Communications Manager interface information


Configured Interface Services

Interface Status

The status of the interface with each network is displayed at the top of the screen. 'Running' indicates that the interface is active, and the Communication Manager program is sending and receiving messages from the third-party communication software (such as Shaw Tracking’s QTracs). 'Stopped' means that the Communication Manager program is not currently communication with the third-party communication software.

Traffic lights

Click on the Red light (to stop) or the Green light (to start) the desired interface. Alternatively, use the '<Ctrl><1>' hot key combination to display a menu. Start and Stop options are available for each network from this menu. Additionally, for the QTracs interface, you can override the dial schedule and force an immediate connection to the network.


If the Throttle is furthest to the right it will decrease the delay in which Communication Manager checks for pending Messages. If it’s further to the left it increases the delay. So, in a sense, the further to the right the Throttle is the faster Communication Manager will check for Messages and process them.

Phase Licensing (Phase 2 / Phase 3)

Refers to your level of license for the Mobile Dispatch module. 'Phase 2' and 'Phase 3' are only available for users on the Shaw Tracking network. These boxes are checked by default according to the license details entered in the License Key Entry program, and cannot be changed here.

Resending Messages

The Communication Manager program can be set to automatically re-send Forward Messages that haven’t been acknowledged by the intended recipient Device after a certain period of time. This functionality is dependant on two related configuration options in the Application Configurator program > COMMGR.EXE section: 'Resend Sent Msgs' and 'Resend After Hours'.

Interface Activity Log

The large text area that takes up the majority of the program screen will display all the events that occur as the program processes data out and in through the enabled and active interfaces. You can store these events in a log file for future reference and troubleshooting.