How Parts Transfer works with other interfaces and modules

Parts Transfer works with the multi-currency interface and inter-company accounting.

Multi-currency interface

The Enable Multi-Currency Conversion Services Application Option affects how the program converts currency during part transfers.This setting only goes into effect if:

  • Enable Multi-Currency Conversion Services is set to YES.

  • The source and destination shops each use a different currency unit of measure (UOM).

When shops use different currency UOMs, the program uses the conversion factor for the destination shop to convert the source shop part costs to the destination shop parts cost.

You access the Enable Multi-Currency Conversion Services Application Option by going to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options and selecting the General node.

Inter-Company Accounting

The Inter-Company Accounting Application Option affects how the program distributes credit and debit transactions during part transfers.If Inter-Company Accounting is set to YES, the program distributes transactions as follows:

  • During transfers out from the source shop, the program records:

    • A credit to the Company 1: Source Shop inventory.

    • A debit to the Company 1: Source Shop transfer holding.

  • During transfers in to the destination shop, the program records:

    • A credit to the Company 2: Destination Shop transfer holding.

    • A debit to the Company 2: Destination Shop inventory.

You access the Inter-Company Accounting Application Option by going to Menu > Setup > Options > Integration Options, expanding the IES node, and selecting the SERVICE_SCHEDULE sub-node.