Setting up Contract Maintenance

First available in TMT Fleet Maintenance: 2018.2

As of V.2020.1, this functionality is no longer supported.

You must set up your system before you can use Contract Maintenance.

  • Enable the Master Service Agreement (MSA) feature for each customer who has a contract.

  • Specify approval levels.

Enabling Contract Maintenance for a customer

To create contracts for a customer you must enable the Master Service Agreement feature on that customer’s master record.

You enable the Master Service Agreement feature on a customer-by-customer basis.

To enable Contract Maintenance for a customer:

  1. Go to Menu > Masters > Customers.
    The Customers page opens.

    Show me


  2. In the Customer field, enter the customer ID and press ENTER.
    The page refreshes to display basic customer information.

  3. Click the MSA tab.
    The MSA Settings and Full Service Lease Settings sections are displayed.


  4. Toggle the Master Service Agreement option to YES.

    The Billing Cycle and Price Table fields are enabled.

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  5. In the Billing Cycle field, select the billing cycle for this customer.

    Note: Your company determines the values in these fields.

  6. In the Price Table field, select the customer’s price table.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • If the customer has insurance:

      Note: The Full Service Lease Settings section and the Comments section are informational only. They do not interact with other Contract Maintenance functions.

      1. Toggle the Insurance Info Provided option to YES.

        The Physical Damage Coverage and Liability Coverage options are enabled.

        Show me


        Note: You must toggle the Physical Damage Coverage and Liability Coverage options to YES to make entries in the date fields.

      2. Toggle the options and enter the dates as needed.

      3. If needed, enter comments about the contract in the Comments section.

      4. Click Save.

    • If you are not tracking insurance, click Save.

Specifying rate sheet approval levels

When you create a deal with a customer, you associate a single rate sheet or multiple rate sheets with it. Each rate sheet must go through the approval process.

This table identifies the different rate sheet approval levels.

Approval status Description


Default status for submitted rate sheets


Review and make adjustments to the rate sheet


Rate sheet is approved, but not associated with a deal


Rate sheet active and associated with a deal

Note: Once a rate sheet is active, you cannot make changes to that rate sheet.


Rate sheet is inactive, all billing/invoicing stops


Rate sheet is canceled

This illustration shows the rate sheet approval workflow.


You can cancel a rate sheet anytime during the process. However, you cannot skip steps in the process. For example, you cannot move a rate sheet from the Assessment status to the Closed status.

You can specify which user or users may approve a rate sheet for a specific status.

To specify rate sheet approval levels:

  1. Go to Menu > Security > Contract Maintenance > Approval Security.
    The Approval Security page opens.


  2. In the Approval Stage field, select the approval status.

  3. In the Approval Setup section, select the Assigned checkbox next to each user who has authority to approve rate sheets for this status.


  4. Click Save.


  5. Repeat Steps 1-4 as needed.