Shop options

This section contains shop-specific options.

  1. Shop Options overwrite option values in the Application Option section.

  2. Customer options overwrite option values in the Shop Options section.

Client Server

Client Server settings apply only to V.2020.1 and earlier versions. As of V.2020.2, they have been removed.

Client Server: Repairs

Repairs: PMs
Select PMs Due & Work Pendings To Create Sections

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When a repair order is created on a unit that has due PMs, those due PMs will be used to create sections. If Yes is selected and the RO option Auto-create Sections is set as Yes, when a work pending exists and/or PMs are due for a unit, the Select Pending for Repair Order dialog will appear.


  • NO (default)
    PM/Pending prompts are disabled.

  • YES
    PM/Pending prompts are enabled.

Additional notes

  1. Even with this option on the user option Auto-create Sections must also be set as Yes for the feature to be enabled. The option Auto-create Sections is only available in the Client Server at this time.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Shop Options level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Shop Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

  4. If the Shop Options is set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Fuel Orders

The Ignore Invalid Meters On Imported Fuel Tickets setting is located in the Fuel Orders section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.


All settings described below exist in the specified location on the Shop Options and Application Options pages.

Setting location Setting


Allow Overriding Of System Generated Numbers

General: Printing

Print Shop Name In Place Of Company Name (POs and Invoices)


This setting is located in the Inventory section on the Shop Options page.

Shop Inventory
Central Shop

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This is the central shop when dispensing inventory from a single location.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    No central shop.

  • User-specified ID
    Enter a valid shop ID for the central shop.

These settings are located in the Inventory section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync

The Update Vendor setting is located in the Inventory: Catalog Vendor Sync section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.


All settings described below exist in the specified location on the Shop Options, Customer Options, and Application Options pages.

Setting location Setting


Invoicing: Labor Time

The settings below exist in the Invoicing location of the Shop Options and Application Options pages.

Setting location Setting



All settings described below exist in the specified location on the Shop Options and Application Options pages.

These settings apply only to V.2022.2.2 and earlier versions. As of V.2022.3, the settings have been moved to TTP or have been removed.

Setting location Setting


IWS: Log-in/Log-out

IWS: Parts

IWS: Repairs

IWS: Reports

IWS: Tires

IWS: Yard Checks

Parts Workstation

These settings are located in the Parts Workstation section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.


These settings are located in the Planner section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.


These settings are located in the Purchasing section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Purchasing: Barcoding

The Print Barcoded Receiving Labels setting is located in the Purchasing: Barcoding section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Purchasing: Currency

These settings are located in the Purchasing: Currency section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Shop Options: Purchasing: Currency
Allow User to override PO Currency Method

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option allows the user to override the currency method on the Purchase Order header.


  • NO (default)
    The PO currency method on the PO is disabled.

  • YES
    The user can change the currency method on the PO.

Additional Notes

This is a Shop Option only.

Shop Options: Purchasing: Currency
Force PO Shop Currency Method to override PO Currency Method

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option forces the Purchase Order currency method to match the Shop master currency method.


  • NO (default)
    PO currency method can be different from the Shop Master method.

  • YES
    PO currency method matches Shop Master currently method.

Additional Notes

This is a Shop Option only.

Purchasing: Receiving

These settings are located in the Purchasing: Receiving section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Purchasing: Reorder Formula

These settings are located in the Purchasing: Reorder Formula section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.


These settings are located in the Repairs section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

  • Require Repair Site
    This setting applies only to V.2022.1.3 and earlier versions. As of V.2022.2, this setting was moved to the Repairs > Default node and renamed Repair Site field is required.

Repairs: Approvals

These settings are located in the Repairs: Approvals section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Repairs: Barcoding

These settings are located in the Repairs: Barcoding section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Repairs: Chronic

These settings are located in the Repairs: Chronic section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Repairs: Currency

These settings are located in the Repairs: Currency section on the Shop Options page.

Shop Options: Allow User to override VRO Currency Method

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option allows the user to select what currency they want to use for the vendor repair order.


  • NO (default)
    The currency method on the VRO is disabled.

  • YES
    The user can change the currency method on the VRO.

Additional notes

This is a Shop Option only.

Shop Options: Force VRO Shop Currency to override VRO Currency

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option forces the Shop Currency to override the Vendor Currency for the vendor repair order.


  • NO
    PO currency does not match Shop Master method.

  • YES (default)
    PO currency method matches Shop Master method.

Additional notes

This is a Shop Option only.

Repairs: Defaults

These settings are located in the Repairs: Defaults section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Repairs: Meters

These settings are located in the Repairs: Meters section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Repairs: Pay Grade

These settings are located in the Repairs: Pay Grade section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Before V.2020.2, this section was named Repairs: Overtime.

Repairs: PMs

These settings are located in the Repairs: PMs section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Repairs: Warranty

These settings are located in the Repairs: Warranty section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.

Road Calls

This setting is located in the Road Calls section on the Shop Options page, the Application Options page, and the User Preferences page.


This setting is located in the Scheduler section on the Shop Options page and the Application Options page.


All settings described below exist in the specified location on the Shop Options and Application Options pages.

  • TTP stands for Trimble Technician Portal.

  • In V.2022.3, TTP replaced Interactive Workstation (IWS). If you want the IWS Shop Options, see IWS.

Setting location Setting


TTP: Log-in/Log-out

TTP: Parts

TTP: Repairs

TTP: Reports

TTP: Tires

TTP: Yard Checks