Resource tab details - Containers


The Containers Tab displays a list of summary information about all active containers and their current dispatch activity. The columns include pertinent information from the containers profile, as configured in the Container Profiles program.


Note: For more information on General Color Codes, see the Color Code Information section.

Assign a Container to a Trip

In most cases a double-click on a field in the container grid will assign the Container to the selected Trip. If there are multiple legs on the trip, the container will be assigned by default to all legs subsequent to the leg currently selected in the Trip grid.

Containers that have a current status of unavailable cannot be assigned to trips.

Update Fields

In a few cases the information in a field can be modified using a double-click in those fields, as follows:

ETA Zone / ETA Location / ETA Date / Planned Time Available: displays the ETA / PTA Adjustment window to make manual adjustments to the resources' Estimated Time of Arrival and Planned Time Available, as follows:

  • New ETA Zone: select the search button to select the zone the resource is expected to be in at the time entered in the ETA Date field.

  • New ETA Date: displays the calendar to provide Estimated Time of Arrival date selection.

  • New PTA Date: displays the calendar to provide Planned Time Available selection.

The ETA Zone, Location, Date and PTA fields are also updated automatically by activity in the Trip grid, and manual changes will be overwritten if trip activity occurs for this resource.

In/Out Gate Status

This field shows if the equipment has been In-Gated or Out-Gated from the Container Depot.

Context Menu

Full Screen

The Full Screen option will enlarge the selected grid so that it fills the whole screen which allows you to view many more records and columns than in the normal view. To return to the normal view, right mouse click and de-select the Full Screen option. While in Full Screen mode, you can switch from grid to grid by selecting the right and left arrow buttons at the bottom of the window.

Reposition/Status Change

This option allows the user to Reposition resources, Change Status of selected resources or do both. Need more details?

Location History

The Locations History Report displays a summary report of the selected driver or equipment’s dispatch activity for the period selected and previews to the screen.

For more information about report functions see the Crystal Reports Reference.

Find Container Near

The Find Near option allows you to search for any driver, power unit, trailer, miscellaneous equipment, freight bill, or trip that is within a specified distance of the desired zone and/or other items of reference.

Set/Clear Filter

The Set Filter option supports the ability to create and apply a filter to any grid, regardless of the grid you were in when you opened the window.

Anchored Columns

To keep the columns on the far left of the grid from disappearing when you scroll the grid to the right, use the Anchored Columns menu option. You will be prompted to enter the number of columns you wish to anchor. The anchored columns will appear with a grey background and when you scroll the grid to the right, these columns will still be displayed.

Trip View

The Trip View windowprovides very detailed information about a trip. When this option is invoked the trip on which the driver or equipment is currently active will be displayed. If the driver or equipment is currently available, or is assigned to a trip that is not yet active, the trip on which the driver or equipment was last active will be displayed.


At the top of the hierarchy is the 'Trip number'.

Under the 'Trip Number' is each 'Trip Leg'.

Under the 'Trip Legs' is the 'Driver', Resources and Freight Bill(s) assigned to the leg.

Under each 'Driver' and Resource their location history (for the Trip) and their status history (for the Trip).

Under the Freight Bill is a Freight Bill summary and the Freight Bill status history (for the Trip).

Each level of the hierarchy can be collapsed or expanded by double clicking on the level above. The 'Expand' button at the bottom of the screen will expand all collapsed levels, while the 'Collapse' button at the bottom of the screen will collapse all expanded levels.


This feature launches the Container Profile program to add a new Container.

View Container Profile

This feature launches the Container Profile program to view Container profile details.

View Owner’s Profile

Selecting this option allows the user to view the profile of the selected power unit in Customer and Vendor Profiles program.

View IM Trace

This features launches the Intermodal Trace program.

Quick New

The Quick New options provides the ability to add a new container with the minimum required information on the Quick Container Entry window.


On Container create, if an 'Available' status code with description '%IM Prenote%' exists, the Container will be given this associated status

Status Change

You can change the equipotent status (available/unavailable) on the Resource Change Status window. The status codes defined with the code behavior of 'Availability' and 'Unavailability' as configured in the Codes Maintenance program are available for selection.


Field Definition

New Status

Use the drop-down menu to select a new status code to be applied to the Container.

On Container status changes, if an 'Available' status code with description '%IM Spot%' exists, the Container will be given this associated status code, rather than the default 'Available' status code.

Status Date

Designates the Date/Time that the Container status is updated (defaults to current Date/Time).

Note: A Container that has a current status of 'Unavailable' cannot be assigned to trips.

Special Events

The Special Events menu option displays all special events in the Special Events window, including those assigned to the equipment in the Special Events program and those created here.

Using the Application Configurator program, 'SE Warning Level' setting you can configure what level provides warnings for Special Events that are displayed when the equipment is assigned to a trip.

Match Current Leg

This feature provides the ability to assign the container to a selected leg only. This feature allows you to quickly assign the new container to the empty leg of trip rather than all subsequent legs. Simply select the trip leg in the trips grid, select the container and select this option from the container grid context menu.

Add to Reposition Trip

This Intermodal feature provides the ability to assign a container to a trip created during the reposition of a driver to a spotted container. In a reposition, the trip is created but "hidden" or not available in the trips grid and this feature provides the ability to assign the container the "hidden" trip.

Add to AVAIL Freight Bill

This feature provides the ability for the dispatcher to assign a container directly to an available Freight Bill prior to trip assignment to a trip. This is used in the case where the container information is not known when the Intermodal Freight Bill is Posted in the Customer Service program.

Need to resize the font, move or re-size columns? Refer to the Grid Controls procedures.

Set Container INACTIVE

Selecting this option will set the currently selected Container to 'Inactive' Status.

Interchange Form

Selecting this option will open the Container Interchange window. You cannot access this window if the selected Container is not in 'Available' Status.


These fields will allow to complete a Container Interchange between two Intermodal Carriers. The data entered here will be applied to the IM_INTERCHANGE TruckMate Table.

Field Definition

Container ID / Container Number

These fields will default based on the Container that was selected from the Container Tab.

Interchange Date

Will default to the current Date/Time.

Container Owner

Will default based on the currently configured Owner of the selected Carrier. You may change this value by selecting the Database search button.


Use the Database search button to select an IMC (Intermodal Marketing Company) value for this Container Interchange.

Movement Type

Select a Movement Type for the current Container Interchange. Available values are 'Import' , 'Export', 'Domestic Inbound', 'Domestic Outbound', 'Empty Reposition' or 'Other'. If using the 'Other' value, make sure you enter some comments in the 'Remarks' field below.

Export Aging Date / Export Return Date

Enter Date values for these two options.

Export Tracking

If this Interchange is of 'Export' Movement Type, you can select this flag to Track the Container.

Carrier Change

If you select this option, the selected Container will be set to 'Inactive' Status (i.e. Container going to another Carrier).


Enter any text comments concerning the Container Interchange.

Attach / Open Related Files…​

Selecting this option will open the Attach / Open Related Files window.


Select this option to copy the text from within the selected field.


The Navigate option contains the standard TruckMate Navigation Bar, used to browse the records within this Grid.

If you do not see the Container Tab, you may have to access the 'View Menu' and enable it (or do so using the Toolbar icon).