Managing unit numbers

On the Units page, you can:

  • Create unit records using the same unit number but different customer information

  • Renumber unit records


Opening a unit’s record

To look up a unit record:

  1. Go to Menu > Masters > Units.
    The Units page opens and displays information about the first unit record.


  2. In the Unit field, enter the unit’s number (ID) and press ENTER.
    The window displays the unit’s information.

Note: The shop a unit is in can affect whether you can see and work with it. For details, see Shop Restrictions.

Renumbering unit records

To renumber a unit record:

  1. Open a unit record.

  2. Click Renumber Unit.
    The Renumber Unit window opens.


  3. In the New Unit field, enter the new unit’s number (ID).

  4. Click OK.
    The Renumber Unit window changes to display a system message. It asks, "Are you sure you want to renumber unit Old Number to New Number?"

  5. Click Yes.
    The window closes and the system displays the new unit ID in the Unit field.

    To close this window without saving your changes, click No.

You can assign a customer to a unit when creating or cloning a unit record. When adding a unit, the system checks whether the new unit shares the same unit number and customer information as an existing unit. This includes units that show no customer information.

Depending on your setup, you can create units with the same unit number, but different customer information.

  1. To use this feature, you must have [Units]Allow Duplicate Unit Numbers set to YES. This setting is irreversible. When you change this option, a system message window opens. It states, "If this option is set to YES, once the Save button is pressed it will become disabled and cannot be changed back to NO."

  2. If you try to create a duplicate unit when this option is set to NO, a system message window opens. It states, "Unit number already exists."