Resolving asset assignment conflicts

You assign resources to trips so that you can complete the customer’s orders. Along the way, certain situations can interfere with the smooth flow of the process. A general term used for these situations is conflicts. A conflict can be caused by:

  • The unavailability of resources, due to expirations

    Expirations are notices regarding key activities and out-of-service dates. For example, expirations are used to place new tractors in service so that they are available for assignment. In addition, expirations are used to take tractors and trailers out of service or to record dates scheduled for routine maintenance. For a driver, expirations might include driver’s license renewal, training time, vacation, and termination of employment. A carrier expiration could be set up to record the date the carrier’s insurance expires.

  • The incompatibility between the requirements for a load and available equipment

    Load requirements/conditions specify special criteria that must or should be met when assigning resources (driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier) to an order. When a resource assigned on the order does not meet the load requirement, the system notifies you of the mismatch. If the mismatch is for a must condition, the system will not allow the assignment.

Conflicts must be resolved so that the trip can be dispatched and completed.