Reviewing optimization solutions
You can display and review your optimization solutions in Fuel Dispatch.
When the Status field changes to End, double-click at the left side of the transaction row to see the solution.
The top of the Review Solution tab displays summary information for the selected solution.
In the Loads section, verify the following information:
Total number of assigned loads
Assigned drivers (power)
Unassigned/infeasible loads
Unassigned/infeasible drivers
In the Miles section, check the Loaded Ratio to gauge the quality of the solutions.
Are most loads covered?
Is the loaded ratio appropriate for your business?
The middle section of the Review Solution tab displays all drivers who were considered for optimization. If a driver was recommended for a load(s), the Assigned checkbox will be checked.
Click an assigned driver to display the details for the recommended load(s) in the Loads and Infeasible Loads tabs at the bottom of the window.
Order numbers appear in the sequence (indicated by the Seq field) in which they should be executed.
To determine whether the recommendation is realistic, check the duration, origin company, and destination company.
Verify that the commodity codes for each load can be delivered in the designated sequence.
If the solution appears unrealistic, verify dispatch-related information, including:
Retain/runout times
Load requirements
Commodity compatibility
Road speeds between company codes (Mileage Inquiry)
Click + to the left of each order (
) to review the stop information for each order.
Information includes the dates/times when the driver will arrive and depart from stops.
To keep a driver open at the end of the day, or to indicate that the driver should not be assigned certain recommended loads, clear the Accept checkbox.
When you save the solution, these loads will not be assigned to the driver.