


The Countries tab is pre-populated with the approximately 245 country codes per ISO and UN lists. You may not add or delete countries. Nor may you edit the following read-only fields: ID, Alpha 3 Code, Numeric Code, and Fixed Name. The user may however change:

  • The Custom Name field (initially set the same as fixed name; useful for Crystal Reports, etc. if you don’t like TMW’s description for a country).

  • The Active flag (initially, only Canada and the USA are active and hence will show up in drop-downs and pick screens in other TruckMate applications).

For editing the custom name, there are three buttons that may help speed up entry:

  • Change Custom Name to upper case

  • Change Custom Name to proper case

  • Reset Custom Name to Fixed Name

If the file tmimages.dll is present in the TruckMate directory (i.e. same directory as CODES.EXE), then each country’s flag will also be displayed (as read-only) both on the main screen and in the pick screen. Other applications that use a pick screen to select a country will also have the smaller image appear when countries are available for selection from an edit-pick.