Equipment Class Codes


Equipment Class codes are used to group Power Units and Trailers for the purposes of rating and driver pay. Equipment Class codes are assigned to Power Units in the Power Units Profiles program, and to Trailers in the Trailer Profiles program.

Equipment Class Codes can also be entered on the Details tab of the Customer Service program and the Quick Bill Entry program to indicate the type of equipment that should carry the Freight. Rate sheets can be configured to apply to specific Equipment Classes (in the Rates Maintenance program). In the Driver Pay Contracts program, pay can be configured to calculate based on the Equipment Class that was assigned to the same trip as the driver.

Equipment Class

Enter an Equipment Class code, which can be up to 10 characters in length.

Class Description

Enter a description for this Equipment Class.

Miles Per Gallon

Enter the Miles Per Gallon that the selected Power Unit class is capable of. This value will be used in calculating LTL totals in the City Dispatch program, as well as in LTL Driver Pay situations.

Select a bitmap to represent this class

Bitmap images that represent Equipment Classes are displayed in the Trailer Profiles program. They are also used in the CrossDock program. In the TruckMate directory, there are a number of Windows 'bitmap' files (graphics files with the extension '.BMP') that can be assigned to Equipment Classes. You can only access this section when the record you are currently viewing is in 'Edit' mode.


To select a bitmap, click the Load button, then go to your TruckMate directory (usually under the Program Files directory). Click Open to assign the bitmap to the Equipment Class.


If you do not wish to use the bitmap file currently associated with this Equipment Class (if there is an image in the small box to the right of the 'Clear' button), you can click 'Clear' to remove the image from the Equipment Class definition.

Incompatible Equipment Sub-tab

This tab will display any Equipment that is incompatible with the currently selected Equipment Class.

Rentals Sub-tab

The Rentals tab of the Equipment Class Codes tab lets you define any Rental Charges that will be associated with the selected Equipment Class.


Estimated Unit Rental Costs (for Monthly Projections)

Avg. Flat Chgs

Manually enter the numeric value that will determine the Average Flat Charges Per Month for this Equipment Class.

Avg. Mileage Chgs

Manually enter the numeric value that will determine the Average Mileage Charges for this Equipment Class. Click the search button adjacent to the text field to select the Unit of Measurement for the Mileage values.

Avg. Mileage Used

Manually enter the numeric value that will determine the Average Mileage Used Per Month for this Equipment Class.


GL Expense Account

Click the search button to select a GL Account for the current Equipment Class.

Custom Definitions Sub-tab

The Custom Defs tab contains any custom fields that have been setup for the Equipment Class section on the Codes Maintenance program > Custom Definitions tab.