
The Profiles > Codes Maintenance program > Industry tab allows you to group clients and vendors according to your own customized categories and requirements. Each client or vendor profile can belong to more than one group and you can link any of the groups to specific NAICS codes if desired.

This allows you to find a specific business based on industry using your own custom defined industry groupings or industries based on NAICS standards.

These industry groups are assigned to client and vendors in the Profiles > Customer & Vendor profiles program > Industry tab.

To create an Industry group:

  1. Go to Profiles > Codes Maintenance > Industry tab.

  2. Enter an Industry Code (max 10 characters) and the short / long descriptions.

  3. Select the Active checkbox to make this code available for assigning to clients and vendors.


    You can create your own Industry Codes without indicating the NAICS code but if you do select a specific North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code …​

    image2 image3

    ... you can assign your own Industry Code name or you have the option of using the code and descriptions based on the NAICS data. Once you select a NAICS code the following message will be displayed.



    After the Industry Codes are setup using the Codes Maintenance program, you can search for specific industry code groups and assign them to clients and vendors using the Profiles > Customer & Vendor Profiles program > Industry tab. You can search by just the codes or by using a modified NAICS hierarchy view which only includes those NAICS codes used by the industry codes you created. Each client and vendor can be associated with multiple industry codes.


These industry groupings can also be viewed and assigned from within other TruckMate programs like AR Inquiry and AP Inquiry. For example, in the AR Inquiry program, select the View/Classify Customers (or Vendors) by Industry icon from the toolbar or from the right-click shortcut menu.


Security - Allow Changes option

There is a security configuration option in the Utilities > Security Configuration program > Security tab > Business Events > Allow Changes > AP/AR - Allow Classification of Clients/Vendors by Industry to control which users are allowed to use this customized industry groups classification feature.
