
These settings are located in the Accounting section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Enable Accounting Features

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Determines if the system creates accounting transactions.


  • NO (default)
    Accounting transactions will not be created.

  • YES
    Accounting is turned on.

Additional Notes

Once YES is selected and saved, this option cannot be undone. YES cannot be selected until two accounts have been set up for the Base Rule in Account Disbursements.

Accounting transactions will start generating only on orders closed after this option is set to YES.

Account Display Option

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Determines what displays in the account field throughout the product. The choices are Account Type, Account ID, and Account Description.


  • Account Description (default)

  • Account Number

  • Account Type

Additional Notes

The account field will display what is selected in Parts Catalog, Shop Inventory, Account Disbursements, Add New Local Inventory, PO Line Dialog, RO Line Dialog, and the Customer Master.

Enable Accounting Structures

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Account Structures field will be available on Account Disbursement Details. Account structures provide a means to build account numbers without creating sub-rules for accounts.


  • NO (default)
    Accounting Structures are turned off.

  • YES
    Accounting Structures are turned on.

Additional Notes

  1. Once YES is selected, the option is turned off and cannot be changed. This option is available only for Accounting Interfaces that support Account Structures. Current modules that support Account Structures are the Generic Accounting Export, Great Plains Interface, QuickBooks (available in 11.60), and MAS90/500 (available in 12.30).

  2. Account Lookups are currently only available in the Client Server.

Enable Custom Accounting Disbursement Rules Procedures

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If YES is selected, the normal process that is used to create accounting transactions will be overridden and will use additional processes configured by the disbursement rules.


  • NO (default)

  • YES

Additional Notes

This option uses the USP_ACCTRANS_CREATE stored procedure. Additional setup work will also be required.

Enable Inter-Company Account Assignments

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Inter-Company set-up is required when any of the companies in use need to pass Equipment Maintenance Expense to a different company. This commonly happens when equipment owned and/or operated by one company has maintenance or repair work performed by a shop belonging to another company. To use the Inter-Company portion of the GP Interface the following must be completed:

  • Inter-company accounts must be created in the Chart of Accounts. These accounts should be the same accounts used in the accounting software.

  • Check the option Enable Inter-company Account Assignments

  • Associate each division with the appropriate inter-company account.


  • NO (default)
    Inter-Company is turned off.

  • YES
    Inter-Company is turned on.

Additional Notes

Inter-Company Microsoft Dynamics GP requires the use of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Inter-Comp any Module (a Microsoft Dynamics GP add-on).

Ignore Inactive Disbursement Rules

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The system will not create accounting transactions for those rules that are set to Inactive.


  • NO (default)
    Inactive rules will be disbursed to the base rule’s accounts.

  • YES
    No accounting transactions are generated.

Additional Notes

Once YES is selected and saved, this option cannot be changed.

Prompt for GL Account on PO Lines

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If YES is selected, the Period Close Process as well as all other accounting rules processing will be turned off. The system will only create accounting transactions for Purchase Orders and Vendor ROs and will require entering GL Account Numbers at the time of creating Purchase Order Lines and Vendor RO lines.


  • NO (default)
    Accounting features, if turned on, work normally.

  • YES
    General Ledger export is turned off.

Additional Notes

  1. Once YES is selected and saved, this option cannot be changed.

  2. The GL account can be changed on OPEN and RECEIVED receipts.

  3. Once a receipt is CLOSED, the account cannot be changed.

  4. The Account Number entered on the line item will be used as the debit part of the transaction.

Prompt for GL Account on PO Header

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When a PO is created an account can be entered on the header and that account will be used as the default account for all lines added to the PO.


  • NO (default)
    Accounting features, if turned on, work normally.

  • YES
    General Ledger export is turned off.

Additional Notes

  1. If this option is set to YES and the option Prompt for GL Account on PO Lines is set to No, the option Prompt for GL Account on PO Lines will be automatically set to YES.

  2. Once YES is selected and saved, this option cannot be changed.

Use Close Date Instead Of Charge Date For Transaction Date

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The system will export the close date instead of the charge date for all orders (AP, AR, GL) when exported to accounting.


  • NO (default)
    The export will use the charge date when exporting transactions.

  • YES
    They system will use the close date for transactions.

Use Shop Group Codes for Non-Company Units

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When disbursement sub-rules are evaluated, non-company/retail units will use the group codes for the shop, instead of the unit (Retail defaults). The Group Codes this option effects are Division, Cost Center, and Department.


  • NO (default)
    The system uses the Retail defaults.

  • YES
    The system uses Shop Group Codes for Retail/Non-Company Units.

Additional Notes

If the option Display Cost Center on Repair Order Form is set to YES, the cost center on the RO will be used regardless of this option and a warning will be issued when this option is set to YES that the options are not compatible for Cost Centers.

Use Unit Group Codes from RO Open for Disbursement

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When disbursement sub-rules are evaluated, the unit group codes will be used at the time the RO was Opened instead of the Unit’s current group codes. The Group Codes this option effects are Division, Cost Center, and Department.


  • NO (default)
    The system uses the current unit group codes.

  • YES
    The systems uses Shop Group Codes for Retail/Non-Company Units.

Additional Notes

If the option Display Cost Center on Repair Order Form is set to YES, the cost center on the RO will be used regardless of this option and a warning will be issued when this option is set to YES that the options are not compatible for Cost Centers.

Hide Do Not Export

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will remove the Do Not Export button from the Export Preview Screen.


  • NO (default)
    The Do Not Export button is visible.

  • YES
    The Do Not Export button is hidden.

Purge Accounting Errors Older than number days

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option lets you set when the program should purge data by number of days.


  • 0 (default)


When you set this option to 0, the program does not delete any accounting errors. If you set the option to 7, the program deletes any accounting error older than 7 days (or one week). If you set the option to 30, the program deletes any accounting error older than 30 days.

Accounting: Great Plains

These settings are located in the Accounting: Great Plains section on the Application Options page.

Accounting: Great Plains
Great Plains Interface Version

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The installed version of the Microsoft Dynamics GP interface will be displayed here


  • BLANK (default)
    Enter the Great Plains version.

Additional Notes

This option is not available unless the Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains Interface module is purchased and installed.

Accounting: QuickBooks

These settings are located in the Accounting: Quick Books section on the Application Options page.

Accounting: Quick Books
Use Quickbooks Account Lookups

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The account lookups can be used with QuickBooks.


  • NO (default)
    Account Lookups are not available for use with the QuickBooks export.

  • YES
    Account Lookups are available for use with the QuickBooks export.

Additional Notes

This option is not available unless the QuickBooks Interface module is purchased and installed.

Accounting: Quick Books
Use Quickbooks Subaccounts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The account subaccounts can be used with QuickBooks.


  • NO (default)

    Account subaccounts are not available for use with the QuickBooks export.

  • YES

    Account subaccounts are available for use with the QuickBooks export.

Additional Notes

This option is not available unless the QuickBooks Interface module is purchased and installed.

Accounting: TruckMate

These settings are located in the Accounting: TruckMate section on the Application Options page.

Accounting: TruckMate
Export VRO Purchase Order With GL Expenses

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Vendor RO PO will be exported with the credit accounts from the PO and the debit accounts from the RO for all lines on the PO through the AP export. All non-vendor lines will be exported normally from the RO with GL.


  • NO (default)
    The vendor RO transactions will export with the GL export and the vendor RO PO transactions will export with the AP export.

  • YES
    The Vendor RO PO will be exported with the credit accounts from the PO and the debit accounts from the RO for all lines on the PO through the AP export.

Additional Notes

This option will only be visible if the TruckMate module has been licensed.

Once checked, the option becomes turned off and cannot be changed.