Work with Codekeys

You use the System Setup page to manage Codekeys. Codekeys are important for reporting in TMT Fleet Maintenance.

To open the System Setup page, go to Menu > Setup > System Setup.


The System Setup displays two main sections.


  • The Codes section is where codes are displayed, added, edited, or deleted.

  • The Details or Mapping section displays different information based on the code you select.

Show me: Details view


Show me: Mapping view


Codes section overview

The Codes section has four primary groupings.

Repair Order

Codekeys used on repair orders

Repair Reason User Codes

Codekeys associated with reason codes


General system Codekeys

User Defined Fields

Codekey fields available on Parts Catalog/Shop Inventory master records, Unit master records, and Purchase Orders


Repair Order

The Repair Order group lists Codekeys used on repair orders. The list includes:

Code definitions

Cause Codes

Technician failure codes on a labor line of the repair order

Based on VMRS code key 18 (Technician’s Failure Code).

Commodity Codes

Commodity codes are used for Tank Wash processing using Component Codes identified as a Wash Ticket Code

Complaint Codes

Operator vehicle/equipment condition report codes used on the repair order section

Based on VMRS code key 82 (Operator Vehicle/Equipment Condition Report).

Correction Codes

Work accomplished codes on a labor line of the repair order

Based on VMRS code key 15 (Work Accomplished).

Position Codes

Position codes identify where on a vehicle/equipment parts are installed/located
Also, used on unit masters when the same part is located on multiple positions on the unit.

Based on VMRS code key 79 (Position Codes).

Reason Codes

Reason for repair code used on the repair order section

Based on VMRS code key 14 (Reason For Repair).

Repair Order User Codes

Repair Order User Codes are added as they are created through the reason code creation process.
For details, see Specifying user defined repair reason codes.


The System group displays Codekeys used throughout the programs. The list includes:

Code definitions

Account Segment Cost Center

Values used when setting up Account Lookups to match to a TMT value for Accounting Structures

Note: Accounting Structures must be active.

Account Segment Department

Values used when setting up Account Lookups to match to a TMT value for Accounting Structures

Note: Accounting Structures must be active.

Account Segment Division

Values used when setting up Account Lookups to match to a TMT value for Accounting Structures

Note: Accounting Structures must be active.

Account Segment Shop

Values used when setting up Account Lookups to match to a TMT value for Accounting Structures

Note: Accounting Structures must be active.

Account Segment Unit Activity

Values used when setting up Account Lookups to match to a TMT value for Accounting Structures

Note: Accounting Structures must be active.

Account Segment Unit Type

Values used when setting up Account Lookups to match to a TMT value for Accounting Structures

Note: Accounting Structures must be active.

Accounting Company

The specific accounting company code for a user to pull and process accounting transactions

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the TMW IES integration.


The ATA codes are component codes

Based on VMRS code keys 31 (System Codes), 32 (Assembly Codes) and 33 (Part Codes).

The codes are developed in three sets of three digits. They are separated by dashes:

  • XXX: Three digits represent a System on a unit. This is the highest level of a component. For example, 013 is the component code for Brakes.

  • XXX-XXX: Three digits dash three digits represent an Assembly on a unit. For example, 013-001 is the component code for the Front Brakes and Drums.

  • XXX-XXX-XXX: Three digits dash three digits dash three digits represent a Part on a unit. For example, 013-001-014 is a Front Brake Shoe.

Used in a variety of setup, Parts Catalog masters, Shop Inventory masters, Unit masters, Repair Orders, Campaigns, Warranty Claims, Road Calls and in reporting.

Axle Type

Type of axle based, in part, on VMRS code key 23 (Tire Position Code, Data Element 1 - Axle Type)

Used in Parts Catalog masters, Tire Configurations, and in reporting.

Campaign Codes

Identifies the type of campaign being created

Used in Campaigns and in reporting.

Charge Category Type

Values used to track costs by category for items charged on orders

Used in ROs, POs, Contract Maintenance, and in reporting.

Company Departments

Allows values to be associated with shops and units for reporting purposes

Used in Shop master records, Unit master records, accounting integrations, and in reporting.

Company Divisions

Allows values to be associated with shops and units for reporting purposes

Used in Shop master records, Unit master records, accounting integrations, and in reporting.

Contact Type

Identifies the type of contact available for a particular customer

Used on Customer master records and Invoicing.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Invoicing module.

Contract Service Line Charge Categories

Used in Contract Maintenance and in reporting

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Contract Maintenance module.

Cost Centers

Allows values to be associated with shops and units for reporting purposes

Used in Shop master records, Unit master records, accounting integrations, and in reporting.

Country Code

Identifies the country

Used in Shop master records, Customer master records, Vendor master records, and in reporting.

Customer Account Type

Currently not functional

Customer Types

Customer type

Used in Customer master records and in reporting.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Invoicing module.

As of V.2023.1, you can select Customer Types to open the Mapping pane. This lets you restrict component codes of all levels to specific customer types.

When mapping TMT values to CustomerType values, the Available column shows available components. Components in the Excluded column cannot be mapped to a CustomerType.

These restrictions apply to these pages:

  • Repair Order Detail

  • Repair Order Template

  • Shop Planner

  • Shop Scheduler

  • Road Calls

  • Parts Workstation

The restrictions also apply to the Shop Planner and Shop Scheduler Open Orders > Add Section window.

On the applicable page, when you enter a component code that is excluded for the customer type in the Bill-To Customer field, the program clears the field. The excluded component codes do not appear in searches.

In the Estimates section, trying to add an excluded component opens the error message "Component Code XXX is excluded from Customer XXX Customer Type of CUSTOMER TYPE."

Depreciable Items

Used to calculate depreciation for a unit type and other depreciable items related to a unit in Contract Maintenance

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Contract Maintenance module.

Driver Class

Identifies the type of driver

Used in Driver (Employee) master records and in reporting.

Employee Classification Codes

The general classification for the employee

Used in Employee master records and in reporting.

Employee Status Codes

Identifies the current status of the employee

Used in Employee master records and in reporting.

Engine Codes

Identifies the engine type used in calculations on the Rate Sheet in Contract Maintenance

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Contract Maintenance module.

Fluid Additive Type

Unit’s available additive fluids

Used in fluids setup.

Image System

Methods used to set up commands for the Generic Imaging System

Indirect Labor Codes

Indirect labor codes for labor activities that cannot be directly charged to a unit on a RO

Based on VMRS code key 19 (Indirect Labor Activities).

Used on Indirect Charge orders and in reporting.

Inspection Ticket Type

Allows different inspection types

Used on inspection tickets and Unit master records.

Labor Type Codes

Codes used to determine what rate to charge labor

Used on labor lines in the system and in reporting.

License, Sticker and Permit Types

Identifies the type of license to be tracked for the unit/equipment

Used on Unit master records.

Mechanic/Vendor Skills

Codes used to track certifications and expirations on skills

Used on Employee master records and Vendor master records.

Order Status

Identifies the current status of an order

Used on all orders.

Part Category Codes

Basic properties of a part

Used on Part Catalog master records, Shop Inventory master records, Vendor Parts Catalog master records, and in reporting.

Payment Method

Payment method used by vendors and customers

Used on Vendor master records, Customer master records, Payment Details, ROs and POs.

Payment Terms

Defines how soon payment is expected and if any discounts are available if paid in a shorter period of time

Used on Vendor master records, Customer master records, and POs.

Payroll Type

Codes assigned to indirect charges and to the Direct Payroll Code in IWS

Used with the Payroll Approval process.

Physical Location of Unit

Physical location of the unit identifies where the unit is physically

Identifies the physical location of the unit verses the domicile location of the unit.

Used on Unit master records and Shop Planner.

Price Categories

Used to establish price categories

Determines what price parts are charged on invoices.

Used on Shop master records and price tables.

Rate Sheet Contract Stages

Contract Maintenance internal codes for the stages of a contract

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Contract Maintenance module.

Rate Sheet Maintenance Levels

Contract Maintenance rate sheet service levels

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Contract Maintenance module.

Reason Codes for Accounting Transactions

Used to associate reason codes with account disbursement base rules so that repair order cost is properly accounted for during accounting

Required on Account Disbursement Base Rule and on Codekeys of type Reason.

Reason for Customer Limit Override

Reason for the customer’s override

If the Application option [Invoicing] Allow User to Override Customer Credit Limit is set to YES, reasons for override will need to be created as this is a required field to override the credit limit on an RO.

Requires the User option [Invoicing] Credit Limit Override PIN Code to be entered per user.

Reasons for Cancellation

Reasons why an estimate was not approved

Requires the Application option [Invoicing] Require Reason for Cancellation is set to YES.

Reasons For Delay

Establishes why work was not performed on time for a component under repair on a repair order

Based on VMRS code key 76 (Reason for Delay).

Used on ROs and in reporting.

Reasons for Termination

Reasons a deal summary was terminated

Used in the Contract Maintenance Deal Summary process.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Contract Maintenance module.

Repair Classes

Repair Priority Class category on ROs

Based on VMRS code key 16 (Repair Priority Class).

Used on ROs and in reporting.

Repair Sites

Repair Site category on ROs

Based on VMRS code key 17 (Repair Site).

Used on ROs and in reporting.

Repair Stages

Currently not functional

Road Call Status

Road Call status

Note: This is not the same status as the Order Status.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Roadcalls module.

Shipment Method

Method of shipment

Used on Vendor master records and POs.

Shop Regions

Describes the geographic location of a shop or other facility

Most commonly used to group facilities by geographic distribution in a company with widespread operations.

Used on Shop master records

Shop Types

Describes a shop or facility in general terms

Used on Shop master records and in reporting.

State Codes

Codes representing the states/provinces for the United States of America, Canada, and the United States of Mexico

Used on the Company master record, Customer master record, Employee master record, Shop master record, Vendor master record, and Purchase Orders.

Status of Loan for a Plan

Identifies the status of a loaner unit

Used in Shop Planner

Tax Exempt Reasons

Currently not functional

Tire Configuration

Identifies the layout of tires on a unit

Used on Unit master records and Tire Configuration setup.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Tires module.

Tire Out of Service Codes

Identifies why a tire was removed from a unit

Based on VMRS code key 21 (New and Retread Tire Out-of-Service Condition Codes).

Used on Part Catalog master records for parts with a Part Type of Tire and in reporting.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Tires module.

Tire Rotation Type

Currently not functional

Tire Size

Identifies the size for a tire

Used on Part Catalog master records for parts with a Part Type of Tire.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Tires module.

Tire Type

Identifies the physical properties for a tire

Used on Part Catalog master records for parts with a Part Type of Tire.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Tires module.

Tool Categories

Categories used to break down the many types of tools into manageable groups

Used on Shop master records, Employee master records and in reporting.

Tread Type

Identifies the tread design for a tire

Used on Part Catalog master records for parts with a Part Type of Tire.

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Tires module.

Unit Activities

Allows values to be associated with shops and units for reporting purposes

Used in Shop master records, Unit Masters, Accounting integrations and in reporting

Unit Child Type

Used when assigning a child unit to a parent unit

Used on Unit master records.

Unit Color

The color of a unit

Used on Unit master records and in reporting.

Unit Fixed Cost

Type of fixed cost for a unit

Used on Fixed Costs and in reporting.

Unit Models

The manufacturer model number for the unit

Used on Unit master records and in reporting.

Unit Out Of Service Reason Codes

Identifies the unit’s out-of-service status

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Vnomics integration.

Unit Status Codes

Describes the current status of a unit

Based on VMRS code key 20 (Vehicle Status Code).

Used on Unit master records and in reporting.

Unit Type

A general classification for the unit

Based on VMRS code key 2 (Equipment Category).

Used on Unit master records and in reporting.

Vehicle Manufacturer/Make Codes

Manufacturer’s code

Based on VMRS code key 34 (Manufacturer/Supplier/Brand Codes).

Used on Part Catalog master records, Shop Inventory master records, Unit master records, Vendor Parts Catalog master records and in reporting.

Vendor Services

Allows tracking of all service types provided by a vendor

Used on Vendor master records.

Vendor Types

Describes the vendor by the services and parts supplied

Used on Vendor master records and in reporting.

Warranty Status

Used to track warranty on units through the RO system

This Codekey is only available when you are licensed for the Warranty module.

Warranty Type

Identifies the type of warranty claim

Based on VMRS code key 81 (Type of Claim).

Used on ROs, Warranty Claims and in reporting.

User Defined Fields

The User Defined Fields group displays Codekeys used to track specific information that the system currently does not provide. These fields are not the same, but in addition to, the user defined fields that can be setup on the User Fields tab available on master records and repair orders (RO).

You can edit the description fields.

Code definitions


Call user fields are available on Road Calls and includes four fields:

  • Call User Defined Field 1

  • Call User Defined Field 2

  • Call User Defined Field 3

  • Call User Defined Field 4


Inspection user fields are available on Inspection Tickets and include two fields:

  • Inspection User Defined Field 1

  • Inspection User Defined Field 2


Part user fields are available on Parts Catalog and Shop Inventory master records and includes four fields:

  • Part User Defined Field 1

  • Part User Defined Field 2

  • Part User Defined Field 3

  • Part User Defined Field 4


PO user fields are available on Purchase Orders (PO) and includes four fields:

  • PO User Defined Field 1

  • PO User Defined Field 2

  • PO User Defined Field 3

  • PO User Defined Field 4


Unit user fields are available on Unit master records and includes eight fields:

  • Unit User Defined Field 1

  • Unit User Defined Field 2

  • Unit User Defined Field 3

  • Unit User Defined Field 4

  • Unit User Defined Field 5

  • Unit User Defined Field 6

  • Unit User Defined Field 7

  • Unit User Defined Field 8

Add Codekeys

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup.
    The System Setup page opens.

  2. In the Codes section, expand the section where the new code is needed.

  3. Select the Codekey.

  4. Click Add.
    A temporary code called NEW: New Code is displayed under the parent Codekey and the Details section is displayed.

  5. Enter the Code.
    The code is limited to 12 characters.

  6. Enter the Description.
    The description is limited to 60 characters.

  7. Do the following as needed:

    • To be available on the RO, the Active option must be set to YES.

    • To be available with the mobile computing add-on module, the Handheld option must be set to YES. This option will be missing for codekeys not available with the mobile computing add-on module.

      These codekeys have additional features for setup.

      • Commodity Codes

        1. If the commodity is hazardous, toggle the Hazmat option to YES.

        2. Enter the Hazmat Class, if there is one.

        3. Enter the Hazmat Sub-Class, if there is one.

      • Reason Codes

        1. Select the Reason Group Code.
          Reason group codes must be created prior to being available on the reason code.


          Code used for accident accounting disbursement rules


          Code used for maintenance accounting disbursement rule

        2. Select the Expense Category.
          Expense categories are used specific SSRS reports to help isolate costs.


          Repairs for normal maintenance

          Examples include:

          • PMs

          • Driver’s Reports

          • Breakdowns

          Management Decisions

          Repairs made based on management’s directives

          Examples include:

          • Capital Improvement

          • Conversions

          • Modifications

          Outside Influence

          Repairs made due to an external force and unavoidable

          Examples include:

          • Accidents

          • Acts of God

          • Vandalism

        3. Specify the Update Parameters as needed.

          • Update PM

            To have the PM updated, the Update PM option must be set to YES. When the RO Section is set to CLOSED, the PM Master will be updated.

          • Update Warranty

            To have the warranty updated, the Update Warranty option must be set to YES. When the RO section is CLOSED, warranty records will be created.

        4. Specify the User Defined Codes as needed.

          See User Defined Codes for details.

Charge Category Types

If the code requires a referenced repair order number when used on a purchase order, toggle the Require RO for Service Line on PO option to YES.

Company Divisions

If the code is used for inter-company accounting transactions, select the InterCompany Account from the drop-down list.

Indirect Labor Codes

If the code is used as part of the payroll export, select the Payroll Code from the dropdown.

Part Category Codes

  1. If the code is treated like supplies, toggle the Treat as Supplies option to YES.

  2. If the code should allow credit markups, toggle the Allow Credit Markups option to YES.

Payment Method

The Payment Type can be set. The choices are:

  • Cash

  • Check

  • Credit Card

  • Required for the Great Plains accounting interface.

  • T-Chek

  • T-Chek MC

For use with the T-Check module for purchase order payments.

Note: The payment type of Cash is also available for driver advances, for use with the [Application option] PO Invoice Driver Validation.

Reasons for Cancellation

If the code should require a comment, toggle the Require Comment option to YES.

  1. Click Save.
    The text NEW: New Code is replaced with the new code name and description.

Edit existing Codekeys

There may be times when you need to modify Codekeys or remove them from your system. Once a code has been created, you cannot edit the Code field.

Edit codes

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup.
    The System Setup page opens.

  2. In the Codes section, expand the section needed.

    • Repair Order

    • Repair Reason User Codes

    • System

    • User Fields

  3. Expand the parent Codekey.

  4. Select the code that you want to edit.

  5. Edit the fields as needed.

  6. Click Save.

Delete codes

Trimble does not recommend deleting reason codes. Instead, toggle the Active option to NO (set as inactive).

You cannot delete codes with child records (history). You can only inactivate them.

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup.
    The System Setup page opens.

  2. In the Codes section, expand the section needed.

  3. Expand the parent Codekey.

  4. Select the code that you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

    The Delete Code message window opens. It asks, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected code?"

  6. Click Delete Code to delete the code and close the window.

Click Cancel to close the window without deleting the reason code.

Map repair order codes

These rules apply when mapping Reason codes to component codes:

  • If there are no reason codes mapped to a component code, all active component codes will be available for that component code.

  • If there are reason codes mapped to a component, those reason codes will be available when creating RO sections.

  • For PM component codes:

  • The assignments work at a top level and filter down. So if a reason code is assigned at the System level, the assembly and part levels will automatically get that reason for repair.

For example, if ROADCALL is assigned as the only reason for repair to 034, then 034-XXX and 034-XXX-XXX codes will automatically get that code. Once a change is made at the assembly level, then only that level would have the different codes.

To map repair order codes to component codes:

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup.
    The System Setup page opens.

  2. In the Codes section, expand Repair Order.

  3. Expand the repair order Code.

    The Mapping section is displayed.

  4. In the Component field, enter the component code and press ENTER.

    The Description field updates.

  5. Using a combination of the Shift and/or the Control keys, select the codes from the Available grid.


  6. Click the image15 Right Arrow.
    The selected codes move to the Selected list.


  7. Repeat Steps 1-6 as needed.

Specify user defined repair reason codes

You can define your own repair reason codes. These are called user-defined repair reason codes. You can assign your user defined repair reason codes to a reason code.

You can also set a code requirement to make it a condition that must be met before a users can close a RO.

To add a user defined repair reason code:

  1. Go to Menu > Setup > System Setup.
    The System Setup page opens.

  2. In the Codes section, expand Repair Order.

  3. Expand Reason Codes.

  4. Select the code needed.
    The system displays the Details pane.

  5. In the User Defined Codes section, toggle the Prompt for Code option to YES.
    The Code field and the Required option are enabled.

  6. Do one of the following:

    • In the Code field, select the Code. Go to Step 7.

    • If there are no codes or no code that applies, click New Code.
      The New Repair Reason User Code window opens.

      1. Enter the Code.

        Note: The code field is limited to 12 characters.

      2. Enter the code Description.

        Note: The description field is limited to 60 characters.


      3. Click OK.
        The new user code will be listed in the tree view under Repair Reason User Codes. It will be available for assignment to other reason codes.


  7. Do the following as needed:

    • If the code should be required when creating a RO section, toggle the Required option to YES. The option Required to Close RO enables.

    • If the code is required as a condition to close the order, the option Required to Close RO must be set to YES.

  8. Click Save.