Shop Scheduler

You open Shop Scheduler by going to Menu > Activities > Shop Scheduler. This page shows the bays, repairs, and mechanics in your shop on a selected day or days.

When you open Shop Scheduler, the page shows the Calendar view by default.

At the bottom of the Shop Scheduler page, you can select how much time to view in a day, 24 hours or business hours.

  • Shop Scheduler toolbar: From selecting shops to exporting PDFs, the toolbar’s got you covered. Default view, saving states, and jumping between views (like Mechanics or Open Repairs) are a click or tap away.

  • Shop Scheduler filter: You can select items from the dropdown list, such as Work Pending, Failed Inspections, and Estimates. You can also select the Filter icon to search for more specific information, such as Unit Number, Customer Name, and Component Code.

  • Shop Scheduler legend: The dropdown Shop Scheduler legend explains the colors and icons used in the Shop Scheduler view.