
These settings are located in the Inventory section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Accounting Method

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The option sets which accounting method is used to track inventory in the program.


  • FIFO
    First In First Out means the program uses the earliest cost on record for a part when parts are charged out of inventory.

  • LIFO
    Last In First Out means the program uses the last cost on record for a part when parts are charged out of inventory.

  • AVGCOST (default)
    Average cost means the program uses the average cost for the part when parts are charged out of inventory.

Allow Duplicate Part Numbers For Different Manufacturers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether parts with different manufacturer codes can have the same part numbers.


  • NO (default)
    Duplicate part numbers are not allowed.

  • YES
    Duplicate part numbers are allowed.

Additional notes

  1. New part records are created with the manufacturer being the first field required.

  2. This option will appear unchecked and read only if any part in Shop Inventory does not have a manufacturer code.

Warning: Once you set this option, it cannot be changed.

Allow Local Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls where you can create local parts.


  • NO (default)
    You must create all part records in the Parts Catalog. You cannot create part records in a shop inventory.

  • YES
    You can create part records directly in a shop inventory.

Best Practices

If you are using the Parts Catalog, set [Inventory]Allow Local Parts to NO. This makes sure that all parts in all shop inventories use the same data.

If you are not using the Parts Catalog, or if you want shops to be able to set up local parts, set [Inventory]Allow Local Parts to YES.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Allow Parts Dispensing From A Central Shop

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether shops manage their own part inventories or share a common inventory based in a central shop.


  • NO (default)
    Each shop handles its parts needs independently.

  • YES
    Shops can share a common inventory.

Additional notes

  1. If you set this option to YES (that is, you want to use a central shop for dispensing parts), you must:

    When parts are charged on Indirect Charges and ROs in TMT Fleet Maintenance or Mechanic Workstation for the selected shop, those parts will come from your specified central shop.

  2. When you set this option to YES, the account disbursement rules OrderLn.ShopID field shows the dispensing shop ID.

  3. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  4. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  5. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Allow Parts Transfers From Parts Requisition

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether you can transfer parts to a shop to satisfy a parts requisition.


  • NO (default)
    Parts cannot be transferred from the Requisition List.

  • YES
    Parts can be transferred from the Requisition List.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Default Inventory Account

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program uses a default inventory account when a part is created. The part can be created in the Parts Catalog, a shop inventory, or from a PO.


  • NONE SELECTED (default)

    The program does not use a default inventory account when you create parts.

  • Inventory Account (selected from the drop-down list)

    The program uses the selected account when users create parts.

Additional notes

  1. If you select an account, the program defaults to this account any time someone creates a part. The only exception is the Shop Options level is set to use a different account.

  2. If you select an account on the Application Options page, you are setting the account at the Application (global) level. The program sets the Shop Options level to match your selected account. If you want, you can change to Shop Options level to a different account, but you cannot leave the Shop Option level value blank.

  3. If you select an inventory account, it will overwrite the inventory account set on the Parts Catalog. When someone creates parts in the Parts Catalog, the program uses your account unless the Shop Options level has been changed to use a different account.

  4. The account values shown in the [Inventory]Default Inventory Account drop-down list are controlled by the Setup > Options > Application Options > Accounting > Account Display Option setting. Depending on the setting, the list will show account types, account numbers, or account descriptions.

  5. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  6. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  7. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Enable Centralized Average Cost Calculation

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


You can only use this option if the [Inventory]Accounting Method is set to Average Cost.

This option controls whether the program averages costs by shop or for the entire organization.


  • NO (default)
    The program calculates each shop’s average costs independently.

  • YES
    The program calculates average costs based on a central shop inventory.

Additional notes

If you set this option to YES, you must select a centralized shop. This shop will act as a warehouse. It will receive parts through POs and send them to other shops through part transfers.

The centralized shop will be the shop where all POs are created. The program will not let other shops create POs. The centralized shop will not create any other type of order (that is, no ROs, Indirects, and so on). This situation lets the program average the part cost when the centralized shop gets inventory. The program will use all parts in all shops in the calculation. This is the only time the program calculates the average cost.


Shop 01 is our centralized shop. The [Inventory]Include in Inventory option is set to Exclude Sales Tax. (If the option was set to Include Sales Tax in Inventory, the program would use the cost plus tax to calculate the average cost.)

You have this information on parts:

Shop On Hand Average Cost

01 (Centralized)















Total Qty

Cost Total



Shop 01 receives a part with a quantity of 3 and an actual price of $20.75. This increases the Cost total to $295.55 (233.30+62.25). The program calculates the new average cost as $24.62916 ($295.55/12) and applies it to all shops containing this part. These are the new values:

Shop On Hand Average Cost

























Total Qty

Cost Total



Central Shop Number For Average Cost Calculation

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


You can only use this option if:

Use this option to select the shop you want to use as the central shop for the average cost calculation.


  • SHOP (default)

    The program does not use a central shop for the average cost calculation.

  • Shop ID number (selected from the drop-down list)

    The program uses your selected shop to calculate the average cost.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Include Freight Charges In Inventory Costs

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program treats freight charges as an expense or as part of the inventory cost.


  • NO
    Freight is handled as an expense.

  • YES (default)
    Freight is part of the inventory cost.

Additional notes

  1. When this option is set to YES, the program distributes the total freight cost between all part lines on the PO when the parts are received into inventory. The amount of freight assigned to each part line is calculated using the percentage of the freight cost to the total part charge.

  2. This calculation is independent of the [Inventory]Include in Inventory setting (Exclude Sales Tax, Include Sales Tax in Orders Only, or Include Sales Tax in Inventory).


[Inventory]Include Freight Charges in Inventory Costs is set to YES. The PO has these lines:

  • Part 1 has a total line cost of $25.

  • Part 2 has a total line cost of $50.

  • Part 3 has a total line cost of $75.

  • The total part cost is $150.

  • The freight cost is $15.

  • The PO total is $165.00.

The freight cost is 10% of the total part cost, so the program multiplies each part’s total line cost by 10%. The program then adds the result to the part’s total line cost.

When the parts are received into inventory, the freight charges are included:

  • Part 1 has $2.50 of the freight charge added to its $25 cost for a line total of $27.50.

  • Part 2 has $5.00 of the freight charge added to its $50 cost for a line total of $55.

  • Part3 has $7.50 of the freight charge added to its $75 cost for a line total of $82.50.

The part line totals add up to $165, which equals the total part cost of $150 and the freight cost of $15.

Include in Inventory

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls how the program calculates sales tax for inventory.


  • Exclude Sales Tax

    The program calculates tax on POs. That tax is not reflected in inventory cost or on ROs when you charge those same parts out.

  • Include Sales Tax in Orders Only

    The program calculates tax on POs and on parts when you charge them to ROs. Tax is not reflected in the inventory cost. This setting also applies tax to vendor parts on ROs.

  • Include Sales Tax in Inventory (default)

    The program calculates tax on purchase orders and parts charged to orders. Tax is applied to inventory cost. This setting will also apply tax to vendor parts on repair orders.

    You can exclude tax rates from inventory when you receive the parts on a PO. You can use the Tax Rates & Fees page to set whether to include tax. In the Include column, set the tax code to N (NO). The program will not apply any tax for that tax code to inventory. The part price and included taxes will be charged out on orders. You open the Tax Rates & Fees page by going to Menu > Setup > Order Setup > Tax Rates & Fees.

Freight Lines as Taxable
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance: 2022.1

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program calculates taxes on freight lines.

You cannot use Freight Lines as Taxable unless [Inventory]Include in Inventory is set to Exclude Sales Tax.


  • NO (default)

    Freight lines do not apply to the tax total (that is, they are nontaxable).

  • YES

    Freight lines do apply to the tax total.

Misc Lines as Taxable
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance: 2022.1

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program calculates taxes on miscellaneous (Misc) lines.

You cannot use Misc Lines as Taxable unless [Inventory]Include in Inventory is set to Exclude Sales Tax.


  • NO (default)

    Misc lines do not apply to the tax total (that is, they are nontaxable).

  • YES

    Misc lines do apply to the tax total.

Lookup VMRS Codes For New Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program checks the Vehicle Maintenance Reporting Standards (VMRS) database when you create a new part. It also controls whether the shortcut menu for Part field on the Shop Inventory page includes the VMRS Search command.


  • NO
    VMRS part lookup is turned off. There are no part lookup capabilities.

  • YES (default)
    VMRS part lookup is turned on.

Additional notes

  1. If this option is set to YES, the program searches the VMRS database when you create a new part. If the part is in the database, the program automatically uses the data to complete these fields:

    • Description

    • Manufacturer

    • Manufacturer’s Part Number

    • Component Code

  2. When this option is set to YES, the program adds the command VMRS Search to the Part field shortcut menu on the Shop Inventory page. This lets you search VMRS codes and use them to create new parts. If you enter a VMRS part number and that part is in already in the database, the page shows the Shop Inventory part record.

    In this illustration, the user has right-clicked on the Part field to open the shortcut menu. VMRS Search is not included in the menu, so [Inventory]Lookup VMRS Codes For New Parts must be set to NO.

    Part Shortcut Menu

Set New Parts to Taxable

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether new parts created in Shop Inventory are taxable by default.


  • NO
    The Taxable flag is set to NO.

  • YES (default)
    The Taxable flag is set to YES.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Track Fuel In Inventory

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program tracks fuel as an inventory item.


  • NO (default)
    Fuel is not tracked as an inventory item.

  • YES
    Fuel is tracked as an inventory item.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Track Serial Numbers For Serialized Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether part records need serial numbers.


  • NO
    Part records do not require serial numbers.

  • YES (default)
    Part records require serial numbers. The program also adds the Serial Parts tab to the Shop Inventory page navigation pane.

Additional notes

  1. If you set this option to YES, the program sets the Serialized Part option to YES. You can find the Serialized Part option in the RO Requirement section of the Shop Inventory page part record.

  2. When you set this option to YES, the program:

    • Shows the New Serial Number and Old Serial Number fields below the Serialized Part option

    • Requires you to select a new serial number from inventory

      You can record the old serial number, but the program does not require it.

  3. When you set this option to NO, the program:

    • Shows the New Serial Number and Old Serial Number fields below the Serialized Part option

    • Requires you to specify a new serial number

      You can record the old serial number, but the program does not require it.

  4. To use this option to track serial numbers:

    • Verify the parts that you want to track serial numbers for.

      • Parts should have Serialized Part set to YES.

      • If there are parts you do not want to track serial numbers for, set Serialized Part to NO before you set [Inventory]Track Serial Numbers for Serialized Parts to YES.

    • Set [Inventory]Track Serial Numbers for Serialized Parts option to YES.

    • Perform a physical inventory adjustment for each serialized part, entering the current serial numbers for each serialized part.

      • If old serial numbers are present for a part being removed from the unit, the program enters the Old Serial Number field value on the part charge line automatically.

  5. Activating the Tire Module makes the Serialized Part field read only. If you set the [Inventory]Treat Tires as Serialized Parts option to YES, the Serialized Part field value defaults to YES and becomes read only.

Treat Tires As Serialized Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program treats parts of the TIRE type as standard serialized parts.


  • NO (default)
    The TIRE part type does not use serial numbers.

  • YES
    The TIRE part type does use serial numbers.

Additional notes

  1. When tires are received or adjusted into inventory, the program will require you to enter serial numbers.

  2. When charged out, the program will prompt you to select a serial number from inventory for the tire.

  3. When this option is set to NO and the Tire Module is in use, tires return to their default state and generate non-trackable serialized numbers when the part is charged.

Use Last Cost For Consignment Parts

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program uses the last cost to establish the price for consignment parts.


  • NO (default)
    The program uses the method selected in [Inventory]Accounting Method to set the price of consignment parts.

  • YES
    The program uses the last cost to set the price for consignment parts.

Use TMT Part Number For Manufacturer Number

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program automatically enters the Part number in the Manufacturer’s Part Number field.


  • NO
    The Manufacturer’s Part Number field remains BLANK during part creation.

  • YES (default)
    The program automatically enters the Part number in the Manufacturer’s Part Number field during part creation.

Additional notes

This option works with the Parts Catalog and the Vendor Part Master.

Use VMRS Description As Part Description

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program automatically enters a part description when you create a part.


  • NO (default)
    You must manually enter the part description.

  • YES
    The program automatically fills the part description when you enter the component code.

Additional notes

  1. If this option is set to YES, when you create a new part and enter the Component Code, the program automatically enters the part description. For example if you enter 034-001 in the Component Code field, the program completes the Description as Headlamps.

  2. This feature is used only in the Parts Catalog and the Vendor Part Master.

Validate Part Against Inventory When Track Inventory Is Off

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether parts must be in the Shop Inventory before you can add them to an order.


  • NO (default)
    The program does not validate parts on orders.

  • YES
    The program validates parts against the Vendor Parts master on orders.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Inventory: Autocross

These settings are located in the Inventory: Autocross section on the Application Options page. You open the Application Options page by going to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Inventory: Autocross
Component Codes

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program searches the component code of all parts for matches. This relates to all parts options.


  • NO (default)
    The program does not recognize the component code as a cross-reference.

  • YES
    The component code cross-reference is turned on.

Inventory: Autocross
Cross-referenced Part Numbers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program searches the Parts Catalog Cross References for matches.


  • NO (default)
    The Parts Catalog Cross Reference feature is turned off.

  • YES
    The Parts Catalog Cross Reference feature is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a Parts Catalog related option.

Inventory: Autocross
Manufacturer Part Numbers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program searches the Manufacturer Part Number of all parts for matches.


  • NO (default)
    The Parts Catalog manufacturer part number cross-reference feature is turned off.

  • YES
    The Parts Catalog manufacturer part number cross-reference feature is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a Parts Catalog related option.

Inventory: Autocross
Substitute Part Numbers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program searches the Parts Catalog substitute parts for matches.


  • NO (default)
    The Parts Catalog substitute cross-reference feature is turned off.

  • YES
    The Parts Catalog substitute cross-reference feature is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a Parts Catalog related option.

Inventory: Autocross
Superseded Part Numbers

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program searches the Parts Catalog superseded parts for matches.


  • NO (default)
    The Parts Catalog superseded cross-reference feature is turned off.

  • YES
    The Parts Catalog superseded cross-reference feature is turned on.

Additional notes

This is a Parts Catalog related option.

Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync

These settings are located in the Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync section on the Application Options page. You open the Application Options page by going to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync
Update Price

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program changes the price of a part in the Shop Inventory when the price of a part is changed in the Parts Catalog.


  • NO (default)
    Price changes in the Parts Catalog do not affect prices in the Shop Inventory.

  • YES
    Price changes in the Parts Catalog update prices in the Shop Inventory.

Additional notes

The shop’s Update Vendor option must be set to YES.

Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync
Update Primary Vendor

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program updates the primary vendor for a part in the Shop Inventory when the primary vendor is changed in the Parts Catalog.


  • NO (default)
    Changes to the primary vendor in the Parts Catalog do not affect the Shop Inventory.

  • YES
    Changes to the primary vendor update the primary vendor in the Shop Inventory.

Additional notes

The shop’s Update Vendor option must be set to YES.

Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync
Update Target Point

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program changes the target point for a part in the Shop Inventory when the target point is changed in the Parts Catalog.


  • NO (default)
    Changes to the target point in the Parts Catalog do not affect the Shop Inventory.

  • YES
    Changes to the target point update the target point in the Shop Inventory.

Additional notes

The shop’s Update Vendor option must be set to YES.

Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync
Update Vendor

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option controls whether the program changes vendor data the Shop Inventory when vendor data is changed in the Parts Catalog.


  • NO (default)
    The Shop Inventory does not use vendor data from the Parts Catalog.

  • YES
    Vendor changes in the Parts catalog updates vendor data in the Shop Inventory.

Additional notes

  1. If YES is selected, the program updates the Shop Inventory vendor data whenever these changes are made in the Parts Catalog:

    • A new vendor is added

    • An existing vendor is edited

    • A new part is created

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The program looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  4. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option, it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Inventory: Trimble Parts Network

These settings are located in the Inventory: Trimble Parts Network section on the Application Options page. You open the Application Options page by going to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Inventory: Trimble Parts Network
Enable Trimble Parts Network
First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance: 2020.3

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


As of V.2020.3, the Inventory: Trimble Parts Network option replaced the Trimble Parts Network module license. Module licenses do not affect this option.

When you set this option to YES, the program acts as if the old Trimble Parts Network license is turned on. When you set this to NO, then the Trimble Parts Network feature is turned off. The program does not display parts or add any parts to the MDM Part Queue (STAGING).


  • NO
    Trimble Parts Network functions are turned off.

  • YES (default)
    Trimble Parts Network functions are turned on. Users can add new parts in the Parts Catalog with Trimble Parts Network.