Mobile Applications

These settings are located in the Mobile Applications section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Mobile Application: Driver Inspection Tickets
Customer Prompt

Applies to

Asset Inspection Mobile App


Repair Order (RO) entry asks for the Customer ID. The Unit Search feature filters the results based on the customer entered.


  • NO (default)
    Repair orders cannot be closed if parts are on order.

  • YES
    The repair order can be closed if parts are on order, but not if the parts are on request.

Additional notes

This option can be overridden at the User Options level.

The system looks for the setting at the User Options level first, then at the Application Options level.

If the Shop Options are set differently from the Application Options, it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Shop Options.

Parts Workstation
Signature Required

Applies to

Asset Inspection Mobile App


This option determines whether a signature is required when an inspection is complete.


  • NO (default)
    Signatures are not required when an inspection is complete.

  • YES
    Signatures are required when an inspection is complete.