Working with dispatch views

A dispatch view is a set of restrictions that serves as a filter to narrow down the number of records listed in a data grid. In Fuel Dispatch, views can be applied in the planning boards, such as, the Planning Worksheet and Card Planner. Displayed data can be restricted based on order and resource information (IDs, city, state, and various label types), as well as date, and whether a driver is on or off duty.

There are three basic types of views in Fuel Dispatch: Each type of view affects different sections of the Planning Worksheet and Card Planner.

Order (trip)-based views

An order-based view filters order data displayed on the Avl. Orders and Priority Orders tabs.


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Power (resource)-based views

A power (resource)-based view filters power (resource) data displayed on the Drivers, Tractors, Trailers, and Carriers tabs, and in the Shift pane grid.


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Power (resource)-based Long Haul views

This type of view is similar to power-based views, except that shift does not matter. You can, however, set up this view to be date-based or non-date based. For long haul views, the Inbounds tab appears to the right of the Carriers tab.

  • Non-date-based long haul
    The view shows trips over a range of several days.

  • Date-based long haul
    The view is only for the selected date.


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The supplied default views, All Loads and All Inbound, have no restrictions set, and thus perform no filtering of data. These views can be copied and edited to create customized views.

Who works with views?

Two types of Fuel Dispatch users will be concerned with views:

Fuel Dispatch administrator

Typically, the creation and management of permanent Fuel Dispatch views is the responsibility of an administrative user. These views will be saved in the database, and will be available to other users who manage trips in the Planning Worksheet and/or Card Planner.

Administrative tasks include:

  • Creating and saving new views

  • Modifying and saving existing views

  • Deleting unneeded views

  • Selectively making views available to specific users and groups

  • Identifying default views


A dispatcher will apply views as needed to filter data visible on the Planning Worksheet or Card Planner. Views are selected in the Trips and Power fields, which appear in the headers of these application windows.

A dispatcher can also edit a view while accessing the Planning Worksheet or Card Planner to modify its filtering properties. The modified view is available temporarily, as <Custom>, until the Planning Worksheet or Card Planner is closed.

A dispatcher can also modify the data grid display by sorting, filtering, arranging columns, grouping data, and applying conditional formatting, and then saving the layout for quick access.