TMT Fleet Maintenance 2017 Release Notes
Here you will find high-level summaries of product updates and resolved issues.
If a video exists for a feature, a link is included.
A PDF version of these release notes, including resolved issues, is available here.
Updated ATA Codes to latest VMRS codes provided by the American Trucking Association.
Resolved issues
Dynamics GP
Corrected the Use AP Remit Code checkbox to use True or False in SQL to successfully send the Remit code to GP.
Accounting: Accounting
Admins can set security on the Controls of Accounting page for the user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Accounting: IES Accounting
On clicking Get Data button, all the buttons and tabs on the screen are disabled and then enabled when the grid refreshes with new data set.
Interactive Workstation
Added the Enforce Axle Type for Tire option to the Replace Tire screen. If Enforce Axle Type for Tire is on, when a position is selected for a tire it will check what Axle the position is associated with and then check that the Axle is associated with the Tire.
Reason for Repair UDFs is implemented in IWS. User can make it a mandatory field if needed. Added code will be displayed under View section.
Implemented new application option Enforce Axle Type For Tire to enforce tire position by tire axle type. When a position is selected for a tire it will check what axle the position is associated with and then check that the axle is associated with the tire.
Added a check for tire axle type on charge parts, tire data, and tire rotation in the Interactive Workstation when Enforce Axle Type for Tires enabled.
Interactive Workstation: Tire Data
Updated the Tire positioned at Spare to allow Zero for Final Pressure and Final depth while replacing it.
Updated the focus of the tire to have more pronounced highlight.
Shop Planner
Ability to create Repair Order from the Repair Order template after plan creation. Create RO from Template button added in the Shop Planner header.
Created a new license for Navistar Parts purchasing.
New options added to the Navistar Parts Ordering integration:
Web Service URL
From Identity
To Identity
Sender Identity
Shared Secret
User Agent
Classification Domain (default=UNSPSC)
Purchase Order Type (dropdown list with values below)
Carrier (dropdown list with values below)
EMR: Emergency Order
DIR: Direct Ship Order
DSO: Daily Stock Order
ESO: Enhanced Stock Order
CRT: Critical Order
UPSG: UPS Ground
UPSA: UPS Next Day Air
UPS2: UPS 2nd Day Air
UPS3: UPS 3rd Day Select
USAT: UPS Saturday Delivery
USAV: UPS Next Day Saver Program
FEDN: FedEx Saver
FSAT: FedEx Saturday Deliver
FED2: FedEx 2 Day
FEDX: FedEx Standard Overnight
FXPR: FedEx Priority Overnight
New web service call GetATACodes is implemented to retrieve the ATA Codes in the system. If fetches results only if the TruckMate license is enabled.
Added capability to process custom DVIR forms.
Interactive Workstation
Job Logon: Tire Data
Added a new Global Option to enforce tire position by tire axle type Enforce Axle Type For Tire. When the option is enabled, a tire position can only be used if the position selected is valid for the axle selected. If the tire position is not valid then an error message will be displayed. If the option is disabled, then any position can be selected on the Tire Rotation window.
Implemented new functionality to allow User to remove a Spare Tire without adding a new tire.
Added BIN Range in Shop Inventory Selection pop up. If Bin Range is selected the inventory search results would display the parts found in the selected bin range.
Inventory Replenishment
Changed the program to load the current list of parts with inventory replenishment setup in the grid instead of displaying a selection pop-up. To change the list of parts displayed, click the Change Item Selection button.
Added the ability to filter by column.
Added BIN Range in Shop Inventory Selection pop up. If Bin Range is selected the inventory search results would display the parts found in the selected bin range.
A new field Collapse Meter Readings has been added to the Unit Meter setup. The field uses a slider and the default value is set to No. It is only available for Physical Meters. When it is set to No, all meter readings for the selected meter and Unit will be stored. When it is set to YES, only the last meter reading of the day will be stored for the selected meter and Unit.
Note: All meter readings for Orders are always stored.
Implemented business rules for adding parts to a repair invoice. Adding a part to a Repair Invoice:
If the RO is Complete. Adding a part to the invoice should also add the part to the RO and update inventory based on inventory accounting method. Any markup would be applied to the part on the invoice.
If the RO is Closed and not exported to accounting, adding a part should also add the part to the RO, update inventory based on inventory accounting method, and re-generate the accounting transactions for the closed RO. Any markup would be applied to the part on the invoice.
If the RO is Closed and exported to accounting, if you try to add a part to the repair invoice, you will receive an error that the Repair Order is closed and exported and adding lines is not supported.
Implemented business rules for deleting parts from a repair invoice. Deleting a Part from a Repair Invoice:
If the RO is complete. deleting a part will display a message to the user with two options: Invoice and Both: at the bottom of the message.
If the user selects Invoice, then the part line on the invoice will be deleted and the invoice total will be updated. If they select Both, delete the part off the invoice and the repair order and update inventory based on the part that was charged on the RO.
If the RO is closed and not exported to accounting, same rules as complete invoice above and the Accounting transactions for the RO will be re-generated.
If the RO is closed and exported to accounting, user will get a message to delete the part from the invoice only with Yes and No option at the bottom of the message.
If Yes is selected, then the part line will be deleted from the invoice and the invoice totals will be updated.
If No is selected, no action will be performed.
For a repair invoice, the Unit Type Tax Exemption for the customer will be applied when the invoice is created or regenerated. If the Unit Type is exempt, no tax will be generated.
If the option Tax Fuel Ticket Invoices is YES, a section 0: Taxes\Misc will be visible. If the fuel ticket customer has a tax setup with Tax on Fluids checked, the tax will automatically be calculated and added to section 0.
If the Sum Labor By Pay Grade sub option Sum Labor Lines Basis is set to Rate, labor lines will be rolled up by rate instead of type.
Invoice Detail: Fuel Ticket
Updated Fuel Ticket invoices to remove the Unit and the PM tab from the header, display the fuel lines in the details and disable the Add line button.
New report Repair Order Section Work Card created in repairs page to allow users to view the details of the selected section.
If the new tire module application option Enforce Axle Type for Tires is turned on, the positions available when charging a tire part on the repair order will be restricted to the positions for the axles associated with the unit’s tire configuration and the axles assigned to the tire in the Parts Catalog. When turned off all the positions based on the Tire Configuration will be available.
Note: The Spare position does not apply to this restriction. If the tire has no axle types associated with it, all positions will show.
Changed the RO Section Component Code to be protected as follows:
If the component code is a PM component code, the component code will be disabled and cannot be changed.
If a section contains a part with component match, the section component code cannot be changed to a code that would violate the component match of the part.
Application Options, Shop Options, Customer Options
Added a new sub option to Sum Labor By Pay Grade called Sum Labor Lines Basis. The default will be Type which will function the way it does in previous versions. If the option Rate is selected, labor will be rolled up based on the different rates instead of the different labor types.
Application Options: Repairs: Tires
Added the new option Enforce Axle Type For Tires. This option will only be available if the Tire Module is turned on and will default to No. If set to YES, a tire cannot be charged on a repair order to a position that is not associated with the axles assigned to the tire in the Parts Catalog.
Note: The Spare position does not apply to this restriction.
Application Options: Tax Fuel Ticket Invoices
New global Tax Fuel Ticket Invoices. When global is set to YES, on a Fuel Ticket Invoice a section 0: Taxes\Misc will be visible. If the fuel ticket customer has a tax setup with Tax on Fluids checked, the tax will automatically be calculated and added to section 0.
Repair Order Setup: Job Code Definitions: Assignments
Job Code Assignments are now soft-deleted instead of hard deleted if they are not in use. Repair Orders and Interactive Workstation have been updated to ignore soft-deleted Job Code assignments.
SSRS Reporting
Order Inquiries_Purchase Orders
Enhanced the report to contain an excel-friendly layout option and optimized for efficient export to Excel.
Added three new parameters:
Created By
Closed By
Report Type
The Created By and Closed By parameters allow the report to be filtered by the user that Created or Closed a Purchase Order. Both of these new parameters have also been added to the Group By parameter as a selection. The Report Type parameter allows the report to be displayed in a Summary or Detail view.
Order Inquiries_Repair Order
Added three new parameters:
Created By
Closed By
Report Type
The Created By and Closed By parameters allow the report to be filtered by the user that Created or Closed a Repair Order. Both of these new parameters have also been added to the Group By parameter as a selection. The Report Type parameter allows the report to be displayed in a Summary or Detail view.
Unit Utilization
The Unit Utilization Report has been added to the SSRS Reports Library. The report requires a Start and End Date Range to successfully display the Unit Utilization. Several pre-defined Date Range options include the ability to run the report for twelve consecutive Days, Months or Quarters.
Resolved issues
Interactive Workstation: Unit RO Inquiry
Updated Unit RO Inquiry to display a pop-up window if multiple units with the same number exist. The selected unit gets populated in the unit field.
Interactive Workstation: New RO
Corrected the PMs Due and Work Pending to display if the unit is not domiciled in the current RO Shop when using Interactive Workstation.
Parts Workstation
Corrected the Lookup part functionality to match the requested part for description request.
Purchases: Purchase Create
Update of Unit Price in receive window will get reflected in Receipts Total and Orders Total for all the line types.
Purchases: Purchase Details
Corrected an issue where the Service Line Total was counted twice in the PO Summary grid on a Vendor RO.
Repairs: Repair Order Details
Corrected an issue on a Vendor RO where labor was not rounding correctly on the PO side which could cause the Require Invoice Amount To Match PO Receipt Total to fail when entering the total for the invoice.
SSRS Reporting
Invoice Detail Reports
Fixed the Direct Sale and Credit Sale Invoice Report to display the section comments.
Employee Labor Log
Changed the report to include all labor lines for the Start Date and End Date selections. In previous versions, the SSRS Report excluded the End Date and you had to add one more day to the date range.
Part Inventory Summary By Shop
Corrected the Value column to display the total of the On Hand quantity times the Actual Cost.
Starting with V.2017.4, all clients must install the following:
Microsoft® IIS URL Rewrite extension on the server running the web application
Do the following:
Install the extension on the server (or computer) hosting the web application.
Install the extension before or after you upgrade to V.2017.4.
WARNING: The system prevents users from connecting to the application until you install the extension.
If you receive an error message that states, "500 Internal Server Error" you will need to modify the web configuration files. For details on fixing this issue, see Resolving the AMSServerAPI upgrade issue.
Accounting: Accounting
Added a new error handler screen for integration errors for GP multi-company accounting. Users can now browse to the error handler page to reprocess or mark transactions as exported.
TruckMate is now its own tab and a new sub tab TM ERROR HANDLER was added under the TruckMate tab.
Added new accounting Invoice Sub Types for Contract Maintenance Invoice Service Lines.
Contract: Additional Charges
Contract: Variable Charges
Contract: Fixed Charges
Contract: Excess Surcharges
Accounting: Accounting: Dynamics GP
Added fields for filtering, and export to excel functionality on the Error Handler tab for Great Plains.
Accounting: IES Accounting
Resolved the timeout issue with exporting transactions on Get Data button click of the Accounts Payable tab.
Interactive Workstation
Implemented section component code for PM parts when the Update PM toggle is set to YES in system setup.
Added a new Global Option: Allow Local Install of IWS. The default value is YES. This new option is used to determine if the option Install IWS will be displayed on the keypad entry screen in Interactive Workstation. When the new Global option is set to YES, the Install IWS option is displayed on the keypad entry and the User can install IWS locally. When the new Global option is set to No, Install IWS option is not displayed on the keypad entry and the User cannot install Interactive Workstation locally.
Interactive Workstation: Repair Order: Charge Parts
Corrected charging out a part type of Kit on Repair Order in IWS to read the individual quantity on hand for each part in that kit. If any part on the kit does not have enough on hand, the kit will not be charged out.
Added a new button Rotate above the History button. Clicking on it hides the left panel. A new image Drag Tire To Rotate is added where the user can drag and drop the tire to rotate it to other positions.
Interactive Workstation: Repair Order: Unit Information
When RO Approvals are used, when a new Repair Order is created in IWS after entering the Unit Number 'Select Plan' window will be displayed. If a plan is not selected then error message is displayed and will not allow the creation of RO until a plan is selected.
Interactive Workstation: Repairs: Tire Data
When there is a tire in holding position Post button will be disabled. User can drag a tire from Holding position to empty position, but not to position with tire. On dragging a tire to the holding position which has a tire already shows notification to the user.
Fuel Data Imports
User can upload a valid file using fuel data import and fuel tickets are created.
Fuel Data Import
Implemented Edit Import Exception for Fuel Data Import.
Parts Workstation
Now a user can fulfill Parts Kit Request in TMT Fleet Maintenance. If any of the Kit Parts have insufficient quantities, then an error message will be displayed to indicate that one of the parts in the kit has an insufficient quantity and cannot be fulfilled.
Shop Planner
User can view the RO details and unit details of the plan by clicking the respective links on the Shop Planner page.
New option Use RO Template added in planner to create RO/VRO via RO/VRO template.
Added the Close button. This will allow the user to close a plan. If the plan has an associated RO, both will close unless validations fail for closing an RO.
Moved the Link to RO option from the Misc Tab to the Details Tab. Added the Create RO button to the Planner Search window. If a plan is not associated with an RO, the button will enable allowing an RO to be created.
Tires: Tire Review
The credit for a casing will be applied to the unit which had the casing removed from it and not the unit providing the spare.
AMS Integrations Interface
If the option Require Bay on Appointments option is YES, a new dropdown field for Bay will be displayed on Add/Edit Appointment pop-up window. This field will be disabled on editing the appointment. This option should be set to YES if using the Shop Scheduler functionality and will require that bays have been created.
AMS Integrations Interface
Added an interface to send PO info to Decisiv for VROs created by Decisiv import.
IES Accounting Interface
Enhanced the accounting information for general ledger by sending the AMS order number with all GL transactions that are created with a number.
IES Accounting Export
Modified the IES export to ignore vendor validation for AP transactions when the payment method is other than ONACCOUNT, null or blank. Added the APNotOnAccountPayOption setting to the configuration file to enable modification of how these transactions are exported (0 = as AP, 1 = as GL, -1 = ignored).
Added TRNSRCID and TRNGRPID fields to the export to track source and batch for IES transactions in support of a reconciliation process.
Modified the IES interface to send the RO and/or PO number with the transaction.
IES General
Fixed the issue with zero dollar transactions, the credits and debits for a particular account were summing to zero and still getting sent to IES. Created a fix to mark these transactions as exported to prevent the zero dollar transaction from getting sent to IES.
Integration Tool Kit REST
Updated the set Unit REST API (POST) with the same parameters returned in the get Unit REST API and in the SOAP service.
Created a new REST method to return Unit License information named UnitLicenses. Located under the System group of REST services.
Integration Tool Kit SOAP
Created a new SOAP method to return Unit License information named UnitLicenses.
Added an option to return the section comments (instead of correction) in Defect Resolution field when the Repair Order is completed.
Zonar Interface
Corrected the versioning of the console app and resolved issues with the update interval and unit cross-reference.
Trimble requires the URL Rewrite Module for IIS installed on the application server hosting the web application. For installation details, see Microsoft URL Rewrite.
Meter Reading History
Added a Print button to the Meter Reading History window so the meter history can be printed. This button is available in Repairs, Fuel Data Import, Estimates, and Shop Planner.
Interactive Workstation
New code key for Rotation added to the database.
Repair: Job Logon: Tire Data
Navigation buttons are added to allow the user to move and modify pressure and depth values from one tire to another.
Tire Data
Tire Data page is loaded when the Tire Rotation data is saved successfully on clicking POST button.
Yard Checks
Add a new Application Option under IWS: Yard Checks called Set Domicile And Physical Location When Doing Yard Checks. The default setting is No. If set to Yes, when the Yard Check screen loads in IWS, a Domicile Shop and Unit’s Physical Location will need to be set to perform yard checks. When a yard check is performed, the Domicile Shop and Unit’s Physical Location on the unit will be set to the ones selected.
Unit Types can now be defined as Tax Exempt on the Tax tab in the Customer Master file.
Enhanced the product so that if there are orders or plans preventing a unit from being changed to REPORTS ONLY, a list of those order will now be displayed.
TMW Asset Inspection
Added a new landing page to enable Fuel Tickets to be added.
The previous toggle indicator that shows if the Signature for Physical Inspections was misleading as the toggle was always disabled regardless of the global setting. This was changed to a green thumbs up for signature required and a red thumbs down for signature not required
Fuel Tickets
User can upload a valid file using fuel data import and fuel tickets are created.
Added the Invoice Payments Report to the Invoices screen and the Invoice Details Screen.
Added Sticky Notes button to the Invoices window. If an Invoice with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the window.
Implemented serial parts handling on Direct Sale invoice with no unit.
Invoices: Payments
Added the field Buyer’s Name: to the Payments Tab.
Invoice Details
Added Sticky Notes to the Invoice Number field of Invoice Details screen. Right-clicking on the Invoice Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Invoice Details form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Invoice Number. The Invoice Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the Invoice number.
Added the price table field to Invoice Details, and company global option "Allow User to Change Price Table on Invoice" to enable changing the price table on open invoices.
When user turn on the Global Do Not Allow Negative Lines on Standard and Blanket POs, Purchase Order will not allow negative lines for any line type to be created.
Repair Order Details
Added the ability to see the mechanic information in the Repair Order details for each comment line created via IWS.
When the global option Set Invoice Date And RO Close Date Equal To RO Complete Date is set to YES, if the RO status changed from COMPLETE to CLOSED, the close date and time will default to the ROs complete date and time instead of the current date and time.
When the Require DOT Numbers for Tires setting is turned On, the user should be prompted with 'DOT Number' pop-up window in Repair Orders.
Corrected an issue where when a PM section was closed the PM Last Done Date was not getting updated.
Implemented the option Allow items to be moved to pending orders.
If Allow Items to be moved to Pending Orders is turned on in global options and if the Pending RO has parts on order then the Work Pending tab will not display the particular section.
Implemented Chronic Repair feature in Repair Order Section dialog.
Implemented RO Sign off functionality in TMT Fleet Maintenance. If user turn on Require RO Signoff and try to close an RO, user will be prompt with the Sign off Required pop-up window.
When the global option Set Invoice Date And RO Close Date Equal To RO Complete Date is set to YES, if the RO status changed from COMPLETE to CLOSED, the close date and time will default to the ROs complete date and time instead of the current date and time.
Implemented the option Section Component Code for PM Parts for parts charged on PM sections.
Implemented the option Set Unit Physical Location on RO Status Change.
Repair orders will not allow the user to change the status from Complete to Open if the Invoice is generated for that order. Will get a pop-up message when the user set the status to Open.
When the user turns on Allow For Adding Items To Requisition List, the system will check the quantity entered by the user if it exceeds on-hand quantity the user will be prompted to create a Manual Requisition for the part in the Requisition List.
Repairs: Create Repair: Price Table
Corrected an issue where the price table was not updated correctly when the customer had pricing rules setup.
Application Options
Added new sub-nodes to repairs and purchases to better organize the options. Added Approvals, Defaults, Meters, and Warranty to Repairs and Receiving to Purchases.
Added a new Application Option under Reports: Invoicing called Invoice Payments Report.
Application Options: CIS
Added a new option Require Bay on Appointments. By default, it will be NO. When this option is YES, a new dropdown field for Bay will be displayed on the Add/Edit Appointment pop-up window in CIS. This field will be disabled on editing the appointment. This option should be set to YES if using the Shop Scheduler functionality and will require that bays have been created.
Application Options: IWS
Added a new Global Option: Allow Local Install of IWS. The default value is YES. This new option is used to determine if the option Install IWS will be displayed on the keypad entry screen in Interactive Workstation. When the new Global option is set to YES, the Install IWS option is displayed on the keypad entry and the User can install IWS locally. When the new Global option is set to No, Install IWS option is not displayed on the keypad entry and the User cannot install Interactive Workstation locally.
Application Options: Reports Meters
Add the Unit Meter History Report. The report set here is used by the Print button on the Meter Reading History window.
Job Code Definitions
Move Up and Move Down buttons are introduced to move the task in the desired sequence. The buttons will be disabled if the user selects the alternate rows or the expanded rows.
Options: Integration Options: Qualcomm
Corrected an issue where the Omnitracs VIR_WS_URL being retrieved before the WS_URL caused the following error when the console executable was executed: "Error: Qualcomm Update VIR returned: 'The request failed with an empty response.'"
Repair Order Setup: Job Code Definitions: Assignments: Task Time
Added the ability to allow a user to drag-and-drop Job Codes in the Task Time tab. This will allow you to change the sequence of the task list using the drag-and-drop feature.
Shop Options
Added a new Application Option under Reports: Invoicing called Invoice Payments Report.
SSRS Reporting
Contract Related Maintenance Report
Created new Contract Related Maintenance Report. This report will display any repairs that are not included in a contract and are billable based on any excluded items from the contract.
Rate Sheet: Service Lease Report
Created the new Rate Sheet report for the Contract Maintenance Module.
Rate Sheet Service Report
This new report will provide the Rate Sheet information for the Contract Maintenance module of TMT Fleet Maintenance.
Mileage Reconciliation
Creation of the Mileage reconciliation report for Contract Maintenance.
Contract Maintenance: Customer Billing Statement Report
Created a Customer Billing Statement report to generate a list of all invoices that are available for any particular customer within the Billing Date Range selected. The report displays the Unit, Invoice Number, Shop, Rate fields and Total cost incurred for that particular billing period.
Contract Maintenance: Service Events: Non-Billable Report
Created a report to identify repairs related to units under contract maintenance that were performed because of an overdue PM. The report only includes the repairs performed after the unit’s PM becomes overdue. Results will be based upon the reason for repair on the repair order.
Unit Margin Summary Report
Creation of the Unit Margin Summary Report for the Contract Maintenance Module.
Creation of the Unit User Defined Fields report which provides the ability to search and filter on the User Defined Fields assigned to each unit.
Order Inquiries: Repair Orders Excel
Created an Order Inquiry Repair Order report that has been optimized for efficient export to Excel. This change will allow the report to be exported to Excel faster.
Predictive Analytics
Added ability to export predictive analytics to an Excel file.
To enable this feature:
License module: PREDICTIVEMAINTENANCE needs to be enabled.
Add Predictive Analytics page needs to the menu.
The Export button is added to allow the user to download predictive maintenance data to a .csv file.
Added ability to view signal detail values.To enable this feature:
License module: PREDICTIVEMAINTENANCE needs to be enabled.
Predictive Analytics page needs to be added to the menu.
The New screen/pop up is added to view signal detail values.
Resolved issues
Accounting: Accounting
Added a page to allow users to review TruckMate export errors. This allows transactions to be marked as exported so no further processing is done, or to be corrected and exported again.
Accounting: IES Accounting
Separated the transactions with export errors into an Errors tab within the IES interface: user can select Accounting Type to view errors for those transactions. Uses the same controls existing on the other tabs.
Reduced the number of checks for duplicate vendors to increase performance.
Interactive Workstation
Corrected an issue where if the repair order had autoload meter readings set, they could not complete the section without getting an error that meter readings where required.
Interactive Workstation: RO: Charge Parts
Corrected charging a part to an RO when the option Allow parts dispensing form a Central Shop is checked.
Corrected Charge Category to use Spare instead of Tire when the spare position is charged out with a tire.
Interactive Workstation: RO: Tire Data
Corrected a problem where when replacing a tire, the new tire was not returning the position when selecting the serial number for the tire charge.
Shop Planner
Corrected the button to activate upon click and display Mechanics details.
Corrected the Shop Planner page to display the Unit and Component in Rich Text formatting code to be displayed in the respective fields when dragging an appointment to a plan.
Tires: Tire Review
Corrected the Tire Review from returning duplicate records when a casing is moved to review.
IES Interface
Corrected an issue with GetData that would result in an async error.
IES Interface will now create a log named Nlog.txt every day. The previous day’s log will be appended with a date and sent to an archive directory.
Integration Tool Kit
Removed an extraneous VendorID parameter in the SetInvoiceForPurchaseOrder API.
SetInvoiceForPurchaseOrder modified to accept negative and zero for paid amount
TruckMate Export
Corrected the TruckMate Export to only export the records for Vendor Repair Orders when Vendor Repair Order records are exported. In the previous version, the export included Inventory Adjustments with the RO data.
Physical Inventory: Inventories
Corrected the SQL script populating the Part Types list.
Requisition List
Corrected an issue where the description for a tax line on a PO created from the Requisition List would only display up to 12 characters.
Corrected an issue when Creating a PO from multiple part requisitions would create a tax line for each part. Now properly creates a single tax line.
Corrected an issue where the grid Persistence button would not be visible when a grid configuration could not be loaded.
Interactive Workstation
Improved handling of serial numbers with respect to regular parts and tires with the tire module.
Parts Catalog
Corrected the search control to limit the records based on the value set in the Global option Max Number Of Rows Returned By A Query.
Shop Inventory
Corrected the search control to limit the records based on the value set in the Global option Max Number Of Rows Returned By A Query.
Corrected the newly cloned unit to properly clone meter and all its checkboxes to be copied exactly as it is onto the new cloned unit.
Right-click menus have been removed from the following tabs: Meters/Fluids, Specs, PM, Warranty, Shifts, Licenses, Assignments, and Parts.
Make Active/Inactive button has been added for Parts and Accessories grid which toggles the text based on user selection.
Estimate Details
Based on the selected customer, Price table will get auto selected with respect to price table assigned in the Customer/Unit master. Note the price table is not based upon the bill to customer field, just the customer field.
Corrected an issue where when multi-currency is enabled and charging a part on an RO, the value and currency do not match.
Corrected the Re-bill query from creating duplicates.
Invoice Details: Payments
Corrected to default the Payment Method based on the Customer selected if the Customer has a default Payment Method on the Customer Master.
Changed the code to prevent a General SQL Error dialog from occurring when the status of a Repair Order was changed from Open to Closed based on specific conditions for the RO Section.
Corrected an issue where closing a Vendor RO would not complete properly.
Changed the Repair Order Header field layout to adhere to uniform field alignment standards. The Status, Date/Time, and Promise By Date fields were moved to row three. The Repair Type, Est. Time, and Priority fields were moved to row four.
Corrected an issue where when completing a VRO from the Repairs list, it was validating the option Require Invoice Amount To Match PO Receipt Total. This option should only be validated when changing the order to CLOSED. Corrected an issue where when completing a VRO from the Repairs list, it was validating the option Approval value when Cannot Close PO Or VRO. This option should only be validated when changing the order to CLOSED.
Repairs: Complete Order
Completing a Repair Order from Repairs Listing page updates the Unit Out Of Service and Units tables to show the unit is now available.
Repairs: Repair Order Details
Corrected the issue of username updated in CompletedBy and Modified by columns when the RO is completed/closed. CompletedBy and Modified by columns was previously updated with the DB name (AMSENT or SYSDBA) that was used and not the username which was logged in, now those fields are updated with the current username.
Repairs: VRO: Complete Order
Corrected the VRO to not enforce the invoice to match the PO total when changing the status to COMPLETE.
Corrected an issue where the PO Detail page would not open when opening a PO from the search screen.
Purchases: Purchase Search
Corrected an issue where the description for a tax line on a PO created from the Requisition List would only display up to 12 characters.
Repair Order Setup: Job Code Definitions
Corrected the program to display a prompt while deleting the Job Code Assignments if the Job Code is in use or currently assigned to an employee in any Repair Order.
Changed the Job Code assignment grid to no longer show a blank record if there are no assignments for the selected Job Code.
Corrected the Job Code Assignments data to match what Client Server writes.
System setup
Corrected the program to display a prompt while deleting the Job Code Assignments if the Job Code is in use or currently assigned to an employee in any Repair Order.
SSRS Reporting
Employees: Employee Time Analysis Report
Improved the Employee Time Analysis report to correct duplicate repair order hours being considered for the report times.
Corrected the SSRS Reports to correctly show dates in an AUS date format of (DD-MM-YYYY).
The Unit Down Time Analysis Detailed report has been updated to have a faster data retrieval time.
The Unit Down Time Analysis report has been updated to have a faster data retrieval time.
Corrected the PMs Due report to display data when more than one value is selected for any option.
Corrected the Unit Parts Usage Listing Report to display the report data that matches with Client Server.
Admin: Theme: Manage Themes
Corrected the upgrade to not change or remove the current theme that is set as default.
Updated the TMT_PMSDUE program to use the meter reading from the Repair Order the PM was performed on, instead of the last meter for the same the PM was performed on.
The database wow deletes the item cost records and adds one consolidated record back to the database.
Removed the PM Detection parameter from the PMs Due report.
Accounting: IES Accounting
Enhanced the IES Accounting page to allow orders to be marked as exported.
Changed the accounting process for Inventory Adjustments. Debit accounts are now sent as negative instead of credit accounts.
Interactive Workstation (IWS)
Logging on to a Repair Order displays sticky note when there is a sticky note associated with the order number.
Interactive Workstation (IWS): Menu: Inspection Tickets
Corrected the order of the new inspection ticket/existing inspection tickets based on the ATTRIDSEQ value.
Tires: Tire Review
User is now allowed to select multiple tires while returning to inventory.
Pop-up window to display Tires selected by the user and will have Credit Tire Part and Credit Amount fields to modify the part and amount for individual tire.
User now has the ability to select multiple tires for review and move to inventory. A Repair Order will be created based on the shop and unit combination.
AMS Database
Added a new table named Predictive Maintenance that will store predictive maintenance data from PeopleNet.
Note: This table is not populated unless you own the Predictive Maintenance Module License.
AMS Mobile API
Added REST API endpoint Units to retrieve details for a unit.
Added REST API service for Complaints. GET retrieves Complaint Codes by component code.
Added REST API endpoint Meters to retrieve meters for a UnitID.
Added REST API endpoint Employees to retrieve employee details by EmployeeDrID (empdrvid).
Added REST API endpoint Inspections to retrieve details for Open inspection items.
Added REST API endpoint InspectionHistory to retrieve a list of inspections for a unit ID.
Added REST API endpoint for Globals: GET retrieves global values by key, PUT updates a global value.
Added REST API endpoint for Preventive Maintenance items: GET retrieves PM due details by UnitID.
Added REST API endpoint for attachments: POST inserts a base64 image into the database with key values.
Added REST API endpoint for Signature attachments: POST inserts a base64 signature image into the database.
Enhanced the Codes REST API to retrieve Code Key pairs from other source tables, and include the UI field label for the user field.
Added REST API service for Preventive Maintenance Items (PMs Due). GET retrieves PM Due details by Unit ID.
Added enforcement of token authentication for all REST API calls.
Added REST API service for Inspection History Details. GET retrieves inspection details by Inspection ID.
Updated the InspectionTicketItems API Post method to use a simpler interface. -
Cleaned up the PreventiveMaintenanceItems API by removing extraneous Unit details from the response message.
Updated the InspectionHistoryDetails API to remove duplicate fields and return ids necessary for posting images to inspections. Updated the InspectionHistory API to remove duplicate fields and resolved issue with filtering for failed inspections.
Added an API for Inspection Acknowledgements, to update an inspection item with the driver acknowledgement details.
AMSServerAPI: Globals API
Corrected the logic for the PUT on Globals API to only allow updates of existing global values.
AMSServerAPI: Inspections API
Updated the query for the API to identify a status for the inspection (open or complete) based on the RO status, and to return additional information from the order.
AMSServerAPI: Login API
Updated the Login API to accept an app version: this will validate the app is connecting to the correct database version (for example, version 2017.3).
AMSServerAPI: InspectionHistoryDetails API
Updated the Inspection History Details API to return additional details for failed/fixed items in the inspection (order number, fixed by and acknowledged by).
AMSServerAPI: Employees API
Updated the Employees API to allow filtering by EmployeeID (empid) as well as EmployeeDrID (empdrvid).
Appointment is added in estimate list that will display Y if a plan exists with the estimate orderid. When the appointment is created, page will be populated with the orderid from the estimate.
Close RO
User cannot close the RO, when RO is linked with PO, but has not been received.
Added the ability to Select All and Unselect all records for export.
Added persistence to the filter selection on data grid reload.
Rename the Export Status column label to Export Error.
Updated the Last Run date to record for integrations to the current date if the run time is under 1440 minutes and set to the previous day or earlier.
Added an option to return the section comments (instead of correction) in Defect Resolution field when the Repair Order is completed.
Enhanced PeopleNet integration with the multi-instanced capability. Allowing different PeopleNet company logins to be used in the same database.
PeopleNet Console Integration
Corrected the Shop search to display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the order number when opening Indirect Charge form from Indirect Charges.
Predictive Maintenance
Added module options for the Predictive Maintenance integration.
Interactive Workstation (IWS)
Added Image Control to Inspection Ticket Header for user to upload Images.
Job Activity: Tire Data
Serial Number text box to be enabled for users in Tire Data to input Serials for Tires which has no Serials added to it.
Menu: Inspection Tickets: View
Added Image control for each complaint on the Inspection Details grid.
Activities: Tires: Tire Review: Specs
Corrected an issue where the user would not able to use multi-select for the Tire data rows and select one of the action buttons.
When mandatory inputs are not filled while saving the master Pages, respective fields will be highlighted.
Admin can customize the Controls of Company Master for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Admin can customize the Left navigation tabs of Customer\Vendor\Vendor Parts\Units\Company for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Admin can customize the Controls of Customer Master for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Admin can customize the Left navigation tabs of Customer\Vendor\Vendor Parts\Units\Company for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
The Renumber feature is removed from the context menu and available as button for the user.
Admin can customize the Controls of Shop Master for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Shop Inventory: Serial Parts: Specs
Corrected an issue where the user was unable to add Serial Numbers to tire part numbers that already exist in the inventory.
Admin can customize the Controls of Vendor Master for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Admin can customize the Left navigation tabs of Customer\Vendor\Vendor Parts\Units\Company for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
In Vendor Master, the Renumber feature is removed from the context menu (Search control-Right Click) and available as button for the user.
Vendor Parts
Admin can customize the Controls of Vendor Parts Master for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Admin can customize the Left navigation tabs of Customer\Vendor\Vendor Parts\Units\Company for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Admin can customize the Controls of Units Master for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles
Admin can customize the Left navigation tabs of Customer\Vendor\Vendor Parts\Units\Company for user roles based on the access to be provided to the user roles.
Units: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Activities: Parts Workstation
By implementing this Look up Part feature, within the same shop the user can swap the new part with already selected old part. After swapping, the newly selected parts will be returned to the Requested parts List.
Activities: Parts Workstation: Requests Tab
Modified the grid to have persistence so the user can add/re-arrange or remove columns as required. Moving over to different tabs and coming back to the Requests tab doesn’t revert the changes.
Activities: Parts Workstation: Requests Tab: Actions: Open Parts Request
Modified the grid to have persistence so the user can add/re-arrange or remove columns as required. Moving over to different tabs and coming back to the Requests tab doesn’t revert the changes.
Activities: Parts Workstation: Open Orders Tab
Modified the grid to have persistence so the user can add/re-arrange or remove columns as required. Moving over to different tabs and coming back to the Open Orders tab doesn’t revert the changes.
Activities: Shop Planner
Estimate field is added to display the Estimate number to the user.
Activities: Shop Planner/Shop Scheduler
While creating a new appointment in Shop Planner and Shop Scheduler the logged-in user and the created date are being saved in the CreatedBy and CreatedOn fields respectively.
While creating a new appointment in Shop Planner and Shop Scheduler the logged-in user and the created date are being saved in the CreatedBy and CreatedOn fields respectively. The Planner Grid now has the ability to customize the CreatedBy and CreatedOn fields.
Configuration: Settings Manager: Modules: Modules Selection: Imaging Configuration
For Imaging Configuration a list of Orders will be displayed where user can add Synergize Configuration Name and enable Synergize Explorer Navigation.
For Imaging Configuration a List of masters will be displayed as tabs and by this implementation user can make changes Synergize Configuration Name & Synergize Explorer Navigation towards the respective masters.
Masters: Customers
Corrected the pages: Estimates, Estimate Details, Invoices, Invoice Details, Invoice Price Tables, and Customer modules to check for License of Invoicing Module before the page opens.
Masters: Customers: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Masters: Employees
The Renumber feature is removed from the context menu and available as button for the user.
Admin can customize the controls of Employee Master for other user roles.
Masters: Employees: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Masters: Parts Catalog
The Renumber feature is removed from the context menu and available as button for the user.
Masters: Parts Catalog: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Masters: Shops
The Renumber feature is removed from the context menu and available as button for the user.
Masters: Shops: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Masters: Shop Inventory: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Masters: Units
The Renumber feature is removed from the context menu and available as button for the user.
Masters: Vendor Parts: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Masters: Vendor: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Campaign: Create: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Campaigns: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Estimates
Corrected the pages: Estimates, Estimate Details, Invoices, Invoice Details, Invoice Price Tables, and Customer modules to check for License of Invoicing Module before the page opens.
Orders: Estimates Details
Corrected the pages: Estimates, Estimate Details, Invoices, Invoice Details, Invoice Price Tables, and Customer modules to check for License of Invoicing Module before the page opens.
Orders: Estimate Details: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Estimates: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Fuel Tickets: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Indirect Charge: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Indirect Charges: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Inspections: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Invoices
Corrected the pages: Estimates, Estimate Details, Invoices, Invoice Details, Invoice Price Tables, and Customer modules to check for License of Invoicing Module before the page opens.
Orders: Invoice Details
Corrected the pages: Estimates, Estimate Details, Invoices, Invoice Details, Invoice Price Tables, and Customer modules to check for License of Invoicing Module before the page opens.
Orders: Invoice Details: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Invoices: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Purchases
Added Sticky Notes button to the Purchases screen. If an order with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Added Sticky Notes to the Order Number field of Purchase Create screen. Right-clicking on the Order Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Purchase Create form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Order Number. The Order Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the order number.
Orders: Purchase Create
Added Sticky Notes button to the Purchases screen. If an order with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Added Sticky Notes to the Order Number field of Purchase Create screen. Right-clicking on the Order Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Purchase Create form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Order Number. The Order Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the order number.
Orders: Purchase Create: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Purchases: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Repairs
When the user closes a Repair Order with Parts on request, it displays a message and doesn’t allow the Repair Order to get closed.
Added Sticky Notes button to the Repairs screen. If an order with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Added Sticky Notes to the Order Number field of Repair Order Details screen. Right-clicking on the Order Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Repair Order Details form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Order Number. The Order Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the order number.
Orders: Repairs: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Repair Order Details
When the user closes a Repair Order with Parts on request, it displays a message and doesn’t allow the Repair Order to get closed.
Added Sticky Notes button to the Repairs screen. If an order with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Added Sticky Notes to the Order Number field of Repair Order Details screen. Right-clicking on the Order Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Repair Order Details form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Order Number. The Order Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the order number.
Orders: Repairs: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Warranty Claim
Added Sticky Notes button to the Warranty Claims screen. If a Claim with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Added Sticky Notes to the Claim Number field of Warranty Claim screen. Right-clicking on the Claim Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Warranty Claim form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Claim Number. The Claim Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the Claim number.
Orders: Warranty Claim: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Orders: Warranty Claims
Added Sticky Notes button to the Warranty Claims screen. If a Claim with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Added Sticky Notes to the Claim Number field of Warranty Claim screen. Right-clicking on the Claim Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Warranty Claim form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Claim Number. The Claim Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the Claim number.
Orders: Warranty Claims: Synergize
Available synergize images are displayed in a new tab to the user.
Reports: Reports SSRS: SSRS Report Viewer
The Universal Equipment Claim Form is now accessible via the SSRS Warranty folder and the Warranty Claim screen. When accessing the report through the Warranty folder, the User will be prompted for the Claim Number and Shop Number. In previous versions, the Universal Equipment Claim Form was only accessible through the Warranty Claim screen.
Setup: Price Tables
Corrected the pages: Estimates, Estimate Details, Invoices, Invoice Details, Invoice Price Tables, and Customer modules to check for License of Invoicing Module before the page opens.
In the TMT Fleet Maintenance, we added the ability to create a Plan or Repair Order from an Inspection. A button was added labeled +Add Plan/RO. The button will display a dialog form that displays the Inspection Items for the Inspection that was selected and allows the User to assign a Shop and/or Vendor for the Plan or RO that is created.
Inspections: Reports: Inspection Details Reports
Updated the Inspection Details Report sorting order of records so that now they will be displayed based on the Attribute Sequence ID, Unit Number, & Attribute ID.
Mobile App Shared Components
Login component updated to support token based security.
Mobile Framework
Implemented a service to supply token authentication to REST API calls within a mobile app.
Orders: Indirect Charge
Corrected the Shop search to display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the order number when opening Indirect Charge form from Indirect Charges.
Repairs: Add Section
User can create a Picklist part requests from RO section, if the selected component/Parts are linked with the Picklist. Created Picklist request will reflect in the part workstation.
Repairs: Repair Order Details: Close RO
User cannot close the RO, when RO is linked with PO, but has not been received.
TMW Asset Inspection app
Added a Change Unit screen to enable unit search and selection for performing an inspection.
Added a Home screen to display employee and unit details (including current meters, services due and open failed inspection items).
Added a unit inspection history page to the app: allows the user to view past inspections for the unit.
Added a Login page for the Inspection app.
Added an Inspection History detail page to display past inspections for a Unit.
Added a Unit Inspection History page to display inspections for a unit over a given time period.
Added a Settings screen to display app configuration details and allow user to set a default unit.
Added a page for create new inspection details: this allows the user to perform a new inspection by passing or failing inspection items.
Added a splash screen background image to the login page.
Added an open inspection item details page: this will display the failure details for items displayed in the open items grid on the Home page.
Added a product license for the inspection app, and a check for the license when logging into the app.
Added a page for creating a new inspection: this allows the user to set the inspection type and user fields, and start a new inspection.
Added a failure selection modal window to allow user to indicate a complaint, comment and attach an image for a failed inspection item.
Added a History Details page to display the details for an inspection.
Added a logout button to the menu, enables user to end the session.
Updated the Home page for API changes to filter on the Open status and forward data to the Open Item Details screen.
Indirect Charge
Corrected the Shop search to display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the order number when opening Indirect Charge form from Indirect Charges.
Added Sticky Notes to the Order Number field. Right-clicking on the Order Number field and selecting Sticky Note will display the Sticky Note form and allow the sticky note to be created/edited/viewed. Opening the Indirect form will display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the Order Number. The Order Number field will also change color to indicate a sticky note is associated with the order number.
Indirect Charges
Corrected the Shop search to display the sticky note automatically if one exists on the order number when opening Indirect Charge form from Indirect Charges.
Added the Sticky Notes button to the screen. If an order with a sticky note is selected, the button will enable. Clicking the button will display the sticky note in the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
Repair Order Details
Replaced the search controls on the Repair Orders detail page with the new more efficient controls.
Repair Order Detail: Parts on order
User can view the list of the parts on order (or) request that are currently on purchase orders that are associated with the selected repair order, but have not been received.
SSRS Reports
Accounting Export Batch Detail Report
Corrected the Accounting Export Batch Detail report to contain the Accounting/Structure parameter or Invoice Date Range Parameter, which will filter the report properly. It will also contain the Invoice Date within the report data.
Enhanced Customer Invoice Listing to provide multi-currency support.
PO Accrual Summary, PO Accrual Detail, PO Accrual by Account and Shop, Vendor RO Accrual, and PO Accrual have the Shop Cost Center parameter and the Group By parameter has been added. When the Shop Cost Center is selected within the Group By parameter the Shop Cost Center row will appear and the information will be grouped by the Shop Cost Center.
Part Inventory
The Part Usage Report has been enhanced with the Currency Type information. The Currency Type is now displayed within the report header and the Last Cost column.
TMW Database
Made table modifications to support attachment of images to failed inspection items, and signature images to inspections (at detail level).
Resolved issues
Shop Planner
Fixed the Mechanics button which was not functional in the shop planner page.
Clone Unit
Clone unit form is added in release environment.
AMS Database
Added the EXP_KEY value to the log message that is being used within the integration audit create stored procedure.
Changed the program to check PSEXPIRE when there are multiple sections on a Repair Order and the RO Section Status is changed to CANCEL, COMPLETE, or CLOSE, it will check to see if there are any other OPEN sections before marking the PSEXPIRE record as CLOSED.
AMS Mobile API
AMSServerAPI: InspectionHistoryDetails API
Corrected an issue with the backend query that was returning incorrect results.
Shop Planner
Corrected the issue to pass user that is logged in to the USP and save process within Planner on create of new plan.
Accounting: IES Accounting
Corrected the IES page purge process to remove staged and errored staged records when clicked.
IES Interface
Credit Sales and Credit Issues amounts are now disbursed correctly.
Integration Tool Kit
Modified the GetPayableRepairInvoiceList and GetPayableRepairInvoiceByKey web methods to allow Vendor Repair Purchase Orders to return after export for AP without the GL Vendor Repair order being exported.
Corrected an issue where the Omnitracs Service was failing to execute with multiple instances. Now the service will execute with two or more instances.
Corrected an issue where the PeopleNet interface would fail if the PACKETID was not found during execution.
Corrected an issue where the INTMAPPING field for in the database was being saved as the username (string) and not the user’s id (integer) when updating RTEC and/or RTMC options.
Corrected an issue where the Basic section would contain options for DVIR and LOC after upgrade from the Silverlight version of Integration Options. Also added the removal of GPS integration options, since the section was replaced by LOC.
Updated the LOC module for Zonar with the Meter Type dropdown field. Also, removed GPS execution from the Zonar service execution.
Updated the Zonar DVIR integration by allowing the defect corrected from a repair order, to be sent back to Zonar based on the section.
Interactive Workstation (IWS)
Job Activity: RO Lines
Delete button is enabled for all types of parts if the Tire Module is turned off.
Job Activity: Tire Data
Fix the Issue in displaying tires; all tire position will be displayed in Tire Data page.
Complaint Code list is populated based on the complaints being assigned to a component.
Landing Page
Corrected the issue to disable the landing page Tiles for Estimates, Invoices and Customer tiles when Invoicing Licensing module is not turned On.
Corrected the shop renumber option to allow the shop to be renumbered when shop bays exist for the shop.
Activities: Interactive Workstation
Adding new section to existing Repair Order from Job Activity screen is corrected to redirect to Job Activity screen after the section is added.
Configuration: Settings Manager: Modules
User can view synergize image of a unique record for each synergize image synced.
For Imaging Configuration, a list of masters will be displayed as tabs under Masters Tab and order pages will be under Orders tab. This implementation user can make the following changes, Synergize Configuration Name & Synergize Explorer Navigation towards the respective masters and orders.
Masters: Vendors
Corrected the company name in the Remit to field on the report to display the vendor populated in the Remit Vendor field on the Remit tab.
Orders: Purchase Create
Corrected the company name in the Remit to field on the report to display the vendor populated in the Remit Vendor field on the Remit tab.
Orders: Repair Order Details
When there is only one section on Vendor Repair Order, upon deleting the section it deletes the corresponding Purchase Order section.
When there are more than one section on Vendor Repair Order, upon deleting the section it does not delete the Purchase Order section.
Repairs: Campaigns
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Repairs: Open Repair Orders
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Repairs: Repair Estimates
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Corrected Date fields on Add Appointment to be English (Canada) compliant.
Repairs: Scheduler Calendar
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Corrected Date fields on Add Appointment to be English (Canada) compliant.
Repairs: Unit Meter Entry
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Repairs: Units Due for Service
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Corrected Date fields on Add Appointment to be English (Canada) compliant.
Repairs: View Units
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
Repairs: View Invoices
Corrected Export to Excel button to format the data accordingly.
TMW Asset Inspection app
Corrected issues with default unit setting.
Corrected an issue with date and time formatting.
Cancellation details are updated in History tab.
Indirect Charge
Corrected Indirect Charges to display an error message when closing an Indirect Charge Order when there are no lines on a section. The Indirect Charge Order cannot be closed if lines have not been added to a section.
Purchase Orders
Changed the program to prevent a Part Out of Balance condition that occurred if multi-currency is enabled and an existing part on an open Purchase Order is modified and the current Quantity On-Hand of the part equals zero.
Corrected the issue to prevent an error when deleting the PO invoice when multi-currency is enabled.
Repair Orders
Repair Order Details
While adding the RO section, user can filter out the Job codes based on the RO Shop ID and Unit ID.
Vendor Repair Orders
Corrected the Vendor Repair Order not allowed to be closed if approvals are turned on and order is not approved.
SSRS Reports
Orders: Repairs
Corrected the SSRS reports Repair Order Detail, Repair Order Work Card, and Warranty Barcode Tag reports to display all the label data correctly.
Part Inventory
Physical Inventory Adjustment Log now contains a currency parameter.
Part Inventory: Parts Usage
Parts Usage contains multi-currency parameter.
Tire Catalog Listing
Added the missing currency parameter so that the user can select any currency parameter available.
In Currency Parameter select US$ in the filter > Generate report and note down the avg cost value for any one row.
In Currency Parameter select CAN$ in the filter > Generate report and note down the avg cost value for any one row.
The difference between currencies has been corrected to match after the currency conversion has occurred.
Vendor Part Supplier now contains a currency parameter.
Vendor Part Listing
Changed the report to include the currency parameter selection.
Setup: Disbursements
If Show Inactive is checked when Search is pressed, a new column called Inactive Rule will be displayed and a Red X will appear for any row that is inactive.
Shop scheduler
Enhanced the program so when an appointment is deleted an audit trail is created. This audit trail can be reviewed using the new SSRS report: Audit Scheduler Report.
Parts Workstation
The Parts Workstation has been enhanced to include prompting the User to print Warranty tags for parts when a part request is filled.
Interactive Workstation (IWS)
Added the ability to enter Section Comments when adding a new section to a RO.
Added the ability to enter RO Notes from IWS. A new button called Notes was added to the Job Activity screen under ORDER.
Enhanced the Bin field to allow creation of bins that do not exist. When a bin is typed in that does not exist, a message will display to confirm creating the new bin.
Implemented the Auto Zero Fill option when searching for the Order Number. If selected, when an order number field is typed in and tabbed out of, zeros will automatically fill in to the left of the number typed in so that the number is twelve characters long. For example, if 12 were typed in an order field with auto zero-fill, when the field was exited, 000000000012 would be displayed. This also works if there has been a prefix established for an order type. For example, if the prefix for the order is 01, and you type 01-1, it will be changed to 01-000000001.
Changed the Actions button as follows:
If the RO is status OPEN, the button will display Complete Order. Clicking the button will set the RO to Complete.
If the RO is status COMPLETE, the button will display Close Order. Clicking the button will set the RO to Closed.
SSRS Report Viewer: Audit Scheduler Report
Created a new report named Audit Scheduler Report. This report will provide an event log for Shop Plans each time a new Plan is created (labeled as an INSERT), each time a Plan is changed (labeled as an UPDATE), and each time a Plan is deleted (labeled as a DELETE). The report also displays the User making the change, Date, Time, and a brief description of the event.
Error Management
Changed the error message length by adding ellipses and line height restrictions. Also expanded the error message box on the right hand side to accommodate more text and shortened the height of the XML box to fit in the current space.
Resolved issues
Accounting: GP
Orders now remain in the GP Export Preview if they are pending.
Tires: Tire Configuration
Corrected an issue where the Tire Configuration screen would freeze after creating a configuration.
Payroll: Payroll Approval
Corrected an issue where Payroll Approval was displaying time in the server’s time zone instead of the workstation’s time zone.
Corrected the date formatting on the Units Due for Service page in CIS. The Last PM Date and Last Reading Date fields will now display as mm/dd/yyyy.
Changed the invoices grid to display all invoices instead of only displaying repair invoices.
Corrected an issue where units, unit accessories, or unit user defined fields may not get updated based on the last run date.
Requisition List
Corrected an issue so that Created By shows the user logged in for a PO created from the requisition list.
Change the program to enforce credit limits. When POs are created, the amount will be compared to the user’s credit limit. If the user has the option If PO limit is exceeded, create Pending PO, the user will be presented with a screen to create pending POs or not create the PO. If the limit is exceeded without that option, the PO will not be created and an error will be displayed that the user has exceeded their credit limit.
Interactive Workstation (IWS)
Corrected an issue where an RO created from an Inspection Ticket did not get created with the default repair class.
When a part is auto-crossed, added a column showing the reason the part is showing as an auto-crossed part.
Changed the Meter Reading button to not enable if there are no required meters for the RO.
Changed the Close Order button to properly use the Shop Rate for the labor line when the shop is using shop rates.
Corrected an issue where the Start Time was not displayed in the correct time zone when viewed from the IWS Login Screen.
Corrected an issue where an inactivated user could log into the IWS out of browser application.
Corrected an issue where the notification of parts out of balance would show the part number as "unknown" instead of showing the part number that was adjusted.
Parts Catalog
Updated the default currency feature. The system always uses the default currency when creating new parts. It does not try to use a deactivated currency.
Specs Tab: Corrected an issue where the serial number entered would not save and the Extended Warranty button would grey out and not enable.
Changed the USP_METERRDG_INS and USP_METERRDG_UPD to not call USP_METERRDG_RELREADING_RECAL when done. This had been causing a recalculation of ALL meter readings resulting in a very long processing time which created timeouts in the mobile mechanic mobile app.
Integration Options: PeopleNet
Enhanced the PeopleNet Interface to update the PeopleNet Integration Settings when a new URL is required or the Integration Section is changed during an Upgrade.
Updated the PeopleNet Interface to recognize all four PeopleNet Fault Code Types to be compatible with the current J1939 Communication Bus.
Integration Options: Omnitracs
Changed the Omnitracs Interface to be compatible with URLs that end with .ca for the Shaw Tracking URL (Canadian). Updated the Web Service to work with multi-instances using the Shaw version of the interface.
Corrected an issue where if a Direct Sale Invoice was credited using the Credit button, the quantity on hand was not increased.
Corrected a problem where deleting a serialized tire did not properly update the item serial record.
Corrected an issue when selecting the View Info right-click menu for a unit, it would display the wrong unit’s information.
Corrected an issue where the Aftermarket Warranty light was not turning green when the part was under aftermarket warranty.
Changed the section dialog to enforce the Max RO Component Code level.
Corrected an issue when a PM is selected to create a new section, the complaint and reason for repair were not defaulting based on the defaults set for PMs.
Warranty Claims
Corrected a performance issue when a Warranty Claim labor line is created or edited.
Corrected the Vendor to automatically populate the Vendor Information field from the OEM, Extended, or Aftermarket record when a Potential Claim is created.
SSRS Report Viewer: Bill Rate By Shop and Unit Type Report
Add an option to report for Price Basis to select Pay Grade, Price Table, or Both. If Pay Grade is selected, report would return data as it currently does but would also include any pay grade without a shop. If Price Table is selected, report would set the description to the Price Table Name: Pay Grade Name. If Pay Grade is Actual Cost, would state Actual Cost and Hourly base would be null. The Report would list each hourly base rate for each shop the same as it does for the selected pay grade and any pay grade details without a shop. If Both is selected, it would report the combination of the above.
SSRS Report Viewer: Order Inquiries Transfers Report
The Group By field in the SSRS: Order Inquiries Transfer Report has been corrected to display results for the 'Destination Shop' instead of the 'Source Shop' when the 'Destination Shop' has been selected.
SSRS Report Viewer: Unit Reason for Repair Report
Changed the report to display all Groups on one page when exported to Excel instead of creating a new page in Excel for each Group.
SSRS Report Viewer: Historical Part Inventory Listing Report
Corrected the report to display the ONHAND value instead of the QTYAFTER value. The Report has been updated to display the correct On Hand value and Average Cost value. Changed the Item Cost header to Average Cost to identify which field it relates to in the application.
SSRS Report Viewer: Unit Cost By Utilization Report
Corrected an issue where the report included Utilization up to the current date even if an End Date that is prior to the current date was selected when the Unit(s) selected have Utilization on the current date.
SSRS Report Viewer: Tire Catalog Listing Report
Corrected the report to calculate the utilization average correctly instead of calculating the average of averages. With the new average calculation, true wear will be returned by the query. If 0/32" wear has been noted in the system, then the results displayed will be 0/32" wear.
SSRS Report Viewer: Order Inquiries_Transfers
Corrected the report to display the line totals.
When a user changes his password in the Web Product, the password is now changed for that user logging into the Client/Server executables.
The Landing Page Override field will now only display the value saved in the database.
Options: Integration Options
The XREF integrations setting page no longer freezes with over 11000 active units.
Resolved issues
Corrected an issue with Fixed PM, where the calculation was only occurring when an ORDERID was passed. The Fixed PM will now also consider that the last PM date and readings can be changed to calculate.
Purchase Order Details
Corrected an issue where the Purchase Order Invoice was not visible after being added to the Invoice tab.
Interactive Workstation: Mechanic Workstation
Corrected an issue where the Allow Overriding of Estimated Times option was not working in IWS.
System Setup: Job Code Definitions
Corrected an issue when adding, editing, or viewing the Commodity Codes, would cause an application error and would no longer be able to continue.
SSRS Report Viewer: Purchasing: PO Accrual Summary Report
Corrected an issue where the function TMT_DISB_ORDER caused performance issues.
SSRS Report Viewer: Vendor: Vendor RO Accrual Report
Corrected an issue where the function TMT_DISB_ORDER caused performance issues.
SSRS Report Viewer: Vendor: PO Accrual Report
Corrected an issue where the function TMT_DISB_ORDER caused performance issues.
Changed the Upload Images button and icon. It now shows an image icon and the text Images.
Changed the Upload Images button and icon. It now shows an image icon and the text Images.
Estimate Details
The functionality was changed to update taxes when order lines are added, edited, or deleted, when the Vertex Integration is enabled.
Interactive Workstation
Interactive Workstation orders was updated with the functionality to recognize the legacy Commodity Codes from the TMT Fleet Maintenance application. This is commonly used with the Tank Wash process.
Resolved issues
Shop Manager
Corrected an issue where the PM Due report was not going to the correct report from the Shop Manager Tile.
Corrected an issue where the Vendor Search Rating and Name fields did not have a space in between them.
Estimate Details
Corrected an issue where the Order Total headers were missing from the page.
Invoice Details
Corrected an issue where the Invoice header buttons for Advanced Search and History were missing.
Purchase Order Details
Corrected an issue where creating a part-on-the-fly caused a SQL error, due to the Account Type being passed.
Repair Order Details
Corrected an issue where the Repair Order assignment records were not being displayed after they were edited and saved. This occurred after creation of the assignment, then closing and re-opening the window.
Corrected an issue when adding a purchase order invoice to the vendor repair order, did not return the vendor’s payment method and defaulted to CASH.
Requisition List
Corrected an issue where the Requisition Report would not execute and the create Purchase Order functionality would not execute.
Interactive Workstation: Mechanic Workstation
Corrected an issue where the part description was missing for parts in the Parts Request screen.
Corrected an issue where the POST button could be clicked in fast succession, causing multiple sections to be created.
Repair Order Setup: Job Code Definitions
Corrected an issue where the Job Code Assignments, Estimated Time, SRT Time, and Flat Rate Time fields did not have a space in between them.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Daily Closed Invoice Report
Corrected an issue where the Daily Closed Invoice Report was not functioning.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Component Cost Summary Report
The pie chart position was corrected in the report, as it was overlapping the data within the report.
Shop Search Control
The Shop Search control was updated for server-side paging to improve the performance on large databases. Also added new client-side shop search with advanced search features and auto-complete capability
When the option to use a spare tire is enabled, the Unit Master will show a spare position. The record will be highlighted in Yellow if the spare is not mounted. It will be highlighted in Red if the spare is in a Casing status.
Parts Catalog
Updated the search controls for the fields to function with the Customizer feature in the TMW Web Products framework.
Parts Catalog
The vendor part search was enhanced with an advanced search capability. The advanced search was added as an additional configuration, along with auto-complete functionality.
The Campaign search page was enhanced by adding the ability to attach images.
Campaign Create
The Campaign order page was enhanced by adding the ability to attach images.
Requisition List
Enhanced the Requisition List to allow multiple part type selection via a dropdown list with checkbox.
The requirement for Shop was removed to return data to the grids. Also, the grid configuration was adjusted to allow multiple shops to be returned.
Options: Vertex Integration
The Vertex integration will affect the following requirements in the tax rates and tax-exempt certificates are handled throughout the application. All tax calculations, tax tables, rates, and tax-exempt certificates will be handled by Vertex and the tax amount will be provided to TMT for estimates and invoices via a web service call to Vertex. Tax Rates and Tax Tables will not be maintained within TMT for the purpose of calculating the tax on Estimates or Invoices.
Integration Error Management
The Integration Error Management page was made accessible for all. This page allows Integration errors to be viewed and managed by type.
Repair Order Setup: Job Code Definitions
The Job Code Definitions editing window was updated with an Active field that can mark a job code active or inactive.
System Setup: System
The ability to set any Part Type as a TIRE with the option Treat as Tire was added to Part Charge Category Codes. When set to YES the Part Type will be treated like a TIRE in Parts Catalog and when being charged out.
Interactive Workstation
The Tire Data screen was updated to allow the spare tire position tire pressure to be 0.
When charging out the tire to the Spare position the charge category will be SPARE instead of TIRE.
The Tire Date screen was updated to allow the spare and casing position to be replaced on the unit. Please note that if the spare position is holding a casing, that the casing cannot be added back to inventory.
The Tire Data Return to inventory process was changed to allow a tire to be returned at $0.00 amount.
Margin Report by Charge Category and Customer Type Report
Enhanced the report by adding the MFG (National Account Vendor Type) parameter to the report.
Unit Spare Tire Status report
Created a new Spare Tire report that will show the following; Units with spare position, Units with spare tire mounted, Units with a casing mounted, and Units with no spare position. Please note that this report only considers units with a Tire Configuration.
Tire Sales by Vendor Report
The Start and End Date fields were replaced by the Report Start Date (For Previous 13 Weeks) field. The 13-week period was also fixed to account for the report start date.
Parts Room Mobile Application
Physical Inventory
The new mobile application, Parts Room, was created for TMW Mobile. Currently, this application has the full capabilities for handling full physical inventory and part level adjustments. This is the same as the Enterprise and TMT Fleet Maintenance functionality.
Resolved issues
Enterprise (Global)
TMWWebProducts (AMS Enterprise) Installer
Corrected an issue where the Settings Manager page in the Configuration menu would intermittently be removed during updates to Enterprise.
Enterprise Pop-up Windows
The Enterprise application was updated to not allow pop-up windows to be dragged off-screen. In the past this caused the window to gray-out and become disabled.
Shop Manager
Corrected an issue where the data in the Direct Time graph was not showing when the user hovered over the day indication point. A black box would appear. Now the data will return as expected.
Parts Manager
Corrected an issue where the text for the Purchase Order (PO)and Vendor fields in the Open PO grid. The original text color caused the values to be illegible.
Corrected an issue where returning Terminated employees causes an error; Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Corrected an issue where the Shops were not setting the Tax On fields to N when a new shop was created. The fields were being set to NULL.
Corrected an issue where the Dependent PMs that were set with a Fixed PM schedule were not correctly calculating, when becoming due.
Corrected an issue when the option Dependent PMs by Actual % Due by PM Level option is not enabled, but the PM Code has a percentage set, the PM will show due at 1%, instead of using the shop or global percent due value.
Corrected an issue where the Vendor Master Longitude and Latitude fields overlapped on the screen.
Fuel Tickets
Corrected an issue where the Unit’s assigned customer was not being assigned to the fuel ticket order when created.
Corrected an issue where the Re-Bill functionality was no longer processing when a valid order was selected and the button clicked.
Corrected an issue where the Purchases search does not adhere to the logged-in user’s shop restrictions.
Purchase Order Details
Corrected an issue where searching for Parts and the part returns more than one result. This occurred during parts being returned through the auto-cross functionality.
Corrected an issue where Vendor Parts would only display parts associated to the Shop on the order. Vendor Parts without a shop should also be displayed.
Corrected an issue where the Customers record value for the order link was broken to the Customers page.
Repair Order Details
Corrected an issue where the Reason for Repair, UDF (User Defined Fields) code field was being displayed as a text box instead of a dropdown box. This resulted in an error.
Corrected an issue where the customer for the unit repair order was being overwritten by the assigned customer of the unit. The repair order customer can be different from the assigned customer for the unit.
Corrected an issue where existing serial parts are not being expired when a new serial part is charged out.
Corrected an issue where the PM history failed when creating a new repair order.
Corrected an issue where the Job codes returned were different in Enterprise than the same Job codes returned by the component code in the legacy TMT Fleet Maintenance application.
The performance of the repair order details page was improved when opening a repair order.
Corrected an issue where Vendor Parts would only display parts associated to the Shop on the order. Vendor Parts without a shop should also be displayed. (Vendor Repair Orders)
Corrected an issue where Vendor Repair Order labor lines would adhere to the option Labor Entry via Start and End Times. This option is only for Standard Repair Order labor lines.
Corrected an issue where Component Code was not populating on part or labor lines within the Internet Explorer 11 browser.
Corrected an issue when the Allow Paygrade Selection is enabled at the shop or global level, the labor rate did not change when the value is changed on the order.
Retail Menus
Corrected an issue where the Retail options in the Orders menu were active where the Retail Module license was active or not. The Credit Memos, Delivery Receipts, and Quick Quote were the menus visible without the license check.
Quick Quote
Corrected an issue where the Reset parameter button was not functioning on the page.
Physical Inventory
Corrected the styling for part type highlights, which caused the value to unreadable when selected.
Corrected an issue with the Physical Inventory Count Sheet caused by text wrapping. The text would wrap to the next line when printed.
Requisition List
Corrected an issue where a purchase order would not create from a manually created requisition.
Accounting: Setup: Structures
Corrected an issue where there was a performance issue with the accounting disbursements when closing an order with an account configured with accounting structures. Also corrected an issue where if two account structures were used on one order, only one structure was considered.
Interactive Workstation: Mechanic Workstation
Corrected an issue where the option Allow Overriding of Estimate Times was not being adhered to from the global or shop option when disabled.
Corrected an issue where mechanics were allowed to log off complete or close from the order with a part request created from a description or component.
Corrected an issue where mechanic’s labor rate was being calculated with the Overtime instead of the Standard pay rate. This was due to overlapping shift times.
Corrected an issue where mechanics were being locked out due to scenarios where multiple, quick logins occurred. This created multiple records. The system will now check before creating a new record and clean-up records when necessary.
Corrected an issue where fee and tax lines where being duplicated, when it was assigned to a part.
Corrected an issue where the customer entered on a new repair order is not auto-populating when creating a new unit on the fly from Mechanic’s workstation.
Corrected an issue where tire parts could not be charged out initially if the position did not have a tire mounted previously.
Corrected an issue where the current tire depth readings and tire codes were not being displayed when accessing IWS: Mechanic Workstation: Tire Data within a repair order.
Interactive Workstation: Inspections
Corrected an issue where the critical defects where not visible due to white-on-white text and background.
Shop Scheduler
The performance of the Shop Scheduler: Failed Inspections task list was improved per SLA requirements.
Re-open Order
Corrected an issue where the record display of the order return would be illegible.
Work Shifts
Corrected a scenario when a work shift is highlighted, a new work shift could not be created. A new button +Add was added to the page to correct this issue.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Bill Rate by Shop and Unit Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Warranty: Units with After-Market Part Warranties Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Warranty: OEMExtended Potential Warranty Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Unit parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Warranty: After-Market Potential Warranty Claim Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Unit parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Warranty: Units Warranty Status Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit PM Master Listing Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Fuel Utilization Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Cost of Ownership Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Cost by Utilization Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Age of Units Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit License Due Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Repair Inquiry Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Reason for Repair Analysis Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Parts Usage Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Master History Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Life Cycle Cost Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Cost Summary Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer Name and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Cost Summary by Month Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer Name and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Cost Detail by Month Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer Name and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Component Cost Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: PM Due Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: PM Costs Report
The report fields were updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer and Unit parameters, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Units: Unit Reason for Repair Analysis Report
Corrected an issue where the PDF saved from the report was being cut-off when generated.
SSRS Report Viewer: Accounting: Accounting Export Batch Detail Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Unit parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Accounting: Account Analysis Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Unit parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Margin Report by Charge Category and Customer Type
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Daily Invoice Detail Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Unit parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Shift/Daily Cash Drawer Worksheet Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Invoice DR Status Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Shops: Daily Closed Invoice Report
The report field was updated to use a wildcard search for the Customer parameter, to prevent a JSon error.
SSRS Report Viewer: Tires: Tire Catalog Listing
Corrected an issue where the initial tire depth was not being calculated properly.
Corrected an issue where the initial tire depth was being returned from the part master and not the Reading from IWS: Tire Data.
Corrected a performance issue where the report would run slow when using ECM Utilization.
SSRS Report Viewer: Vendors: Vendor RO Accrual
Corrected an issue where the report was timing out due to the amount of data being processed. The underlying function was updated to prevent this issue.
SSRS Report Viewer: Vendors: Vendor Repair Cost Detail Report
Corrected an issue where the report used a date convert declaration for the field. Causing the format to be converted to USA format, but could cause issues with non-USA date formats.
Options: Application Options: Planner
Corrected an issue where default plans were not adhering to the option Auto Create Shop Plans From Repair Orders and the sub-option Create Plans When Plan Without RO Exists For A Unit. This was due to Plans that were closed without a closed date.
Options: Integration Options: Omnitracs Shaw
Corrected an issue where the error Unhandled exception: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex was returned when executing the scheduled task. This was due to the URL for Omnitracs Shaw having a .ca extension.
Options: Integration Options: PeopleNet
Corrected an issue where the PerformX packet id was not getting updated.
Repair Order Setup: Job Code Definitions
Corrected an issue where the Job Code Definitions page would time out if there were 15000 or more Job Codes returned.
Integration Tool Kit REST: Employee POST
Corrected an issue where the following fields should have defaulted to YES instead of NO; RO Enabled?, Mechanic Can Go Remote?, Workstation Only?, Allow Charging of Parts from Workstation?, and Allow Creating of Units 'On the Fly' in Workstation?
System Setup
Product Group Code dropdown was added back to the ATA Codes for the parent and child levels.
Taxes, Rates, and Fees
Corrected an issue where the page would load an error message, Failed to convert parameter value from a Double to a Decimal., when the page was loaded or functions on the page were executed.