Home menu

This topic describes the available options under the Home menu.

Depending on your application permissions, you may not see all menu options listed in this section. For details, see your company’s system administrator.

My Profile

Field Definition

Menu path

Home > My Profile

ASPX page name


Menu type

User menu/Day-to-day menu

Page description

Update your name, address, contact, security questions, and landing page.

Associated topic

Updating your user profile

Read the News

Field Definition

Menu path

Home > Read the News

ASPX page name


Page description

Display the three most recent news postings.

Associated topic

Reading the news

Take Survey

Field Definition

Menu path

Home > Take Survey

ASPX page name


Page description

Respond to surveys displayed in TMT Fleet Maintenance.

Associated topic

Taking a survey

View Terms & Conditions

Field Definition

Menu path

Home > View Terms & Conditions

ASPX page name


Page description

View the TMT Fleet Maintenance terms and conditions that you have accepted.

Associated topic

Viewing the Terms and Conditions of Use