Setting up Multi Mode Dispatch


Setting up Application Configurator for Multi Mode Dispatch

The following Application Configurator options are listed under Configuration Options > MMDISP.EXE.

Option Definition Values

Allow CrossDocking when unloading

Allows CrossDocking when unloading. This configuration setting does not apply to the ConnectedDock (handheld)program.

  • True (default)

  • False

Allow non-CSA Driver

Allow a non-CSA driver to be assigned to a CSA order.

Note: If set to Warning a warning message will pop up, but users may ignore it.

  • No

  • Warning

  • Yes (default)

Allow non-FAST Driver

Allow a non-FAST driver to be assigned to a FAST/C-TPAT order.

Note: If set to Warning a warning message will pop up, but users may ignore it.

  • No

  • Warning

  • Yes (default)

Allow straight trucks with other equip

Allows you to set whether straight truck style power units may be used with any other resources.

For example, perhaps a straight truck is used to haul an additional trailer.

(A straight truck is one in which all axles are attached to a single frame.)

    Allows a straight truck to be assigned with any combination of resources already present, without warning the user.

  • ERROR (default)
    Does not allow a straight truck to be added to a trip if any other resources are already attached to the trip.

    Displays a warning and the user can choose to override and continue.

Allow trailer with container

Allows the user to set whether to allow a trailer to be added to a trip with a container (or chassis) and vice versa.

    Allows any combination of resources to be assigned, without a warning.

  • ERROR (default)
    Does not allow a trailer to be added to a trip if a container or chassis is already assigned (and likewise, it will not allow a chassis or container to be assigned if a trailer is already assigned).

    Displays a warning and the user can choose to override and continue.

Auto Docking

Determines whether the system will set the freight to a status of 'Dock' after the last item is marked as 'Unloaded'.

Setting this option to 'False' means the freight is only 'Docked' if the 'Finish Unloading' status change happens. The stopping of the Auto Docking logic can be very useful when the items are being created while being unloaded.

  • True (default)

  • False

Auto-Finish Loading when all items loaded

Determines whether the Finish Loading Status Change window will automatically appear when all items attached to a trip are manually loaded in Multi Mode Dispatch to allow the user to continue without having to manually set the ‘Finish Loading’ status.

The Finish Loading Status Change window will automatically appear when all items attached to a trip are manually loaded in Multi Mode Dispatch.

  • True

  • False (default)

Batch Reports Parameter

Passing parameter as Session ID or Trip Number when printing batch reports in Freight Bill tab.

  • Session ID (default)

  • Trip Number

Booking Info Depart Filter

Sets the number of days that will be included when filtering by Departure Date.

A valid positive integer. Default is 7 (one week).

Calculate LTL mileage

Controls the calculation of stop-based mileage.

  • True

  • False

Calculate LTL mileage - Include Terminal Distance

Include Terminal Mileage (Start Terminal to Zone)

  • True

  • False (default)

Calculate LTL mileage StopType

Create new stops based on new Zone or Client.

  • Client (default)
    Last zone for the client used for the stop.

  • Zone
    One stop per zone.

Custom Leg Report Copies

Number of copies to print when Custom Leg Reports are run.

Any valid positive integer.

Custom Leg Report File Path/Name

Indicates the report file path/name accessible from Print button in toolbar.

(Comma delimited list allows multiple items.)

Custom Leg Report Menu Caption

Menu caption for custom report with trip number parameter accessible from Print button in Toolbar.

(Comma delimited list allows multiple items.)

Custom Trip Report Copies

Number of copies to print when Custom Trip Reports are run.

Any valid positive integer.

Custom Trip Report File Path/Name

Report file path/name accessible from Print button in Toolbar.

(Comma delimited list allows multiple items.)

Custom Trip Report Menu Caption

Menu caption for custom report with trip number parameter accessible from Print button in Toolbar.

(Comma delimited list allows multiple items.)

Double Click Action on Freight Bill Sub-tab

Indicates which action to take after double-clicking on the Freight Bills sub-tab: open Customer Service or match freight bill to the selected trip in the Trip grid.

  • Customer Service (default)

  • Match Trip

Exit Load Offer After Sending From Power Unit Selection Dialogue

The system will exit the load offer after sending from the power unit selection window.

  • True

  • False (default)

FB Split Auto Merge

Auto merge split freight bills at next terminal. Split freight bills will be auto merged when the last one is docked at next terminal.

  • True

  • False (default)

FB Split Charges

When a freight bill is split, the charges associated with the freight bill ('Sub Total', 'Discount' and 'Charges' columns) will also be split. The split bill logic will take into account the percentage value of the actual freight bill split and use that to split the charges.

For example: if splitting a 100 pound freight bill by weight into 75/25 pound split, 75% of the charges will be applied to the S1 bill and 25% of the charges will be applied to the S2 bill.

When the split bills are merged back into the locked parent bill, the charges will be merged as well.

  • True

  • False (default)

FB Split Copy Load Detail User Fields

Copy Detail User Fields

  • True (default)

  • False

FB Split Units

Controls the default value used when splitting freight bills. Set to whatever unit of measurement you most often use when splitting freight bills.

  • Area

  • Cube

  • Length

  • Pallets (default)

  • Pieces

  • Time

  • Volume

  • Weight

Find Existing Trips for Pickups

Find Trips with matching locations for Pickups.

  • True (default)

  • False

Freight Bill Received

Sets the freight bill Check List item that will be used to track a freight bill’s received status on the Barcode Item Details window.

If using this feature, the Check List item will show as incomplete until the user marks the freight bill as received from the Barcode Item Details window. When this is done, the Check List item will be updated to 'Complete' status, allowing further processing of the freight bill through dispatch.

Must be a valid check list item.

Freight Bill Terminal Location

If True, the freight bills can be unloaded or repositioned in the warehouse even if they have items on them (a freight bill level operation). If there is a bill that is repositioned in the warehouse (unloaded or moved), all associated items will be positioned at the new bill’s location. When displaying the freight bill information in the 'Delivery' or 'CrossDock' grid, and the bill has multiple items but all items are located in the same location, the system will display that location as the bill’s location. If on the other hand the items are located in different locations, the system will display 'Multi' as the location of the freight bill.

If False, freight bill level operations will not be allowed, instead, item level operations must be performed. In other words, you have to handle the items on each freight bill first before you can reposition or unload a freight bill as one unit.

  • True (default)

  • False

Keep CrossDock terminal setting until main program terminal re-selection

Choose whether to keep the CrossDock tab selected terminal until the main program terminal changes.

If True, CrossDock terminal selection stays.

If False, CrossDock terminal selection resets on first refresh"

  • True

  • False (default)

Keep Trailer at Door after Unloading

Keeps the trailer assigned to a door after unloading is finished.

The Ask option will prompt each time and allow the user to choose.

Note: This configuration option is ignored if the CROSSDOCK.EXE > Complete trip when finished unloading option set to False.

  • True

  • False (default)

  • Ask

Match Batch Size

If set, matching of resources to a trip will be done in batches (of the given size) to increase DB2 commit frequency.

Set to 0 to match all resources in single batch.

  • Any valid positive integer.

One Leg Per Agent in Booking Number Assignment

Defines whether the system will use one leg per agent when assigning a booking number even if they are assigned to multiple modes.

  • True One IP record per Agent is added when a Booking Number is Assigned to a leg unless the agent is the advance and the beyond only.

  • False (default) If you assign one Agent to multiple modes, you will get multiple IP records. Note: When trip status is changed to 'Depart Dock' and there is (are) FB(s) on the trip, the vendor load summary or IP record(s) will be recalculated.

Optimizer displayed time windows

Determines which time windows to display per freight bill in the Optimizer.


  • Pickup

  • Delivery

Pickup Tab Notes Warning

Specifies what notes types will generate a note warning icon in the pickup grid.

You can select multiple types.

Every time there is a note of a type selected in this option, a note warning icon will appear in the pickup grid. For example:


The available types include three User-Defined types (User 1, User 2 and User3) that can be used for additional types as they emerge in the future.

  • Billing

  • Container

  • Driver

  • OSD

  • Other (default)

  • User1, 2, 3

  • Write-Off

Prompt for Dock Worker on Load/Unload

Determines if the system will ask for a Dock Worker ID whenever a Start Loading dock activity or Start Unloading dock activity is selected. A list of dock workers will be displayed to allow the user to select the dock worker.

  • True

  • False (default)

Schedule Generated Trip tab

Specifies which tab should be used to display trips generated from a schedule.

  • Doors (default)

  • Planning

Set route designation to load plan door number

New intra-terminal term plan records will have route designation set to door # from load plan options.

  • True (default)

  • False

Show Barcode Item Details after Start Loading/Unloading

Determines whether to open and display the Barcode Item Details Item form automatically once Start Loading/Unloading is selected.

  • True (default)

  • False

Show Lane Totals By

Show lane totals for the selected property in the Lane Tree.


  • Cube

  • None (default)

  • Pallet

  • Pieces

  • Weight

Show Lane/Route Totals for active Freight tab

Determines whether the ability to display lane and route summary information in the Lanes and Routes panel of the Multi Mode Dispatch window is enabled.


  • True The image17 Show /Hide Lanes and Routes Options button is enabled.

  • False (default) The image17 Show /Hide Lanes and Routes Options button is disabled.

Note: To be enabled the image17 Show /Hide Lanes and Routes Options button also requires that the Terminal has been assigned an entry for Lane and Route in the Terminal Maintenance program. image108

Show Route Totals By

Show route totals for the selected property in the Lane Tree.

  • Cube

  • None (default)

  • Pallet

  • Pieces

  • Weight

Show trip with waypoint zone serviced by terminal in inbound/outbound tab

Show trips in terminals for waypoint serviced terminal zone.

  • True (default)

  • False

Specify Destination for New OB Trips

When True, creating a new trip in the Planning and Doors tabs will prompt for a 'Destination Zone'. If the Planning tab is being used, the program will then open a filtered window for the 'Door #' (or Door Code). If no door numbers are configured for this route (in Load Plan options), all doors will display. If creating a new trip from the Doors tab, the selected door will be used (as always).

Similar logic for P&D trips when specifying the door, but use the LTL door options setup in the Terminal Setup program (the route will determine which door to use). If the trip is new (not dispatched yet), it will be considered an OUTBOUND door (for loading prior to departure). Once the trip has been activated, it is considered the INBOUND door (driver returns to the terminal to unload).

  • True

  • False (default)

SQL FB Filter Excluded Statuses

This option allows the user to define which freight bill status behaviors will be excluded from a SQL FB filter when run from Multi Mode Dispatch. This option allows the user to select all the freight bill status behaviors to be excluded from the SQL filter by selecting all the relevant checkboxes.

The default selection is: XCEO

  • X = Cancel

  • C = Completion

  • E = Depart Consignee (Delivery)

  • O = Other

  • R = Administrative

  • 2 = Arrive at Dock

  • 4 = Arrive Consignee

  • P = Arrive Shipper (Pick Up)

  • A = Assignment

  • V = Availability

  • X = Cancel

  • C = Completion

  • E = Depart Consignee (Delivery)

  • 2 = Depart Dock

  • 3 = Depart Shipper

  • D = Dispatch

  • K = Docked

  • N = Entry

  • L = Late

  • 5 = Locked

  • O = Other

  • S = Spotting

  • T = Terminal

  • U = Unavailability

Strike Through on Cross Dock Bills

Allows you to set whether or not the strike through font is used on CrossDock bills.

  • True (default)

  • False

Trace Types on Freight Cross Dock grid

Up to 10 trace types for trace numbers shown in Freight > Cross Dock grid at bottom, such as 123456789A.

Trace Types on Freight Deliveries grid

Up to 10 trace types for trace numbers shown in Freight > Deliveries grid at bottom, such as 123456789A.

Trace Types on Freight Pickups grid

Up to 10 trace types for trace numbers shown in Freight > Pickups grid at bottom, such as 123456789A.

Use Freight Bill Items for split

Determines whether the freight bill item-level piece tracking logic will be used. When True, this will alter the appearance and functionality of the LTL FB Split window so that only items values can be used to split freight bills.

  • Auto

  • True

  • False (default)

Verify Load Plan Options When Assigning FB to Trip

Verify a valid Load Plan exists from Trip destination to FB Delivery Terminal before assigning FB to trip.

  • H = Handheld

  • D = MMDisp

Yard - Show at door

Determines whether a flag will be displayed on the Yard tab called 'At Door' that controls whether or not resources at the door will show in the yard grid.

  • True

  • False (default)

Zone Code Lookup

There are two tabs available for the zone code lockup, 'Zone' and 'Client'. The zone tab allows the user to search zone codes using zones. The user can use the zone in the search filter to search for the desired zone code in the Zone Code lockup. Alternatively, the Client tab allows the user to do the search using the client in the search filter to search for the desired zone code.

This option sets one of these two tabs to be the default tab that will be active when users access the 'Zone Code Lookup'. The user can still select the other search tab while using the lookup regardless of which tab was set as the default.

  • Client

  • Zone

Setting up Security Configuration for Multi Mode Dispatch

The following options are available in the Security Configuration program > Security > Business Events > Allow Changes section.


The following options are available in the Security Configuration program > Security > Business Events > Filters section.


The following options are available in the Security Configuration program > Security > tabs Setting > Multi Mode Dispatch section.
