
These settings are located in the Estimates section on the Application Options page. To open the Application Options page, go to Menu > Setup > Options > Application Options.

Automatically Approve Estimate

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The option allows the service writer to make the system automatically approve estimates without the customer’s signature (digital or otherwise).


  • NO (default)
    The system does not automatically approve estimates.

  • YES
    The system automatically approve estimates without the customer’s signature (digital or otherwise).

Additional notes

  1. All repair orders created from an estimate in the system’s web access require an approval on the estimate.

  2. This option can be overridden at the Customer option level.

  3. The system looks for the setting at the Customer options level first, then at the Application options level.

  4. If the Customer options is set differently from the Application options it becomes independent of the Application Options settings. Changing the Application Options does not sync the Customer options.

Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


The Section dialog on an estimate will have the Job Code field as the first field. This allows a job code to be selected to create the section. If parts are associated with the job code they will be added to the estimate.

A labor line will be created based on the task time. The cost of the labor will be determined by the Invoice Price Table. If the price table has Actual for Labor, the cost will be the shop rate marked up according to the price table. If the shop does not use a shop rate, it will be zero. If the labor is based on a specific pay grade, the Base amount will be used and marked up according to the price table.


  • NO (default)
    Estimates created by component code.

  • YES
    The Section dialog on an estimate will have the Job Code field as the first field. This allows a job code to be selected to create the section.

Additional notes

In order to use the estimate options the following additional setup is required:

  1. In Setup > Options > Application Options > Invoicing > Labor Time, you must set Sum Labor for Invoice by Task Time to YES. This requirement also applies to the Shop and Customer level options.

  2. In Setup > Options > Application Options > Repairs > Job Codes, you must set Enable Employee And Job Code Assignments and Allow Employee Assignments Without A Job Code to YES. You must also set Auto Default Job Code (Component, Complaint) and Auto Create Job Codes Based On Fleet to NO. These requirements also apply to the Shop level options.

  3. Job codes should be created with task times. You can also add parts, but it is not required. The task time must have at least one item selected from Shop, Unit, Customer, Make, Model, Year, Unit Type, and Fleet ID.

  4. The Job Code Task should not be using Fixed Pricing. If the task is using fixed pricing, a warning will be displayed that the task is using fixed pricing and should not be used on the estimate.

  5. Be aware that adding parts to job codes affects estimates only. That is, you can use a job code to add parts to an estimate automatically, but using a job code with a repair order does not add parts automatically. Any parts a job code adds to an estimate, however, will carry over when the estimate is applied to a repair order.

  6. Before V.2023.3, this option controlled three sub-options:

    • Copy Fees from Estimates to Repair Orders

    • Copy Parts From Estimates To Repair Orders

    • Copy Services From Estimates To Repair Orders

    As of V.2023.3, these sub-options have been promoted to full options. They are no longer connected to or controlled by the Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes option.

Copy Fees From Estimates To Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When an RO is created from the estimate the part lines on the estimate will be copied to the RO and charged out.


  • NO (default)
    The program does not copy fees from estimates to repair orders. Users must enter the fees manually.

  • YES
    The program does copy fees from estimates to repair orders

Additional notes

Before V.2023.3, you could not use this option unless Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes was set to YES.

As of V.2023.3, this option is not connected to or controlled by the Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes option.

Copy Parts From Estimates To Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When an RO is created from the estimate the part lines on the estimate will be copied to the RO and charged out.


  • NO (default)
    Parts on the estimate do not transfer to the RO.

  • YES
    When an RO is created from the estimate the part lines on the estimate will be copied to the RO and charged out.

Additional notes

  1. If there is insufficient quantity, a message will be displayed indicating how many parts were charged of the original quantity requested on the estimate.

  2. Before V.2023.3, you could not use this option unless Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes was set to YES.

    As of V.2023.3, this option is not connected to or controlled by the Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes option.

Copy Services From Estimates To Repair Orders

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


When an RO is created from the estimate the service lines on the estimate will be copied to the RO.


  • NO (default)
    Service lines on the estimate do not transfer to the RO.

  • YES
    When an RO is created from the estimate the service lines on the estimate will be copied to the RO.

Additional notes

This option is not available unless Create Estimates Sections By Job Codes is set to YES.

Default Complaint Code For Estimates

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If a value is entered here, when the job code is selected to create a section the complaint will default to the default complaint.


  • --NONE SELECTED-- (default)

Additional notes

If the default complaint is not valid for the component code associated with the job code, the complaint code will be blank and require a valid code to be selected.

Default Reason For Repair For Estimates

Applies to

TMT Fleet Maintenance


If a value is entered here, when the job code is selected to create a section the repair reason will default to the default repair reason.


  • --NONE SELECTED-- (default)

Additional notes

If the default repair reason is not valid for the component code associated with the job code, the repair reason will be blank and require a valid code to be selected.