TRIP.EXE - Fuel Tax Trip


Activity Date

This option sets the 'Activity Date' from one of two sources. Available values are: '0'=Trip Origin Date; '1'=Trip Destination Date. Default is set at '0'.

Create FT Header

When 'True', this option will create a Fuel Tax trip header with the details of the trip upon completion of the trip. Default is set at 'False'.

Dest Date

When 'True', allows you to make the 'Destination Date' the same as the 'Origin Date'. Default is set at 'False'.

Entry Mode

Default is set at "None". You can set this to one of the following: SO=Starting Odometer; EO=Ending Odometer; and/or M=Manual.

Exclude start/end empty legs

If set to 'True', this option will start/end fuel tax trip on first/last loaded dispatch trip leg. This option is only applicable when the TRIP.EXE config 'Create FT Header' is set to True and dispatch trips have empty legs at the beginning or end of the trip.

With this config set to 'False' (which is the default), the fuel tax trip will get created for the entire dispatch trip—​i.e. with start zone equal to the start zone of the dispatch trip’s first leg (regardless of whether or not that leg is empty) and with the end zone equal to the end zone of the dispatch trip’s last leg (regardless of whether or not that leg is empty). With the config set to 'True', the start zone of the first loaded leg is used and the end zone of the last loaded leg is used. This config is "all or nothing" (i.e. applies to all trips).

Fuel Trip User Field 1 - Fuel Trip User Field 3

These configs allow the user to change the text label of the three User Fields available in the Fuel Tax Trip program header. Enter a text string to rename the fields.

Trip Weight Trailer

This setting, when set to 'True', will calculate the 'Weight' of a given Trip by only using the 'Weight' of the specified Trailer. Default is set at 'False'.

Truck Load Entry

This option, when set to 'True', prompts for a FB number. Default is set to 'False'.

TRIPENV.EXE - Trip Envelope Processing


Allow Active Trips

This option, when set to 'True', allows 'Active' trips to be processed. Default is set at 'False'.

Allow Deleting Driver Pay Adjustment

Set this option to 'True' to allow deleting of adjustment driver pay records, which are the reversal of already paid driver pay records. The default value for this option is set to 'False'.

Auto GetLegs

If this option is set to 'True', a 'GetLegs' function will run when a new Fuel Tax Trip is created. Default is set at 'True'.

Back Haul Advanced

This option controls the number of record lines that will be included on the Back Haul Advanced Searching grid (accessed via a Context-Menu option from the Round Trip Tab). This option also controls the number of grid lines in the Back Haul Searching windows of the Dispatch program and Driver Call In program.

Bill Note Types for Warning

This option controls the note types and warning to display on the header of the Trip Envelope Processing. All the available options (Billing, Container, Driver, OSD, Other, User 1, User 2, User 3, WriteOff) in the Company Values section are selected by default.

Blink Warnings

This option, if selected (set to 'True'), will enable a blinking effect on the Trip and Bill notes warnings. The default value for this option is 'False'.

Copy Driver ID in Driver Pay Tab

This option controls whether or not to copy the 'Driver ID' in the selected driver record on Driver Pay Tab when entering a new driver pay record. Available values are 'False' (default value) and 'True' which if selected, instructs the system to copy Driver ID to the selected driver record when a new driver pay record is entered.

Copy Leg Date in Driver Pay Tab

This option controls whether or not to copy the 'Leg Date' in the selected driver record on Driver Pay Tab when entering a new driver pay record. Available values are 'False' (default value) and 'True' which if selected, instructs the system to copy Leg Date to driver pay tab when a new driver pay record is entered.

Copy User Fields in Driver Pay Tab

This option controls whether or not to copy the 'User Fields' into Driver Pay Tab when entering a new driver pay record. You can select what user fields to be copied to the new driver pay record. Check all relevant user fields to be copied according to your business needs.

End Trip macro #

Default is set at '0'. Valid values are integers. Enter end trip macro number.

Find Trip Date Range

This option sets the default number of days the 'Date Range' should look back. Valid values are any integer value up to '7' (number of days). Default is set at '7' (one week back).

FTax = Mobile Comm

Default is set at 'False'. Valid values are True/False. Mobile Comm info will create entire Fuel Tax Trip.

LS Mile Mode for FT

This setting, when set to 'True', will force all Fuel Tax Trips to use the 'Mile Mode' from the LEGSUM table. Default is set at 'False'.

Recalc IP on Update of Resources

If set to True, this setting will call the ReCalc IP logic when "Update Resources on Freight Bill Records" is called. Default is set at False.

Send Pings to FT

When set to 'True', this program will use any available 'Pings' in the Fuel Tax program. Default is set at 'True'.

Show Term Plan

When this option is set to 'True' and the user attempts to add a Freight Bill to a Trip in the Trip Envelope Processing program, the Terminal Plan information will be displayed in a pop-up window, and the User will be asked how to update the Terminal plan. The user will be prompted for a 'Route Sequence' and 'Terminal Plan' option the user can assign the FB to a current 'Terminal Plan' record or to a new Pickup Terminal Plan. Default is set at 'False'.

Start trip macro #

Default is set at '0'. Valid values are numbers. Enter start trip macro number.

TRIPGEN.EXE - Trip Generator Maintenance


Default Unit

Default setting is 'KM'. Valid values are 'KM' or 'MI' (miles). Set the option to your default unit for trip creation.

O/N Voucher

The setting controls the default Pay Code for O/N Vouchers. Any 'Pay Code' will be accepted as a value for this option. Default is set at 'Blank' (no default).

Pay Cleanout

The setting controls the default Pay Code for a 'Cleanout' operation. Any 'Pay Code' will be accepted as a value for this option. Default is set at 'Blank' (no default).

Warm-Up Pay Code

This value will be used by TRIPGEN.EXE as it’s default Pay Code. Ensure you have created a custom 'Extra Pay' Pay Code in the Driver Pay Contracts program, and that enter the same Pay Code as the value for this configuration option.

VELTION - Veltion Webservices


Appt Required Flag

This option is used to interface Veltion Webservices software with the Customer Service program. In order to successfully interface with Veltion, this option must be set to 'True'.

AR Foreign GL Acct

There is no default value for this option. Enter a valid GL Account in the value field to handle your Foreign Accounts Receivable data from the Veltion system

AR GL Acct

There is no default value for this option. Enter a valid GL Account in the value field to handle your general Accounts Receivable data from the Veltion system

Default Site

Sets the default 'Site ID' for interaction with the Veltion Web Services software. Enter a valid 'Site ID'.

Finalized Status

Is an option that allows the user to determine if the finalized freight will be put into a 'DOCKED' or 'AVAIL' status. The code that is chosen is based on the Dispatcher’s procedures and necessary styles for dispatching freight. The default value is set at 'Null'. Enter 'DOCKED' or 'AVAIL'.

Interm Status

Applies to freight with 'Intermediary' status in the Veltion system. This status code must be created by the user, and may be given any code designation (as long as the code is of 'Code Behaviour A'). The new code will allow new freight bills to be easily recognized by their status while being unavailable to dispatchers for assigning trips.

To setup a Status code, use the Codes Maintenance program. Once you have created the code you wish to use, enter the code in this field.

Job Queue

Default is set at 'False'. Setting this option’s value to 'True' will enable the Veltion Webservice’s 'Job Queue functionality.

Log File Format

This option allows you to choose how the Veltion Webservices log will be formatted. Enter 'CSV' for a Comma-delimited log file (an Excel-styled file), or enter 'LOG' for a standard text file.

Trace Type

Allows the system to store the unique ID name from the Veltion System into any 'Trace Number'. This gives the system the flexibility of utilizing the strengths of 'Trace Number' functionality in TruckMate. Enter an integer value. Default is set at '1'.

Add Handheld Image Files to document_files

When set to True, when images are saved, it will reference them as attached to the bill/trip.

Bill Image Directory

Set the directory where freight bill pictures will be stored on the server.

Seal # on Close

This option allows users to set whether to allow entry of Seal # on Close Trailer. User can choose from Optional, Required, or Skip.

Trip Image Directory

Set the directory where trip pictures will be stored on the server.

WEBADMIN.EXE - Web Administration


Show Employee Btn

When set to 'True', will display the Employee Configuration Button in the 'Users' section of the WebAdmin program. This button allows TM4Web administrators to set up users that authenticate against a database (i.e. DB2 → Active Directory) as opposed to TM4Web-specific users. These users can be assigned under Employee access codes.

Default is set to 'False'.



SLM Max Days to Look Ahead for service

The value for this option must be an integer. The value entered for this option represents the maximum number of days the system will look ahead for service when showing alternative service dates.

Support Customer ID

Sets the Support Customer ID. Enter a text name. Default is blank