Price Tables

You use price tables to create pricing structures for different situations. You can create as many price tables as needed.

To open the Price Tables page, go to Menu > Setup > Order Setup > Price Tables.

For versions earlier than V. 2020.2, go to Menu > Setup > Price Tables.


Pages are designed so that menus and functionality areas appear the same way throughout the application. While some elements are not part of every page, the basic layout of the page is consistent.

The Price Tables page provides easy access to the:

  • Menu that lists application menu items

  • User menu that lists user-specific menu items

  • Command buttons that allow you to Delete, Add New, Reset, and Save customer records

  • Functionality area where you enter information into the system

  • Navigation pane that includes multiple tabs

Load a price table

To load a price table:

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > Order Setup > Price Tables.
    For versions earlier than V. 2020.2, go to Menu > Setup > Price Tables.
    The Price Table page opens.

  2. In the Table Type field, select the needed table.


  3. In the Select Price Table field, select the needed table.


Note: You must first add the table before it is available to select. For details, see Adding price tables.

The price table’s information is displayed on the Price Tables page.

Price Table navigation pane

This page displays different tabs and sections in the navigation pane based on the table type selected in the Table Type field.


Default table types:

The Claims Price tables and the Invoice Price tables use the same tabs. The difference is that the Invoice Price tables use fewer tabs.

Parts tab

Use this tab to set up the parts pricing structure. It has four sections: Price Table Information, Parts Information, Cost Markup, and Component Markup.

These sections are the same for invoice price tables and claims price tables.

This illustration shows the Parts tab sections.


Price Table Information

The Price Table Information section includes the price table name.

Parts Information

The Parts Information section includes details about the base cost, the markup percentage, and how the system marks up the line items.

Field descriptions

Required field: *

Field Definition

Cost Basis *

Identifies the base cost before any markup is applied

Default options:

  • Actual Cost

  • Last Cost

  • Average Cost

Your company can create additional options as needed. For details on creating other options, see Working with Codekeys. You modify the Price Categories group in the Codes section.

If a shop inventory part has that category set up on the Prices tab, the price gets marked up based on that category.


Markup percentage

To enable this field, you must click Use Flat Markup. Otherwise, you specify markup amounts based on the values in the Cost Markup and Component Markup sections.

Note: If you leave this field blank, the system uses zero (0) by default. If this field is zero (0), no markup will be applied.

Use Flat Markup

If selected:

  • The Percentage field is enabled.

  • You cannot update the Cost Markup and Component Markup sections.

Cost markup

The Cost Markup section includes details on cost markup ranges. You identify a low cost and a high cost, and then you identify a markup percentage for that range.

This section is inactive if the Use Flat Markup feature is active. Click Use Flat Markup in the Parts Information section to disable that feature.

If you add a component code markup, it overrides the values in this section.

Field descriptions

Field Definition

Low Cost

Low cost of the cost markup matrix range

High Cost

High cost of the cost markup matrix range

Markup %

Markup percentage

Component markup

The Component Markup section includes details on individual component cost markups.

  • This section is inactive if the Use Flat Markup feature is active. Click Use Flat Markup in the Parts Information section to disable that feature.

  • If you add a component code markup, it overrides the values in the Cost Markup section.

Field descriptions

Field Definition


Component code assigned to an item

Markup %

Markup percentage

Labor tab

Use this tab to set up the labor pricing structure. It has four sections: Price Table Information, Labor Information, Cost Markup, and Component Markup.

  • The sections on this tab are the same as those on the Parts tab, except for the Labor Information section. For details about the Price Table Information, Cost Markup, and Component Markup sections, see Parts tab.

  • These sections are the same for invoice price tables and claims price tables.


Labor Information

The Labor Information section includes details about the base cost, minimum number of labor hours, and the markup percentage.

Field definitions

Required field: *

Field Definition

Cost Basis *

Identifies the base cost before any markup is applied

Default options:

  • Actual Cost

  • Last Cost

  • Average Cost

Your company can create additional options as needed. For details on creating other options, see Pay Grades. You modify the Price Categories group in the Codes section.

Min Labor Hours

Minimum number of labor hours charged to repair orders

Note: If a repair order has less than the minimum labor hours, the value in this field is applied to the order.


Markup percentage

To enable this field, you must click Use Flat Markup. Otherwise, you specify markup amounts based on the values in the Cost Markup and Component Markup sections.

Note: If 0 is entered in the percentage field, there will be no markup on the selected item type.

Services tab

Use this tab to set up the non-vendor service line pricing structure. It has four sections: Price Table Information, Services Information, Cost Markup, and Component Markup.

  • The sections on this tab are the same as those on the Parts tab, except for the Services Information section. It displays the same fields as the Parts tab’s Parts Information section. For field descriptions, see Parts tab.

  • These sections are the same for invoice price tables and claims price tables.


Your company determines how non-vendor service lines function by modifying the application option [Repairs] Allow Non-vendor Service Lines On Orders.

Vendor Charges tab

Use this tab to set up the vendor charges pricing structure. This tab has four sections: Price Table Information, Services Information, Cost Markup, and Component Markup.

  • The sections on this tab are the same as those on the Parts tab, except for the Vendor Charges Information section. It displays the same fields as the Parts tab’s Parts Information section. For field descriptions, see Parts tab.

  • These sections are the same for invoice price tables and claims price tables.


Fuel Tickets tab

Use this tab to set up the fuel ticket pricing structure. It has four sections: Price Table Information, Fuel Tickets Information, Cost Markup, and Component Markup.

  • The sections on this tab are the same as those on the Parts tab, except for the Fuel Tickets Information section. It displays the same fields as the Parts tab’s Parts Information section. For field descriptions, see Parts tab.

  • This tab is available on invoice price tables only.


Misc Fees tab

Use this tab to set up invoice fees. It has three sections: Price Table Information, Misc Fees Information, and Fee Calculation.

This tab is available on invoice price tables only.


Price Table Information

The Price Table Information section includes the price table name.

Misc Fees Information

The Misc Fees Information section includes details about miscellaneous fees.

Field definitions

Required field: *

Field Definition

Charge Category *

Fee type/category

Note: You must set up the fee charge category before creating miscellaneous fee charge types. For details, see Tax Rates and Fees.

Description *

Fee description

This description appears on the invoice.


Determines if the fee is taxable

  • Enabled

    The fee is taxed when creating an invoice.

  • Inactive

    The fee is not taxed when creating an invoice.

Fee calculation

The Fee Calculation section includes details about the markup percentage or flat fee, minimum/maximum amounts, and how the fee is calculated.

There are two methods for calculating fees:

  • Percentage

    If you click Percentage, the Percentage, Min Amount, and Max Amount fields are editable. The Flat Fee field is unavailable. The system uses a percentage to calculate fees on parts, labor, and/or services.

  • Flat Fee

    If you click Flat Fee, only the Flat Fee field is editable. The Percentage, the Min Amount, and the Max Amount fields are unavailable. The system uses a flat fee on parts, labor, and/or services.

Field definitions

Field Definition


Fee percentage

Min Amount

Minimum fee amount

Specify the minimum amount required for the system to apply the fee on a repair order invoice.

Max Amount

Maximum fee amount

Specify the maximum amount a fee will apply to a repair order invoice.

Calculate on Parts?

Toggle this option to YES if the fee applies to parts

Calculate on Labor?

Toggle this option to YES if the fee applies to labor

Calculate on Services?

Toggle this option to YES if the fee applies to service lines

Flat Fee

Fee amount

If you leave the filed blank or enter 0.00, the system does not charge a fee.