_DIST.


  • WE-212964

    Timestamp and PayloadID were added to the xml sent in the request to Navistar.


  • WE-211338

    Last run time is now updated whether there is an error when parsing the response.


Physical Inventory

  • WE-212964

    Corrected an issue where you could not open multiple bin physical inventories for a part that had multiple bins.


Job Activity

  • WE-214450

    Corrected an issue where the task details from Motors would not return data to the Repair Order or the Est Time fields. Added the feature to auto-create a Job Code from Motors if no Job Code exists and return the Job Code and estimated time to the employee assignment.


Shop Inventory

  • WE-210585

    Changed the Average Cost field to be enabled when Track Inventory is OFF for the shop and disabled when Track Inventory is ON.


  • WE-213569

    Corrected the error message displayed while adding the unit specification of a unit when a component specification is already assigned.


  • WE-213570

    Added the Balance, Age, E-Purchase, Ship Via, Ship Service, and Shipper Name to the grid on the Accounts tab.


All Listing Pages

  • WE-214238

    Corrected an issue where the Listing Pages were not properly taking into account the time zone when filtering the search based upon date ranges.


  • WE-213586

    Fixed issue in duplication of a unit assigned to a campaign.


  • WE-213548

    Corrected an issue when creating an estimate was looking for US$ and would issue an error if not found. Now will use what is available in Units of Measure field.

Inspection Tickets Listing

  • WE-213806

    Implemented the option Filter Inspection Tickets By Domicile Shop. If checked, the Inspection Tickets query will be filtered for the units with a domicile shop matching the user’s default shop. So if the default shop is 01, only units with a domicile shop of 01 will be visible in the Inspection Tickets query. If the user does not have a default shop, but there is a global default shop, that shop will be used. If there is no default shop set, no filter will be applied. When the filter is applied, the text Filtered for Domicile Shop ## will be displayed above the results grid.


  • WE-213572

    Corrected an issue where the audit trail dates where incorrectly showing the repair order’s dates instead of the invoice’s dates.

  • WE-213543

    Corrected an issue where in some cases a labor line would not be generated when creating an invoice from an RO.

  • WE-213016

    Corrected an issue where the invoice search page counter did not reset after running multiple searches with different criteria.

  • WE-213612

    Corrected an issue where vendor repair order invoices where not being marked up based on the Vendor Charges tab on the invoice price table.

Purchase Orders Listing

  • WE-213178

    Corrected sorting/filtering of Back Order column.

  • WE-213056

    Corrected an issue where the Repair Order Listing page was not displaying values in the Meter Reading and Estimate columns even though the repair order had values for those fields.

Repair Order Templates

  • WE-211280

    Corrected the Repair Reason field, not to auto-populate in the Add Section window.


  • WE-214369

    Changed the Repair Order window to allow a labor line to have a charge amount equal to $0.00 when validating the labor line. This corrects an error displayed when adding a part line after adding a labor line with a charge amount equal to $0.00. Accounting transactions are not created for labor lines with a charge amount equal to $0.00.

  • WE-213643

    Corrected OutOfService status for a unit to change to N after all the associated repair orders are Closed.

Warranty Claims

  • WE-212363

    Added the ability to enter labor lines with zero (0) hours.

  • WE-213213

    Corrected an issue when creating Direct Claims where the vendor selected was not properly passed to the Warranty Claim Create page.

  • WE-213212

    Corrected the Vendor field to return the selected vendor on the Warranty Claim Create page when creating a Claim from Warranty Potential Claims.

Orders: Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

  • WE-212742

    Corrected an issue where the Include Tax in Inventory tax rule was not working correctly when receiving parts on a PO.

  • WE-213484

    Changed the program to enforce the global Require Invoice Amount To Match PO Receipt Total option when closing the PO instead of receiving the PO.

  • WE-214057

    Corrected an issue where PO number gets displayed when the global Show Pending PO Number when PO Status is Pending is set to NO.

  • WE-212656

    Corrected an issue where receiving a backdated part should select currency rate from date received, not most recent currency rate.

  • WE-214103

    Corrected an issue where service charge categories set to not require an RO where requiring an RO.

  • WE-214214

    Corrected an issue where the pay method was not populated from the Vendor master record.

  • WE-214212

    Corrected an issue where the Vendor Account, Part Line Price, and User Defined Fields tab could not be edited on Pending POs.

  • WE-214065

    Corrected an issue where the Vendor tab would not get updated on the Shop Inventory master record for parts purchased from new vendors.

  • WE-213933

    Corrected an issue where when entering new parts on the fly, when focus returned to the line item dialog, the Part Number field would be cleared. Now the part will be filled in and focus will be in the Quantity field.

  • WE-213857

    Corrected the PO receipt amount to display the correct amount when a part has been received with multiple taxes.

  • WE-213249

    Corrected the PO receipt to display the status as Open after completion of PO Approvals.

  • WE-213180

    When the global Require Invoice Amount To Match PO Receipt Total is enabled, then while closing the PO, invoice amount and receiving section amount should be matched and if not error message will be thrown.

Orders: Repair Orders

Repair Orders

  • WE-213890

    Corrected an issue where a new employee assignment could not be added to a section which was being actively worked on in the Interactive Workstation.

  • WE-214454

    Corrected an issue where the selected Job Code from Motors would not display when viewing the assigned tasks. Corrected an issue where the Job Code and Est Time would not display and calculate on the employee assignment correctly. Added the prompt in Motors to create a new Job Code on the fly if the assignment does not have a Job Code associated.

  • WE-213576

    Commodity Code will be substituted for complaint on Wash Ticket sections.

  • WE-213578

    Corrected an issue where the Promise By Date would not allow future dates if Allow Future Dates was turned OFF. Now, Allow Promise By Date will allow future dates regardless of the Allow Future Dates option.

  • WE-213471

    Corrected an issue where Creation of RO from the RO Template was failing with USP Error.

  • WE-210640

    Corrected an issue where repair order sections where getting marked as billable when the RO did not have a customer.

  • WE-213179

    Corrected an issue where the UOM list would not populate when entering a new vendor part on the fly on a vendor repair order.

  • WE-213184

    Corrected the employee search for assignments to not be case-sensitive.

  • WE-212312

    Corrected an issue so that when creating a Work Pending from an empty section on a repair order, any comments on the section will now be transferred to the Work Pending section created.

  • WE-213473

    Corrected an issue where templates that were created in TMT Client Server did not display in the repair order listing when searching for templates in TMT Fleet Maintenance.

  • WE-211572

    Made enhancements to improve performance when creating an RO.

  • WE-211027

    Corrected an issue where the count was not updated correctly for Independent PMs that have a max number of times set.

  • WE-213226

    Changed the program so that after selecting a vendor part from the advanced search, focus will be placed in the Quantity field.

  • WE-213216

    Changed the Vendor Part on the Fly window to display Vendor Part and Catalog Part number fields instead of Part and Part Number fields. Increased size for Catalog Part Number field and removed scroll bars.

    Note: The field Catalog Part Number is displayed when the part type selected is Tire.

  • WE-213860

    Corrected an issue so that when a meter reading is entered and Save is pressed, it is saved and displayed on the RO.

  • WE-213608

    Corrected an issue when adding sections where Save and Add New overwrites the first section that was already added.

  • WE-213177

    Corrected an issue when entering a part number on a repair order to ensure if the part number is changed, the part description will also be updated for the new part number. In previous versions, the part description was not getting updated. Also, corrected an issue where opening a part line was not displaying the description correctly.

  • WE-213175

    Corrected an issue where a part line with negative quantity could not be deleted.

  • WE-213906

    Corrected an issue where a RO could be closed with parts on order. Now, the section must be moved to a Pending or Canceled status. This closes the RO.

  • WE-213526

    Corrected an issue where a RO number sticky note was not saving.

  • WE-213968

    Corrected an issue where the shop search was not functioning as intended on RO create page.

  • WE-213898

    Corrected an issue where the charge category was not being filled in when selecting a part type of TIRE.

  • WE-214006

    Corrected an issue where the Part Type field in the Part Advanced Search window was not sorted alphabetically and was displaying inactive codes.

  • WE-213780

    Corrected an issue where the Warranty Type field was populating for Reason for Repair codes that do not have Update Warranty checked.

  • WE-213241

    Corrected an issue where user was not able to assign completed tasks to any mechanic on the Assignment tab. The system would always use the first mechanic. Now, the program will prompt for the mechanic when there is more than one mechanic assigned to the section.

  • WE-213227

    Corrected an issue when entering a valid six digit component code, if the resulting code match was not selecting from the quick search, the value entered would disappear when tabbing out of the field.

  • WE-213240

    Corrected an issue with the quick search for a part number. The column labeled Match Reason is now properly labeled Quantity On Hand. Added a new Match Reason column with a description.

  • WE-213192

    Corrected an issue with the Warranty Type field auto-update function. When a Repair Order is created for a unit with OEM warranty, the Warranty Type field should be populated with a value (OEM) when the section is saved instead of being blank. Does not apply if Repair Reason is disabled for Warranty.


Units: PMs Due

  • WE-211773

    Changed the PM Due Report to display the Due PM with the greatest Due Percent instead of the greatest utilization. Now, the report will display the PM factor (odometer, days, hours, and so on) with the greatest Due Percent.

Units: Unit Cost By Utilization

  • WE-209347

    Corrected the report to display results when a combination of customer and unit type parameters are used.

Units: Unit Master

  • WE-208954

    Updated the report so that the miles per gallon calculation will work for any fluid type. Also, updated the: Cost per Mile, Miles per Gallon, and Lifetime fields to return No PRI if no primary meter is selected.


Integration Options

  • WE-207135

    ZONAR integrations can now be disabled and enabled from the Integration Options page. Previously they could be disabled/enabled by setting the ACTIVECODE to Y/N respectively in the Integration. The new standard for single instance mode is to enable a single integration - ZONAR Basic Info. Single instance mode is backwards compatible.

  • WE-213597

    Corrected the IES / Send Transaction minimum frequency for AP, AR, and GL export jobs to save the value entered. The minimum value is 60 minutes. In the previous version, an error was displayed, even if a value greater than 60 was entered.

  • WE-214049

    Corrected the Multi-Company Setup option to properly toggle and save to YES or NO.

Job Code Definitions

  • WE-213477

    Improved performance with large datasets by implementing paging for grids displaying the Job Codes on all Assignments tabs.

Repair Order Setup

  • WE-213561

    Corrected Task Time Assignment window to show Fixed Amount when the option Calculate Part Tax On Actual Price For Bundle Pricing =YES.

  • WE-213477

    Improved performance with large datasets by implementing paging for grids displaying the Job Codes on all Assignments tabs.