Identifying components of splash blends

A splash blend is a mix of different grades of fuel. The fuel is combined at the rack and added to the trailer’s tank at the time of pickup. It is also possible to load two grades into a tanker so that they can blend as it transports them.

Use these procedures to specify the different components and percentages that comprise a splash blend.

The percentages you enter must add up to 100% in order for you to save.
  1. Look up the commodity record.

  2. Select the Makeup tab.
    The Makeup tab lists existing components of the splash blend.


    Required field: *

    Class *

    Unique ID assigned to the commodity class


    Unique ID assigned to the commodity


    Read-only description from the commodity profile in the TMWSuite File Maintenance Commodity Makeup window

    Percentage *

    Proportion of each commodity in relation to the combined commodity

Add a component

For each component:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Enter the Class and Code.

  3. Enter the component’s Percentage.

The Percent Sum field at the bottom of the window calculates your total.

When finished, click Save.

Modify a component

  1. Select the component’s row.

  2. Make the changes.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a component

  1. Select the component’s row.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. On the confirmation window, do one of the following:

    • Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    • Click No to cancel the deletion.

    Note: To maintain your historical data integrity, it is recommended that you do not delete a splash blend if it has been used on an order.

  4. Click Save.