TruckMate 2022.2 New Features: Back Office

Required upgrade (TM-162557)

TruckMate 2022.x and later requires DB2 version 11.5.6.

You must upgrade your instance of DB2 to this version before upgrading TruckMate.

Support for DB2 version 11.1.3 ended as of TruckMate 2021.4.

TruckMate versions 2022.1 and 2022.2 have been released as a single upgrade package available for download on the Trimble Transportation Client Center.

TruckMate version 2022.1 is not available as a stand-alone download.

If you are upgrading to TruckMate 2022.2 from an earlier version, review the Release Notes and New Features Guides for this version, along with those for all the versions in between.

For example, if you are currently using TruckMate 2020.3 and you want to upgrade to 2022.2, review the materials available for versions 2020.4 through 2022.2.

TruckMate online help F1 integration (TM-163894)

TruckMate’s online help is now exclusively web-based. As of version 2022.2, the Microsoft Compiled HTML Help (.CHM) file is no longer packaged with the installer.

When you press F1 or go to Help > TruckMate Help, your default browser displays the overview page for the application you are working in. An Internet connection is required.

TM 163894 222b

New online support interface (TM-160957)

In December 2021, Trimble Transportation Support switched from NetSuite to Salesforce for tracking customer support calls.

When you go to Help > Enter Support Case, your default browser displays the Trimble Transportation Dedicated Customer Support site.

This site provides access to the Learning Center and lets you view available materials before entering a support call.

TM 160957 222b

If you cannot find the information you need, click CONTACT US to send in a ticket or reach out to a support representative.


Features in this section appear in three or more TruckMate applications.

Notification feature added (TM-159695, TM-163463)

You can now activate service notifications that customers receive via email.

TM 159695 222a

This illustration shows a sample template and the resulting email notification.

TM 159695 222b

TM 159695 222c

These applications now contain this feature:

  • AP Invoice Register

  • Billing Register

  • Check Register

  • Driver Deduction Register

  • Driver Pay Register

  • Interline Pay Accrual Register

  • Interline Pay Audit Register

Loaded and empty miles separated in driver pay grid (TM-159758)

Previously, for a flat trip, the Driver Pay grid combined loaded and empty miles if Include MT was set to True.

TM 159758 222a

Now, loaded and empty miles display separately.

TM 159758 222b

This feature appears in:

  • Driver Pay Audit

  • Dispatch

  • Trip Envelope Processing

Search enhancements (TM-161070)

In the Find Freight Bill window, you can now use wildcard characters in the Search Number field.

TM 161070 222a

This window is available in these applications:

  • Customer Service

  • AR Cash Receipts Entry

  • Billing Consolidation

  • Claims

  • Dispatch

  • EDI Audit

  • Quick Bill Entry

  • Order Preprocessor

New Select Accessorial Charge Code columns (TM-164193)

The Select Accessorial Charge Code window now contains these columns (listed in alphabetical order):

  • 3rd Party GL Account

  • Applies To

  • Assign to All Vendors

  • Auto Assign By Default

  • Behaviour Desc

  • Calculation Order

  • Client Vendor

  • Interlinear Charges

  • Range Field

  • Service Class

  • Truckmate GL Account

  • Vendor Client

  • Vendor Code

This window appears in:

  • Codes Maintenance

  • Customer Service

  • Customer and Vendor Profiles

  • Fuel Card Management

  • Rates Maintenance

Codes Maintenance

"After hours" accessorial code functionality (TM-162846)

The following options are now available for accessorial charge codes in which the Charge Behavior value is Ranged Flat Charge:

  • Pickup Appt Made
    If this checkbox is selected, the Pickup Made checkbox in Customer Service must be selected also.

  • Delivery Appt Made
    If this checkbox is selected, the Delivery Made checkbox in Customer Service must be selected also.

  • These Range Field options:

    • PickupBy or PickupByEnd

    • DeliverBy or DeliverByEnd

The Range From and Range To columns on the accessorial charge detail line defines the time range using values that represent times on the 24 hour clock.

If, for example, an "after hours" pickup range is defined from 0:00 to 6:00 using 0 in Range From and 600 in Range To, the accessorial charge will apply to any appointments with a pickup start or end time in this time range.

TM 162846 222a

In addition, the /aChargeCodes endpoint in the TruckMate MasterData REST API has been updated to allow the following functionality for these options:

  • Remote creation (POST)

  • Retrieval (GET)

  • Update (PUT)

The new Range Field options do not appear in the accessorial detail grid.

Codes Maintenance, Customer Service

Exchange application and accessorial alignment (TM-160825)

Feature changes address these business issues:

  • Accessorials could only be applied to freight bills and/or vendor charges (at the freight bill or trip level) in the same currency.

  • Rates were not easily accessible prior to currency conversion. This was true for client rating as well as for client and vendor accessorials at the Interline Pay level.

Application Configurator options

Three new options have been added:

  • CODES.EXE > Foreign Currency Acc Charges

  • CSERV.EXE > Generate Acc Charge Data in Rule Currency

  • CSERV.EXE > Generate Rate Data in RateSheet Currency

Customer Service interface

If CSERV.EXE > Generate Acc Charge Data in Rule Currency is True, TruckMate populates these new columns in the I/P tab’s Extra grid when currency exchange takes place for client and vendor accessorials:

  • AC Currency

  • AC Quantity

  • AC Rate

  • AC Amount

  • AC FX Rate

In this illustration, the Acd ID column contains the ID of the accessorial detail entry that provided the automatic rate.

TM 160825 222a

If CSERV.EXE > Generate Rate Data in RateSheet Currency is True, information appears on the Details window that displays rates in the original rate sheet currency. You access this window by selecting View Current Row in a Window from the Details tab context menu.

TM 160825 222b

Codes Maintenance interface

Two new columns have been added to the Accessorial Charges tab:

  • Rate Currency
    Overrides, at the detail level, the currency defined at the header level

  • Filter Currency
    If the client or vendor charge is not in the specified currency, the row is not used during auto-rating of an added accessorial

In this illustration, the ACD ID column displays the ID that appears in client or vendor accessorial grids if used for auto-rating an accessorial.

TM 160825 222c

Carrier Information window

The Acc Ch tab contains two new columns:

  • Currency
    The value is the same as the value on the Trip tab. Now, you do not have to switch between tabs to see the currency.

  • ACD ID
    The ID represents the detail row associated with the accessorial that provided the automatic rate.

TM 160825 222c

Container Inventory Control

Container type search added (TM-163821)

The Container Search window now lets you search by container type.

TM 163821 222a

Customer Service

Default trace type used for Trace # field in Summary tab (TM-88560)

The Application Configurator setting CSERV.EXE > Default Trace Type allows you to define a default trace number type that appears in appropriate Customer Service fields.

In the Summary tab, the Trace # field now reflects the value in this setting as follows:

  • If the value is not blank, TruckMate uses that value to determine the type of trace number that appears in the field.

  • If the value is blank, TruckMate uses:

    • Bill of Lading (B) if the freight bill is not billed to the consignee

    • Purchase Order (P) if the freight bill is billed to the consignee

In this example, the Application Configurator setting value is Booking Number (K).

TM 88560 222a

The list of trace numbers on the Trace tab contains one (K123456) that represents a booking number.

TM 88560 222b

That number appears in the Trace # field on the Summary tab.

TM 88560 222c

Accessorials excluded from fuel surcharge for D83 revenue split with carrier (TM-161605)

Vendor rate logging has been enhanced to account for D83 rating (for example, when splitting revenue with a carrier).

Typically, TruckMate bases fuel surcharge value on the combined total of freight charges and accessorials.

However, when splitting revenue with another carrier using D83, there may be a need to exclude accessorials from the fuel surcharge calculation.

Customer Service, eManifest

CSA validation added (TM-161230)

If an order is shipping from the United States to Canada, a new checkbox lets you indicate if it is a CSA shipment.

This option must be selected if the value in the CCN Type field on the Customs tab is CSA.

TM 161230 222a

Creating a customs (cross-border) record

On the Customs tab in Customer Service, you can create a customs record for a cross-border freight bill. If it is a CSA shipment, TruckMate automatically populates these fields:

  • Port of Entry (from eManifest)

  • CCN Type (CSA)

  • Cargo Control (a prefix consisting of the bill of lading issuer’s code plus CSA; you must complete the rest of the number)

TM 161230 222b

Creating an eManifest 309 record

Also on the Customs tab, clicking eManifest creates a 309 record for the CSA shipment.

TM 161230 222c

You can also access eManifest from Dispatch or Multi Mode Dispatch by selecting eManifest from the freight bill grid context menu.

TM 161230 222d

In eManifest, create a 309 or 309/358 record. Select Create manifest from existing dispatch trip. This letsTruckMate detects that it is a CSA shipment and sets the appropriate default values.

TM 161230 222e

Using a predefined CSA number from the freight bill’s trace numbers

On the eManifest record, the CSA business number typically comes from the importer’s profile. The importer is the consignee on the freight bill.

However, when the business number is different from the one on the profile, you can override the value on the eManifest record with a trace number specified on the Trace tab in Customer Service.

The Application Configurator option EMAN.EXE > Override Trace Type for CSA Business Number lets you determine which number TruckMate should use.

If you specify a trace type in this option, and the freight bill is a CSA shipment and contains a trace number with that trace type, TruckMate uses that trace number as the CSA business number.

If you leave the option blank, or the freight bill does not contain a trace number, TruckMate uses the CSA business number specified in the importer’s profile.

In this illustration, the Application Configurator option is set to O. This freight bill has a trace number with that type.

TM 161230 222f

It appears in the corresponding eManifest record.

TM 161230 222g

The CSA business number is 15 characters long. It must follow the format


where 9 is any digit and X is any uppercase letter.

eManifest validation checks

To qualify as a CSA shipment:

  • The waybill number must have a prefix of CSA.

  • In Customer Service, the CSA checkbox must be selected.

  • The CSA business number must follow the specified format, as described above.

If any of these is not true, an error occurs during validation.


Charges columns added to freight bill grid (TM-161097)

The grid now contains these columns:

  • Charges

  • X-Charges

  • Protected Charges

  • Net Charges (calculated as Total Charges - Tax 1 - Tax 2)

  • Tax 1

  • Tax 2

  • Total Charges

TM 161097 222a

Dispatch, Multi Mode Dispatch

Driver contact information added to Address Book (TM-157981)

When sending trip reports, you can now access driver contact information in the Address Book window.

TM 157981 222a

To activate this feature:

  1. In Application Configurator, navigate to and select DISPATCH.EXE > Contacts Displayed inside the Trip Contact List.

  2. Select Driver.

    TM 157981 222b

Driver Pay Audit

Preventing deletion of driver escrow account (TM-162374)

You can no longer delete a driver escrow account if:

  • The balance is zero and

  • There are driver deductions associated with the account

TM 162374 222a

Driver Pay Contracts, Rates Maintenance

Premium pay functionality (TM-161990)

The features described here apply to surcharge driver pay. It pays a percentage increase in addition to the amounts defined by existing driver pay rules.

Now, you can create premium-based rates that you can then use in multiple surcharge driver pay rules.

Rates Maintenance interface

These changes were made to the Rate Base Number Maintenance window:

  • The Apply To column now includes a Driver (D) option.

  • A new Zone List column defaults to the value set in the Application Configurator option RATES.EXE > RateBase Zone List.

  • A new grid lets you enter zones that exist under the rate base zone.

TM 161990 222a

Driver Pay Contracts interface

New columns in the Surcharge tab let you configure surcharge rules as a range of rate bases:

  • Start Rate Base

  • End Rate Base

  • Rate Base Allow Between

These columns work just like the existing From Zone and To Zone columns, except that they get their zone information from the zone list as configured in the rate base rules.

Client rating calculations

This functionality is used for these client rating calculations:

  • In Rates Maintenance’s Client Information window:

    • Discounts/Minimums tab (stored procedures CALC_DISCOUNTS and CALC_MIN_CHARGE):

      • Start Rate Base

      • End Rate Base

      • Rate Base Allow Between

    • Tariff Class tab (stored procedure GET_CZAR_CLASS)

      • Start Rate Base

      • End Rate Base

      • Rate Base Allow Between

    • Detention tab (stored procedure CHECK_DETENTION_RATE)

  • Customer Service’s IMC tab (stored procedure GET_IMC_RATING_LIST)

  • Locating the valid rate sheet for the specific freight bill (stored procedure RATING_GET_CONFLIST)

Vendor rating calculations

This functionality is used for these vendor rating calculations:

  • Locating the valid rate sheet for the specific freight bill IP record (stored procedure RATING_GET_VENDOR_CONFLIST)

  • In Rates Maintenance’s Vendor Information window:

    • Discounts/Minimums tab (stored procedures VEN_CALC_DISCOUNT and VEN_CALC_MIN_CHARGE )

      • Start Rate Base

      • End Rate Base


Last Processed Status added (TM-162906)

The Bill of Lading and Item Summary tabs now contain, respectively, a Last Processed Status column and field.

TruckMate auto-populates these items, along with the Customs Entry # column and Customs Returned Entry field, for 358 (Conveyance) manifests that are linked to 309 (Cargo Only) manifests. The Last Processed Status information for the 358 manifest comes from the Last Process Status field value for the 309 manifest.

TM 162906 222a

Warning added for linked BOL records (TM-163666)

Now, a warning appears if a user attempts to delete a Bill of Lading record on an ACI 309 manifest if that record is linked to a 358O manifest’s Bill of Lading record.

TM 163666 222a

Fuel Card Management

Improved user ID/password accessibility (TM-115060)

Previously, the Reset My User ID / Password menu option was only available when the Cards tab was selected.

Now, it is also available when any of these tabs are selected:

  • Accounts

  • Groups

  • Child

In the Real-Time Card Vendor User ID & Password window, TruckMate now populates the Vendor User ID field automatically.

TM 115060 222a

Instant Checks

Preventing edits for check records created by driver pay statements (TM-158937)

You can no longer edit or delete a check record if the check was created from a posted driver statement.

Interline Payable Audit

Deleting unaccrued charge records (TM-162551)

On the Adjust Trip/Manifest Acc Charges window, the Delete button is now active for charge records that were not accrued (Charges value of 0).

LTL & Service Level Maintenance

Detailed shift dates added in log (TM-164093)

Now, if you use Service Days Setup, the Service Level Matrix log shows dates for shifted days.

TM 164093 222a

Payroll Configuration

Payroll Payable GL changes (TM-150873)

In the Departments tab, you can no longer do these things with a Payroll Payable GL account (GL type BL014):

  • Attach it to a pay code

  • Set it as a department’s default GL account

In both cases, typically you should use an expense account ID.

TM 150873 222a

Rates Maintenance

Support added for incremental weight break rating (TM-152788)

Typically, weight breaks are used with rate sheets of type Multi Point/Break. When the new Incremental option is selected, TruckMate calculates these charges incrementally:

  • Freight bill client charges (revenue)

  • Vendor charges (interliner payables)

TM 152788 222a

If, in an aggregate rating scenario, an incremental rate sheet is involved, TruckMate sums freight bills detail lines prior to applying the incremental logic. The logic is applied the same way to vendor rating in Dispatch when Consolidated is selected in the Carrier Information window.

These additional interface changes were made.

  • In Customer Service, the Rate Clients window now contains an Incremental Rates checkbox and Incremental View button. When clicking Incremental View, an Incremental Rate Breakdown window opens that displays the rating results and logs.

  • In Customer Service and Dispatch, the Rate Vendors window also contains the Incremental View button. When clicked, it displays the Incremental Rate Breakdown window.

TM 152788 222b

Multipoint Multi-Breakpoint rate sheet updates (TM-161794)

These enhancements were made:

  • Effective Date and Expire Date columns let you create an effective range for individual detail lines. You can now expire an individual lane within the rate sheet, rather than expiring the entire rate sheet.

    TM 161794 222a

  • Twenty-five breakpoints were added. This brings the total number of available breakpoints to 40.

    TM 161794 222b

XStop bill rating in parent freight bill (TM-160264)

A new Application Configurator option, RATES.EXE > XStop - All auto rating on parent bill, lets you decide whether to rate XStop details in a child bill’s parent bill.

If set to True, the XStop child bill’s details are rolled up to the parent bill and rated.

TM 160264 222a

TruckMate sets Manually Rated to true, and the charge is set to zero.

TM 160264 222b

Custom mileage values for rate sheet lanes (TM-161549)

When the new Application Configurator option RATES.EXE > Allow Mileage Override is set to True, the Mileage Override and Mileage Units columns appear on Multi Point/Break rate sheets.

TM 161549 222a

If a row contains values in these columns, TruckMate includes them when the freight bill is rated, and selects the Man checkbox automatically.

TM 161549 222b

Security Configuration

Terminal ID, Email Address columns added to multi-user import (TM-154638)

On the User tab, the Multi-User CSV Import feature lets you import multiple users into your system. When you click Multi-User CSV Import, the Users Import window opens. In this window, you can specify a CSV file.

Now, two new columns have been added:

  • Terminal ID

  • Email Address

Both columns are required. This means that if, in the CSV file, either value is blank for a given user, an error message displays when you verify or import the file.

Terminal ID and email address information appear on the User tab.

TM 154638 222a