Understanding the Save Warnings window

The Save Warnings window informs you of conflicts when creating orders and planning trip resource assignments in Call On Demand Order Entry, Card Planner and Planning Worksheet. For example, a driver may not meet a load requirement for hazmat training. The window warns you about conflicts that can prevent or hinder you from saving an order or dispatching a trip.


The window identifies the severity of each conflict with either a PreventSave or Warn indicator.

image2 PreventSave

Indicates that the conflict is critical. You cannot save the order. For example, a critical conflict occurs when an assigned asset:

  • Does not meet a Load Requirement with a must condition (Required)

  • Has an Expiration with a Priority 1 status

  • Has an available Date and Time limitation

For example, suppose a driver is active on a trip that started yesterday. The system will not allow you to start the driver on a new trip until the previous one is marked as complete. When a scheduling conflict occurs, the ErrorID column shows a description of the issue.


The columns in this illustration have been rearranged for emphasis.

image4 Warn

Indicates that the conflict is a potential problem. You can save the order or assignment. For example, a warning occurs when an assignment does not meet:

  • A Load Preference with a should condition

  • An Expiration with a Priority 2 status (Key Date)


    The columns in this illustration have been rearranged for emphasis.

By default, the system does not open the Save Warnings window when a warn condition exists. The [FuelDispatch]ShowWarnings setting in your TTS50 controls whether the window opens for a warn condition.

Viewing conflicts

  1. If a conflict exists, do one of the following to open the Save Warnings window.

    • In the Planning Worksheet or the Card Planner, click Update or select the hyperlink next to the Update button.


    • In Call on Demand Order Entry, click image7 Save.

      Note: In Call on Demand Order Entry, you do not receive an indication that a conflict exists until you click Save.


      • The Save Warnings window opens when a prevent save condition exists.

      • If ShowWarnings=Y in your TTS50, the Save Warnings window opens when a warn condition exists, even if a prevent save condition does not.

  2. When the Save Warnings window opens, review the PreventSave or Warn issues listed.

    Note: The columns in this illustration have been rearranged for emphasis.


  3. To see the details, click image9 Expand to the left of a row.

    Note: The columns in this illustration have been rearranged for emphasis.


    Move Number

    ID of the movement for which the conflict exists

    Order Number

    ID of the order for which the conflict exists

    Leg Number

    ID of the trip segment for which the conflict exists

    Error Message

    Identifies the number of warning and error messages contained within the details of the conflict row


    Number of PreventSave issues that exist for the order


    Number of Warn issues that exist for the order


    Severity of the conflict

    The options include:

    • PreventSave
      The current assignment cannot be saved.

      • A load requirement (must condition) is not met.

      • The resource has an active Priority 1 (Required) expiration.

      • The resource is not available to be used on the trip.

    • Warn
      The current order or resource assignment can be saved.

      • Order example

        • Scheduled delivery occurs during a store’s restricted hours

      • Resource assignment example

        • A load preference (should condition) is not met.

        • The resource has an active Priority 2 (Key Date) expiration.

    • OK
      No PreventSave or Warn issues exist.


    Icon that identifies the severity of the conflict

    image2 PreventSave

    A critical problem exists. You will not be able to save the resource assignment.

    image4 Warn

    You are being warned of a potential problem; however, you will be able to save the resource assignment.

    image11 OK

    No PreventSave or Warn issues exist.

  4. Make note of assignment warnings so that you can reassign the planned trips to other resources as needed.

  5. Click image12 Close to exit the window.