17.20 (all)
A PDF version of the complete 2017 release notes is available here.
17.20 SP2
Resolved issues
If a client is using the Tanks tab in Call on Demand Order Entry and a site has more than one tank of the same commodity, the application is not populating any Net Volume or freight information on the second tank for the commodity. -
When creating new orders in COD OE and using the tanks tab upon saving the application will displayed duplicated freight records, however in the database the records are not duplicated. -
When attempting to save changes from the Card Planner, the Save Warnings screen appears if any time conflicts exist. After correcting the conflicts and clicking the Recheck button, the OK button remains disabled and cannot be clicked.
17.20 SP1
Resolved issues
Oil Field Order Entry display issues in 17.20 -
Fuel Dispatch inserting texts into tmsqlmessage in the wrong format -
An error regarding the PK_CommodityEquivalentDetails primary key constraint can occur when running the Fuel Dispatch DB Mods -
After a topoff, the freight grid in Oil Field Order Entry is displaying all of the Tank IDs for all pickups as the Tank ID selected during the topoff.
This section contains the following for the latest version:
System requirements
Enhancements (new or updated features)
Resolved issues (application improvements)
Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative. |
General information
.NET Framework Upgrade Announcement (FS-200036)
As part of the TMW Systems, Inc. continuous improvement process, we have upgraded Fuel Dispatch to use Microsoft’s .NET Framework version 4.6.2. This change takes effect with the Fuel Dispatch 17.20 release and, as a result, the minimum technical requirements have changed as follows:
Client operating systems must be at Windows 7 SP1 or higher.
Server operating systems must be at Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or higher.
TMW recommends that you test the Microsoft .Net Framework upgrade in your test environment prior to upgrading any of your production environments. This testing will indicate if there are environmental issues that must be addressed by you, and which are not the responsibility of TMW.
Introduction to Fuel Dispatch
Changing to case sensitive passwords (NSuite-200031)
In previous versions, passwords were not case sensitive by default. To use case sensitive passwords, you had to have [Misc]CaseSensitivePasswords=ON in your TTS50 file.
Now, the system treats all passwords as case sensitive. This includes existing passwords.
This change affects how you log in with an existing password:
If your password was created with CaseSensitivePasswords=OFF in your TTS50, you must enter that password in all upper case characters.
If your password was created with CaseSensitivePasswords=ON in your TTS50, you can enter that password as you originally recorded it (case sensitive).
This change affects only passwords. It does not affect usernames. If you log in without entering the password in all uppercase characters, the system displays a message stating, "Failed to connect using the entered credentials." |
Link to topic: Treating passwords as case-sensitive
Commodity and commodity class setup
Mass updating seasonal RVP product changes (FS-103144)
You can add a commodity equivalent to a parent commodity. You can then include it in a store’s commodity forecast. During seasonal transitions, suppliers modify the RVP of gasoline at terminals. Deliveries of the changed product shift the RVP in store tanks toward the needed target.
A new feature allows you to do both of the following:
Update the parent commodity to the commodity equivalent
Update each store’s commodity forecast with the equivalent commodity code.
You can also update any orders for the parent commodity based on the order status that you specify. For example:
If you specify the Available status, the system updates all orders with the Available status.
If you specify the Planned status, the system updates all orders with the Available or Planned status.
You can specify the date on which orders will update to the equivalent commodity code. If any orders are re-forecasted, the correct commodity for the new date/time is used.
Link to topic: Mass updating seasonal RVP product changes
Common dispatch features
Setting up the system to display eDriver Logs entries (FS-104957)
If you use PeopleNet Fleet Manager’s eDriver(tm) Log module, you can set up a single sign-on link from Fuel Dispatch to the Fleet Manager website. This allows you to view eDriver Log entries for your drivers, without the need to log into FleetManager.
Link to topic: Viewing PeopleNet eDriver Logs entries
Assigning resources and updating trips
Checking changed trip segments for outage violations (FS-99438)
In previous versions, if the shipper on an order experienced an outage, you received no warning when assigning resources and starting the trip for orders with that shipper.
Now you can set up the system to issue a warning or error message for an assignment when a shipper outage is present. You record a shipper outage in Inventory Services. Fuel Dispatch issues the warning or error message during the assignment process. The message is supported in Call On Demand Order Entry, the Card Planner, and the Planning Worksheet.
Tracking stores in critical need of product
Dispatch Dashboard Tank Graph shows ReadingNow values (FS-200023)
In previous versions, the Dispatch Dashboard’s Tank Graph section did not display the selected tank’s ReadingNow level. Instead, you had to view the ReadingNow field value in the Stores List section.
Now, the Tank Graph shows the ReadingNow level as a blue line. The Tank Graph legend includes the ReadingNow value for the selected tank, as well as calculated totals from the ReadingNow to both Target On Hand and Safefill values.
Link to topic: Reviewing a store’s Tank Graph
Dispatch Dashboard Refresh retains selected store (FS-200024)
In previous versions, when you selected a store in the Dispatch Dashboard’s Stores List section, clicking Refresh placed focus on the first store in the list.
Now, focus remains on the selected store when the refresh process is completed.
Link to topic: Retrieving stores
Overriding the Dispatch Dashboard auto refresh functionality (FS-200026)
In previous versions, you used a system setting to determine:
If the Dispatch Dashboard would refresh sales and readings data automatically
How often data was refreshed
Now, the Dispatch Dashboard includes a checkbox that lets you prevent the data from refreshing automatically. Users sharing the same TTS50 file can set up the window in a way that best meets their personal preference. When the checkbox is selected, the system waits to refresh until there is no movement from the user.
Link to topic: Setting up the dashboard to refresh automatically
Change in how the Dispatch Dashboard’s Tank Graph orders tanks (FS-200027)
In previous versions, the Dispatch Dashboard’s Tank Graph section showed a store’s tank most in need of product as the first tank.
Now, it shows a store’s tanks in the same order in which they appear in the Company Tank Setup window in Inventory Services.
Link to topic: Reviewing a store’s Tank Graph
Inventory Services (Fuel TMS)
Verifying a reading is less than the tank’s capacity (FS-101345)
In Fuel Dispatch or Inventory Services, you can manually enter or import a tank reading that is greater than the actual physical size of the tank. A reading should never be more than the tank can hold.
Now when you enter or import a reading, the system verifies whether the amount exceeds the tank size.
If it does, an error message opens. It provides a reason for the error and instructs you to correct the reading.
Link to topic: Entering and editing tank readings
Resolved issues
Consolidated orders orderheader cmd_code incorrect -
Changing Tractor does not carry over to newly planned loads -
After a change is made in the Company Relations window, Supplier/Account Of relationship records are duplicated in the database. This results in poor performance when retrieving and modifying records in the window. -
Bill To/Cmd Billing Qty records no longer display in the Company Relations Profile. -
When using the Autoloading feature, and the max weight is automatically calculated. In many cases, the max weight is a decimal, but when autoloading in Fuel Dispatch, the max weight is rounded to the nearest whole number. When autoloading, the system puts enough product to not exceed the rounded weight instead of keeping it under the actual max defined in the compartment configuration, causing save errors when it exceeds the max weight. -
When creating an order in Oil Field Order Entry (OFOE), selecting a shipper in the stops grid will auto-populate a tank number from that shipper in the Freight grid. If you change the shipper, the tank number changes to 0 instead of a valid tank. -
The [StopOrderEntry]SetBillToFromShipper=Y1 setting in the TTS50 does not default the Bill To company when the Shipper company is selected. -
In the Card Planner, the P1P2 expiration column in the cell designer shows a green check image if the expirations are ok, a yellow triangle image if they are near the expiration date, and a red X image if they are past the date. The P2 expirations do not appear to be working properly for Key Date expirations; both icons seem to be linked to the Priority 1 Required expirations. -
When [StopOrderEntry]OFOETankMode=CRUDE in the TTS50, the system does not automatically add an Oil Field reading entry when copying an existing order. -
Sales Adjustment - Workflow and Code -
When [FuelDispatch]OnlyShowSupplierWithPincode=Y in the TTS50, orders that contain a Company Relation with a State Pin Code throw an exception error stating "Cannot add Item. Item was not created by this instance of ListDatabase." -
Dispatch Dashboard - Ullage to TOH and Ullage to Safefill Calculation