Understanding publisher events

There are several different types of events. Not all event types are available in all cell types. Not all events are fired as a result of user action. Some events are fired only when the Company Planner board is loaded.

Company Planner provides two types of events.

  • Automatic event
    This type of event occurs without the user performing a specific action to cause it. For example, data in a publisher cell is retrieved automatically or the event triggers a subscription in the subscriber cell.

  • User event
    This type of event requires the user to perform an action to initiate the action. The user interacting with the system in the publisher cell, such as clicking on a row in a grid, triggers a subscription in the subscriber cell.

This event Fires Notes


When the data in the cell is retrieved from the data source

For example, the map data would need to be updated for new points.

Normally, this event is tied to the RefreshData action. It refreshes the data.


After a check call has been added using a grid cell

Use it to refresh brokerage data.

This event is for Brokerage only.


When the user clicks a custom menu command in the publisher

The data in the row where the command was executed is passed to the subscriber.


When the user performs a drag-and-drop operation between two cells

There are two different operations with a DragDrop event: push and pull.

  • You push assets onto a load and pull loads to the asset.

  • The subscriber to the DragDrop event is always where the rows are being dropped.

  • The publisher is where the drag started, or the cell from which the rows were dragged.


When the user clicks on an icon in a map cell


When the user clicks in a row cell. That row cell is actionable. The cell data is passed to the subscriber


When the user clicks on a row

The data in that row is passed to the subscriber.