Accounts Receivable

The TruckMate Accounts Receivable module is used for managing and collecting money from customer accounts. The programs in this module can create and post invoice adjustments, generate statements, and to process cash receipts.

AR process

Freight bills (including COD billing) from Customer Service and Quick Bill Entry are posted into the Accounts Receivable module by Billing Register.

Bills appear in AR Inquiry under the customer account they were billed to. Use this program to manage customer account information, to make account adjustments, to generate statements, and to print reports such as aging lists, billing summaries and statements of account.

AR Adjustments creates credit or debit memos against freight bills.

AR Adjustment Register is then used to post your adjustments to the general ledger and customer accounts in AR Inquiry.

AR Cash Receipts records payments from customers against their bills, and in cases where payments cannot be matched to billing, to record credits against the account. Any cash received for non-billing can also be entered here in the Miscellaneous Cash Receipts area.

The cash receipts are next processed through AR Cash Receipts Register to post into the general ledger and customer accounts in AR Inquiry.

When accounts are overdue, the credit settings in Customer & Vendor Profiles are used by AR Finance Charges to calculate interest owing.

Accounts Receivable setup and configuration

To use AR applications, you must review and configure settings in the applications listed below. These settings apply to all AR applications. Settings that apply to individual AR applications are described in the online help topics that are specific to the application.

  • Codes Maintenance

    Prior to starting the billing process that flows into accounts receivable (AR), currency codes must be defined in Codes Maintenance.

  • GL Chart of Accounts

    Foreign exchange rates, if applicable, should be set up in GL Chart of Accounts.

  • Customer and Vendor Profiles

    Customer profiles must also be flagged as billable in Customer and Vendor Profiles before any billing can be posted against them in the AR system. If credit is to be extended to customers, the credit options are configured here as well.

    Users who bill from the Repairs & Maintenance system should also note that customers must be marked as R&M customers in order to have work orders post into AR.

  • AR Transaction Types

    AR transaction types must also be configured before any transactions are processed. These codes are referenced in every AR transaction and control how the transactions are posted into AR Inquiry.

Cash Flow Management

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Understanding and Controlling your Organization’s Cash Flow is paramount to running your company with confidence. The data stored within your company’s corporate database can unlock trends, assisting you in measuring, and finally, managing your cash flow.

Assuming your Company’s 'Average Days to Pay' calculation is at 45 days, and your Receivables are at $1,000,000, reducing the 'Days to Pay' down for even ONE DAY would see you permanently receiving an additional $22,222 in your Bank Account. For many Companies, a Receivable total of $5,000,000 and a reduction in 'Days to Pay' of 5 days are not unrealistic. In this case you would benefit from a permanent increase of $555,555 in your Bank Account. Who couldn’t use an extra half a million dollars in today’s challenging business climate?

Managing receivables on a traditional 30, 60, 90 day basis is fine, but it does not provide the granular detail that is required to limit your bad accounts, bad debts, and credit and rebills by Customer.

Your TruckMate systems have been collecting valuable information that can be used to assist you in the manage of your Cash Flows. TruckMate can determine every individual Customer’s unique payment methods and timing, and as such, project when future payments will be coming through the door. We can also determine which receivables 'should' have come in last week, and provide concise lists of Clients and Invoices to follow up on. This makes more effective use of your Credit and Collections department time.

The key to TruckMate Cash Flow is the dynamic nature of the module. As every check is entered into TruckMate, each Customer’s payment trends are recalculated- thus affecting every subsequent outgoing Invoice projected date to receive. Combined with the strong Collections module already in place, we can accurately predict which invoice payments will be received on each day. Total these up for the week, and we have an accurate projection of incoming cash. Equally important are the Crystal Reports provided with this Module, which tell you what did NOT go as per plan, allowing you to quickly follow-up with your Customer.

TruckMate Cash Flow Management provides a series of Procedures and Reports, which will assist you in gaining control over your Accounts Receivable. You will be able to;

  • See Customers aged 'Days to Pay', with the average 'Days to Pay' for your organization.

  • Ongoing and continual recalculation of a Customers average 'Days to Pay', identifying Customers who are slowing (or improving) their payments to you.

  • Each Invoice will have the 'Scheduled' payment date calculated, based on the Customers Payment History, as each invoice is posted through the Billing Register program.

  • Allow override of the 'Scheduled Payment Date' as your Collection department works with the Customer.

  • Forecasted cash, expected through historical payment trends, is reported for the coming week.

  • Payments which are late are identified for your attention, BEFORE they become potential bad debts, and before you over commit additional credit.

  • Summarizes incoming (and outgoing) cash, week by week, 6 weeks out. Identifies 'Disputed' Invoices, and discounts these Invoices from your Cash Flow.

  • Identifies outgoing cash from Accounts Payable, based on 'Due Dates' entered.

  • Allows the entry of any other Outgoing Cash, for such items as anticipated purchases not entered, payrolls, upcoming large payments.

  • Allows the entry of any other Incoming Cash, such as 'Deposit' or 'Down Payments' on sale of assets, Shareholder Investments, and other extraordinary incoming cash items.

  • Crystal Reports include: 'Collections Working Document Report', 'Days to Pay Ranking Report', 'Report of Overdue Invoices', 'On-Account Payments', 'Invoice Payment Trend Analyzer', 'Cash Flow Late Collections', and 'Week by Week Cash Projections Report'.

Note: For more information on the specific Tables, Triggers and Procedures in your TruckMate database related to the Cash Management Module, click here. For more information on the Crystal Reports added to your TruckMate database by the Cash Management Module, click here.