Manage your user account

Your user account may require periodic maintenance. If necessary, you can update your name, contact information, and security questions in your user profile at any time. To ensure your account security, it is a good policy to periodically change your password. You can also view the Terms and Conditions that you accepted the first time you logged in.

Viewing the Terms and Conditions of Use

When you first registered, you were required to accept the current terms and conditions of use. If the hosting company changed that initial document, you were required to accept the new terms and conditions of use.

Use this procedure to view the terms you have accepted.

  1. Go to Menu > Home > View Terms & Conditions.
    The View Terms & Conditions page opens.

  2. On the same line as the Terms and Conditions, click View.
    A new window opens containing the document.

  3. If you want, print the document.

    1. Press CTRL+P.
      The Print window opens.

    2. Follow the prompts for printing as usual.

    3. Close the document window.

Changing your password

A password is a secret combination of alphanumeric characters that you use to gain access to the application. It provides security and privacy.

According to your system setup:

  • You may be able to change your password at any time.

  • You may not be allowed to change your password.

  • You may be required to change your password at regular intervals, such as every 90 days. You would receive a reminder message when the current password nears expiration.

    1. From your user menu, click Change Password.
      The Change Password page opens.

    2. Make entries in the following fields.

      Field Definition

      Current Password

      Enter your current password.

      Note: Passwords are case-sensitive.

      New Password

      Enter a new password.

      Note: The administrator sets password requirements, such as length and special characters. For security reasons, when you enter a password, it displays as a series of dots.

      Confirm New Password

      Re-enter the new password.

    3. Click Change Password.

      • If you decide not to change your password, click Cancel instead.

      • If the change was successful, you will see a confirmation message. Click Continue.

      • If the change was not successful, the Change Password page will display an error message. Repeat Steps 2 and 3.