Profiles overview

The Profiles module encompasses several main programs within TruckMate. Profiles is generally used to configure and store basic setup and default configuration type information for a number of equipment types, codes, contacts, drivers, routes, terminals, etc.

  • The Bulk Codes Maintenance program is used to create and view codes that are used in conjunction with Dangerous Goods. TruckMate allows you to create your own Commodity Codes in the Codes Maintenance program, but in the case of Dangerous Goods, it might be a good idea to know the geographically specific regulated codes for certain dangerous commodities. The Bulk Codes Maintenance program contains a listing of such regulated UN Numbers.

  • The Codes Maintenance program is used to create and view codes that are used throughout the TruckMate system. Some of these codes, such as Zone and Status codes, are integral to the functioning of the system. Others, like Engine and Transmission codes, are optional and used for informational purposes only.

  • The Company Profiles program allows you to quickly define multiple companies with an easy-to-use graphical interface. This program is where you will define the various Company Entities (and Company organization) used in the Multi-Company functionality.

  • The Contacts & Phone Info program is used to maintain contact information, such as names and addresses, phone lists, contact notes and call dates.

  • The Container Profiles program is used to create and edit container records. Along with general information about the container, this program is used to enter and view information about repairs and maintenance, asset information, miscellaneous information, jobs, and warranties, etc.

  • The Crossdock Traffic Lanes program is used to define lanes that are used to filter freight bills in the Crossdock program. A lane consists of one or more zone codes. In the Crossdock program, you can select a lane for filtering freight bills. When a lane is selected as a filter, only freight bills whose end zone matches one of the zone codes included in the lane are displayed. The lane tree hierarchy is similar to the zone code hierarchy; however, unlike the zone code tree, the same zone code can be included in multiple lanes in the lane tree. In the Crossdock Traffic Lanes program, the left side of the screen displays the zone code hierarchy (ie, the zone tree). Zone codes and hierarchies are configured in the Codes Maintenance program. The right side of the screen displays the Lane Tree. Click the right mouse button in the Lane Tree area of the screen to invoke a menu of options. The "World" lane is created by default when you create your database, and cannot be deleted or renamed.

  • The Customer & Vendor Profiles program is used to create and edit customer and vendor records. This program keeps track of customer and vendor addresses, contact numbers, notes, vendor types, customer rating, billing, and credit information, accounts payable configuration, and miscellaneous information. Customer and vendor profiles are used throughout the TruckMate system, particularly in the Billing, Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable modules.

  • The Driver Profiles program is used to create and edit driver records. Along with general information (such as name and address), this program is used to enter information, such as Driver Profiles Details and Pay, that is used for automatic driver pay calculations. Availability and licensing information entered is also used by the Dispatch program. General Notes about the driver can also be entered in this screen, and Special Events about the driver can be recorded.

  • The Employee Profiles program is used to define payroll information for each employee. Some of this information, such as the data entered on the Pay Information and Deductions tabs, is used for payroll calculations performed by the Payroll Time Sheets and Payroll Register programs. Other information, such as the information entered on the Holidays tab, is used for reference and reporting only.

  • The Equipment Rentals program can be used to view, add, edit, or print rental agreements for your company. This program uses data entered in the Customer & Vendor Profiles program and the Codes Maintenance program in order to determine the rental rates, vendors, equipment classes and equipment available for use in rental agreements.

  • The Fleet Profiles (Fleet Maintenance) program is used to configure fleet data for the purposes of interacting with the Fuel Management module. After configuring fleets in the Fleet Maintenance program, you assign Fleet ID codes to Power Units (in the Power Unit Profiles program). You can also use Fleet ID codes when creating Filters in the Dispatch program.

  • The Fuel Card Management program allows you to keep track of a variety of 'cards' (Debit, Credit, Fuel, Waystation, etc.) that you give to your Drivers and/or supply with your Power Units. With Card Management, you can receive real-time (or scheduled) updates on the purchases your Drivers are making.

  • The HR (Human Resources) Recruiting program allows you to quickly and easily track and maintain data on those individuals who apply to your Trucking Company.

  • The Miscellaneous Equipment Profiles program is used to create and edit miscellaneous equipment records - for such equipment as racks, tarps and forklifts. Along with general information about the equipment, this program is used to enter and view information about repairs and maintenance, warranties, etc. Miscellaneous equipment can be assigned to trailers, so that every time the trailer is assigned to a trip the equipment is also assigned.

  • The Power Unit Profiles program is used to create and edit power unit records. Along with general information about the power unit, this program is used to enter and view information about repairs and maintenance, permits, warranties, etc.

  • The Routes Management program allows you to import and manage trip routing data from Paragon, as well as create trips for the routes, and sequence freight bills according to the routing data.

  • The Service Level Maintenance program is used to define Service Levels, the Service Level Matrix including Terminal and Advance/Beyond Times, Zone Range Mappings and Load Plan Options.

  • The Special Events program is used to configure, create, schedule and archive Special Events like permit expiration, scheduled equipment maintenance, birthdays, etc. Special Events can be assigned to equipment, drivers, customers, vendors and employees.

  • The Terminal Maintenance program allows you to quickly view and configure information related to the various Terminals. You can view Terminal Information and configure the Lane Tree (used by the CrossDock program) or Route Tree (used by the City Dispatch program).

  • The Trailer Profiles program is used to create and edit trailer records. Along with general information about the trailer, this program is used to enter and view information about repairs and maintenance, permits, warranties, etc.