Edit a road call

You can edit an existing road call from the Road Calls Listing page.

  1. Go to Menu > Activities > Road Calls > Road Calls Listing. The Road Calls Listing page opens.

  2. Double-click the road call row you want to edit. The Road Call page opens.

  3. Edit the fields you want to change. For a complete list of available fields, see Create a road call.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the page, select Save.

Edit a road call repair order

You can make changes to a repair order if needed. See Find and open a repair order for more information about editing repair orders.

  1. Open the list of repair orders by going to Menu > Orders > Repair Orders Listing. The Repair Orders Listing page opens.

    The Repair Orders Listing page.

  2. Double-click on the repair order you want to change. This opens the repair order in the Managed Forms pane.

    Note: If open repair orders exist for the clicked road call, the Existing Open Repair Orders for Unit window pops up over the Managed Forms pane. You can edit a repair order from this screen by double-selecting on the repair order you want to change.

    The Existing Open Repair Orders for Unit: 0001 window

    To close the Existing Open Repair Orders for Unit window without making changes, click Cancel.