Drill down into widget content

First available in V.2024.2

All widgets are interactive. They all have either:

  • Buttons you can select to show different values.

  • Content you can select to open the data in another page.

  • Both.

If a widget gives you a color-coded chart, you can select each color section to see the different information.

For example, the PMs Due widget lets you look at units that need preventive maintenance (PM).

PMs Due widget with numbers indicating the different drill down options

  1. Opens the Unit Inquiries page PM Due tab.

    Note: When you open the page from the widget, the program uses the widget filters to filter the data shown on the page. You will see a message at the top of the page that says, "Current search reflects widget filters. To change the results, use the listing search parameters."

  2. Opens the Unit Inquiries page PM Due tab to show units overdue for a PM.

  3. Opens the Unit Inquiries page PM Due tab to show units due for a PM now.

Tooltip information

You can hover your pointer over a widget chart to see more information in a tooltip. In this illustration, the tooltip information shows that there are 2 aging road calls in the last 30 days.

Hovering a cursor over a charge shows more information