Understanding autoloading error messages

When you plan and save an order, one or more errors can result, blocking the save. Depending on configuration settings, an error message can indicate:

  • An overweight condition

  • A mismatch of commodity volumes or weights

  • An insufficient compartment capacity

  • The volume of a commodity you have attempted to load into a compartment is less than 50% or more than 150% of the ordered volume.

An error message can be displayed, and the Trailer Autoload window can fail to open.

Normally, such errors result because the order requires larger compartment volume(s) or more compartments than are available on the assigned trailer. Less frequently, they can be caused by an incorrect entry in a tractor, trailer, or commodity profile.

When the 80,000 lb. Max Gross limit is in effect, you can create and save an order with a Total Gross weight exceeding 80,000 lb. However, you may encounter errors when you try to plan the order.

When an error message appears, you must find and correct the cause of the error before you can save the planned order. The following list describes common Trailer Autoload errors and possible remedies.

Order has more commodities than available compartments

Error message

Order x has more commodities than available compartments for this trailer configuration.

Please select a different configuration if you wish to Autoload this order.


The order cannot be loaded in the assigned trailer because it does not have enough compartments.

Possible remedy

  • Assign a trailer that provides the required number of compartments and capacities.

  • Modify the order.

Total commodity weight exceeds Max Commodity Weight value

Error message

The Commodity Weight (x) has exceeded the Max Commodity Weight (y). Please adjust the order.


The total commodity weight is greater than the maximum commodity weight recorded in the Trl Misc 3 field of the assigned trailer’s profile.

Possible remedy

Assign a trailer able to carry a greater total commodity weight.

Total order volume exceeds trailer configuration capacity

Error message

Order (w) has a total volume of (x) which exceeds this trailer configuration’s capacity of (y) by (z).


The order’s total commodity volume is greater than the trailer’s volume capacity.

Possible remedy

Assign a trailer that:

  • Is able to carry a greater total commodity volume

  • Provides the required number of compartments and capacities.

Total gross weight exceeds Max Gross value

Error message

The Total Gross (x) has exceeded the Max Gross (y). Please adjust the order.


The total weight of the vehicle, commodities, and driver exceeds the permissible maximum gross (80,000 lb, without permitting).

Possible remedy

Reduce the volumes or the numbers of commodities so the total gross weight is less than the permissible maximum gross.

Reorganize the order into multiple deliveries.

Total ordered volume and total loaded volume are not equal

Error message

The total ordered volume and total loaded volume do not match. Please re-enter and try again.


The Ordered Volume and Loaded Volume fields in the Trailer Autoload window are not equal.

Possible remedy

Typically, this error occurs when one or more volumes entered in the Compartments pane are different from the actual ordered volume. Review these figures, and correct them as needed.

Loaded volume is greater than the compartment maximum

Error message

Loaded volume cannot be greater than the max compartment volume.


An attempt was made to load more commodity volume into a compartment than it can hold.

Possible remedy

If the trailer has a larger compartment of adequate volume, edit the loading sequence of commodities.

Load the commodity into multiple compartments.

Assign a trailer that provides the required number of compartments, volume capacities, and weight capacities.

Loaded weight is greater than the compartment maximum

Error message

Compartment: x has exceeded its max allowable weight.


An attempt was made to load more weight into a compartment than its maximum capacity. The affected Weight field turns red. Move the cursor over this field to view the compartment’s maximum weight.

Possible remedy

If the trailer has compartments of different volumes, edit the loading sequence of commodities.

Load the commodity into multiple compartments.

Assign a trailer that provides the required number of compartments, volume capacities, and weight capacities.

Not all ordered commodities are loaded

Error message

Ordered Volume x: y does not have a matching volume for its sequence.


Not all of the ordered commodities are accounted for in the Autoload commodity total.

Possible remedy

Typically, this error occurs when the number of commodities assigned in the Compartments pane is different from the actual number of ordered commodities. Review these entries, and correct them as needed.

Compartment volume does not match the ordered volume

Error message

The compartment(s) carrying [commodity] must contain the sum of the ordered volume [volume].


When the volume of an ordered commodity is loaded into multiple compartments, the total commodity volume must equal the ordered commodity volume.

Possible remedy

Edit the Volume field(s) so that the commodity’s total loaded volume equals the volume in the Ordered Volume field.