Viewing Asset Compartments in Card Planner and Planning Worksheet

First available in Fuel Dispatch 2021.1

When you plan trips in the Card Planner or the Planning Worksheet, you can right-click on an asset to view a visual representation of it’s compartments. The data displayed matches the compartment set up in the Tractor or Trailer profiles.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Go to Application > Card Planner.

      1. Refresh or Update the board.

      2. Right-click on an asset in the Drivers assigned to work schedule grid.

    • Go to Application > Planning Worksheet.

      1. Refresh or Update the board.

      2. Right-click on an asset in the Resources scheduled to work grid.

  2. Select the Asset Compartments menu.

  3. View the AssetCompartmentsView pop-up window.



    1. You can select the Tractor, Trailer and Trailer2 tabs in the window to view data.

    2. If an asset does not have any compartments set up, you will receive a No Compartments message.

    3. The data in the AssetCompartmentsView is read-only.