Understanding subscriber action types

Each event corresponds to different actions that can happen. Not all types of subscriber actions are available in all cell types. Some actions require additional parameters to be supplied (Arg1, Arg2, and Arg3). Not all actions correspond to each event.

An action is what happens when an event takes place in a cell. The type of action you use depends on the cell type.

Action Type What it does


Filters data based on the data of the publisher row

Usage varies based on published and subscriber cell types. For example, for a specific driver this action could allow the user to show all the loads assigned to the driver.

The FilterData action for each different cell is described below.

  • ReportViewer
    Updates the report based on the input arguments

  • SQLGrid
    Allows the filtering of a raw select statement

  • WebBrowser
    Shows the web browser to the filtered URL, substituting the input parameters


Filters data based on the planning board configuration search criteria

This action applies only to the Branch Tree cell. This is a custom code only. It is not user definable.


Filters data on Grid cell types, using scroll search criteria

It selects the subscriber’s rows that have the same value as the publisher’s clicked row.

For example, suppose a specific driver has a unique Driver ID. A filter can be set on the Driver ID number, which is the parent key. The filter finds all loads that correspond to that Driver ID number in the loads, or child, grid.


Selects the row that corresponds to the point clicked on the map


Used in two different ways:

  • When used with a Grid cell and a CustomMenuCommand event, it finds the point on the map that corresponds to the selected row.

  • When used with the MapMarkerClicked event type and the publisher is a Map cell, it locates the data row when the map point is clicked.


Refreshes the data in the subscriber cell

When you use it in a:

  • RouteMap cell, it refreshes the route map with a check call.

  • ReportViewer cell, it refreshes the report.

  • WebBrowser cell, it refreshes the web browser

  • SQLGrid cell, it refreshes the SQL data

Normally, RefreshData is set up with the AfterCellControlUpdated event, so that the data in the grid is refreshed.

Note: To see a full list of events you can use with this action, see Understanding how events and actions work together.


Many different Grid cells can be plotted on a single map. This action shows or hides a map layer represented by the publisher.


Refreshes the map data by retrieving the latitude and longitude data represented by the publisher and plotting the points