Interline Payable Audit procedures


How do I Void an Interliner Transaction?

Sometimes you need to cancel or void an Interliner transaction after the Freight Bill has been processed by the Billing Register program.

  1. Open the Interline Payables Audit program (IPIIPM.EXE), click: Start > Programs > TruckMate > Accounting & Finance > Interline Pay > Interline Payables Audit

  2. Using the 'Adjust' function in the Interliner Payable Audit program, set the Adjusted Base and Adjusted Extra amounts to zero. This will set the Adjusted Total amount to zero as well.

  3. The Interline Payable Register program will create postings that offset the original amounts posted by the Billing Register program.

  4. In the AP Inquiry program, the transaction will appear as 'PAID' with a zero balance.

How do I get an Outside Carrier to appear in the Rated Vendors Tab?

  1. Open the Application Configurator program (CONFIG.EXE), click: Start > Programs > TruckMate > Utilities > Application Configurator

  2. Under the Program Name, use the pull-down arrow and select DISPATCH.EXE.

  3. Then, go to the Option Choice and select 'Carrier Best Choice'.

  4. Then, go to the Value Choice and select 'True'. The Carrier Best Choice default is set at 'False'. Setting this function to 'True' will allow your system to automatically calculate the best carrier choice when in the carrier module.

  5. While still in the Application Configurator, DISPATCH.EXE section, select 'Interline Cost Rule' under the Option Choice. Leave the Value setting at 0. See the Carrier documentation for the Dispatch program for a description of these variables.

  6. Once these options are set- which are just telling the system to allow automatic selection of Carrier in the dispatch module- we need to set the Carrier to Rate. Assuming that the Vendor was created from the Vendor Profiles program, and the Vendor is of type 'Interliner', we will need to create a rate table.

  7. Open the Rates Maintenance program (RATES.EXE).

  8. When the Rate table is complete, we will need to attach the rate table to our Interliner. Here are the steps to do this: Within that same module we have a tab labeled 'Vendor' where we will tell the system that, yes I have a rate table attached to this vendor, but from the tab 'Area of Service' we will tell the program that you want to select this particular Interliner and only to cover a few regions, (Zones as created in the Zone Tree).

  9. After these steps, if we create a freight bill within the Customer Service program, and go to our selected zone (Area of Service for this specific carrier), and If we assign this freight bill to a trip In the 'Trip' part of the Dispatch Module. You would then use your right mouse to select 'Carrier'. The system will then try to assign that Interliner with its rate to this trip.

  10. We can also attach Accessorial Charges from the Vendor Tab of the Rating Module and show that we want the system to calculate rates when rating an Interliner.