Resolving load requirement conflicts when assigning resources

When the resource assigned to an order does not meet a load requirement on the order, the Save Warnings window appears when you try to save the assignment. If a must conflict exists, Prevent Save in the message line indicates that you cannot save the assignment.


At least one resource assigned to the order does not meet a must condition

To view the details of the conflict, expand the warning by clicking the Expand button image2 in its row.


At least one resource assigned to the order does not meet a must condition

The load requirement conflict information is displayed in these fields:

Assign Type

Asset type specified by the load requirement

Assign ID

ID of the asset that does not meet the load requirement


System-assigned order ID


Identifies the conflict as a load requirement mismatch


The system constructs a message specific to the individual conflict. It uses the value from the load requirement’s Readable Message field and inserts:

  • Order number

  • Resource type

  • Assigned resource’s ID



Severity of the mismatch. The options are:

  • PreventSave
    Current resource assignment cannot be saved.

  • Warn
    Current resource assignment can be saved.


Icon identifying the CheckLevel value

  • image5


  • image6


To dispatch the order, you must resolve the conflict for a must condition. To do so, you can: