Trip Tickets

These settings are located in the Trip Tickets section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Trip Tickets
Enforce Meter Daily Max On Trip Tickets

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


This option will not let meter readings that exceed the daily maximum be entered into the system. It is designed to prevent bad readings from being entered.


  • NO (default)
    When entering a meter reading and that meter reading exceeds the daily max the Accept button is enabled allowing the reading as long as the reading is not less than a previous reading.

  • YES
    The daily max is enforced on Trip Tickets.

Additional notes

  1. If set to Yes, when a trip ticket is created for a unit, miles entered for a specific day will be compared to the unit’s ODOMETER Daily Max. If the amount entered for a specific day on the Trip Ticket exceeds the daily max, an error will be displayed: The Distance entered will exceed the Daily Max for Odometer.

  2. If you see this error, look for the following:

    • If the Daily Max is 0 for the meter on the unit, the miles entered are not validated when the option to validate daily max is turned on.

    • All the legs of a trip for a given day will be on one trip ticket.

    • The Daily Max must be on the Meter Type of ODOMETER on the Unit Master.

Trip Tickets
Record Segments By Distance

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


Determines how utilization is entered on Trip Tickets.


  • NO (default)
    The beginning and ending meter are required.

  • YES
    The total distance can be entered for each leg of the trip.