Fuel Orders

These settings are located in the Fuel Orders section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Fuel Orders
Enforce Fuel Max Capacity On Fuel Tickets

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will not allow a unit to charge more fuel than the maximum capacity of the unit as filled out in Masters > Units.


  • NO
    There is no restriction on the amount of a fluid that can be charged out on a Fuel Ticket against a unit.

  • YES (default)
    The amount of a fluid on a Fuel Ticket cannot exceed the maximum capacity of that fluid type as assigned to the unit master.

Fuel Orders
Ignore Invalid Meters On Imported Fuel Tickets

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Invalid meter readings will be imported and marked invalid.


  • NO (default)
    Invalid meter readings will appear as exceptions and can be corrected.

  • YES
    Invalid meter readings will be imported and marked invalid.

Additional notes

  1. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  2. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application option level.

  3. If the Shop option is set differently from the Application option it becomes independent of the Application option settings. Changing the Application option will not sync the Shop option.

Fuel Orders
Require Trip Tickets For Fuel Tickets

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Fuel Tickets must be substantiated by a Trip Ticket.


  • NO (default)
    Fuel Tickets do not require an accompanying Trip Ticket.

  • YES
    Fuel Tickers require a Trip Ticket.