AP Invoice Entry


You use AP Invoice Entry to enter invoices from vendors. Vendor profiles (configured in the Customer & Vendor Profiles program) can be set up to automate much of the data entry, particularly the GL distribution of invoices. Invoices are updated to the vendor account and postings are made to the general ledger in AP Invoice Register.

To access AP Invoice Entry:

From this location Go to

TruckMate Menu and TruckMate Task List

Accounting & Finance > Accounts Payable > AP Invoice Entry

Windows Start Menu

TruckMate 20xx > AP Invoice Entry

Windows Explorer

C:\Program Files (x86) > TruckMate 20xx > ApNe.exe

Setting up Application Configurator options for AP Invoice Entry

The following Application Configurator options for AP Invoice Entry are listed under Configuration Options > APNE.EXE.

Allow Blank GL Account in Expense Details

When set to True, blank and/or null General Ledger (GL) accounts can appear in expense details. In addition, if this option is set to True and an expense record with a blank account already exists, an additional expense entry (with or without an account number added) is prohibited if the values of the existing entries are balanced.

Allow Date Default

When set to False, the user must enter dates manually when creating a new invoice record. This also applies to recalling a single memorized transaction. It does not apply to a batch recall.

Allow Duplicate Bill Numbers

Determines system behavior when there are multiple bills with the same bill number for a single vendor. Options are:

  • Warn
    A warning displays. The user can proceed.

  • Allow
    No message displays. The user can proceed.

  • Error
    An error message displays. The user cannot proceed.

Auto F/X Dflt

When set to False, the Auto F/X checkbox is deselected when the user opens AP Invoice Entry. When deselected, the system does not create foreign exchange details automatically.

Auto F/X Ref

Text to appear in the Reference field in the Expenses tab for automatically-generated foreign exchange details

Automatic Tax Calculations for AP

When set to True, the system calculates Tax 1 and/or Tax 2 taxes automatically on vendor invoices in AP Invoice Entry. Tax information appears in the header and the Expenses tab.

Dollar Amount Cap

Maximum order of magnitude (before the decimal point) allowed for absolute dollar amounts. Options correspond to the number of zeroes of magnitude. They range from 2 (dollar amounts must be less than $100) to 12 (dollar amounts must be less than $1,000,000,000,000).

Exp Qty Field Prec

Number of decimal places displayed in the Quantity field in the Expenses tab. Options range from 0 to 6.

Exp Rate Field Prec

Number of decimal places displayed in the rate fields in the Expenses tab. Options range from 0 to 6.

PayCon Exch Rate

Determines where the system gets its exchange rates for currency conversions for driver deductions. Options are:

  • False
    GL Chart of Accounts

  • True
    Driver Pay Contracts

Note: If the Auto F/X checkbox is selected, differences between the two rates are added as a read-only foreign exchange expense detail to the foreign exchange expense account (to make the GL balance).

PayCon Exch Rate GL Account

If PayCon Exch Rate is set to True, the system uses the account specified in this option when recording differences between exchange rates for driver deductions. If this option is left at the default (blank), the system uses the minimum GL account of type "PE0101/Foreign Exchange" for the specified company.

Same IC Accts For Negatives

Determines which account pair the system uses when the user enters a negative amount on an AP invoice in an intercompany transaction. Options are:

  • False
    The system uses the account pair for positive AP amounts.

  • True
    The system uses the same account pair for both positive and negative amounts. In this case, the debit and credit are reversed.

Select Active Resource Only

When set to False, all resources are visible regardless of whether they are active in the system.

Update Mem Trans

When set to True, the system updates memorized transactions such that the newest transaction is the most recently recalled record. Each time the entry is updated, the memorized transaction remains current.

Validate PO Number

When set to False, the system does not check if the purchase order (PO) number is a valid TruckMate PO number.

Creating an invoice in AP Invoice Entry

  1. In AP Invoice Entry, click image2 Insert.

  2. Enter information in all header fields. If you want, you can choose one of the following options:

    • Get information from a purchase order

      1. Enter a purchase order number in the PO field.

      2. Click image3 Get PO.
        The system populates the fields with data from the purchase order.

    • Create the invoice from a purchase order

      1. Click image5 Create Invoice from PO.
        The window that opens displays valid purchase orders.

      2. Select a purchase order.

      3. Click OK.
        The system populates the fields with data from the purchase order.

    Note: To view the purchase order in AP Purchase Order Entry, click image4 View PO.

  3. If needed, make entries in the Expenses, Driver Deductions, ISTA (Sales Tax), Rentals, and/or Custom Def’s tabs.

  4. Be sure the status bar at the bottom of the window reads Balanced. The invoice will not post otherwise.

  5. Click post Post.

  6. In AP Invoice Register, view and, if needed, edit the range of invoices that require updating.

Navigating invoices by vendor or bill number

By default, navigating using the navigation bar displays records in order of the vendor name. To change this functionality in AP Invoice Entry so that records display in order of the bill number, go to Tools > Sort by Bill Number. To resume the default functionality, go to Tools > Sort by Vendor.

Viewing information associated with an invoice

To view freight bills or quotes associated with an invoice in AP Invoice Entry, click image7 Related/Linked Bills.

This feature is enabled only when Include Posted Bills is selected and other freight bills exist that have the same bill number and vendor as those in the invoice you are viewing.

To view summary totals for an invoice, click image8 Summary Totals. The Summary Totals window displays.


To view information about the vendor in AP Inquiry, go to Tools > AP Inquiry.

Viewing posted invoices

By default, navigating using the AP Invoice Entry navigation bar displays invoices that have not been posted. To include posted invoices, select Include Posted Bills in the toolbar. A posted invoice displays a message below the Memo field in the header.


Setting default values in the header

In AP Invoice Entry, you can use the menu options in the following table to set default values in the header according to the currently-displayed record. Each time you start AP Invoice Entry, a record corresponding to the default value displays. To clear the default, select the menu option again.

To set as default/clear the default Go to Tools > Set Default >

Vendor name

Vendor to Last Record’s Vendor

GL Date

GL Date to Last Record’s GL Date

Note: This option is unavailable if the Application Configuration option Allow Date Default is set to False.


Type to Last Record’s Type

Using document imaging in AP Invoice Entry

You can use a third-party document imaging solution with AP Invoice Entry if it has been set up correctly in the Imaging tab in Codes Maintenance. Once document imaging access has been enabled on a particular field, you can right-click to access the imaging options defined in Codes Maintenance.

If your system is set up for it, you can select Auto-Indexing Document Images to activate indexing mode. This allows you to view and process multiple images in a workflow.

Saving and recalling memorized transactions

If you have recurring purchases with an individual vendor, you can save the currently-displayed invoice as a memorized transaction. Later, you can "recall" the transaction information into a new invoice. You can also add reminder data for each transaction, which will appear when you open AP Invoice Entry at or around the date you specify.

Creating a new memorized transaction

  1. Click image11 Memorize Transaction.
    The Memorize Bill window opens.


  2. On the Save Transaction tab, make entries in the following fields.

    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    Name *

    Unique name used to identify the transaction

    Remind/Don’t Remind *

    If you want the system to remind you when to use the transaction again, select Remind. By default, Don’t Remind is selected.


    If you select Remind, select the frequency with which you want the system to send a reminder. Options are:

    • Daily

    • Weekly

    • Monthly

    • Yearly

    Next Date

    Date on which the system will send the next reminder based on the value in the Frequency field. When you are first creating this reminder, enter the next reminder date. The system will adjust this date afterwards.


    Number of times remaining for the transaction to be recalled. When this number is 0, the transaction can no longer be recalled.

  3. Click OK.

Editing memorized transactions

  1. Click image:AP-InvoiceEntry/image11.pngMemorize Transaction.
    The Memorize Bill window opens.

  2. Select the Edit Transaction tab.


  3. To edit a transaction:

    1. Select the transaction in the grid.

    2. Click image14 Edit Record.

    3. Edit data directly in the columns.

    4. Click post Post to accept the changes or revert Cancel Edit to cancel them.

  4. To delete a transaction, select the transaction in the grid and click delete Delete Record.
    A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to delete the transaction.

Recalling a memorized transaction

  1. Click image18 Recall Transaction.
    The Select Memorized Transaction window opens.

  2. Select the memorized transaction.

  3. Click OK.
    The system populates the AP Invoice Entry window with the information in the memorized transaction.

Recalling multiple memorized transactions

If you have saved all your monthly bills as memorized transactions, you can recall them all at once instead of recalling them individually.

  1. Click image19 Recall Memorized Batch.
    The Batch Recall window opens.


  2. Make entries in the following fields.

    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    Frequency *

    Bill frequency. For example, if you want to process all of your monthly bills, select Monthly.

    Bill Number *

    Bill number that the system will assign to all bills created by this process. You can change these numbers after they have been recalled. If you want, you can set this value to NA or another value that will make them easier to identify if you already have invoices in process.

    Update Next Date

    When selected, the system updates the Next (Used) date in each memorized transaction.

    Update Remaining

    When selected, the system decrements the Remaining counter.

    Bill Date

    Transaction date assigned to each bill. Options are:

    • Next
      Next date associated with the bill

    • Default
      Current date

  3. Click OK.
    A message displays indicating the number of bills to be created.

Viewing current reminders

To view all current reminders, click image21 Select Current Reminders. The Select Current Reminders window opens.


To load a transaction, select it in the grid and click OK.

General Ledger functions in AP Invoice Entry

The following General Ledger (GL) features are available in AP Invoice Entry.

Viewing the GL report

You can check the general ledger distribution to see if it balances by clicking image23 View GL Report. The report appears in a new window.


Recalculating expenses per a vendor’s GL distribution

To have the system recalculate expenses automatically, go to Tools > Recalculate Expenses Per Vendor’s GL.

This option is not available if you are currently editing the invoice.

Creating payroll invoices

To create AP invoices for payroll based on payroll deductions:

  1. In AP Invoice Entry, go to Tools > Create Payroll Invoices.
    The Create Payroll Invoices window opens.


  2. In the Check Date Range fields, select a date range.

  3. Use the Vendor and Payroll Batch options to filter the results by a specific vendor or payroll batch.

  4. Click Refresh.
    The middle grid displays a list of applicable invoices along with their associated vendors.

  5. To complete the process, double-click on an entry in the middle grid.
    The Selected payroll records ready to create AP bills grid displays the entry you selected. Entries in this grid can be processed into AP bills. Once processed, they can then be entered into the accounting system using AP Invoice Register.